THe saLUBnous issue _ cary SHOP Teresa Lond HeaLTH care reFor anaL pap smears EaTinGOUT3 axexis STevens pin UP nov20oo • vol 14 issue 6 1 1> HOOLiGanism & viGiLanTe censorsHip asTro ForecasT "74470"25134 anything but strai by Wayne Bcscn fectivcly by becoming more like the National also, as the Washington Post editorial board dency, fearing that any move to enact legisla­ Rifle Association (NRA) or the American Associ­ says, pressure Congress to take action. On tion will turn into another Don't Ask/Don't tell It was thrilling to participate in the National ation of Retired Persons (AARP). He is correct Sunday evening, following the National Equal­ fiasco. These folks keep telling us to wait for Equality March (NEM) in Washington on Sun that we should organize into a political force, ity March, CNBC's John Harwood, reported that the right moment to take action. day. The event, although smaller than in past but get real. The GLBT movement can't be a White House "advisor" described the years, achieved the desired goal of drawing the compared to organizations that possess im­ marchers as the "Internet left fringe." Harwood I he truth is, there will be no right moment. nation's attention to gay, lesbian, bisexual and mense constituencies. Botox notwithstanding, went on to say that, "For a sign of how seri­ Major issues, such as an economic meltdown, transgender issues. Democrats in Congress we all grow old and that is why AARP has ously the White House does or doesn't take this healthcare, Afghanistan and Iran will always and the Obama administration were also put thirty five million members. America loves opposition, one adviser told me today those be on the president's plate. Or, there will be an on notice that an anxiety-filled GLBT commu­ guns, which is why even city slickers like John bloggers need to take off their pajamas, get election on the horizon, making politicians skit­ nity demanded action, not just flowery words. Kerry and Mitt Romney feel compelled to pur­ dressed and realize that governing a closely- tish about social issues. Thus, there is never a chase varmint guns and tramp though the divided country is complicated and difficult." better time to act than the present, or at least While this was my third march, it was inspiring fields to whack squirrels. lo make up for this the very near future, such as waiting a few to see this event through the fresh eyes of obvious deficit in raw numbers, we sometimes This crude stereotype of nutty and politically months for special strategic concerns. Those Jamie, my partner. He is thirty years old and must supplement traditional politics with unsophisticated radicals typing in their under preaching infinite patience must remember grew up in a small town in rural Nebraska demonstrations, marches and moral persua­ wear is inaccurate and a risky miscalculation. that 15 years have passed since the Don't (population 700). From his vantage point, the sion in the media - anything to get America to Indeed, I would venture to say that many of Ask/Don't Tell debacle. Despite the raucous march was an extraordinarily life-affirming listen to what we have to say. The march did those insisting on swift action - David Mixner, protests of bigots, most Americans are now event. He shared the same look of awe and em­ achieve spotlighting our issues in a way that Richard Socarides, John Aravosis and Paul mature enough to handle GLBI rights. powerment that was on the faces of the ener­ postcards to the White House never could. As Yandura - likely have more political experience getic youth in DC, who will one day become our expected, President Barack Obama's soaring than those questioning the credentials of such My own activist philosophy is simple: Never leaders. The NEM occurred over the objections oratory delighted the sold out crowd at the critics. pass up an opportunity to complement the of Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass), who said that Human Rights Campaign's national dinner. Obama administration or Congress when they the spectacle was a "waste of time." If I were Make no mistake, the speech was historic, and These "malcontents" are savvy and influential earn it. But, never give a pass to politicians Frank, I'd be more concerned about not deliver­ Obama's words have significantly more impact former insiders who are fighting so that we do who do not embrace full equality. ing on GLBT issues while the Democrats control now that he is in office, not just a candidate. It not repeat the disappointment of the Clinton Washington. This may cause disillusionment, was an effective use of the bully pulpit and put years. They are wise and experienced advo­ leading some people to believe that voting is a him squarely on record supporting equality. cates who understand that if we don't live in "waste of time." the moment, it may slip away. Unfortunately, when I woke up, as I told Frank believes that instead ol marching, GLBI MSNBC, I was still a second-class citizen. We On the other side, we have those who are too people should organize more efficiently and ef must continue to hold Obama accountable, but hung up on the ghost of Bill Clinton's presi­ nov2009 If the President lives in public housing, we all deserve public healthcare. outlookrohimbus.com COMMUNITY RESOURCES ADAMH ALCOHOLICS AMERICAN CIVIL AMETHYST BUCKEYE REGION ANONYMOUS LIBERTIES UNION ANTI-VIOLENCE ORGANIZATION 614.224.1057 ^CHH 614.242.1284 BRATO ADAMH 614.253.8501 Effi 216.472.2200 Axcmvsi 614.294.7867 ADAMHFRANKLIN.ORG AMETHYST-INC.ORG AACENTRAL0HI0.ORG J ACLUOHIOORG BRAV0-OHIO.ORG ALCOHOL JRUG AND MENIAL .HEALTH RESOURCES: ALCOHOLISM RECOVERY & SUPPORT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS WATCHDOG ADD CTICN & POVERTY RESOURCES FOR WOMEN GLBT ANTI-VIOLENCE RESOURCES CAMP SUNRISE CITY OF COLS C0HMUMTY Q_ COLUMBUS AIDS COLUMBUS PUBLIC CRYSTAL CLUB RELATIONS COMMISSION TASK FORCE HEALTH 216.432.9544 614.214.4828 614.645.1993 614.299.2437 o*un*u.i A 614.645.7417 SUNRISEKIDS.ORG PubiiS c Health THECRYSTALCLJB.ORG COMMUNITY.CI. CAFT.NET PUBLICHEALTH. COLUMBUS. OH. US C0LUMBUS.GOV EMPOWERING CHILDREN IMPACTED BY HIV/AIDS ETHNIC. RACIAL & CULTURAL DIVERSITY HI//AICS RESOUFCES & ACVOCACY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY TRANSSEXUAL & CROSSORESSER SUPPORT GROUP! CRYSTAL METH DAVE THOMAS FOUNDATION EQUALITY OHIO FRANKLIN CO. CHILDREN GAY OHIO HISTORY ANONYMOUS FOR ADOPTION SERVICES INITIATIVE LKVH TltMAS ™ I 11 614.224.0400 213.488.4455 s !•!< AlMiPIlOV 800.27S.3832 r*v\\\\i\xK'\\ 614.275.2571 614.268.8525 EQUALrTY OHIO I EQUALITY0HI0.ORG Services g>bi CRYSTALMETH.ORG DAVETHOMASFOUNDATION C0.FRANKLIN.OH.US/ G0HI.ORG F0RAD0PTI0N.ORG ' CHILDREN_SERVICES CRYSTAL METH RECOVERY & SUPPORT FOSTER CARE ADOPTION RESOURCES OHIO GLBT EQUALITY ADVOCATES PROTECTION & PERMANANCY FOR ABUSED KIDS PRESERVING OHIO GLBT HISTORY GLAAO HUCKLEBERRY HOUSE HUMAN RIGHTS IMMIGRATION EQUALIH KALEIDOSCOPE YOUTH I CAMPAIGN CENTER glaad 323.933.2240 ir^ ' 614.2S4.8097 212.714.2904 MM RKI ON _ :•?•• 202.628.4160 m 614.294.KI0S GLAAD.ORG HUCKH0USE.ORG HUMAN HRC.ORG INMIGRATI0NEQUALITY.ORG RIGHTS WWW.KYC0HI0.ORG J fAMHICK GLBT MEDIA WATCHDOG SAFE PLACE FOR TEEN RUNAWAYS GLBT EQUAL RIGHTS ADVOCACY GLBT & HIV/AIDS IMMIGRATION RIGHTS GLBT YOUTH CENTER KING ARTS COMPLEX LAMBDA LEGAL THE LEGACY FUND OF MAUTNER PROJECT NAACP THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 614.645.KIN6 212.309.6585 202.332.5536 410.588.5777 [^ Lambda Legal '#& zs- 614.265.7315 THEKINGARTSCOMPLEX.COMi LAMBDALEGAL.COM MAUTNERPR0JECT.ORG NAACP.ORG THELEGACYFUND.ORG PERFORMING & CULTURAL ARTS CENTER GL8T& HIV/AIDS LEGAL ADVOCACY CENTRAL OHIO GLBT ENDOWMENT FUND NATIONAL LESBIAN HEALTH ASSOCIATION i AFRICAN AMERICAN SOCIAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION! NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS NGLTF OHIO AIDS COALITIONS OHIO CIVIL RIGHTS OHIO TOBACCO QUIT LINE COMMISION 614.252.1700 202.393.5177 614.444.1683 8C0.QUIT.NOiV Task Fore* i QUIT LINE NACENTRAL0HIO.ORG ThETASKF0RCE.ORG OHIO AI01 COALITION OHIOAIDSCOALITION ORG 0HI0QUITS.COM NARCCTICS RECOVERY & SUPPORT GLBTEQUAL RIGHTS ADVOCACY HIV/AIDS RESOURCES 4 ADVOCACY STATE DISCRIMINATION LAW ENFORCEMENT SMOKING CESSATION RESOURCES & SUPPORT OSU GLBT STUDENT PATER NOSTER HOUSE PFLAG QDEERSPAWN RAPE ABUSE & INCEST SERVICES 1 NATIONAL NETW 614.870.6460 614.227.9355 5ABUSE £ 614.688.8449 PAier Noster House queef$pCAvyV\ QUEERSPAWN.ORG — INCEST 800.65S.HOPE C57 C NATIONAL PATERN0STERH0USE.ORG PFLAGCOLUMBUSORG RFLAC Z NETWORK MULTICULTURAL.OSU.EDU J RAINN.ORG OSU GLBT RESOURCES HIV/AIDS COMMUNITY LIVING FACILITY PARENTS £ FRIENDS OF LESBIANS & GAYS RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN OF GLBTQ FAMILIES NATIONAL ANTI-SEXUALASSAULT CRGANIZATION SERVICEMEMBERS LEGAL STONEWALL COLUMBUS SUICIDE PREVENTION TOBIAS PROJECT VOTING RIGHTS INITIATIVE DEFENSE NETWORK LIFELINE 614.299.7764 SUIIDE 614.252.2727 614.99S.1619 800.273.TAU ; VOTING RIGHTS ST0NEWALLC0LUMBUS.ORG PREVENTION T0BIASPROJECT.ORG SOS STATE OH US/SOS/INITI I.SOO-27J-TALK SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFE ATIES/VOTINGRIGHTSASPX J J LINE.ORG WORK NG TO REPEAL DON'T AS? DON T TELL' COLUNBUS GL8T COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION 24/7 SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE HIV/AIDS RESOURCES FOR MINORITY COMMUNITIES j. ENSURING PRELECTIONSIN OHIO SPONSORED BY MALCOLM RIGGLE & CMR INC. THE INBOUND CALL CENTER Call MANAGEMENT THAT'S A FUN PLACE TO WORK, AND A GREAT PLACE TO BE YOURSELF. resources www.CMRinc.com o utloo kfo In nibus.com \1 alrol m is o nc of ou r bcsl community resources because he supports this Community Resource page. 110V2009 gayatri Some Thoughts at the Jewish New Year by Cantor Jack Chomsky, Congregation deviants and worse." and future of gay ma rriage throughout the I think it quite likely that many GLBT Jews in Trfereth Israel, Columbus U.S. is presumably the main reason for this. Columbus are not connecting with the exist­ What does his observation mean to us here in Still, I wonder whether people in the GLBT ing Jewish community - because they may The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) was Columbus, where there are no GLBT syna­ community even know where they stand in the not be aware of how much the community observed in the middle of September, and gogues? Are the experiences he describes conservative and reform world.
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