FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1944 Page Two THE COOLIDGE EXAMINER is chief clerk of the ordnance sec- group for sucessful action against Randolph Chadborn is a member Lopez Veteran Are Islands Is tion for his group. the Hun. Kirkland-Lewis of Sgt. Lewis’ regiment. MacArthur and Aide on Lightning Josephine Lopez, his wife United In Marriage At the conclusion of his furlougji P-38 Mrs. C. the sergeant will go to Santa Bar- Fighter Group' *and daughter Mary Louise (who he On Friday SURETY TITLE & Here bara, California. Mrs. Lewis is con- i has never seen), reside in Flor- the post TRUST CO. tinuing with her work in 15TH AAF IN ITALY T/Sgt. ence,< Arizona. Incorporated 1912 Two prominent Coolidge fam- Camp. engineer’s office at POW Frank A. Lopez, son of Francisco Sgt. Lopez wears American ilies were united by the marriage the Dependable Title Service o R. Lopez, is a veteran member of Defense] Good of Miss Harriet Jean Kirkland, and Conduct ribbon, Title Insurance Issued by Lightning ( of Mr. John P. And one of the oldest P-38 the European-African-Middle East daughter and Mrs. State Tractor PHOENIX TITLE & TRUST Frank E. Fighter Groups of the 15th AAF , campaign ribbon with four bronze Kirkland, and Ist Sgt. COMPANY Equipment To Have overseas, which recently cele- ] battle stars and the Distinguished Lewis, son of Mrs. D. T. Lewis, one Phone 102 Ariz. brated its 750th mission over Nazi ribbon the Florence, of the “Rushmasters” of Company New Manager Here Unit citation awarded territory. B. 158th Infantry, home on furlough in the The second Lightning outfit to 1 after 34 months service Managership of State Tractor fly the Atlantic, the members first South Pacific. Equipment Company will and tasted combat while stationed in rites when M. Vaughn Wedding were read by the 1 change hands C. the eventful North African in- . in to Casa Grande in "I'llt.k. Rev. J. Carl Fritz Coolidge Com- is transferred vasion, where they were credited munity Presbyterian Church at the near future where a branch sev- with the American aerial victory Friday evening. supply house is to be opened. en o'clock over Tunisia. Since taking part Hugh Adams, with the service Miss Kirkland is a graduate of M. in the invasions of Sicily and department of Tractor and Coolidge high school and attended State Italy, they have now covered their Equipment for three years, will suc- State Teachers College, Tempe, fourth invasion, that of Southern Vaughn as Coolidge manager. and Chaffey Junior College at On- ceed France. Coolidge tario, California. Adams has lived in dis- The group boasts more than39o known couple were attended by Mr. trict since 1937 and is well enemy aircraft destroyed in the The locality. and Mrs. Robert Burns of Coolidge. to the farmers of this air,( plus many more on the ground any day in.tha weekl and operates The bride wore a light brown suit Mrs. Adams owns in the course of some 15,000 sorties. Avenue. M&cArthur, left, and Lieut. Gen. Richard Sutherland, with matching accessories and a "Rose’s Case” on Coolidge Gen. Douglas Recently the unit provided cover of staff, center, are shown as they wade ashore from landing corsage of white gardenias and Remodeling is now under way on his chief for the bombers when they “pulled craft at beachhead on the island of Leyte in the central Philippines. BECAUSE building former- - ft lilies of the valley. the Casa Grande the rabbit out of the hat” stunt, Immediately following the cere- occupied by Royal Howe Motors, . more than one thousand ly PVT. CHARLES FEGGINS left rescuing mony a reception for intimate which will house State Tractor and pilots W«»h Day) I know my Barbi; Wednesday for Camp Roberts, American crewmen and from MONDAY^ was held at the home of Lt. Equipment in the future. It is ex- ’ Rumania. and p.j.’s as well a9 slips), friends OUR/VM6N California, after spending a ten-day xona (gown* and Mrs. Walter Bolkovatz, nee pected that the work will be com- ,N Prior to his enlisting in the AAF O t furlough visiting his wife and fam- will grow more beautiful each tima 'Susan Chadburn. Her brother, Pfc. pleted in approximately 30 days. in June of ’4O, he attended the ily. He is son of Mrs. R. E. the Union High School, tak- they’re washed^ oeKßsarce Cosgrove. Florence ing part in the school's T/SGT. FREDERICK W. LUB- an active T/5 HEISEL (DUTCH) MARTIN1 football and baseball teams before BES, 49, of Coolidge, Ariz., has ar- has landed safely overseas and is 1 graduating in the spring of 1940. (Ironing) If 1 iron WITH thal ia|. Ippppl rived at Army Air Forces Redis- TUESDAY now in Southern England, accord- • In 1942 he graduated from th Army tribution Station No. 2 in Miami grain of the Barbizon-woven fabric, my; ing to word received this week by Ordnance School at Lansing, Mich., Beach for reassignment processing r what I?) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. • shortly afterwards he came over- alip or gownfor have willretaiiu after completing a tour of duty out- Martin. Martin entered service in seas in February of ’43. Sgt. Lopez it’s superior shape, its famous Barbizon' side the United States. -1 4 continental December of 1942. Medical examinations and classifi- t fiu NO POINT FOODS cation interviews at this post, one CARD OF THANKS ¦ ..j. mm 9 . ... 1 JUf of three redistribution stations op- , We wish to thank the many erated Personnel Dis- im by the AAF friends of Eloy and Coolidge for: rin-vlKe t , WEDNESDAY (Bridge) It helps my game, tribution Command for AAF re- their kindness in our bereavement Syrup GaMO „ ca „ *° * ure *s beyond criticism, Blue Karo 75c turnee officers and enlisted men, in loss of our mother, Mrs. T. G. Onurcmsj \ n 0 1 will terminate his new assignment. Phillips. FAMILY. l a tbtmks to the Barbizon slip I’m wearing,* KRISPY THE He will remain here about two COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN *v weeks, much of which will be de- The Rev. J. Carl Fritz, Pastor voted to rest and recreation. Succeeds Stilweli Sunday sermon “Order Out ... topic, * CRACKERS • THURSDAY'(Baking) 1 can bend over; 33c Chaos.” Sergeant Lubbes, husband of Mrs. of ' Lottie Lubbes, Longview, Texas, Sunday school lO up» >®d twist about freely, if I’m, OUR MOTHERS a. m. I Dii K # was in the European theater. Choir practice 10:15 a. m. t-rs wearing a Barbizon designed for ao* Morning worship—ll a. m. ]/ }' tion, comfort, and strengths COCOA 12c Communicant’s class —2:31 p. m. p. MB—¦i«jw Evening service 7:30 m. GENERAL SPECIAL There will be a pot luck supper s'* A in Community Church recreation \i FRIDAY (Mending) .This i 3 practically nil hall Tuesday evening beginning at 80 * 88 Wear; PEANUT BUTTER ... BUY A \ ar concerned. 58c ti:3o o’clock. —» is just built inltnuj £ ’ STOKELEY’S FANCY (No Points) EPISCOPAL SERVICES ¦ BOND Episcopal services will be held at iy\ v 11 o’clock Sunday at Vah-Ki Inn. Cut Green Beans N q . 3. SATURDAY (Market) When 1 go to marv 17 c and Arch Deacon Edward Jenkins of Phoenix will conduct the service. ket, I know that my clothes look their smartest, thanks to myfashion accomplice^ TRINITY TABERNACLE Coolidge Grocery KEEP IT / \ my Barbizon slip. Coolidge West Wilson Avenue Coolidge Avenue Lina O’Donnell, Pastor ? Sunday school lO a. m. Morning worship ll a. m. Valley Hardware Young peoples meeting 6:15 Maj. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer. for- p. m. Miss Ruth Sherwood in and Supply Co. chief of staff to Adm. mer deputy charge. Lord Louis Mountbattcn, has been j Evangelistic p. Coolidge, Arizona appointed to command the U. S service 7:15 m. troops in China theater, and sorv Ladies prayer band Tuesday as Chiang’s chief of staff, succeed from 2 to 4 p. m. ing General Stilweli. I3ible study and prayer meeting 7, Thursday 7:30 p. m. _ ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH Wilson Avenue Father Bernard McFadden, Pastor Mass, 10:30 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 5:15. Instruction classes, Tuesday and Saturday, 2:30 p. m. and 4 p. m. high Instruction for school stu- CARLO C!~ dentSj Sunday beginning at noon. SAN=THEATRE » METHODIST Leslie J. Ross, Pastor Sunday school 10:00. TODAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 10-11 Morning worship 11:10. Intermediate youth fellowship 5:30. "SWING IN THE SADDIF Senior youth fellowship 6:30. with ‘ Evening service 8:00. RED RIVER DAVE ; a nicl KAY FRANCIS—CAROLE LANDIS Leads Ground Force MARTHA RAYE—MITZI MAYFAIR \ in "FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP" ALSO SELECTED SHORTS # j PREV. SAT. NITE—SUN AND MON., NOV. 12-13 I "ONCE UPON A Time" with > Armistice Day fe. '¦ Jpffe' H CARY GRANT-JANET BLAIR Also The sands of time have run their course be- FORTRESS JAPAN—FOX NEWS tween 1918 and today. November 11th that TUESDAY, NOV. 14 earlier year marked the Armistice which ter- minated World War I. Would that this No- present GARY COOPER vember 11th could determine the con- in flict! At least it can mark a day nearer final Victory—if everyone dedicates an extra War Bond purchase to all this date symbolizes. ir-¦ kr. "Souls at Sea" Maj. Gen. John Reed Hodge, SHORTS-SERIAL . commanding general of the 24th army corps, who led the American - WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, NOV. 15-16 ground forces in the invasion of the Philippines. The men were trained myVE And in the Hawaiian islands to prepare NEVER BEEN UCKED! IF YOU want to flatter a young lady of fashion give them for the difficult terrain of When these tough leathernecks go into action, her a Kate Greenaway dress.
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