J. V. Ajti}, et al.: Ele men tal Compo sition of Moss and Lichen Spe cies in Eastern ... Nuclea r Technol ogy & Ra dia tion Pro tection: Year 2018, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 275-285 275 EL E MEN TAL COMPO SI TION OF MOSS AND LI CHEN SPECIES IN EASTERN SERBIA by Jelena V. AJTI] 1*, Darko Z. SARVAN 1, Branislava M. MITROVI] 1, Ana A. ^U^ULOVI] 2, Rodoljub D. ^U^ULOVI] 3, and Marina V. FRONTASYEVA 4 1Fac ulty of Vet er i nary Med i cine, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia 2In sti tute for Ap pli ca tion of Nu clear En ergy INEP, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Zemun, Ser bia 3Higher Busi ness School in Leskovac, Leskovac, Ser bia 4De part ment of Neu tron Ac ti va tion Anal y sis and Ap plied Re search, Di vi sion of Neu tron Phys ics, Frank Lab o ra tory of Neu tron Phys ics, Joint In sti tute for Nu clear Re search, Dubna, Rus sia Sci en tific pa per http://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP1803275A In stru men tal neu tron ac ti va tion anal y sis is used to de ter mine a con tent of 47 el e ments (Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, I, Ba, Cs, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Hg, Th, and U) in mosses (Homolothecium sp., Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw., and Brachythecium mildeanum (Schimp.) Schimp.) and li chen (Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.) col lected in three lo ca tions in East ern Ser bia over years 2006-2010. Con cen tra tions of six el ements (Zr, Nd, Gd, Tm, Yb, and Lu) in mosses in Ser bia are mea sured for the first time. For other el ements, the ob tained con cen tra tions fall within the ranges re ported for mosses and li chens in Eu rope, but no de clin ing trend in con cen - tra tions of V, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Fe, and Cu, that has been de scribed in the lit er a ture, can be in - ferred from our re sults. Fac tor anal y sis shows that terrigenous and in dus trial com po nents are the high est con trib ut ing fac tors to the el e men tal com po si tion and that the most pol luted mea - sure ment site is in the vi cin ity of a cop per min ing and smelt ing com plex. Key words: biomonitoring, moss, li chen, in stru men tal neu tron ac ti va tion anal y sis, el e men tal com po si tion, fac tor anal y sis IN TRO DUC TION Up take of el e ments is a complex pro cess that de - pends not only on their nature and charac ter isti cs, but Mosses and li chens are con sidered good also on the physicochemical and bi o logi cal proces ses bioindicators of atm o spheric pollu ti on in the envi ron - in the plants [19, 20]. Some es senti al metals for liv ing ment. El e men tal com po si tion of both spe cies de pends or gan isms (e. g., Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, and Mn) are highly on mate ria l exchange with the atm o sphere as they highly toxic at high concen tra tions. In contra st, metals have no root ing system . There fore, their ele m ental con- such as Hg, Pb, Sn, Ni, Cr, and As, which are not es- tent is gener all y a result of precip i ta ti on and dry depo si- senti al for liv ing or ganism s, are toxic at quite low con- tion. Since their first use in the Scandi na vian coun tries as centra tions [21]. Both mosses and li chens retai n met- a com ple men tary method to clas si cal in stru men ta tion als in quanti ties higher than their bi o logi cal pol lu tion mon i tor ing [1, 2], biomonitoring ca pac ity of re quire ments [20], but the ac cu mu la tion ca pac ity of both plant specie s has been well es tabli shed for heavy mosses seems to ex ceed that of li chens [22, 23]. metals [3] and radionuclides [4]. Mosses and li chens as Since the first joint moss survey conducte d over biomonitors of radiocaesium have been es pecia lly stud - 1995-1996 [24], moss biomonitoring has becom e a part ied after the Chernobyl nucle ar plant acci dent in 1986 of pollu ti on mon itor ing programmes in most of the Eu- [5-8], and more recent ly as mon itors of other air borne ropean countri es. This method gives ev idence of radionuclides [9-13]. Mosses and li chens have also been anthropogenic im pact in urban areas (such as vehic u lar used in studies of contam ina ti on by de pleted uranium traf fic and fossil fuel com busti on) and can be used to [14]. Transplant ed mosses have further been utili sed iden tify sources of en vi ron men tal pol lu tion by heavy within the so-called moss bag technique, to mon itor air- met als (such as ore ex ploi ta tion and ag ri cul tural ac tiv i - borne pol luti on in in dustri al and urban areas [15-18]. ties) [25, 26]. In Serbia, mosses as biomonitors have been used in a num ber of studies . For exam ple, the first * Cor re spond ing au thors; e-mail: [email protected] sys tem atic study, cover ing north ern parts of the country J. V. Ajti}, et al.: Ele men tal Compo sition of Moss and Lichen Spe cies in Eastern ... 276 Nuclea r Technol ogy & Ra dia tion Pro tection: Year 2018, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 275-285 and iden ti fy ing the spa tial dis tri bu tion of dif fer ent el e - enable s drawing conclu sions such as the spati al con - ments in mosses as well as pol luti on sources, was con- centra tion gradi ents and tem po ral trends. In that sense, ducted in 2000 [27]. This study im plied rel ati vely high a sig nifi canc e of our re sults could lie in bridging the con cen tra tions of cop per, mo lyb de num, iron, cae sium, gap in Ser bia's moss sur vey par tic i pa tion. arseni c, and va nadium in Serbia. Another objec ti ve of our study was to assess Serbia is one of the parti ci pat ing countri es in the vari a tions in el e men tal com po si tion be tween dif fer ent In ter na tional Co op er a tive Programme (ICP) Veg e ta- sam pling sites in Eastern Serbia by means of moss and tion (http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/in dex.html). It took li chen spe cies. We de scribed a re la tion ship be tween dif fer ent el e ments us ing fac tor anal y sis, which helped part in the Euro pean moss survey s conducte d in 2000 us to iden tify un der ly ing as so ci a tions as well as sig na - [28] and 2005 [29], but not in 2010 [30]. While in 2000, tures of the pollu ti on sources in the region. only the northern parts of Ser bia were in vesti gated [27], in 2005, sam pling was per formed uniform ly and 80 % of the coun try's area was cov ered by moss measure - MA TE RIAL AND METH ODS ments [31]. The sam pling loca ti ons in both studies in- cluded the region of Eastern Serbia and the major it y of Sam pling sites the col lected samples con tained Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. [32]. Hypnum cupressiforme spe cies is the first Samples of moss and lichen spe cies were col - choice for moss sam ples in ar eas where the pre ferred lected in the region of Eastern Serbia (fig. 1). The sam - spe cies Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium pling area include d small towns of Sokobanja and splendens are not readily available [32, 33]. Gamzigrad, and the Djerdap Na tional Park. In our study, the moss sam ples were collec ted in Sokobanja (mean ele va ti on 400 m a.s.l.), a spa town East ern Serbia over 2006-2009, and their ele m ental with the popu lati on of about 8000, is locat ed betwee n com po si tion was de ter mined. Three moss spe cies the Carpathian and Bal kan Mountai ns and is a popu lar were collected; one was Hypnum cupressiforme, as tour ist des ti na tion in Ser bia. Ap prox i mately 50 km rec om mended by the ICP Veg e ta tion Programme. northeas t of Sokobanja, at an al ti tude of 160-180 m Since our sam pling loca ti ons repre sent ed a sub set of a.s.l., lies an other small spa town, Gamzigrad (popu la- the lo cati ons covered in earli er moss surveys , the ob - tion around 1000).
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