THE LETHBRIDGE HERALD FRIDAY, DECEMBER.il,1986 Government to save the Eskimos "That's a relatively high aver­ starving beyond the Mackenzie age," she said. "Five of these wore River as a result of their own reck­ LIGHTS and SHADOWS girls." less destruction of game. The plan TECO STORE NEWS CAST Sopranos and baritones are plen­ STORE HOURS s 9 a.m. to 0 p,m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 pj|li.| was conceived from what was ac- (•» 0. r. 8.) tiful. Tenors and contraltos are Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Information Phone, 2140. comi^lshcd in tlic nineties, when FLO^VER OF TRVTH getting scarcer,.the diva added. 1280 reindeer were brought from Boyhood out of wonder roae But Hark! Is that the distant To achieve prominence as a sing­ iklyiMi^View of Men and Matters Siberia to Alaska, which today re­ With eyes hitent to trail th* roll of thunder? v er in motion pictures is oven more " (By W. A. B. C.) present a capital value of seven and truth; Splendid! I merely push my difficult than, just on the concert a half million dollars, more than (How alien it is to yontht pillow under or operatic stage, she said. which .said that the lady Isn't the price paid Riissla l«r the United Uow far away and frail It "A m^ or woman with ambi­ pretty in any conventional manner Onr overturned canoe, and so States for Alaska. So the Canadian grows!) defy tions along that line should be v^M'.s&in fit and doesn't think she is. Her face Government contracted with the familiar with at least one foreign jf^ toe Crown has the length formerly seen in Lomen Brothers, owners of some The heavy clouds that sweep Boyhood's heels with wings were across the sky. language, have htid a year of hi- ^ jja; <iirtsuinstances nineteenth century portraits and she 3SO,000 reindeer in Alaska, at a feathered; tensivo Voice and drama coaching, cah*t look her best In photc«raphs, .iiji|i£t^-(t6 deiclde for price of $205,000 to supply the rein­ Fleetly and divinely shod What a terrific storm! And what the equivalent of a college educa­ tvheigdlng the advice as she easily would in a velvet- deer. As soarhif falcons or a god. tion, be reasonably good looking i ."Annister and those framed daguerreotype,. delight The story of this drive Is told In (And yet from tmth, how To know one's sleepbig-bag is and under 25 years of age." •VM', 1^ moUier, brothers Just listen to this: Her head has "The Great Trek" by Max Miller, strongly tethered!) Is not foi* any man an BiAtAe ci-anlal structure that with an tatrcductlon by Grey Owl. water-tight. ^^-|)a&t<,judgment, on the King, dominates her frail body; her flgwre The leader tv-as an American, Dnn Truth is lomlnons knd far, Mine seems to be; ia yours? . , .5Phfit must be considered is flawless and impersonal in the Crowley, and his chief herdsman, a And brightly, perilonaly- Good Heavehs! Hi! Placements Of Idle ,.<»^**ragto event wUl. no doubt, cause modem manner; her skin is of the middle-aged Lapp, Andrew Bahr. gleams; I felt a drop of water on my <.»|l^coQfllct oi emotions. He no doubt smooth vellum variety tliat takes It might well be called a "Great 'With what fleroe longing boy­ thigh. -'"^<l9kv the difflculUes of the situation modem make-up, \\-ell, rather than Trek." Shortage of fuel for days on hood dreams Just one o'clock, and still the '1'/,^ wWch.he was placed and in his the thin rose-petal southern belle end, with temperatures far below To hold that desoUte llowerl Under Farm Plan Heavens break. {..'OWn ivlsdttn t6(& the. only course type that supported nothing but zero, left the men to charge of the —Lionel Wlggam in the llwhich he could take unless he rice powder. Her hands she regrets: And I am floating In a blast­ reindeer without lire to cook or to New York TImCK ed Uke. <;CShanged his ItttenOoa to marry they are competent and strong and thaw their limbs and iron-bound ..-•Mra. Simpson. This he has not have stubby fingers, so she wears Am I a man, or just a salUng Is Re^rted Upon furs, ymen they had reached tlie ODDS AND ENDS ship? 'Ichosen to do, and there the matter no rings. Instead she wears magni­ brtok of cndiurance, a scouting .'dan be well left, though it opens ficent emerald earrings, diamond Christmas Cheer, Who thought of this con­ Lapp found a seam of coal. That founded camping trip? , Nearly 3,500 Sent to Farms ,iip a vast avenue of thought as to clips and bracelets. However it night they had such a bonfire that In your Christmas giving dont >mat kingship implies, and how the would seem she has this consolation, David Stevenson, the Arctic had never seen before. overlook the Fund. In Macleans Hon. W. W. Cross occupant of the throne regards the her feet, which in this age of But in summer it was worse. The VPCisitlon he is heir to. In all the cir­ Riviera sun-bathing are well known, swamps were fluid, so herds were Announces cumstances King Sdward has taken The Gyros are talking turkey and are beautiful, small, and el^ant. bogged and sleds could not run. It they invite you to join in the feast. STAGE AND SCREEN , 'the only course open to him, de­ with classically separated toes and meant camping and walUng, tor­ If you have a weakness for sta­ termined to marry ISis. Simpson. rouged nails. This is the picture mented by the fierce northern mos­ tistics, some of those garnered about (Special to the Herald) ^itU had many things to weigh in Teacher—Now, Tommy, supposing of the most talkcd-of woman in quitoes, and no dotibt by clouds of }-ou were left a mllllou dollars,-what the' forthcpming Q3. prodUccIon, EDMONTON, Dec. 11. — Place­ .ihe^ balance, and has turned the the world as given by the New that litUe black devil the Slmu- "King Solomon's Mines," should be ments or single unemployed men "-.scales In favor of a mind ahready woiUd j-ou be? Yorker. llum ny. which, the author does not Tommy—Absent, Miss. right up your alley . 4000 natives under the Dominion - Provhiclal ' Mad^ up and which apparently « discriminate, capable of driving of Natal have been hired for au­ farm bonus scheme have resulted in nodilng could move from its set frenzied herds into stampede. The thentic location sliots and for their approximately 3500 being sent out purpose. There is the tragedy of A GOOD MIXER Elephants for travel are not as clothes alone, 25,000 animal skins to farms for tho winter, statesmen. OF COCKTAIIiS herdsmen found it necessary to popular in India as they used to be. the Whole situaUon. wear gauntlets and veils, as is have l>een purchased, including Dr. W. W.. Cross, minister of health, The New Yoi-ker goes on to say Trouble is there hasnt been a new those of monkeys and antelope .. who is in charge of the administra­ —-s-— tljat Mrs. Simpson moves and the custom of men working in the model out lately. THE BISHOP forests in Siberia. the headgear ah^ady in stock runs tion of relief. speaks with authori^ in a rather Into the thousands and Includes While the actual demand from . OF teADFORD strident American vofce, which she's The journey was over a thousand WEEKLY POME 'i However worthy his motives. I everyday varieties ornamented with farmers has been met, other men never tried to Anglicize, and in a miles and the time estimated for It Many men «r« gorgeously colored beads, and war­ will bo sent out if they can be cannot but think that the Bishop Baltimore accent. Her nerves seem eight months. Actually they trekked Too smart to of Bradford, in his outspoken views riors' bomiets bedecked with ostrich, placed, said the minister. The min­ to be Internal, not external; she over 5,000, and took five and a half Work but eagle, and cock feathers . Paul ister said that no complaints have of King Edward during a most em- has a temper she's learned to years. Of the 3,000 reindeer that Not smart enough been received over unhealthy men ' barrassing situation, is greatly to be To live withont Robeson, who impersonates a Zulu handle; and a good woi*lng seivse started, only 30O reached their des­ chieftain, sports a swanky cape being sent out to farms. He pointed blamed. In his zeal for the church, of justice. She can be pig-headed tination, but the loss had been re­ Wwk. he has done more harm than good. which was manufactured from the out that they were inspected for or determined once she gets round placed by births, and the official white edges of 200 gray apesklns, physical fitness before leaving for I refer to his explanation of what to It, and has the American wo­ deUvery was 2,370. Most women talk too much. But - he said' about King Edward. It was owing to the scarcity of white mon­ farm jobs. man's tendency to reform men in beware of the woman who doesnt keys . work on the film Is tak­ Under this scheme the unem­ first Inferred that what he said was small ways. She used to play a de­ talk at aU. < in reference to the contemtdated THE FOOD BILL OF ing place simultaneously at Shep­ ployed man is given $5 per month, cent game of bridge, I read, which THE LONDON IZOO herd's Bush and In South Africa board and.
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