American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly The Journal ofthe American Catholic Philosophical Association Edited by Roben Wood Established in 1927, the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (ACPQ) is one of the premier philosophy journals in North America. This peer-reviewed journal has a rieh and varied content, featuring scholarly articles, topical discussions, and book reviews dealing with all philosophical areas and approaches. Every third issue is dedieated entirely to the work and legacy of a particular thinker, and recent special issues have focused on Kant, St. Augustine, Thomas Reid, Medieval Islamic Thought, Peirce, Plorinus, Sartre, A1bertus Magnus, Heidegger, and Descartes. ACPQ is available as a bendit of membership in the American Catholic Philosophical Association and is puhlished on hehalf of the ACPA by the Philosophy Oocumentation Center. More information abour the journal is availahle online at www.pdcnet.org!acpq.html. ACPQ is indexed in Academic Search Premier, Ameriean Humanities AMUtIC"I'l Index, Article@INIST, ArticleFirst, Ans & Humanitics Citation In­ CAIlIOL1(; 1)lllt.US~"'HI(~..\I. dex, Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, Current Contems!Arts Qt!AtlHIlU' & Humanities, Expanded Academic ASAp, FRANC/S, Humanities Index!Abstracts, Index Philosophicus, InfoTrac OneFile, Internation­ al Bihliography of Periodical Literature, International Bibliography of Book Reviews ofScholarly Literature, International Philosophical Bibliography, Pcriodieals Contem Index, Philosopher's Index, Reli­ gious and Theological Abstracts, and Wilson OmniFilc. Elecrronic access (Q the fulltext is provided through POIESIS: Philosophy On­ line Serials. More information is available at www.nIx.com!posp. Annual memhership in the American Catholie Philosophieal Association also includes a subscription to the Proceedings 0/ the American Catholic Philosophical Association, a 30()-page volume of edited papers from the A~sociation's annual meeting. Members of the Ameriean Catholic Philosophical Association thus receive (Wo important scholarly puhlications each year as a bendlt of membership-a great value! ISSN 105i-3558;:' Quanerly • 2005 Membershipsubscription rohes (incIude~:annual ACPA Pro~CCliings volume): p'rofes~or $63. Assoc. Prof $58, Asst. prof1In~i:.lL,ect.$48, Non~Aca9.emic Associate$39, Emeritus!Student $26, InstitlJüons $?4 • 'All Single!Ba~k Issues: '$25 . Add$8shipping for all membeishipsors\lbs~riptionsoutside the US.. All subs<;riptions start wirh the first issue orthe volume'y~fr. To join~heACPbor s&bscribe to ACPQ comactthe PhilosophyD~)~~ntati()nC:~IHer, P'O,:BoX7147~Charl()ttesville VA 22906-7147.TeI: L800.444:.2419(US& C~:na~i;l)or ." .• 4~?220.3300; E·mail: [email protected]; Web:.V{WW:pdc~e~:org. • iP.!:._,- journalof I philosophical J 1 research if _m Pr - Michael DePaul, Editor The Journal of Philosophical Research is uniquely committed to the advancement of scholarship in all areas of philosophical inquiry. This annual peer-reviewed journal publishes articles from any philosophical orientation, in English or French, that make a significant contribution to the field. The journal provides an outlet for important work such as translations, commentaries, and bibliographies that are sometimes dif­ ficult to publish because of their unusuallength or complex format. JPR is particu­ lady interested in helping new authors, and an outstanding group of more than 400 referees provides written comments on submitted manuscripts. In addition to the annual volume, JPR also supports the publication of special supplementary volumes in cooperation with the American Philosophical Association. JPR is sponsored by the Canadian Philosophical Association and the University of Notre Dame, and is published by the Philosophy Documentation Center. More information and tables of contents are available at www.pdcnet.org/jpr.htrnl. The Journal ofPhilosophical Research is indexed in Academic Search Premier, Amer­ ican Humanities Index, Current Abstracts, Expanded Academic ASAP, FRANCIS (beginning 2006), Index Philosophicus, InfoTrac OneFile, International Bibliogra­ phy of Periodical Literature OBZ), International Philosophical Bibliography, the MLA International Bibliography, and Philosopher's Index. Electronic access to the full text of 15 volumes is provided through POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials and all remaining back issues will be digitized and added to POIESIS as quickly as pos­ sible. Abstracts and tables of contents of recent issues are available through EBSCO's Current Abstracts. Special APA supplements (30% discount for JPR subscribers and APA members): Philosophy in America at the Turn of the Cemury, 2003 Ethicailssues for the Twenty~First Cemury, 2005 ISSN 1053-8364 . Annual . 2006 Subscriptions: lndividuals $32.00; Institutions $70.00. Please add $8 for shipping outside the US. To subscribe, please contact: Philosophy Documentation Center P.O. Box 7147, Charlottesvillc, Virginia 22906·7147 USA Phone: 800-444-2419 (US. & Canada); 434·220-3300, Fax: 434-220-3301 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.pdcnet.org r------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------ ----- ---------; ! International : i Philosophical Quarterly Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Editor-in-Chief ! i ! International Philosophical Quarterly (IPQ) provides an international peer-reviewed ! Iforum in English for the exchange of basic philosophical ideas. Established at Fordham I IUniversity in 1960, IPQ stands in the general tradition of theistic and personalist I Ihumanism, but without further restriction of school or philosophical orientation within I ! these broad perspectives. It is open to the philosophical discussion of contemporary I I issues as weil as historical studies in philosophy, and in each issue publishes articles, i Ireview articles, reviews, book notices and a list of books received_ The journal circulates I I in 70 countries and enjoys contributions from authors around the world. IPQ numbers I ! among its Associate Editors scholars from Europe and the Far East, and maintains a long- ! i standing relationship with the Facu)tes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Belgium. ! iThe journal is published by the Philosophy Documentation Center in cooperation with ! Ithe Foundation for International Philosophical Exchange and more infonnation about i i IPQ is available online at www.pdcnet.orglipq.htmL ! ,I ! ,.-----------, IlltenlHtion~ll PhilosophiC{ll ~O!urrterly ._".-".--...._ .. _,..__ .. ­ tWtllIh.O..."....~ N_IIr - . IS$N Q019~03ll5,.~9Uarte:J"Iy,·ZOO5Sub.s~tiptions: Institptions $55 ,Jncljyiql!.Cll~ $?~;< ­ . SinglelBacklss~es; In5i~t1itions $lSilnojviduals$I0 •For subscriptionsb'iJlßid~Jhe-- . U.S.; ad~$8shippiIJg:' All s~bscripti~ns·srartwiththe~rst is~ue of ~e~oi~mey~ar• ••..•.... •...• , To ~ubs~ribe.tbi~te~n~tional PhilosoPhii:alQuartqly,.co~tact: ..••.........•~ '>PhiJOS9P~Y'r>O(;ymentil~pnCenter.;HQ.ao~n47, CharI~tt~svill~Y!\.~2<,)Q6;.7147.( Tel: r8QO-444;7419.(US &:Canacta) or 434.2203300.-E-maiJ:[email protected](g'.- ·.w~"Y.pdcriet.org. < .-• . ,< .. Idealistic Studies An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy Edited by Gary Overvold, Clark University Idealistic Studies provides a peer-reviewed forum for the discussion of themes that relate to the tradition and legacy ofphilosophical Idealism. Established in 1971 as a vehicle for American Personalism and post-Kantian Idealism, the joumal's mission has broadened to include other cognate topics, issues and philosophers. Its purview now includes historically earlier expressions as weIl as the inheritance of that past in the developments of late 19th to mid-20th century philosophy. The journal has become avenue for a number of philosophical movements that share Idealism in their genealogies, including Phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism, Historicism, Hermeneutics, Life Philosophy, Existentialism, and Pragmatism. The mission of Idealistic Studies is to provide a forum for writing that recognizes, whether by advocacy or criticism, the defining significance of consciousness and mind in the concerns ofphilosophy and other expressions ofhigh culture. Idealistic Studies isindexed inArticle@INIST,Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, FRANCIS, International Philosophical Bibliography, Periodicals Content Index, and Philosopher's Index. Published authors include RolfAhlers, Norman Bowie, PeterCaws, Roderick Chisolm, A.C. Ewing, Newton Garver, Jean Grondin, Dieter Henrich, Dale Jacquette, Erazim Kohak, Joseph Margolis, Andrew Reck, Nicholas Rescher, Tom Rockmore, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, and Paul Weiss. Electronic access to Idealistic Studies is provided through POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials and all back issues of the journal are being digitized for this projecL Tables of contents of recent issues are freely available. More information about Idealistic Studies is available online at www.pdcnet.org/is.html iss~0016;~~~1;.T~t~isstl~~ip~tY~~ifioo5~Ub~~Pt~Ö~~:.'i~~t~~~o~~~.?2, Individuals:$tf~/~ip~I~~cklss~e~;mstitIJti()~s",~H~,.ItI~iyi9H<lls;$lQ~"" 'All sub~criptionsstaJ}with tbefust i~sue()fth~vo]1J?leyear' .;." ••••. Subs~?~ti8ns;, q~Nitetl1~.u ..S.,adt$~ship~~nte· Jhsupscribe 'tq 14epli§flff~tu4ie~t!~~~~~t.I1~P~1()~?~hxB~Y?letl~tib#Centtir, P.Q ..•.• Bo~ •••·7 •••t.47., •....·(j!l~lottTsvi.l1e., •.·•. y4~i.~.~· .... g2906-Jl~7 Tel:1:~0!l.;~.~4~~,ßH~~C:w~~~tßr~~~·~~::3R9° ~-111(lil:·.()ra~r@>ppcnetQrg;\Vyb:.· .. ww\V:p<1~n~l~qfg~ . PHILOSOPHY THEOLOGY .M AR Q UETTE UNI VER SITY J 0 U R N A L Philosophy & Theology is a peer-reviewed
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