BORNEO RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSN: 0006-7806 VOL 30 PAGE NOTES FROM THE EDITOR I MEMORIALS Roland (Ro) Bewsher, 0.B E Bill Smythies Tuton Kaboy RESEARCH NOTES A Bridge to the Upper World: Sacred Language of the Ngaju: Jani Sri Kuhnt-Saptodewo A Note on Native Land Tenure in Sarawak: M. B. Hooker State Law and lban Land Tenure. a Response to Hooker: Reed L. Wadley Conservation and the Orang Sungal of the Lower Sugut, Sabal?: Preliminary Notes: Lye Tuck-Po and Grace Wong Education and Research on Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management: a New Danish- Malaysian University Program: Ole Mertz el al. Wet Rice Cultivation and the Kayanic Peoples of East Kalimantan: Some Possible Factors Explaining their Preference for Dry Rice Cult~vation:Mika Okushima Dayak Kings among Malay Sultans: Stephanus Djuweng The Kingdom of Ulu Are in Borneo's H~story:a Comment: Bernard Sellato The Brooke-Sarawak Archive at Rhodes House Library, Oxford: Bob Reece Papers of the Brookes of Sarawak Kept in Rhodes House Library, Oxford: P.A. Empson FIFTH BIENNIAL MEETINGS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS BORNEO NEWS BOOK REVIEWS, ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY The Borneo Researclr Bulletin is published by the Borneo Research Council. Please address all inquiries and contributions for publication to Clifford Sather, Editor, Borneo Research Bulletin, Cultural Anthropology, P.O. Box 59, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND.Single issues are available at US $20.00. I BOI-neoReseal-ch Bulletin Vol. 30 Vol. 30 Borneo Research Bulletin contributions to this superb collection, and, as an anthropologist, I would note that the held on 10-14 July 2000 at Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel, Kuching, Sarawalc. The Rhodes House library also contains A.C. Haddon's papers relating to Sarawak and is in conference will run from Monday 10 July to Friday 14 July. Registl-ation will commence the process of receiving those of the late Stephen Morris on the evening of Sunday 9 July. Once agaln, 1 would like to thank all of those who assisted me during the year with review and editorial advice, including Sander Adelaar, George Appell, Dee Baer, Louise CALL FOR PAPERS Boer, Vernon Potritt, Bob Reece, Bernard Sellato, Vinson Sutl~ve,John Wallter, and Borneo 2000 will be a multl-disciplinary conference including the social sciences, Reed Wadley. Phillip Tlio~nas (National Library of Medicine) performed the the biological sciences and the medical sciences. These include linguistics, socio- indispensable task of computer-processing the textual materials and photographs economic change, education, biodiversity, traditional knowledge, regional links, histo~y, contained in this volume. To all, again, my thanks. land use, population, music and art, literature and oral traditions, conservation, law and custom, public policy and rural development. Papers on these and other subjects are The Borneo Research Council on the Web invited, and may be submitted in English, Indonesian or Malay. On behalf of the BRC, would like again to thank Dr. James Chin for continuing to I The conference committee thus welcomes proposals for panels, roundtables and develop our BRC website. Among the useful additions that Dr. Chin has made to the site individual papers in all disciplines, drawing on the wealth that is Borneo/Kalimantan. is a complete index to past volumes of the BOI-17eoResecli-ch B1tlle1117As in the past, the We especially encourage participants to organize panel pl-esentations around a site also contains the table of contents of the most ]recent volume of the BRB For those common theme or subject. A typical panel consists of a chair, 3-4 paper presenters, who are still unfamiliar with our website, 1 encourage you all to visit it at: www.sarawak.corn.my/org/BRC/ , and a discussant. 8 A roundtable is one in \Y~IC~no formal papers a[-epresented. It is an opportunity fol- In addition, membership information is now directly on our website I (besides appearing at the end of each volume of the BRB). James continues to compile a 4-5 participants to discuss specific issues or themes. directory of Borneo scholars and those who wish to add their names and record their Individual paper proposals will be organized around common themes, wherever research interests are invited to contact Dr. James Chin directly at possible. <[email protected]>. James also invites your suggestions as to what further Those interested in coordinating a panel or roundtable should contact: additions we might make to our site. Professor Michael Leigh I Director, IEAS, UNIMAS 94300 Kota Samaraha~~ The Sixth Biennial BRC Conference Sarawak, Malaysia The Slxth Biennial Conference of the BOI-neo Research Council, "Borneo 2000", Tel: +60 82 67 10001672 19 1 will be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 10-14th, 2000. The host organizers are Fax: +60 82 672095 the Institute of East Asian Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), and the Eniail. [email protected] Sarawak Development Institute (SDI). Information on I-egistration, relevant themes, papers, roundtable and panel proposals may be found below. Further information may ABSTRACT also be obtained by email or by writing directly to "Borneo 2000", Conference Whether you are proposing a full panel, individual paper or roundtable, please Secretariat, c/o Prof. Michael Leigh, Director, IEAS, UNIMAS, 94300 I<ota Samarahan, submit an abstract NOT exceeding five (5) sentences For full panels, we will also need Sarawak, MALAYSIA. A conference registration form is available online at: I an abstract from each participant. Please submit your proposal, abstract and bio-data to the Conference Secretariat by <http://www.unimas.my/ieas/htrr,l/b0rne0~~esearch~conEerence~2OC.l1tn~ February 29,2000. DATE OF SUBMISSION BORNEO 2000 All papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and are thus protected by Borneo Research Council copyright. A full set will be available to all registered Borneo, with an area of 287,000 square miles, is the third largest island in the world. participants upon arrival. Thus it is a condition of acceptance of your participation as a It co~nprisesa variety of different peoples, each distinguishable by distinct culture and presenter that your full paper be received by the Conference Secretariat, in Microsoft Word or RTF format, by May 31, 2000, at the latest. If you wish your paper to be The Sixth Biennial Conference of the Borneo Reseal-ch Council, Borneo 2000, aims refereed, prior to publication, it must be received by March 3 1. Due to publication to bring together researchers from throughout the world Organized by the Institute of constraints the length of each paper cannot exceed 7,500 words East Asian Studies, UNIMAS and Sarawak Development Ilistitute, the conference will be The conference fees have been kept as low as possible. Foundation funding is belng sought to assist promising young Asian scholars to present papers at Borneo 2000. Let Borneo Research Bulletin Vol. 30 Vol. 30 Borneo Research Bulletin the Secretariat know if you fall into that categoly. Any available assistance will be Member Support disbursed on the basis of need and promise. Early bird discount fees are available to those Here we wish to record our thanks to the following individuals for their contribution who register before May 1. over the last year to the BRC endowment and general funds. REGISTRATION ENDOWMENT FUND Conference fees must be paid by all participants. papel- presenters, chairs, Allen R. Maxwell, John D. Pearson, Patrick Cassels, W. D. Wilder, Clare discussants and organizers. The fee includes five lunches, ten refreshment breaks and a Boulanger, Anne Schiller, Phillip Thomas, Leigh Wright, Donald Brown, Reed Wadley, copy of the conference proceedings. Registration forms are available through the Michael R. Dove, Laura Appell-Warren, Robert Winzeler, Dr. and Mrs. Otto Steinmayer, Conference Secretariat: Ralph Arbus, Carol J. P. Colfer. email: [email protected] or URL: www.unimas .my/ieas. GENERAL FUND G.N. Appell, A.V.M. Holton, Ann Appleton, Judith Heimann, Martin Baler, Some Errata from Volume 29 Kazunori Oshima, Robert Crarnb, H. Arlo Nimno, W.D. Wilder, Clare Boulanger, I.M. Regrettably, due to a series of untimely delays with our previous printers, and my Scott, Phillip Thomas, E. Kim Adams, Rodney Needharn, Donald BI-own, Robelt Reece, own departure for Sarawak on research leave, was unable to do a final proofreading of I Jack Stuster, Gale Dixon, Christine Helliwell, Michael R. Dove, Laura P. Appell-Warren, Volulne 29 before it went for final printing, binding, and mailing. Consequently, an Mr. A.J. Bacon, Robert Winzeler, Michael B. Leigh, Virginia Hooker, Carlton Niemitz, unusual number of typographical errol-s appear the volume, most of which are indicated in Graham Saunders, Dr. & Mrs. Allen Drake, Dr. & Mrs. Otto Steinrnayer, A.J.N. below, in the order of their occurrence: Richards, V.K. Gorlinski, Vicki Pearson-Rounds, Stuart T. Lyman, Jay B. Crain, Peter John Landgraf, North Borneo over Seventy Years: Metcalf, Mr. Ralph Arbus, Otto Doering, Carol J.P. Colfer, Clive W. Marsh, Jim Welsh, p. 17, caption for Photo 3 belongs to Photo 4, Mera is Usang's daughter (not former Antiquarian Booksellers Gemling. wife), and the next woman (to the right) is Usang's former wife. Agaln, we thank all of these persons for their suppolt Roger Kershaw, Brunei-Dusun Omen Birds. p. 39, lines 2-3. Delete "located in the three Appendices". p. 39. The parenthesis next to the name of species no 3 should contaln the biological symbol for male. p. 40. The word "Woodpeckers" should be removed from the box for birds no. I I. and placed as a heading for the next three species. p. 53, fourth reference. Italicize full title. p. 53, twelfth reference. Italicize title. p. 54, second reference. Italicize title.
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