LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL NEWS, INTERVIEWS, OPINION, ENTERTAINMENT, COLUMNISTS, EVENT CALENDARS, The Empty Closet COMICS, & HEALTH RESOURCES Follow us on Facebook at empty closet news • Follow us at WWW.TWITTER.COM/EMPTYdCLOSETNEWS NUMBER 475 A PUBLICATION OF THE GAY ALLIANCE FEBRUARY 2014 B ill would protect NYS youth from abusive “therapy” On Jan. 13 the Empire State are long overdue.” Pride Agenda launched a cam- “Banning this so-called ‘ther- paign to pass a bill aimed at apy’ is a bipartisan issue. Since protecting LGBT youth from last spring, legislation prohibit- psychological abuse. Bills were ing it has passed with biparti- jointly introduced in both hous- san support in New Jersey and es of the NYS legislature by was upheld by a federal court in State Assemblymember Deborah California,” said Senator Brad AN Glick (Assembly bill: A06983A) Hoylman (D,WFP – Manhat- W O as well as State Senator Brad tan). “It’s time for New York G C Hoylman and State Senator to protect our kids from this A Michael Gianaris (Senate bill: insidious practice, which has R-M NE R S04917A). been thoroughly discredited by E O This legislation would pro- experts and poses a serious threat W NE tect LGBT youth from so-called to the health and well-being of I therapists who use dangerous LGBT youth.” A and discredited practices aimed “We cannot wait any longer : S O at changing their sexual orienta- to protect our LGBT youth from T tion or gender identity or expres- ignorant attempts to change PHO LORR sion. their sexual orientation,” said Lovely Warren was sworn in as Rochester mayor on Jan. 4 at the Auditorium Center. “Trying to change someone’s Senator Michael Gianaris (D – true identity through so-called Queens). “New York has a long therapy is a dangerous prac- history of leadership on LGBT G ay Alliance leader participates in tice that can seriously harm our issues and it is time to send a LGBT youth,” said Pride Agen- message that we will not stand Mayor Warren’s swearing-in ceremony da Executive Director Nathan for gay conversion therapy, a M. Schaefer. “Anyone who says practice not based on science but By Susan Jordan they can change an LGBT per- on intolerance.” Scott Fearing, Executive son from being who they are is The vast majority of asso- Director of the Gay Alliance, preying off of fear and confu- ciations of mental health prac- was invited to speak briefly at sion to sell a practice that doesn’t titioners and researchers all Mayor Lovely Warren’s public work and causes lasting harm.” acknowledge the detrimental swearing-in ceremony on Jan. “We are happy that Empire effects that this damaging prac- 4 at the Auditorium Center. State Pride Agenda is advocating tice has on minors. The Ameri- During the election campaign, for this important legislation,” can Medical Association and the Warren was criticized by many said Assemblymember Deborah American Psychiatric Associa- members of the LGBTQ com- Glick (D – Manhattan). “Stron- tion oppose this practice and are munities, for her opposition to ger laws to protect LGBT youth joined by the American Acad- marriage equality and to gay from being subjected to these emy of Child and Adolescent rights in general. unsafe and disproven practices Psychiatry, the American Acad- In an interview with the emy of Pediatrics, the American November Empty Closet, and at Association for Marriage and the Pride Rainbow Flag-raising Family Therapy, the American last July, Warren said she has THANK YOU Counseling Association Gov- overcome her previous feelings erning Council, the American of prejudice against LGBTQ Psychoanalytic Organization, people. Following the ceremony, the American School Counselor Fearing said, “Her inclusion of Lovely Warren and Scott Fearing. TAHE G Y ALLIANCE the LGBTQ communities in a APPRECIATES Association, the National Asso- ciation of Social Workers and public event sends a strong mes- THE COntINUING the Pan American Health Orga- sage.” “The Gay Alliance knows the the quality of life for all citizens. PARTNERSHIP OF nization. Fearing told The Empty important role that the LGBTQ “For lesbian, gay, bisexu- BUSINESSES WITHIN California passed a similar Closet, “To have a woman of communities play in Rochester, al and transgender people are OUR COMMUNITY comprehensive legal ban against color as Rochester’s 67th Mayor so we are pleased to continue our part of all identities. You will this process in fall of 2012 and made this inauguration a strong relationship with the City find us at all economic points, WHO SUPPORT momentous occasion. Because leadership.” from rich to poor, a part of all OUR MISSION AND New Jersey passed its own in the summer of 2013. Several other so much of our work revolves Scott Fearing’s remarks at the racial and ethnic identities; we VISION. states and Washington DC are around equal gender access, and inauguration follow: are of all religions, ages, abili- currently considering such bans. full human and civil rights for “Mayor Warren, gathered ties and disabilities, we work in PLATINUM LEVEL In June 2013, after 36 years all people, the Gay Alliance was dignitaries, ladies and gentle- every profession and live in every of leading the “ex-gay” move- honored to have been invited to men, thank you for this oppor- neighborhood. (B ill continues page 3) participate. tunity to say a few words. “In short we are Rochester — “Since 1973 the Gay Alliance and today we proudly join with has been a part of Rochester’s all of our neighbors to congratu- N ew Feature: long history as a national leader late Mayor Warren on her inau- in honoring and emphasizing guration.” ■ LGBTQ Living social justice for all people. Page 17 “In our 40 years we can point to many local efforts that have had statewide and national impact, but, going back even further, well before the Gay Alli- InsideEditorials ...................................... 2 ance came into existence and Local/State News ....................... 3 before the beginnings of the ‘gay National/International News..... 4 liberation’ movement of the Interview: Rev. Tom Decker ............ 7 Health: Flu vaccine ......................14 1960s, members of our commu- Opinion: Fla. marriage ................15 nities played pivotal roles in cre- LGBTQ Living ...........................17 ating this amazing town. Shoulders To Stand On ...........21 “In the future our role to Columnists ...............................22 make Rochester great will not Community ...............................25 change. The LGBTQ commu- Entertainment: Normal Heart ...27 nities see a very bright future for Gay Alliance: Youth Update.......30 Calendar ....................................34 Rochester and we look forward Classifieds .................................34 to working with Mayor Warren Comics ............................... 34, 35 to create a Rochester that focus- The Gay Alliance is publisher of the P artnerships Empty Closet, New York State’s oldest es on livability with thoughtful LGBTQ newspaper. continue page 2 urban planning that increases 2 the empty closet • the gay alliance • number 475 • february 2014 G ay Alliance Board of Trustees David Zona, President, Jessica Muratore, Vice-President, W. Bruce Gorman, Secretary, Peter Mohr, Treasurer, Perspectives Jason Barnecut, Chris Hilderbrant, Emily Jones, Jeff Lambert, Jeff Markarian, Steve Santacroce, William Schaefer, Chris Woodworth T he Empty Closet Editor G ay Alliance Executive Director SUSAN JORDAN SCOTT FEARING at www.gayalliance.org. You can been golden. Here in the “home G ay Alliance partnerships find us on Facebook at Empty of the brave, and land of the continued from page 1 Closet News – now breaking free” we have been shamefully news can come your way with- slow to find ways to fully wel- THANK YOU out delay! come the humanity of all our So what are we in the Roch- citizens. ester community looking for- Laws in the US have G OLD LEVEL ward to this month and in the changed, but, we all know that near future? The Red Ball on individual feelings and actions Feb. 8 at the Diplomat Banquet cannot be legislated. It may Center is coming up, with a Ste- be illegal for me to act like ampunk theme, which should be a bigot, but it is not illegal a lot of fun. for me to be a bigot. While it March is LGBTQ Health took many people, many years of Month, and we hope to encour- work to make positive changes to age healthy living. One treat laws and policies, it is the broader City of Rochester during Health Month will be societal change that requires the A new look for the the JCC production of Larry B e Out, Reach Out, ongoing attention of individu- Absolut/Malibu Kramer’s classic play about the als who care about full LGBTQ new year early years of AIDS, “The Nor- Roc Out equality. SILVE R LEVEL The EC has a new look for mal Heart” – see page 27 for an Recently the staff and board As we plan the Gay Alli- 2014 – we hope you like it. We interview with director Brian of the Gay Alliance have been ance of the future we reflect 3 Olives Coughlin. on our past and take stock of have upgraded the quality of focused on budgeting and plan- Baccardi the paper The Empty Closet is We also look forward to ning. These can be tough and today’s realities. How can we printed on. cooperating with the new city challenging tasks for small non- best serve our LGBTQ com- We are also introducing a administration, and are pleased profits such as the Gay Alliance. munity members, as well as our new feature series: “LGBTQ that Gay Alliance Executive No matter how challenging, friends, families and allies? One Living”. Each installment will Director Scott Fearing was invit- these tasks also offer a wonder- thing for certain, we know that deal with a different kind of ed to speak at Mayor Lovely ful opportunity to reflect upon we must continue our advocacy Barefoot Wine Warren’s public swearing-in cer- work, just as we must continue LGBTQ family, home, etc.
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