Table of Contents Third-Party Comments on the January 16, 2104, Proposed Finding for Acknowledgment of the Meherrin Indian Tribe (Petitioner #119b) Date Received Organization Signer(s) Num. Pages April 9, 2014 North Carolina General Assembly, House of Michael H. Wray 2 Representatives April 15, 2014 None given Wesley D. Taukchiray 16 April 22, 2014 North Carolina General Assembly, House of Annie W. Mobley 3 Representatives June 24, 2014 North Carolina Department of Administration Gregory A. 3 Richardson Compiled by the Office of Federal Acknowledgment Posted to the Office of Federal Acknowledgment web page on September 10, 2014 Contact information: Office of Federal Acknowledgment MS-34B-SIB 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20240 Telephone: (202) 513-7650 Telefax: (202) 219-3008 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time; holidays excluded. .. RECEIVED APR 01 Z014 ASIA-OFA ~orif? ~m-nlina <ti.etreral ~.emhl1J ~use of ~esentmi&es REPRESENTATIVIL MICHAEL H WRAV COMMITTEES: DEPUTY MINORITY LEADER RE'IU-ATORY RETORl\4 - VICE CHAIR 27TH DIST RICT APPROPRIATIONS O • PICE ADDRESS : Roo w. 503 L EGISLATIVE OHICE BUILDING N.O.'TUAAL a ECONOMIC AJ::SOUftC£5 300 N . SA~ISD \.I RY STfl\l!I!,. COMM£RCE AND JOB DEVELOPMENT R4LEIGH, NC 27603·5925 HEALTH AND H U ... AN SERVICES TEL EPHONE : ( 919) 733· 566:! INGUAANC.C (919l 7S4· 3 •ss r ... x PUBLIC UTILIT/£6 EMAIL: michael.wray@ncleg net ENVIRONMENT D ISTRICT AOORESS: PO Box 904 GASTON, NC 27832 (215 2) 535 •3297 HOMO: (252 ) 536· 60 13 CELL (252) 535·7888 FAX April 2, 2014 Office of Federal Acknowledgement Assistant Secretary of the Interior 1951 Constitution Avenue, N.W., MS: 34-SIB Washington, DC 20240 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my support for the Meherrin Indian Tribe's effort in obtaining Federal Recognition as an Indian Tribe. The Meherrin Indian Tribe has numerous historical archives such as maps, birth and death certificates, census and war records, documenting their long history as a tribe. They are one of eight North Carolina state recognized tribes and has members who currently reside in Hertford County and throughout North Carolina and Virginia. They are seeking Federal Recognition to legally return to the Government - to­ Government status our Nation has historically enjoyed. North Carolina and Virginia will benefit economically should this Federal Recognition be granted . I would appreciate any consideration you may be able to give to this matter. Please let me know if I can provide additional information about this outst.andlng tribe. Thank you for your work, as your efforts benefit citizens of North Carolina, the USA and the world. Michael H. Wray NC House District 27 MHW/shb 0 ~milt <!krnliml <t>numI~ly JL,use o.f ;llrprcandn lit..,. Haster REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL H. WRAY 04/04/2014 Lgistatiur <ilffiu )iuilbing US POSTAGE $00.482 ~aldglt. ~QI 276Q3- 5925 ZIP 27603 011011635814 c :t < UJ c::t u. · 9> N.,. -U1 0 ~ ~ Office of Federal Acknowledgement C\.. < - Assistant Secretary of the Interior ~ ~ 1951 Constitution Avenue, N.W.• MS: 34-SIB Washington, DC 20240 .2C:•240 111Jjl 1J 1i llJI• 'lfl lfj ll 11 Ir l iJ11111•1l I11 •1IJ11l1iJ•Iu1iJl11J• I ~)esie,y D. /ci11kc h)rq7_, . RO, 6ox.. 2~3/ ()ff;<P.J uf' Ru)eM I AcknavJkdCJe­ C~ro~ 1 Nc J/'?"719 rMlif'.) f1.!jl Co"'sf-1t!J(;o" Ave.<1V<0 ·MQ1ch 3 1~ zo £4- NW I Ms 3Cf J3 ... 61J3_,, REC&l'!&o WqshJ\~f/'"", DG 201>1-o APR 15 20l4 ~---- ASIA-OF A TQ who"' {t mqy Cof\l'.-e. .rl\) As co~.;ej\t o~ +~ prorosed -AnJi~ fo Je_vt,~ f0 cid.ft9vJ .. Ie J_) 11.. pe, trr10 r.e-r '#! n .J3) ~e r-e. q ~ +Ive e ex{,,· bi'ft 61M ('I~ 01\ thaf.., qrrcm~e ~ f n (H~~ Qr fro N\ 1 !t\ my ~te W J fh.e. (f)nsf fmporh"+ -t., t~ /eqsf: exhibit A. R0J~s,, SfQir A,) '' CovJtNCHA HAWl< ot.J/ ;-W "~-, ko.· 7 . TUE Mt:~ ERR1N IN THE. Nt NGT6E NTH A1<~ t c 0... • C£Nr\JRY .. '' Al CJ!\ vt'<lf\ Aod lro ~o/q" l~vistic.§..,,. Volu«t>u b, n~rn hr ...3 pvblishJ i" l 'lH, f'l) es 3J-- 3 'I-. 'Rflf qfl~~ fo -/his art/ck J Cq" only sqy~ fh~ froit\ rt w~ <'.QI\ o~ly +elf -fhqt 0011\.e.; pQr-tlo'I\ of tk. Meheni 11 lflJiqM - pQrl {ff the""' J rno15i of f~cm) t 00 7TJ llf fhen'\ \J~ (<\ n~ kY\cW - 1Qn3~d Lip ClMO~ +~'1-tl~ (;Qr Of<"\ J" f\JervJ Yo"k.1 vJe kY\o"-J not i.Jhe". Rv des' eJvcqteJ J uess is ~t fook f Jq le. in /'f02 ~ f:'ro'IV\ 8 .J311t ;, nv: 1 'Tho.,.. .. J~rs., 6•1J •t J..oJ qJrio~y t.kbi p/qq ! &~)5 l'Tly O\/J1\ 6t\J Jy of +M. mtrtte r c~~ WhrrtQ 11/7•l I Wovld SQY thcfr ovr re.0 on} (6f +~ n:5otl~tlo'lls b~TtrJCLJQI\ +~ /Jw Yor A: /u S (,qr Of'C\ de1 ~j<1t{ov\ l)Yl~ fJ\e ofQt e, cr- e vJ hic.h CO"\Ger-o ·S v~rn ('M.r.t o-f Nor+ "h Cqro l i" <\ /" IW 1 - Notti.. Ccu·~lil\t\ 1ro2) Ls ~iuJ&;t<?Jly detaH~, Bvt i"' fu Fq 11 o'f __,,f1S<t '• J no-t os ~ n<lr<\€s of t~oo~ '51i 11 1~+t t" 11f4- (pro- No(+~ ol'~H1'G who fYllJ"qt-~<l nort~ ;(\ f DSIZd fi1 n~i,, bi Llio:y-qp~y 1?'02.) hQ\/e tk flQiYH.S..) qT /eq::it fQje. 2>~ .) t., my A11011->leJ,)f., of only -No - ~q~t ~otry) Gh1 ~f \SQffl'\l ti \Sm IT~ .., Ql'l d <\ WO«\ <l-f\ J\qiN~d Nl- res- K(. ( she WM (tl.€ n - tiw~ br, Mr J rq~a.SO'\ ii\ 011fqr{c) P-or Qll 1 /<now) eve.ry fq~t Nle~er~ hA 1n-Oi~V\ -j11 t~ir vJilQj~ 1>)\ 'Po­ t~cos; er~' or ql)ywhel'E) JV) tk -Se>vthj 1w~ 1 ha.-v~ J 0 ~ sfrq\~htqw~r to tM (\J,scQrorq.s f11 rJ~ York rn 1163~ or 1770 ! 1 Vo1\t knDw ~ (Notlu.. f'hq-t '5m1fh .SOt'\~CJY\ ~thno foyisf J)r.. J)1.J, 13 .. J..1~-Wrtf.; ~ho kll~W i" f CHO V? I f. 7 ,.1 -, Q'bo\Jt A!<Cl~~<:; <.\ • <(\' 1 vvqS C\ ti S (cH·O~ o-nd .spol<-~IJs~t\ror-cL Ah,. w'~c ~Cl~ AC\·" _ Is fM. Nh~l\~r-rrl\ +o'IN~ Gowol\c;h'\hC\Y'./l<oV\.) e Xhit it -S . /~er: MQr; qn~ /'II rT hwi i-o 'viieJ? vA chi rqJ; Jo/ y 31 / 19 91.. / '-f SI'~ - .sp ~H; J type~ ryes . (Jiis /e-tfe r Jerl\!lMfrq'fe-1 ~ ~ . +JiQt tite, Me.he-rrf" f nrlf<i{)s qc,f~Qlly J~J sp~Q1<. Q-1\ lri)~Olq"\ /q~V~~ 1 Qr1d f})qf tht Qss(rfJD"\ fhqt f\e.y did .So is not 3vessv.Jor)t, /hqt is lmpor7q1rf becqus~ it s°hovJ~ ~ f~ /l'1eherrf11 Indi'lll.S Well"t to +h.cilus c.Qr~rq.s up ()or+~ w1'e l\ +he.y) +he Nl eher- rJl\S_., lW Nort~ CorQ/Jl)q ~ ·fh~y vJe,J\t fr, /i\Je v.1ith Q p~or~ who spok ~ fqf\jtl~~ closely re/Qte,~ tn Me h<t rt''I\ , ghihit ('._. kthr, _3? Jqlr ~~Je_J to We.s "1vl<chirqJJ Morch 13) 2.004-.' I h,'l pot~t o-f fhis exh16it is to s"how +~'\t ~ ''".Ju1sf.s - f)r. (t/lQrlQ(\~ NJithvf)- vJlllfl)iV\S "' t~ OQ"tq S"rborr.\ cQmpv.s o..; +°Ju0 Uni Ve r~My vf cq ltfo rm' Q) q" cl_, fk I qfe. 31~1r 1<_Jdes - ~ Qfjtle. 1 bqseA on exuellernt ~viden~..) f),qf -/-~ f{\e.herr;f\ I like +~ lvscororq; Sf°ke q I\ frotYo)qV\ /qi'lj II~~. fhvs; i-t Is f /qv.sib~ fhqt +k f{\Qhe,rnf\ would ~o fo ,,~ve... wrf~ f~ f\).S­ Gqrot<\_, /ecillillJ rJ~,.H Cqro/in<;i ii\ order fo do so"' Of Go'1r~~ 1 :Dr~ /Y)ith\l"- W1t11qms qo~ J)rj Rv~es Lqst/ : 1 qf/\. ~.,+ fryf ';J to p~Je ~hi+ flo t/l'?.herrin~ refllsJ ta pqrt1cy~+~ IA~ to~ moi1J llorf~ wft~ t~ /I.I sc,qrpK\S ; q11~ Qr/\ not tryi") t., proi!<?., thqT fhey (ff t~~Y e~er ei1~eA!) hQ~'?. no de.i:c,en~q11fs. 011 +AR, ofher hqflL vJe, qs yet, f;l\d (lo r~or-J o'f 5qr1Le.. COP], v#i~ exh1brts A; 8 q-n-J G Q1l ~ 4 ()NZ,­ f C!J q. <}JJ e~ovf'(\ J fci \flqy r.Jl, EravJ ".J or rq'l°~er to~ f{\~h~rnf) 1nOil\Y\rrlht; co/ w~yne, BroWI\) f, 0 ... °$o'J. 2'7Lf_, A'hos]<)e, NJG > 27110 . GJJ~,JFJ two PVb' L1sl1€.D 5blJR.G6.S 'R6~ATfV6 to +~ hisror1ei M~~,.,.)~ 1ndl~l1~ fhqt f do f\gf s~ if\ f~ b1bl1ojrqpl\y o-f fk pro, posJ fi~o1~ to Jee fj/\QJ t(!) qo/wn,J/eJJ~ retlt\o'IV" "'* m:a; ndt ~ert. ind~JJ llS eXhfb 1ts d'1e f o t~ -f~tf ·fh<lT fhereS 1'D rO~IJ\t to d~N\OV\,Sf.rqfe_.
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