Org. Divers. Evol. 3, Electr. Suppl. 4: 1–14 (2003) © Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik http://senckenberg.de/odes/03-04.htm Preliminary list of Bolivian Orchid species Electr. Suppl. 4. – to: Vásquez, R., Ibisch, P.L. & Gerkmann, B. (2003): Diversity of Bolivian Orchidaceae – a challenge for taxonomic, floristic and conservation research. Org. Divers. Evol. 3(2): 93–102. E = endemic to Bolivia Lit = records based on literature RV... = records based on herbarium vouchers in Herbarium Vasquezianum, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (made by Roberto Vásquez) T = terrestrial (species without T are considered to be predominantly epiphytic) Ecoregions: (1 = Southwest Amazon:) 1.1 = Subandean Amazon Humid Forests, 1.2 = Preandean Amazon Humid Forests, 1.3 = Northern Amazon Humid Forests, 1.4 = Southern Amazon Humid Forests; 2 = Varzea and Igapo; (3 = Amazon Campos:) 3.1 = La Paz Amazon Campos, 3.2 = Beni Amazon Campos; (4 = Flooded Savannas:) 4.1= Moxos Plain Flooded Savannas, 4.2= Pantanal Flooded Savannas; 5 = Dry Chiquitano Forest; 6 = Cerrado; 7 = Gran Chaco Dry Forest; 8 = Yungas; 9 = Tucuman-Bolivian For- est; 10 = Montane Chaco; 11 = Dry Interandean Forests; 12 = Prepuna; 13 = Yungas Paramo; 14 = High-Andean Vegetation; (15 = Puna:) 15.1 = Humid Puna, 15.2 = Semihumid Puna, 15.3 = Dry Puna, 15.4 = Desert Puna. If no ecoregion number is given, the collection locality cannot be assigned to any ecoregion or is completely unknown. Unidentified specimens are included when it is highly probable that they will turn out to represent new species or new records for Bolivia. In some cases, however, species could later be assigned to recorded but hardly known taxa (especially Notylia, Oncidium). Unidentified species of Stelis are not included as they have been studied only insufficiently. 1. Aa calceata (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) T 15.1/ 15.2 23. Aspasia variegata Lindl. (Lit) 1.4 2. Aa fiebrigii (Schltr.) Schltr. (Lit) T E 11 24. Barbosella cucullata (Lindl.) Schltr. (Lit) 8 3. Aa gymandra (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) T 15.1/ 15.2 25. Barbosella prorepens (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) 8 4. Aa inaequalis (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) T 15.1/ 15.2 26. Barbosella ricii Luer & R.Vásquez (Lit) E 1.1/ 1.2 5. Aa mandonii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) T E 13 27. Barbosella vasquezii Luer (Lit) E 8 6. Aa microtidis Schltr. (Lit) T 15.1/ 15.2 28. Baskervilla paranaensis (Kraenzl.) Schltr. (Lit) T 4.2 7. Aa paleacea (Kunth) Rchb. f. (Lit) T 13/ 15.1 29. Baskervilla sp. (Lit) T 8 8. Aa sp. (RV 2798) T 11 30. Batemannia colleyi Lindl. (RV 2047) 1.1/ 1.2 9. Aa sphaeroglossa Schltr. (Lit) T 15.1/ 15.2 31. Batemannia leferenzii Senghas (Lit) E 8 10. Aa trilobulata Schltr. (Lit) T 13/ 15.1 32. Beloglottis bicaudata (Ames) Garay (Lit) 8 11. Aa weddelliana (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (Lit) T E 15.2 33. Beloglottis boliviensis Schltr. (RV 2524, 2804) E 8 12. Ada brachypus (Rchb. f.) N.Williams (Lit) 8 34. Bletia catenulata Ruiz & Pav. (RV 465) T 1.1/ 1.2/ 1.4/ 7/ 9 13. Ada glumacea (Lindl.) N.Williams (Lit) 8 35. Bletia mandonii Schltr. (Lit) T E 8 14. Ada ocanensis (Lindl. ) N.Williams (RV 2846) 8 36. Bletia purpurea (Lam.) Dc. (Lit) 8 15. Adipe longicornis (Lindl.) M.Wolfe (RV 1462) 8 37. Brachionidium alpestre Luer & R.Vásquez (Lit) E 8 16. Aganisia boliviensis Rolfe (Lit) 38. Brachionidium diaphanum Luer & R.Vásquez (Lit) 8 17. Aganisia cyanea (Lindl.) Rchb. f. (Lit) 2 39. Brachionidium muscosum Luer & R.Vásquez (Lit) E 8 18. Altensteinia boliviensis Rolfe (Lit) T E 15.2 40. Brachionidium tuberculatum Lindl. (Lit) 8 19. Altensteinia calcarata Rchb. f. (Lit) 13/ 15.1 41. Brachionidium uxorium Luer & R.Vásquez (Lit) E 8 20. Altensteinia fimbriata Kunth (Lit) T 15.2 42. Brachionidium vasquezii Luer (Lit) E 8 21. Altensteinia marginata Rchb. f. (Lit) T 15.2 43. Brassavola cebolleta Rchb. f. (RV 48) 9 22. Anguloa virginalis Linden (RV 2839) 8 44. Brassavola martiana Lindl. (Lit) 2 Org. Divers. Evol. 3, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2003) Vásquez et al. Preliminary list of Bolivian Orchid species 2 45. Brassavola perrinii Lindl. (RV 193) T 9 99. Catasetum saccatum Lindl. (RV 24, 873, 956, 2197, 2226, 46. Brassia caudata (L.) Lindl. (RV 78, 1150) 1.1/ 1.2 2248, 2285) 1.4/ 8 47. Brassia huebneri Schltr. (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2 100. Catasetum semicirculatum Miranda (RV 953, 2510) 5 48. Brassia neglecta Rchb. f. (RV 2546, 2826) 1.1/ 1.2 101. Catasetum sp. (RV 2773, 2774?) E 1.3 49. Brassia signata Rchb. f. (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2 102. Catasetum spitzii Hoehne (RV 942, 993, 1818) 6 50. Brassia thyrsodes Rchb. f. (RV 2162) T 9 103. Cattleya luteola Lindl. (RV 1844) 1.1/ 1.2 51. Buchtienia boliviensis Schltr. (RV 1676) T E 1.1/ 1.2 104. Cattleya nobilior Rchb. f. (Lit) T 5 52. Buesiella vasquezii Christenson (RV 122) E 8 105. Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe (Lit) 1.4/ 2/ 6 53. Buesiella sp. (RV 894) 8 106. Chaubardia heteroclita (P.& E.) Dodson & Bennett (Lit) 8 54. Bulbophyllum amazonicum Schltr. (Lit) 107. Chaubardia klugii (C. Schweinf.) Garay (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2/ 8 55. Bulbophyllum bolivianum Schltr. (Lit) E 8 108. Chaubardia surinamensis Rchb. f. (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2 56. Bulbophyllum exaltatum Lindl. (RV 1838, 2807) 8 109. Chloraea biserialis Griseb. (Lit) 11 57. Bulbophyllum incanum Kraenzl. (Lit) 8 110. Chloraea boliviana (Rchb. f.) Kraenzl. (Lit) T E 11 58. Bulbophyllum insectiferum Barb. Rodr. (Lit) 5 111. Chloraea calantha Kraenzl. (Lit) T 11 59. Bulbophyllum morenoi Dodson & R.Vásquez (Lit) T E 5 112. Chloraea fiebrigiana Kraenzl. (Lit) T 11 60. Bulbophyllum pachyrhachis (A. Rich.) Griseb. (RV 2049) 8 113. Chloraea laxiflora Hauman (Lit) T 11 61. Bulbophyllum setigerum Lindl. (Lit) 114. Chloraea multilineolata C. Schweinf. (Lit) T 11 62. Bulbophyllum tricolor L.B. Smith & Harris (Lit) E 8 115. Chloraea reticulata Schltr. (Lit) T 11 63. Bulbophyllum weberbauerianum Kraenzl. (RV 1199, 1820, 116. Chloraea sp. (RV 3525) T 11 2783) 8 117. Chloraea undulata Raimondi ex Colunga (Lit) T 11 64. Bulbophyllum sp. (RV 1820) 9 118. Chondrorhyncha fosterae Dodson (Lit) E 8 65. Bulbophyllum sp. (RV 2806) 1.1/ 1.2 119. Chondrorhyncha luerorum R.Vásquez & Dodson (RV 1003) E 8 66. Bulbophyllum sp. (RV 2807) 1.1/ 1.2 120. Chysis bruennowiana Rchb. f. & Warsc. (RV 1167, 2854) 67. Bulbophyllum sp. (RV 4020) 11 1.1/ 1.2 68. Caluera sp. (Lit) 12 121. Cischweinfia kroemeri R.Vásquez & Dodson (Lit) E 8 69. Campylocentrum apiculatum Schltr. (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2 122. Cischweinfia parva (C. Schweinf.) Dressler & Williams (Lit) 8 70. Campylocentrum fasciola (Lindl.) Cogn. (Lit) 123. Cleistes paranaensis (Barb. Rodr.) Schltr. (Lit) T 6 71. Campylocentrum grisebachii Cogn. (RV 3291) 11 124. Cleistes rosea Lindl. (Lit) T 8 72. Campylocentrum kunzei Cogn. (Lit) E 8 125. Coccineorchis cernua (Lindl.) Garay (Lit) T 8 73. Campylocentrum micranthum (Lindl.) Rolfe (RV 2814) 9 126. Cochleanthes palatina Senghas (RV 1555, 1607) 1.1/ 1.2 74. Campylocentrum minutum C. Schweinf. (RV 1620, 2813) 9 127. Cochleanthes sp. (Lit) 1.1/ 1.2 75. Campylocentrum neglectum (Rchb. f. & Warm.) Cogn. (Lit) 9/ 7/ 5 128. Cochlioda beyrodtiana Schltr. (RV2734) 8 76. Campylocentrum poeppigii (Rchb. f.) Rolfe (RV 1595) 1.4 129. Cochlioda miniata (L.) Linden (RV130) 8 77. Campylocentrum robustum Cogn. (Lit) 130. Cochlioda vulcanica (Rchb. f.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex B.D. Jacks. 78. Campylocentrum sp. (RV 3293) 1.4 (Lit) 8 79. Capanemia micromera Barb. Rodr. (Lit) 9 131. Comparettia coccinea Lindl. (Lit) 8 80. Capanemia superflua (Rchb. f.) Garay (Lit) 9 132. Comparettia falcata Poepp. & Endl. (Lit) 8 81. Catasetum appendiculatum Schltr. (RV 955, 1243, 3707) 5 133. Comparettia macroplectron Rchb. f. (Lit) 8 82. Catasetum barbatum Lindl. cf. (RV 1129) 1.4/ 5 134. Comparettia splendens Schltr. (Lit) 8 83. Catasetum buchtienii Kraenzl. (RV 899) E 1.1/ 1.2 135. Coryanthes gerlachiana Senghas & Seeger (Lit) E 1.1/ 1.2 84. Catasetum callosum Lindl. (RV 1639, 2838) 1.3 136. Coryanthes leferenziorum Gerlach, Senghas & Seeger (Lit) E 85. Catasetum cochabambanum Dodson & R. Vásquez (RV 167, 1.1/ 1.2 182) E 8 137. Coryanthes macrantha (Hook.) Hook. (RV 2032, 2833) 1.1/ 1.2 86. Catasetum cristatum Lindl. (Lit) 1.4 138. Coryanthes thivii Kropf & Seeger (RV 4443) 1.1 87. Catasetum denticulatum Miranda (RV 2509) 1.4 139. Coryanthes vasquezii Dodson (RV 2327, 2856) E 1.1/ 1.2 88. Catasetum discolor Lindl. (RV 948, 2282. 2506) T 1.4/ 5 140. Corymborkis flava (Sw.) O. Kuntze (I.V.2044) T 1.4 89. Catasetum duplicisculatum Senghas (RV 869, 1227, 1375) E 8 141. Corymborkis sp. (Lit) 5 90. Catasetum fimbriatum (Morren) Lindl. (RV 23, 897, 1843, 142. Cranichis ciliata (Kunth) Kunth (RV 792) T 8 2610, 2630, 3434) 5/ 7 143. Cranichis diphylla Sw. (RV 2180) T 8 91. Catasetum fuchsii Dodson & R.Vásquez (RV 14, 2612) E 5 144. Cranichis fertilis (Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Schltr. (RV 1825) T 8 92. Catasetum gnomus Lindl. & Rchb. f. (RV 1226, 1482, 3251) 1.3 145. Cranichis garayana Dodson & R.Vásquez (RV 612) T E 8 93. Catasetum interhomesianum R. Vásquez & Dodson (RV 146. Cranichis mandonii Schltr. (LT) T E 8 2872) E 1.3 147. Cranichis multiflora (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn. (RV 670) 94. Catasetum justinianum R. Vásquez & Dodson (RV 2207, 148. Cranichis muscosa Sw. (Lit) T 8 2458) E 1.4 149. Cranichis sp. (RV 623) T 1.1/ 1.2 95. Catasetum kempffii Dodson & R. Vásquez (RV 800, 915, 150. Cranichis sp. (RV 939) T 5 1187, 2611, 3531) E 1.1/ 1.2/ 5 151.
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