Published monthly by High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1, 2930 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79405 Volume 24-No. 1 Publication number 564920, Second Class Postage paid at Lubbock, Texas January, 1978 1978 Election Results Announced The complete but unofficial results HOCKLEY COUNTY of the January 21 election held by the Committeeman-at-large High Plains Underground Water Con­ J. E. Wade servation District No. 1 revealed that Commissioner's Precinct No. Three voters re-elected three members to the Jack Earl French Board of Directors and voted 16 Coun­ ty Committeemen into office. LAMB COUNTY Elected to the Board of Directors Commissioner's Precinct No. One were: James P. Mitchell of Wolfforth, Billy J. Langford Selmer H. Schoenrock of Levelland, Commissioner's Precinct No. Four and Malvin A. Jarboe of Floydada. They Edward Fisher will again join A. W. Gober of Farwell LUBBOCK COUNTY and Ray Gerk of Hereford, who are Committeeman-at-large currently beginning the second year of Owen Gilbreath their present two-year terms. Commissioner's Precinct No. Three The only contested race in the 1978 Clifford Hilbers District election was for Director's Precinct One, involving voters in Lub­ LYNN COUNTY bock, Lynn and Crosby counties. These Commissioner's Precinct No. One returns show that the incumbent, Gary Houchin James Mitchell, defeated former Dis­ Commissioner's Precinct No. Four trict Manager Frank A. Rayner of Lub­ Freddie Kieth bock for the Director's seat. Mitchell The official canvassing of the votes was voted into office for his second will be conducted during the regular term by a count of 879 to 168, garner­ meeting of the Board on February 6, ing approximately 84 percent of the and at this time the Board will conduct ballots. During 1977 Mitchell served the installation of new officers. as Vice-President for the Board. During the 1978 election a total of A. WAYNE WYATT Selmer Schoenrock, who received 127 votes, will begin his fifth two-year 1278 votes were cast. The District term serving as Director for Precinct would like to extend our appreciation No. Two covering Cochran, Hockley to the judges who participated in the Board Appoints General Manager and Lamb counties. Schoenrock served election and to all the concerned as Secretary-Treasurer during 1977. citizens who voted. The Board of Directors of the High April 1976, to February 1977, as Direc­ The third position on the Board of Plains Underground Water Conserva­ tor of the newly created Water Impor­ Directors will be filled by Malvin Jar­ DISTRICT DIRECTORS MEET tion District No. 1 takes great pleasure tation Division. boe, who was re-elected by 70 votes to in announcing the appointment of A. Wyatt is a native of Girard in Kent his second term in office. Jarboe has The Board of Directors met in their Wayne Wyatt to the position of Gen­ County and continues to maintain agri­ served in the capacity of Director for regular monthly meeting on January eral Manager of the District. cultural interests in the area. He is the past two years representing Direc­ 10, 1978. In action concerning routine In making the announcement on married to the former Linda Barton tor's Precinct No. Five involving Floyd business, the Board approved travel January 10th, Board President A. W. who is a native of New Mexico. and Hale counties. vouchers, approved the payment of Gober stated, "We are pleased that Mr. Wyatt received his formal education outstanding bills, approved 55 applica­ County Committee Members Elected Wyatt has consented to join with us in in the Girard Public School system and tions for water well permits, and dis­ Sixteen County Committeemen were the vitally importa!:)'t task of working Texas Tech University. In his profes­ cussed the financial status of the elected from Director's Precincts One, toward so lutions to all of the many sional field, he is a member of the District. Two and Five. These men will serve West Texas water problems. His unique Austin Geological Society, Texas Water four-year terms, all to expire in Janu­ Representatives from the U.S. Bureau work background and experience will Conservation Association, West Texas ary 1982. They are : of Reclamation, Emmett Gloyna, Plan­ provide valuable assets to the District Water Institute (past member of the ning Officer from Austin, and Darrell COCHRAN COUNTY and to the Board in management and Board of Directors) and the National Mach, Regional Planning Officer from From Committeeman's Precinct east of administration". Association of State Groundwater Offi­ Amarillo, met with the District Direc­ Highway 214 Mr. Wyatt has been a consultant in cials where he served as Chairman for tors to appraise them of the status of Robert Yeary groundwater hydrology since February 1975 and 1976. the Llano Estacado Total Water Man­ Committeeman-at-large 1977, based in Austin. He began his He is author or co-author of approxi­ agement Study being conducted by the Keith Kennedy career in 1957 as a Fie ld Representative mately 20 substantial papers and pub­ Bureau. CROSBY COUNTY for the High Plains Water District. In lish ed reports. He is the senior author At two occasions during the meet­ Committeemen-at-large 1967 he resigned his position to be­ of the High Plains county-by-county ing, the Directors convened in closed Mike Carlisle and Alvin Morrison come Manager of the newly created projection series of reports. Th is series executive session to interview the re­ South Plains Underground Water Con­ of reports contains maps, charts and FLOYD COUNTY maining applicants for the position of servation District No. 4 at Brownfield, tabulations which reflect estimates of Commissioner's Precinct No. Two Manager of the High Plains Under­ Texas. Wyatt joined the Texas Water the volume of water in storage in the Charles Huffman ground Water Conservation District Development Board in 1968 where he Ogallala Aquifer and the projected de­ Commissioner's Precinct No. Four No. 1. After reconvening into open served in succession as Chief-Water pletion of the supply by decade Gilbert Fawver session at the conclusion of the meet­ Level Section, Chief - Groundwater periods th rough the year 2020. The HALE COUNTY ing, the Board announced the appoint­ Quality Monitoring Section, Chief­ reports also co ntain current an d Committeemen-at-large ment of Mr. A. Wayne Wyatt to the Groundwater Data Branch, and from continued on page 3 ... MANAGER Gaylord Groce and Bill John Hegi position effective February 1, 1978. Page 2 THE CROSS SECTION January, 1978 Z)~--Are We Prepared? How long does a farmer keep farm­ mental bankruptcy. The drought of the ing during an extended drought? Will '30's, he said, produced so much the dust ever blow again during future misery in the semi-arid Southwest " that droughts, as it did in the dirty '30's? farmers could not even think straight". Do farmers have enough know-how That unfortunate state of mind resulted about dryland farming? What is the in a lot of farmers becoming mentally A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE HIGH economics of dryland farming? bankrupt long before they declared PLAINS UNDERGROUND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT NO. I These are important questions in that financial state. " A future drought in the semi-arid 2930 Avenue Q , Lubbock, T ex as 79405 assessing the impacts of f u t u re Telephone 762-0181 droughts and the answers may come Southwest", according to a Lubbock farmer, "will result in a majority of the D. D. SMITH, Editor from why and what happened during MISS KATHY REDEKER, Assistan t Editor earlier droughts and what agriculturists farmers having to switch from irrigated Second Class Postage Paid at Lubbock, Texas have learned from past experience, ac­ farming to dryland agriculture." District Office at Lubbock cording to Dr. Harold E. Dregne, Direc­ H. G. Barrette, an area farmer, said Don Smith ........................................................ Geologist tor of Texas Tech University's Interna­ that producers will have to accept the D on McReynolds ............................................ Geologist idea of reduced yields "although more T ony Sch ertz ................................................ Draftsman tional Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Obble Goolsby ........................ Field Representa t ive Land Studies (ICASALS). difficult than that would be the mental J . Dan Seale ............................ Field Representative A represe ntative of !CASALS con­ adjustment required to stop irrigation Oscar Riemer ........................ Field R epresentative pumps". Butch Bates ............................ Field Representative tacted area farmers, bankers, real estate Cllfford Thompson ................ Head , P ermit Section dea lers, agronomists and agricultural According to an agricultural engineer K enneth Car ver --------·------···· Asst ., Permit Section engineers to find out what happened at Texas Tech, the switch to dryland Mrs. Norma Fite .................... Secreta r y-Bookkeeper in the past and what the future holds. farming may indicate that the South­ Miss Pennye Newberry Secr etary Area farmers obviously did not wel­ west is likely to see the Dust Bowl BOARD OF DIRECTORS come the idea of an extended drought, days a g a i n. That is speculative, Precinct 1 though, as long as the drought does (CROSBY. LUBBOCK and LYNN COUNTIES) but were willing to say that they will James P . Mitchell, Vice President ........ Wolfforth stay in the business as long as the not last for more than two or three Precinct 2 'banker ke eps banking'. That may seem years. After that, without any signifi­ (COCHRAN. HOCKLEY and LAMB COUNTIES) Hale County to be a simple relationship but it in­ cant plant residue from previous years, Selmer H . Schoenrock, Secy.-Treas . .... Levelland J . B. Mayo, Secretary vo lves the entire gamut of economics. soil erosion may start. " The drought Precinct 3 Mayo Ins., 1617 Main, Petersburg of the '3 0's lasted only for three years, " In the dust bowl days of the '30's (BAILEY, CASTRO a nd PARMER COUNTIES) Henry K veton, 197 8 .................
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