January 2016 Washington Amateur Communications Inc. Vol. 41, #1 THE WACOM HAM A 501-C3 Tax Exempt Organization WACOM Special Event Station at the Sportsman Show—Coming 5-7 Feb 16, p. 15 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: WACOM President’s Message—2 ASouth Sanwich Islands DXpedition—9-10 WACOM General Information—3 ARRL News—11-12 WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4 WASH 2-Meter Simplex Contest Announcement - 10 Upcoming Events—5 WASHFEST 2016 Hamfest Flyer—11 WACOM DX Corner—6-7 Sportsman Show Special Event Station Details—15 A Passive Audio Filter—8-9 WACOM 2015 Renewal Form - 16 DXPEDITION! A Passive Audio Filter North Korea Briefly on Air South Sandwich Islands!, pp. 9-10 pp. 8-9 p. 11 2 WACOM President’s Message January 2016 Bill—NY9H HAPPY NEW YEAR! For some of us, a new year provides just that a NEW year. Thanks Goodness.... For those of us that had a great year, it's time for another one, even better ! As I've said along with Bud, N#TIR, great as long as we are moving forward, we are right ? For 2016 we have already scheduled our Technician Classes. We have a short list of changes (repairs & improvements) and additions for the Radio Room. We are scheduled at The Washington County Sportsmen Show to be promoting the Ham Radio Service. Our upcoming Basic Electronics/ Technician Amateur radio classes will be promoted and remote capabilities from the Crown Center Mall will be demonstrated controlling equipment and antennas at the RadioRoom on East Maiden St. HF setup! One 2016 fo- cus is enhancing our capabilities in the area of WACOM members utilization of digital communications. For the past two years our Monday night Digital Net has concentrated on VHF, and as more finally get "a round tuit" and fixup their HF antennas. I would ex- pect we will see some HF digital capabilities exhibited, augmenting existing resources. Meeting program suggestions: ( and please email me additional topics for inclusion) SDR Software Designed Radios & under 20$ radios (on a USB dongle) cpu required. Operating PSK & RTTY using your computer sound card Easy ANTENNAS How to optimize for Field Day Bring some stuff to sell night ... radio oriented only W3CRA a world famous station in Canonsburg Will my old computer work OK for Ham radio Opportunities to get on local HF nets Bring a friend to a meeting ! Membership is not required. CU on the Radio Bill NY9H/3 [email protected] 3 WACOM OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, STAFF, REPEATERS, AND NETS! Washington Amateur Communications is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to advancing the principles of Amateur Radio while making it fun for all who participate. We have been affiliated with the ARRL for over 25 years. Our club call sign is WA3COM. Because of our activity in promoting Amateur Radio, including conducting classes, public demonstrations, emergency preparedness and training, studying technical advancements in radio and mentoring of new and soon-to-be hams, WACOM has earned the designation of Special Service Club from the ARRL. Membership Repeaters - WACOM membership is open to anyone K3PSP - 146.790+ MHz, EchoLink node - WA3COM-R - Annual Dues: 147.285+ MHz (Scenery Hill, PA) $20 for individuals $10 for each additional family member 145.250 - MHz (West Alexander) (send check & completed form to club treasurer) - Questions? Contact the WACOM club treasurer. 147.390+ MHz (Smith Township) Membership Meeting 147.315+ MHz (Greene County) - 7:30PM (1930 hrs), First Thursday of every month W3CYO - 145.490 MHz, 224.4 MHz, 443.300 MH z Board of Directors Meeting Digital Net - 7PM (1900 hrs), Last Thursday of every month - Mondays at 8PM (2000 hrs), on K3PSP Repeater Mailing Address - Bob, KC3AJM Net Control WACOM 2 Meter Public Service Net c/o Norma Plants N3YJJ - Tuesdays at 8:30PM (2030 hrs), on K3PSP Repeater 236 Chambers Ridge Road - Dave, N3IDH Net Control West Alexander, Pa 15376-2270 10 Meter Net E-Mail - Tuesdays at 9PM (2100 hrs), on 28.340 MHz General Club Correspondence; [email protected] - Bud, N3TIR Net Control Club Officers YL Net President: Bill Steffey, NY9H; [email protected] - Wednesdays at 7:30PM (1930 hrs), on K3PSP Repeater Vice President: Joe Caldwell, N3XE; [email protected] - Karen, K3PUP Net Control Secretary: Randy Kief, KC3EKZ; [email protected] Elmer Net Treasurer: Norma Plants, N3YJJ; [email protected] - Wednesdays at 8PM (2000 hrs), on K3PSP Repeater Board of Directors - Bud N3TIR, Net Control Director: Bob Fischer, KC3AJM, [email protected] Club Elmers Director: Dennis Presky, K3PSP; [email protected] Director: Bud Plants, N3TIR; [email protected] DX Contest - Bill Sheehan, KB3LIX; [email protected] Newsletter Editor QSL & DX - Bill Steffey, NY9H; [email protected] Ken Frankenbery, AA3GM; [email protected] ARES & RACES - Bob Ketzell, KB3IN; [email protected] Webmaster CW - Loren McCullough, WA3WZR; [email protected] Joe Caldwell, N3XE; [email protected] VHF - Craig Yoho, KB3RHR; [email protected] VE Liaison Bob Kinnear, KI4DHB; [email protected] Repeaters - Dennis Presky, K3PSP; [email protected] Websites - Joe Caldwell, N3XE; [email protected] 4 WACOM General Meeting Minutes 4 December 2015, 6:00 PM General Meeting Minutes/Christmas party – 12/4/2015 -The meeting was generally called to order by Bill Steffey (NY9H) at 6:55 pm. -Old minutes, and treasury reports were postponed until January meeting. K3PSP/N3KFP -Bill (NY9H) congratulated Bud for making $3000.00+ from the hamfest. -Bill (NY9H) opened up 2nd round of nominations for elections. The following were nominated: Secretary – No additional nominations taken by motion. K3PUP/KC3AJM Vice-President – Bob (KC3AJM) by N3ZNI/N3KFP Board Member – Joe (N3XE) by N3ZNI/N3KFP Votes were counted. Final results for 2016 officers: Secretary – Randy (KC3EKZ) Vice-President – Joe (N3XE) Board Member – Bob (KC3AJM) -Bill (NY9H) presented the “Big Switch” award to Randy (KC3EKZ) for his continued efforts with the radio room, public safety, and overall effort to better the club, and it’s members. -Bill (NY9H) announced that Bud (N3TIR) is now the south 1 region WPA ARES director. -Bill (NY9H) also announced that someone is needed to take over Karen’s (K3PUP) YL net con- trol operator spot. -A motion to adjourn, and make merry was made by Bob (KC3AJM), and second by all. - Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. Respectfully submitted by Randy Kief. (KC3EKZ) Next WACOM meeting - 7 January 2016, 7:30 PM! 5 2015-16 WACOM Upcoming Events Calendar Meetings, Contests & Other Significant Club Events (Subject to Change) ____________________________________________________ 1 January 2016—ARRL Straight Key Night, http://www.arrl.org 2-3 January 2016—ARRL RTTY Roundup, http://www.arrl.org 7 January 2016, WACOM Meeting at 7:30PM, Washington County Building 16 January 2016—WASH 2-meter Simplex Contest http://www.n3sh.org 16 January 2016—Breezeshooter’s Groundwave PSK31, http://www.breezeshooters.org 30 January—1 February 2016—ARRL January VHF Contest, http://www.arrl.org 28 February 2016—WASHFest & VE Test Session, CSVFD, Castle Shannon, PA 4 February 2016, WACOM Meeting at 7:30PM, Washington County Building 5-7 February 2016, WACOM Special Event Station at Crown Center in Washington 13 February 2016—Breezeshooter’s Groundwave CW, http://www.breezeshooters.org 20-21 February 2016—ARRL DX Contest-CW, http://www.arrl.org 5-6 March 2016—ARRL DX Contest-SSB, http://www.arrl.org 12 March 2016—Breezeshooter’s Groundwave SSB, http://www.breezeshooters.org 6 WACOM HAM DX Corner —JANUARY 2016 COURTESY: http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxo.html DXW.Net By JR2GAG fm Kosrae I (OC-059, RJ15mi); 160- 2016 Jan01 2016 Jan08 Micronesia V63GG JR2GAG [spots] 20151222 10m; holiday style operation; QSL OK via JARL 6W By EA1HFI as 6W/EA1HFI fm Ziguinchor; QRP; EA1HFI 2016 Jan01 2016 Jan30 Senegal LotW spare time operation, focusing on weekends; QSL 20160101 [spots] also OK via EA1HFI, Buro or direct (w/ SASE); By VK4AFU fm Port Vila, Efate I (OC-035); 160- VK4AFU 2016 Jan02 2016 Jan10 Vanuatu YJ0AFU LotW 6m (JT65 on 50090 Khz and SSB, CW 50160 Khz [spots] 20150910 +/- 5Khz); CW SSB + digital; QSL also OK via By EA3BT as 4S7JTG and EA3WL as 4S7NTG; DXW.Net 2016 Jan03 2016 Jan08 Sri Lanka 4S EA3BT 40-10m; SSB,some CW RTTY; will try to activate [spots] 20151204 Berberyn I (AS-171); QSL OK via Buro or direct DXW.Net 2016 Jan04 2016 Jan07 Lesotho 7P8VR DD0VR By DD0VR; 40 20 15 10m; SSB CW; QRP [spots] 20151126 DXNews By F6BLP fm Saly Portudal; 160-6m; CW SSB 2016 Jan05 2016 Jan31 Senegal 6W7SK LotW [spots] 20151008 RTTY; QSL also OK via F6BLP DXW.Net 2016 Jan06 2016 Jan14 Antigua V25GB GW4DVB By GW4DVB fm FK97bc; 40-6m; SSB [spots] 20150831 NZ By VE3LYC VK5CE SQ8X KD1CT fm An- DXNews 2016 Jan07 2016 Jan11 SubArctic ZL9A VE3LYC tipodes I (OC-286, first activation); 40-10m; CW 20151117 Is SSB; QSL OK via Buro or direct; DXCC entity DXNews 2016 Jan07 2016 Jan12 Panama HP3 N2ZN By WJ2O as HP3/WJ2O; focus on low bands 20151215 By JO3LVG as T88MK, JA6EGL as T88SM, DXW.Net 2016 Jan07 2016 Jan14 Palau T88 Home Call JA6KYU as T88HS, JA6UBY as T88RR, JH7IPR 20150803 as T88UW; 160-6m; CW SSB RTTY PA8A Di- DXW.Net By PA8A fm SA-006; 40-10m; holiday style opera- 2016 Jan07 2016 Jan22 Bonaire PJ4B rect 20151126 tion; 2USD + SAE w/ QSL request DXW.Net By K8PGJ fm Grand Cayman I; 160-10m; SSB; 2016 Jan09 2016 Jan17 Cayman Is ZF2PG LotW 20151128 QSL also OK via K8PGJ direct By DJ4KW as V31YN and DK9GG as V31GW; DXNews 2016 Jan09 2016 Jan21 Belize V31 LotW 160-10m; CW RTTY; 100w; QSL also OK via 20151215 home_call, Buro or direct By JA3ARJ JA3AVO JA3IVU JA3UJR JF3HPN South E51J
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