Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments The developers’ perspective towards the conditions of iconic projects that incite brownfeld redevelopments Master thesis, June 2019 By Misha Gorter I Colophon Colofon Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments The developers’ perspective towards the conditions of iconic projects that incite brownfeld redevelopments Student Student: Misha Gorter Student number: 4376323 Address: Jesseplaats 6, 2611 GZ, Delft E-mail address: [email protected] Phone number: +31 (0)6 463 769 70 Date: 21.06.2019 Presentation date: 28.06.2019 University University: Delft University of Technology Faculty: Architecture and the Built Environment Address: Julianalaan 134, 2628 SL, Delft Master track: Management in the Built Environment Phone number: +31 (0)15 278 41 59 Graduation Graduation lab: Urban Development Management (UDM) Graduation topic: Sustainable Area Transformations Document: P5 report Title: Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments Supervisory team Mentors TU Delft Dr. W.J. (Wouter Jan) Verheul (1st mentor) | MBE, Urban Development Management Dr. H.T. (Hilde) Remøy (2nd mentor) | MBE, Real Estate Management Dr. R.J. (Reinout) Kleinhans (3rd mentor) | OTB, Urban Renewal and Housing Supervisors Brink Management / Advies Ir. T. (Tristan) Kunen | Sr. Manager Ontwikkelen & Investeren Ir. B. (Bas) Muijsson | Consultant Ontwikkelen & Investeren Front cover and section photo’s: Jochem van Bochove Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments II “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research would it?” ~ Albert Einstein1 ---------------- 1. In Natural Capitalism (1st edition) by P. Hawken, A. Lovins & L. Hunter Lovins, 1999, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, p. 272. III Preface Preface I started my graduation with a fascination for the huge Dutch residential demands that needs to be tackled by building 1.000.000 new dwellings before 2030. The question arose as to how this could be achieved. I dove into literature to search for opportunities, though the emphasis was mainly on the barriers. This motivated me to conduct research into opportunities that could contribute to answering this demand. Research showed that the biggest development challenge currently lies in (partially) vacant industrial and port areas within existing cities. The development of better places through architecture has sparked my interest early on. Also, the transformation of areas or even complete cities through individual architectural icons simply amazes me. This admiration for iconic projects is not only shared by me, but by many others. That in mind, combined with the frst rese- arch fndings, formed the starting point of this research. I managed to create a both very interesting as well as relevant goal that I wanted to achieve: to encourage the use of brownfeld redevelopment potentials in the Netherlands by gaining a better understanding about the conditions of iconic projects that incite project developers to (re)develop. From September 2018, I started the exciting journey towards achieving this goal. This has all been documented in this report, representing my thesis ‘Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments’. It presents my master graduation project for the Management in the Built Environment track of the MSc. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at the Delft Uni- versity of Technology. More specifcally, it presents a study on the infuence of iconic projects on project developers’ motives. Iconic projects appear to be able to incite project developers to (re) develop, but how? Could such projects (un)intentionally play a role in accelerating developments, thus answering the current residential needs? Within this thesis, I provide answers to amongst others these questions through retro- and prospective case studies on the brownfeld redevelop- ments of the Wilhelminapier, Katendrecht and Merwe-Vierhavens. I am glad that this topic intrin- sically motivated me. It provided the excellent opportunity to get in touch with many experienced project developers, but also to demonstrate how iconic projects can be strategically deployed in order to make the realisation of this 1.000.000 dwellings a little more feasible. Acknowledgements Studying this topic for a year has been highly instructive, not to mention the research process itself. Conducting this research would not have been possible without a number of important people: my mentors, the interviewees and my dear friends and family. Hence, I would like to take this op- portunity to express my sincere and deep gratitude for their support! In the frst place, Wouter Jan Verheul, Hilde Remøy and Reinout Kleinhans for their major contribution to this thesis. Your guidan- ce, criticism and feld of expertise have been very valuable. Your critical questions have triggered interesting discussions that challenged me to truly have a critical and refective stance towards my own work. I am very happy with the fact that the cooperation has proven to be fruitful and pleasant. Furthermore, I would like to thank my external mentors Tristan Kunen and Bas Muijsson. I am very glad that I had the ability to conduct the second semester of this research in cooperation with Brink Management / Advies. I appreciate your constructive support and all the opportunities you have provided to take my research to the next level. Not to mention, many thanks goes out to the interviewees and participants of the evaluation panel who took the time to share their valuable ex- periences. Without your input, this research would have been of no use. Your inspiring stories were a great source of motivation and your enthusiasm is much appreciated. Above all, a special thanks to my dear family and friends. To my friends, for your kind words in stressful periods and for making my student days unforgettable. To my parents and Jeroen for their wisdom, their understanding and their unconditional support. I am happy to share my thesis with people in the feld as well as with those that just fnd the topic as interesting and appealing as I do. Please, enjoy reading! Yours sincerely, Misha Gorter Delft, June 2019 Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfeld redevelopments IV Executive summary Introduction What conditions of iconic projects could incenti- Nowadays, more than half of the world’s popu- vise project developers to (re)develop in Dutch lation (55%) is living in cities. The movement of brownfeld areas? society towards the urban environment, also called urbanisation, is a worldwide trend that Scope continues to occur as the percentage will rise This research goes into brownfeld up to even 68% in 2050 (United Nations, 2018). redevelopments, supporting the mo- This movement is clearly evident in the Nether- tive of this research which is to speed lands too, particularly in the country’s four major up regeneration of un(der)utilised cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The areas in existing cities. More spe- Hague. Due to the increasing growth, one-thirds cifcally, this research focusses on of the total Dutch population is expected to be brownfelds in Rotterdam, as this city living in these four major cities in 2030 (CBS & has plenty instructive cases of both PBL, 2016). However, the market currently ta- successfully completed brownfelds, kes up solely a quarter of the Dutch residenti- brownfeld redevelopments that are al demands within the city centres (Verheul & still going on and brownfelds that are Daamen, 2017). This generates the need for on the verge of being redeveloped. cities to further develop their urban areas and Since the case study areas are all lo- therefore large transformation areas must be cated within the same country as well addressed (Brink, 2017). Looking at the po- as city, the outcome of this research tential of un(der)utilised brownfeld sites in the will be more valid given the fact that Netherlands, these areas deserve attention and the political, economic and social priority in the short and medium-long term. context, which could effect the real estate developers’ motives, does not Figure II. A new paradigm is to use iconic projects to sti- contain major differences. ----------------- mulate physical transformations. They are often The research scope. deliberately proposed by municipalities for their Methodology catalytic function, as they can generate econo- As this research primarily focuses on incentives mic and sociocultural spillovers and could en- on (re)development decisions in brownfelds courage area redevelpoments (Doucet 2010; caused by iconic projects, a qualitative rese- Verheul, 2013). Research into the infuence arch strategy has been applied. A literature re- of iconic projects has been done for years al- view has been conducted frst, in order to deter- ready, however insights into the particular con- mine what is known about the key concepts of ditions that provide incentives for private real this research as well as to develop insightful and estate developers to (re)develop, is lacking. As sharp subquestions for the empirical research. a result, there is not enough knowledge availa- The conditions of iconic projects that could ge- ble on operational level with regard to the condi- nerate incentivising spillovers have been explo- tions of iconic projects that have this benefcial red by doing three in-depth holistic case stu- catalysing character. Hence, this research aims dies on brownfeld redevelopments and their to gain better understanding about what condi- (iconic) project
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