THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. M B ersyo Daily Not Preso Ron T h o .W enthir rae Un weak BoDad libEBIXTEraf iW attfliMtor g pYtttttfl Sw aU i A ag. 8. 1888 Wm s M •« I k J ^ W i o l M r 'l M NeetheaAerlr ghiaa. baavy mla King Devld lodge of Odd Ftf- 10,227 ■ding ■•** taaigliL fhlr aaU low* will meet tomorrow et 7:80 Two Nigkt Fircnan Jobs MFD to Hold ir *r Um AadR Aliout Town In Odd Fellows.hell for Its usual O^R St SMFD SUtioR •I OtrealaUio* Mmse1u!$ter-—.4 City of ViUage Charm Inislness sessloo. On Sundsy -* Peach Cake |V * . V ; ,V r . •«« Mrfc B mI Butler ^ ■roup of the members wUl stUnd Chief W. CTifford Maw>n of the douWe-hesder ball game I* FhelM R«iJ *e t»eif giMStr the South Mehchester Fire De­ (Otaaaiflad AdvartMag aa Page 14) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST Id, (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nV E CENTS Mrs. Butler’* hrotlier-ln-Uw, l«a- Boston. A bus will leave from Odd partment announced today he Fete Aug. 21 VOL. LXXn, NO. MS Me Vausltun. Hr*. VwighM *nd FelU hall St the Osnter at 8:30 la aeeking men to work in the their ehlldreii of For^ fire aUUona at night. There Plaiu for the Manchester Fir* FI*. are two paid jobs in the de­ Epworth leaguers of the South partment open et the preaent Department Pqach Shortcake w a d W inds Methodist Church sre antidpatlng time. Festival and Bingo party to be C«pt. »nd Mr* Bobert FUnn end a treat, Sunday. Following the 8 •on, otftcera In ehnrge of the 8*1' Quatlficatlons are not a* held at the Fire House, Main aai Rockville PO W Dead^ a. m. service at the church they Hilliard StreeU, on Friday, Aug. v*tion Army in PotUtown, P*.^ will leave for Tanglewood, l«no3t. rigid for night men aa they are *re rialUnc Mr. *nd Mrs. B*\rtd for regular firemen. 21. are well under way. The ahort- Cause Alert New England Braces Mass. The musical program will Addy of Footer 8t., end will rake will be served from 8:30 to From HALE’ S Self Serve and Meat Dept» include Wagner's unfinished sym­ Chief Maaon aald anyone In- •*st*t in the open elr service co- 8:30 p. m. and the Bingo will aUrt phony in B minor and three other teraated can secure additional at 7 o’clock. nl»ht *t Birch end Mein Streets. Mmimsitions by Wagner. Seymwr informsUoa from him st head­ Twenty-five door prizes donated Red Report Claims In P a c ific Premier Fancy f o o d s Upkin, lioted pianUt. will play quarters on Spruce St'. by Manchester Merchants will be LAND O’ LAKES f r o z e n ] By THE AKUOOIATRO PRB88 Ravel's piano concerto for the left given out during the evening. ’The Albacorc White Meal Naha. OkimwA, Aug. 14 hand. Other composition* of Ravel main prise is 200 gallons of fuel and Charbrier will round out an oil donated by tMrWUUsms Oil Co. — This gremt American isUnd 1 A80 Weight interesting program, “nie group Helen Davidson Lodge^ No. *8, BUTTER Grandma Plorupto Job hMC dug in tonight for one of Mea Daughters of Scotia, will hold-its Other prises are eight cArtlficatea. ----- In Quarters TUKA For Howling Storm alwfcU«wtf»Aye« will leave from the Mary Oieney August business meeting tomor. for half gallons of Sealtest ice | 1 S o n A l i v C f fhr^yltdost typhoons ever re­ Plaa tafort IwIbs aa Library prompOy at 0:45 a. m. cream from the Mancheater Dairy; corded. in the Pacific, only a ta 10 iwaaea wttli Member* wilf bring their own row night *t-7:45 in tho Masonic ..............'.....Lb.---------— — :----............ 7 Oa. — t*a vary first bai Temple. a box of cigars from Pohimann I few hour* away. The Army rtl.M). Taha Ayiia lunches. Cigar Store: a carton of cigarettes bafafa aaaala aa *i- and a box of candy from the Sun­ fsReaction ordered Condition 1 alert at raatad. Yaa aata- Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F, 10 p. m, (9 a. m. DST)— with Quake-Wrecked Greek Honiea ■a1lra"T aat laaa— Senior Capt. and Mrs. Walter rise Market; a Venetian blind H u rric a n e laaa «algbt aat. Hooper, and their daughters. Marl- and AM., wUl hold a special com- brush and a can of cleaner from the storm only about 12 hours arally. lirga boa lyn Elaine,, and Nancy J a n e, munlcaUon at the Masonic Temple Findell Mfg. Co.; one quart of | Mother away. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry tomorrow night for the purpose of Breck's Shampoo from Merx Bar- Tbs typhoon’s winds wars howl­ Jenkins, 129 Campfteld Rd. Cspt. conducting a Masonic funeral aerv- her Shop; a cheat of beauty'from I SUNSHINe ing up to 184 miles per hour. ,Tail Heads •*r*eiiWW ,AYDS Hooper Is divisional young people's ic* for the late Thomas B. Berran, Nall's Beauty Parlor; a bottle of I 7 7 ' 3 9 ‘ Rockville, Aug. iA^,(Speciai) >■*■*—r ■*wM*g atoms VITAMM CANDY secretary, stationed at the Salva- a member of Manchester lodge and Chianti win* from the Club CHERRIES FOR FIE — A grief-Btricken .motper to­ Tbs forward edge of howling tl(Hi Army headquarter* In Pltts- a realdent of Bristol. Le>dg*' will Chianti; a gallon of house paint SUGAR HEART Sagsr added. day refused to accept «i>fin8l storm, on* of the wildcat ever open a| 7 o'clock, and th# aarvlce RANDALL’S F o r C o a st b u i^ . Ps. Mrs. Hooper wss the from Ed Moriarty; a cutting board 8 declaration by Chinese Com- recorded in this part of the world, WELDON DRUO 00. former Miss Beatrice Arnold of wUl b# held at 8:80 at the Funk from Maaon Woodworking Oo.; t e n d e r , s w e e t SNOW CROP muniits that her aon lies', was about 300 miles southwest of By THE AMKKXATRD PRBBS 901 M AIN ST. this town. Funeral Horn# In Briatol. Any one utility box of Diamond tissues BONED this Island and was expected to hit member desiring transporUtlon from Harry Hampson; a starling FRENCH FRIED POTRTOES buried in a Red prison camp tomorrow morning. Coastgl New EngUnd got may contact on# of the officer* of silver ashtray from Norman Weill; PEAS CHICKEN grave aomewhere in North Already angry gusts whipped set today to ride out » howl­ the lodge. _____ 50 gallons of range or fuel oil from Korea. across air base runway* a*d some ing big blow the Weather Howard Oil Co.; two pair of hand­ SNOW CROP Mr*. Charle* E. Boothroyd, B89' Suiwrirorta took off for safer made bone china earrings from 5Vt Oz. Jar whose' eon Pfc. Albert E. Bootb- Bureau forecast as an accom­ Member* of th* Brltish-Ameri- 2 Cans 10 Ot. Pkg. airficlde elaewhere In th* Pacific paniment to the pasaing of ’ HOCKANUM GARDENS caikClub are asked to meet at the Mr*. Adolph Katkauskaa; an an­ NIXED VEOETULES royd, 21, w*« reported dead by the — possibly Japan, th* Philippines club tomorrow night at 7:80 and tique dish from Antiques at the Defense Department thl* morning, or Gusm. Hurricane Barbara. The to procR«<l from thcr* lo tht T.P Green; a bottle of wine from the told Th* Herald: Other aircraft stayed at the storm, buffetting the ocean- Charter Oak Restaurant; and 851 llaa Deep Oeavlrtlaa fteld, loaded ' with sandbags or GLADIOLUS Holloran Funeral Home to pay in cash from Brown A Beaupre. "I Btlll don't take thb> a* final side Southern and Middle At­ their respect* to Mrs. Alexander and we're not lotting It get us circled by fuel trucks filled with lantic States during the day, ExbiMtioN VoriBty Gtado f n m $1.00 •• Crockett, whose husband 1* This affair is being held to rata* 011 to break the typhoon winds. money to defray expenasa for the | down. I can't aay why, exactly, is expected to pass out to sea- member of the club, but I still feel that Albert ia aU Maj, Maurice R. Fowler, spokes­ VWt our gardeaa and select your varletlee for future bulb 4 Firemen's Parade on Sept. 19.. 5 5 ' SAVE man for the Ryukus CorOmand. south and east of Nantucket right.” livery. We grow over 400 kinds. Nearly 100 Invitations have been 3 5 ' said 24 hours of emergency ration! Island during the night. Pfc. Earl P. Everett. Jr., eon of sent out to fire departments all New* of her son's death came CONTADINE In a Defense Department message were itaued. But gale force wlada^-40 86 REAR 171 UNION STRECT Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Everett. 22 over the state. Indications from the PREMIER 20^ _ ^ •'Wives were lined up st th* mile* an hour—may be sxpected ' IXXm FOR THB SION - — X>oane St., I* home on furlough. replies received ao far- are that] _.U>at aliMt Identify one other Con­ necticut ecrviceman reported to­ store buying Gsshlight batteries along..the coast of. Naw EkflaPd. PHONES MI-»-W57 or 8-84*1 He I* sUtloned at Fort Banning. it will be one of the biggest ftre- COFFEE and supplemental food.” he said. late today and tonight, the Weath­ men’B parades Manchester has ever t o m a t o day by the Chinese Reds to have Ga.
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