The Phasmid Study Group CJlAlXi Mrs Judith Marshall Department of Kntoaology, Tha Natural History Muaeua, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD (Tal 0171 938 9344 Fax 0171 938 8937) Traaaurar/Mainbarshin i Paul Brock •Papillon", 40 Thorndika Road, Slough, Barks SL2 1SR (Tal 01753-579447) Saeratarvi Phil Bragg 51 Longfleld Lint, Ilkaston, Darbyshira DS7 4DZ (Tali 0115 9305010) MARCH 1995 NEWSLETTER No 62 ISSN 0268-3806 DIARY DATES 1995 MARCH 26th, MIDLANDS SPRING ENTOMOLOGICAL FAIR. Granby Halls Leisure Centre, Aylestone Road. Leicester. APRIL 22nd. PSG MIDLANDS MEETING at Phil Bragg's house at Ilkeston. There will be a meeting open to all PSG members on April 22nd at Phil Bragg's house, from 12.00 to 1700. Usual facilities available: tea. coffee. WC. Phil's live and dead Phasmids will be on display, and his library available for use. Slides will be available for showing if people want to see them. Bring your own lunch, and livestock to exchange. Members requiring route directions can either phone Phil or send an SAE to either Phil or the Newsletter Editor. JULY 22nd. PSG SUMMERMEETIN The Natural History Museum, South Kensington. London. EXHIBITION & MEETINGS REPORTS LEICESTER CHRISTMAS SHOW. Granbv Halls Leicester, by Paul Taylor (No 852) The PSG had one table at this show which had the usual displays on it. As has been throughout the show season, considerable interest was shown in our stand, large quantities of insects brought in for exchange soon disappearing to eager hands. A large number of people took away information on the group, so many in fact that we ran out of new membership forms, we just have to hope that everybody joins, boosting our numbers even more. As is usual many thanks go to all members who came and helped out on the stand, giving Paul Jennings and myself a well earned break. PHASMID STUDY GROUP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This was held on the 21st January at The Natural History Museum. London, and was extremely well attended. Unfortunately the usual Demonstration Room was unavailable and we therefore had to use a somewhat smaller room which with the 73 members that attended was. to put it mildly, crowded. 62:2 The sour point of the day was the Livestock Exchange, which as the letter by Stan Pack explains at the end of this report, spoiled the day for some members. A large number of species where eventually distributed including a quantity of cockroach species from our German friends. Other than that, Phil Bragg gave a most interesting illustrated talk on his recent two trips to Borneo. It showed some of the areas that he has collected in, the problems involved in getting to various sites, and some of the wildlife (including sticks) that he had found. It was most encouraging to see so many people attend the meeting, including a large contingent of members from Europe, whom I understand where found sleeping places in various parts of Southern England. TREASURER'S REPORT by Paul Brock (No 26) 1994 ended with a record number of members - 406 (1993 - 349), which were, as usual, enrolled from various sources. Considerable interest in the Group's activities was shown following a BBC Wildlife Magazine article, and this largely accounted for 52 new members joining before the end of 1994 (and not included in the figure above). Liz Newman's new design of "T - Shirt" was printed towards the end of 1993 and sales have been encouraging. Once again, costs were kept very low in 1994, mainly due to very low printing costs arranged by Dr. David Robinson. The cost of Phasmid Studies has been much lower than was originally budgeted for by the Committee, with the result that surplus income has been high in 1994 (£693.93) as in 1993 (£568.39). Both figures include very generous donations to the Group's funds, leaving the Group in a strong financial position, with a General Fund of £2396.18 Members requiring a copy of the accounts should send a SAE to The Treasurer, Paul Brock. EDITOR'S REPORT Phasmid Studies by Phil Bragg (No 445) For a variety of reasons Phasmid Studies 3(2) was delayed and not published until 24th January 1995. Unfortunately page 37 was not printed correctly. A replacement page 37 should be included with this Newsletter. More contributions are needed for Phasmid Studies, please send to Phil Bragg as soon as possible. Newsletter by Paul Taylor (No 852) As in Phasmid Studies, contributions are always needed, but the articles sent in need only be a few lines. Perhaps you have been to a show, seen Sticks on the television, or just want to share your experiences with other members, ALL your articles are used, and are needed. What would be nice, would be some more illustrations and cartoons in the Newsletter, so come on members, get your thinking caps on, put pencil (or computer) to paper and send those articles in. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT by Dr. David Robinson (No 29) To make the reprinting of the back copies more economical, they are now being done in batches, which may mean that you are lucky, and can have your request returned in a few days. Should you have missed a reprinting session, then you may find that your request could take upto 6 - 8 weeks, depending on the demand. Members are therefore requested to be patient should your back copies seem to take along time, you will eventually receive them. EXHIBITION & MEETING OFFICER'S REPORT by Paul Jennings (No 80) The Phasmid Study Group will be having stands at the usual venues in 1995. The Midlands Spring and Winter Entomological Fairs, The Oldham Creepy Crawly Show and The AES Exhibition at Kempton Park. 62:3 Members who would like to help in the running of any of these stands should contact me. We have been approached to exhibit at The Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Show in March and also the Portsmouth Reptile and Amphibian Society Show in November. Perhaps some members in these areas would like to get together and run a display, or should any members like to display at other exhibitions, and need any advice, then again contact me. The other request to members is for ideas for speakers at forthcoming PSG meetings. Could YOU give a talk, show some slides, show a video or even a do a demonstration at one of our meetings. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please let me know as soon as possible. Paul's address: 89 Brackensdale Avenue, Kingsway, Derby, DE22 4AF. Tel: 0332 343477 LIVESTOCK CO - ORDINATOR'S REPORT by Ian Abercrombie. (No 628) There has been a considerable increase in the amount of livestock distributed in the past twelve months, which has left the Livestock Co - Ordinator and Panel members short of some species. If you have any spare ova or stock of some of the less common species, then please contact Ian or a Panel member as soon as possible. One species in particular Acrophylla wuelfingi is in great demand at present, so, therefore, if you have any spare ova, please forward them as soon as possible. Following the problems encountered at the beginning of the meeting as regards Livestock distribution, Ian would like to point out to members that Livestock Exchange is not a free for all, and in future livestock will only be distributed at the stated time on the Agenda. ELECTION OF OFFICER'S & COMMITTEE The existing Committee was re-elected. This was proposed by E. Blackwell (No 926) and seconded by R. Reeve (No 1305) and unanimously agreed by all members attending the AGM. E. Blackwell thanked the committee for the work that had been done in the past twelve months. OTHER BUSINESS A fax had been received from Jean-Luc Lambert (No 89) regarding La Pepiniere Entomologique. The fax had been sent in French, and unfortunately it was not able to be translated in time for the AGM. Kim D'Hustler very kindly took it back with him and translated the letter- First of all, my apologies to the Group and organisers for not being able to attend the winter meeting on 21.01.95. I would like to pass on some information to you all that I think could be of interest. I have created "La Pepiniere Entomologique"(P.E.), the goal of which is to inform people about insects, i.e. their roles, their usefulness, and to some their existence. Assisting with this is Marie-Helene with her valuable know-how of communication in the tourist sector. "P.E. " provides the material which is then used on a multimedia PC with CD-Rom, which allows us to create our own audio-visuals like diaporama or video tapes. As well as this I have organised trips in connection with insects in France, particularly in the "Pays de la Loire" around the castles; around the "Abbaye de Fontevraud" and all along the river Loire. We would like to ask your help in providing live material, ideas, advice in all directions and to find some knowledgeable contributors, professional or otherwise, that you know and we are unaware of. To contact the "P.E." simply send your letter along with a s.a.e. and an International Reply Coupon (International "stamp"), we keep in touch with many people this way. We will always endeavour to follow- up any enquiries. It is taken for granted that the "P.E. " will try to stay true to the aims of the P.S.G., as they are also my aims. We have written an article on Clonopsis gallica, which will be sent to you.
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