Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2021 14(6): 918–926 DOI: 10.17516/1997–1370–0770 УДК 008: 304.2+379.81 Specifics of Cultural Space of the Khabarovsk Territory Lidiya V. Sheremet’eva* Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture Khabarovsk, Russian Federation Received 26.03.2021, received in revised form 16.04.2021, accepted 21.05.2021 Abstract. The paper focuses on various activities of cultural institutions operating in the territory of the region. The methodological basis of the research is L. V. Nikiforova’s cultural expertise based on systematisation of the categories of «places» of cultural space. The paper is a preparatory stage of cultural expertise, which aims to thoroughly analyse the network of cultural institutions in general and to identify potential art- spaces for further detailed study. It provides a detailed analysis of the network of cultural institutions in Khabarovsk and an overview of the categories of cultural institutions in the administrative centers of all districts in the Khabarovsk territory. The source base of the study is the data obtained from the analysis of websites of cultural institutions, social networks, as well as the respondents’ personal surveys. Cultural institutions representing different forms of cultural activity have been roughly divided into ten groups. The result of the research is a perspective to identify institutions the activities of which can be evaluated in terms of belonging to the art-space format. Keywords: culture, society, region, cultural space, art-space, Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory, research activities, cultural expertise, cultural institutions. Research area: 24.00.00 – сulturology. Citation: Sheremet’eva, L.V. (2021). Specifics of the cultural space of the Khabarovsk Territory. J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Humanit. Soc. Sci., 14(6), 918–926. DOI: 10.17516/1997–1370–0770. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] ORCID: 0000–0002–0196–8262 – 918 – Lidiya V. Sheremet’eva. Specifics of Cultural Space of the Khabarovsk Territory Специфика культурного пространства Хабаровского края Л. В. Шереметьева Хабаровский государственный институт культуры Российская Федерация, Хабаровск Аннотация. В работе проанализирована культурная среда региона, понимаемая как часть инфраструктуры культуры в ее региональном измерении. Исследованы различные направления деятельности учреждений культуры, функционирующих на территории края. В качестве методологической модели для проведения культурологической экспертизы использована предложенная Л. В. Никифоровой систематизация категорий «мест» культурного пространства. Целью статьи является выполнение подготовительного этапа культурологической экспертизы, цель которого, в свою очередь, анализ сети учреждений культуры в целом и выявление потенциальных арт- пространств для дальнейшего их детального изучения. Представлен подробный анализ сети учреждений культуры Хабаровска, а также обзор категорий учреждений культуры административных центров всех районов Хабаровского края (города: Хабаровск, Комсомольск- на- Амуре, Амурск, Советская Гавань, Николаевск- на- Амуре, Вяземский, Бикин; поселки: Ванино, Охотск, Переяславка, Солнечный, Чегдомын; села: Аян, Троицкое, Богородское, имени Полины Осипенко, Чумикан). Источниковой базой исследования выступали данные, полученные в результате анализа сайтов учреждений культуры, социальных сетей, а также личных опросов респондентов. Учреждения культуры, представляющие разные формы культурной деятельности, были условно разделены на десять групп: музейные организации; галереи / выставочные пространства; зоопарки; театры / театральные студии; библиотеки / книжные клубы; парки; концертные площадки; художественные студии; кинотеатры / киноклубы; образовательные площадки. Сделан вывод о различной степени разнообразия видов деятельности учреждений культуры в различных населенных пунктах. Также выявлены наиболее и наименее распространенные категории. Проведенное исследование позволяет определить учреждения, чья деятельность может быть оценена с точки зрения принадлежности к формату арт- пространства. Ключевые слова: культура, социум, регион, культурное пространство, арт- пространство, Хабаровск, Хабаровский край, исследовательская деятельность, культурологическая экспертиза, учреждения культуры. Научная специальность: 24.00.00 – культурология. Introduction bile, multidirectional, constantly transforming, The cultural space of a region can be de- and contributing to the emergence of new ways fined as part of the infrastructure of culture to realize the residents’ creative potential. in its regional dimension, local concentration. As a manifestation of a person’s free self- Everything created by man through the cre- expression, art space is a form of cultural space ative transformation of the environment in a organization; a publicly accessible space cre- particular region will enter the cultural space ated and supported by the representatives of and form a zone of special cultural experience. the creative class to provide an opportunity to Modern cultural space is characterized as mo- realize an individual’s creative potential, his/ – 919 – Lidiya V. Sheremet’eva. Specifics of Cultural Space of the Khabarovsk Territory her active participation in the cultural space for cultural expertise. As part of this work, it is formation. supplemented by a preparatory stage including It should be noted that in relation to this a preliminary analysis of the cultural space as new phenomenon of culture the conceptual a whole. The study of the entire network of cul- framework is still poorly developed. The the- tural institutions in the region will reveal the oretical and methodological base is not fully specifics of the cultural space, its content, and formed either. This does not allow for a de- the form of activities carried out. A detailed tailed study of art spaces as well as of cultural analysis of the cultural space of the region al- and social processes taking place in them and, lows us to identify potential art spaces in it, thus, justifies the need to develop a suitable which will be further investigated using the methodology and a more thorough study. method of cultural expertise. Theoretical framework Statement of the problem The actual method of research that can The purpose of this study is to perform be applied to the study of art space is cultur- the preparatory stage of cultural expertise of al expertise belonging to the category of new the cultural space of the Khabarovsk Territo- types of expertise which arose in the course ry. In this article, both the cultural space of of updating the expert activity at the present Khabarovsk as well as the data obtained from stage of the society development. Compared the study of sites of cultural institutions, social to traditional types of expertise, new types of networks and the respondents’ personal sur- expertise that emerged in the late 20th- early 21st veys, characterizing the diversity of the cul- centuries have their specific characteristics. tural sphere of other administrative centers of Cultural expertise is in the process of the region will be considered in more detail. In forming and determining its place among other total, the activities of 227 regional institutions types of expert activity. It is becoming more working in 10 areas were analyzed. It is note- and more popular in socio- cultural practice worthy that many of the organizations carry and, as a result, more and more widespread. out their activities simultaneously in several di- The need for it is due to the growing role of rections. This allows to assign the same institu- culture in social practice, the complication of tion to several categories at once and increases social and cultural processes themselves, and the number of names in them. Thus, the sum of the increase in its uncertainty and ambiguity. the names of all groups may exceed the actual number of institutions in the locality. Methods Within the framework of this study, we Discussion follow A. P. Sadokhin and L. V. Nikiforova’s Khabarovsk Territory is a subject of the works and regard cultural expertise as «a spe- Russian Federation located in the Far East. The cial type of research activity, the methodolog- administrative center is Khabarovsk. The area ical basis of which is a cultural approach that of the region occupies 787 633 km2; the popula- aims to establish the cultural significance and tion is 1 315 643. The administrative- territorial value of objects, facts, phenomena and judg- region is divided into 17 municipal districts. In ments of the cultural sphere» (Sadokhin, 2012). the course of the study, the cultural institutions Cultural expertise is aimed at identifying gen- of the administrative centers of all districts eral and particular features of the object of were analyzed. expertise and conducting its comparative ty- Khabarovsk is one of the largest cultural, pology, which leads to the establishment of its educational and political centers of the Russian individual specifics based on a set of particular Far East with a population of 616 372. In the features. course of the study of the urban cultural space, The systematization of categories of «plac- the existing network of cultural organizations es» of cultural space proposed by L. V. Nikifor- in the city (both public and private) carrying ova (Nikiforova et al., 2011) is used as a model out work on various types of activities was an- – 920 – Lidiya V. Sheremet’eva. Specifics of Cultural
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