FIFTH ANNUAL PETROLEUM AUGUST. 1940 EDITION VOLUME XXX NO. 8 PRICE ONE DOLLAR The Acid Test Of ACIDIZING MEN ... Trained men execute every Chemical Process acidizing job. The technical knowledge of Chemical Process men covers The original Brunton Patent Pocket Transit, which is for PROFITABLE Dredging every acidizing problem . their experience is your as­ universally used by engineers and geologists, is GOLD PLATINUM TIN fundamentally the same, however, improvements In Over 30 years experience designing and surance of the best acidizing possible. construction have enhanced its serviceability. building placer dredges and meeting vary­ ing hard conditions found in all four quarters of the world is at your service. Send for Bulletin M-15 showing the latest model and Dependable operation—Long Life METHODS . its attachments. Fewer shutdowns—Efficient recovery High salvage value Chemical Process methods are modern . proved success­ ful. The Chemical Process organization has developed methods which assure the maximum of efficiency and prac­ Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc. ticability. 2151 Lawrence Street Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. VUBR niRRurRiTURinc to. 351 California St., San Francisco, California EQUIPMENT . Our streamlined fleets are geared for quick mobilization and efficient, dependable service. Large capacity pumps, lAORSE exclusive features give Chemical Process equipment special effectiveness. *r ^ • „ ^ide y«'»«»Y J Disc ri»e'« ^"""^ ?,Mes cyatvide EXPERIENCE . Treatment of thousands of wells in widespread localities, lowest cost pet ^.-^4^15 are ^ having under many conditions, has helped us develop an unparal­ leled technique and ability to get outstanding results. peciaUY ^^^^e it is ^«^tial and ^eeP li>e ' The CHEmiCAL Process ComPAnv MAIN OFFICES; PHONE 206 BRECKENRIDGE/TEXAS PHONE, WIRE OR WRITE YOUR NEAREST CHEMICAL PROCESS SERVICE STATION Head, Wrightson & Co., Ltd. 1775 Broadwoy Head, Wrightson & Co., (S.A.) Ltd. Stockton-on-Tees, Englond New York City Johannesburg, South Africa BOBGEH, TEXAS HUGOTON, KANSAS HOBBS, N. M. BRECKENRIDGE, TEXAS Tel. 359—C. J. Thompson Tel. 211—C. ]. Thompson Tel. 444—P. W. Morrison Tel. 206 and 306—C. K. West; ESTABLISHED 1896 P. W. Pitaer; G. R. Whitney; LULING, TEXAS RUSSELL, KANSAS A. J. Buchanan Tel. 390—M. W. Fredenburg Tel. 493—C. R. Vincent SEMINOLE, OKLA. Tel. 649—A. C. Hanna ODESSA, TEXAS WICHITA, KANSAS Tel. 844—T. S. Lancasler Tal, 745—B. M. Kingston Tel. 21—C. F. Hogan WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS MORSE BROS. MACHINERY CO. Tel. 2^-2478—C. V. Burkett CABLE MORSE' TULSA, OKLA. DENVER CITY, TEXAS Tel. 2-4307—- P.O.BOX I708 DENVER.COLORADO.U.SA. SHREVEPORT, LA. Tel. 54—I. Boy Derrick W. E. (Bill) Norton Tel. 2-3665—B. H. Reynolds Tel. 3-0807—M. E. Chapmon Perret Cf Brauen Bucchi C. & Cia. Ltda. Perret & Brauen Caixo Postol 3574 Casilla 4603 CQIXO Postal 288 Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. Santiago, Chile, S. A. Rio De Joneiro, Brozil, S. A THE MIKES MAGAZINE • AUGUST 1940 383 3B2 THE MINES MAGAZINE * AUGUST 1940 Keep your conveyor 9800 MILES OF PIPE LINES - belts going with • United ELECTRIC WELDED CAR FLEXCO Geophysical By H. C. PRICE Co. t-E SELT FASTENERS Company • FLEXCO H D HIP PLATES aie used in re­ SEISMOGRAPH pairing tips and patch­ ing conveyor belts. The wide space between outer bolts gives the SURVEYS fastener a long grip on the edges of the rip, while the center bolt • Avoid shuldowns and lengthen the prevents the fasteners life of your conveyor belts and bucket from bulging. elevator belts by using Flexco HD belt fasleners and rip plates. Thousands of companies have stepped up the perform­ ance of conveyor lines and cut costs An organization operating wherever Oil, Gas, by using Flexco methods. or Water Lines are constructed. FLEXO H D BELT Bulletin F-lOO shows ex­ 1255 East Green Street Built >n 12 ^"^8 ,tock-wUh Card FASTENERS make a FASTENERS make a actly how to make tight Pasadena, California SPECIFY PRICE-WELDED JOINTS „ost sizes in Uenv .^-^^^^ strong, tight butt jaint butt joints in conveyor RoUer Bearing or Card-Timken with long life. Re­ belts with Flexco HD Belt "The Modern Method" cessed plates embed Fasteners. Also illustrates Roller Bearing trucks. in belt, compress belt 2406 Esperson Building ends and prevent ply step by step the latest separation. Six sizes practice in repairing lips Houston, Xexas in steel and alloys. and putting in patches. By H. C. PRICE Co. FLEXIBLE STEEL LACING COMPANY Edificio Odeon, Sala 1018 Electric Welding Contractors 4628 Lexington Si.. Chicago Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BELT FASTENERS Bartiesville, Okla. FLEXCO Sold by supply houses everywhere Los Angeles San Francisco I FOR SVLRLL MARCY Mills are available for grinding as high as 2000 tons daily. During recent years "Mine & Smelter" has been furnishing com­ plete equipment fora growing number of suc­ and meet mese cessful mining and milling operationstreating from five to 150 tons per twenty-four hours. ^XELSON MANUFACTURING CO. You are invited to use the world-wide metal­ lurgical experience of our stalf. Write or wire "p O. Box 98, Vernon Sjahon EASY TO READ MARKINGS for assistance in developing a flow sheet, Los Angeles, CalH. designing a complete plant or any metal­ New York TuUa lurgical problem. St. Louis THAT ARE DURABLE Main Office: Denver, Colo., U.S.A. £1 Paso Salt Lake City San Francisco ^ 1775 Broadway, New York The NEW YORK THE/UFKMffuL£Co. •=«*-"' ,o6 Laf,..K. s. sS:W: MICHIGAN WINDSOR, ONT. Mine TAPES-RULES-PRECISION TOOLS 384 THE MINES MAGAZINE > AUGUST 1940 THE MINES MAGAZINE + AUGUST 1340 385 • K&E TRANSITS, LEVELS & ALIDADES • EXPERT REPAIRING DENVER UNIT FLOTATION CELL PERSONAL NOTES PERSONAL NOTES Here is what a millman has to say about a Denver Unit Flotation Cell: Leivis D. Anderson, '39, is now em­ Company in their Research department at ployed by the Miami Copper Company Mining Men-—get your sample of "The No. 250 unit cell is East Pittsburgh. He receives mail at 431 and is being addressed at his residence, South Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Penna. flue and makes from 3r)% 4-00-B Pinal Avenue, Miami, Arizona. to 4 5 % recovcrj'. 'I'he Glarence IV. Guth, '22, and son, Wil­ K&E ALBANENE PAT. OFF. classilier overflow remains S. J. Artese, '30, Chemical Engineer liam Allen, spent a vacation in Golden practically constant re­ for the Shell Oil Company, has a change last month with his parents, Mr. and gardless of the head. That of address to 1449 Brown Street, Martinez, Mrs. Henry Guth, He is connected with Prepared Tracing Paper is, the unit cell drops off Calif. the Westinghouse Electric and Manu­ to 2 T) % on lower grade Robert Barney, '35, who has been asso­ facturing Company and resides at Irwin, by asking us for it now. It is permanent, stable, rea­ ore. The interesting point ciated with the National Fuse & Pow­ here is, thc ratio of con­ Penn. sonable—for example a 20-yard roll of 36" medium der Company in Denver for the past sev­ IVayne A. Harrod, '16, is Assistant centration tor the plant is eral years, has entered the U. S. Army weight costs only $4.20 {add tax please), prepaid to about 150:1 and with the Superintendent, Works Progress Admin­ unit cell making a higher and is now being addressed. Lieutenant istration, and resides at 821 Green Ave­ third zone. sracie concentrate than the Robert F. Barney, 2nd Engineers Battal­ nue, Los Angeles, Calif. ion, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. I'est of the circuit, the James A. Kavenaugh, '38, received ap­ Send for Complete Engineering Supply Catalog ratio must be 500 ;1 or Frank R. Blood, Ex-'34, received degree, pointment recently as engineer in the (>00:l, showing the ability Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Chem­ United States naval aircraft factory at the of the cell even when there istry, from the University of Michigan is practically no BUlphides Philadelphia naval yard. His work will KENDRICK-BELLAMY CO. D^vtfcl''- in June and has accepted a position with be in the micrographic and spectographic to float. A H-mesh screen E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company in is used on ball niill dis­ analysis of steel, aluminum and magnesium the Haskell Laboratory of Industrial Texi- alloys used in the construction of naval charge which sends eveiy- cology. He is being addressed in care thing hut wood ehips to aircraft. Until this appointment he was SEND YOUR ASSAY WORK TO the cell and yet there is of the laboratory at Wilmington, Dela­ employed by the Carnegie Illinois Steel no trouble. Dilution in ware. company. His address is 7218-D Alder- ecll 6o% solids." Stephen fV. Bradford, '39, formerly with brook Road, Upper Darby, Penna. CHARLES O. PARKER & COMPANY the Enterprise Mine at Weaverville, R. E. Knight, '07, formerly Executive 1901 Lawrence Street MAin 1852 Denver, Colorado Caiif., has returned to his home 545 W. Ask us how a Denver Unit Fio+ation Cell can be used in your plant io increase profits. Vice-President, is now President of the Whiting St., Fullerton, Calif., where he is Alliance National Bank of Alliance, Ne­ GOLD OR SILVER, 50c EACH now being addressed. braska, an institution of over iifty years Complete Price List on Request. Prompt Service—Accurate Results DENVER EQUIPMENT COMPANY IV. Horatio Brown, '21, Geologist for of service. the Empire Zinc Division of The New Milton Lagergren, '33, has moved from 1400-1418 SEVENTEENTH STREET, DENVER, COLORADO Jersey Zinc Company, who has been lo­ Juneau to Fairbanks, Alaska, with ad­ cated at Gilman, Colorado, for some time, dress Box 729. NEW YORK CITV, NEW YORK: 90 Churth Street TORONTO, ONTARIO; 45 Riihmond Streei Weit For Distinctive MAin 2733 has been transferred to Hanover, New Dent Lay, '35, Sales Manager for the SALT LAKE CITY, UTAHt 735 Mclntyre Building LONDON, ENGLAND: 840 Salisbury Houie, E.Ca Mexico.
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