PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. (B.) FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXXVII. VOL. 178. LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, W C., printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty. MDCCCLXXXVIII. ADVERTISEMENT. The Committee appointed by the Royal Society to direct the publication of the Philosophical Transactions take this opportunity to acquaint the public that it fully appears, as well from the Council-books and Journals of the Society as from repeated declarations which have been made in several former , that the printing of them was always, from time to time, the single act of the respective Secretaries till the Forty-seventh Volume; the Society, as a Body, never interesting themselves any further in their publication than by occasionally recommending the revival of them to some of their Secretaries, when, from the particular circumstances of their affairs, the Transactions had happened for any length of time to be intermitted. And this seems principally to have been done with a view to satisfy the public that their usual meetings were then continued, for the improvement of knowledge and benefit of mankind : the great ends of their first institution by the Boyal Charters, and which they have ever since steadily pursued. But the Society being of late years greatly enlarged, and their communications more numerous, it was thought advisable that a Committee of their members should be appointed to reconsider the papers read before them, and select out of them such as. they should judge most proper for publication in the future Transactions; which was accordingly done upon the 26th of March, 1752. And the grounds of their choice are, and will continue to be, the importance and singularity of the subjects, or the advantageous manner of treating them ; without pretending to answer for the certainty of the facts, or propriety of the reasonings contained in the several papers so published, which must still rest on the credit or judgment of their respective authors. It is likewise necessary on this occasion to remark, that it is an established rule of the Society, to which they will always adhere, never to give their opinion, as a Body, [ iv ] upon a subject, either of Nature or Art, that comes before them. And therefore the thanks, which are frequently proposed from the Chair, to be given to the authors of such papers as are read at their accustomed meetings, or to the persons through whose hands they received them, are to be considered in no other light than as a matter of civility, in return for the respect shown to the Society by those communications. The like also is to be said with regard to the several projects, inventions, and curiosities of various kinds, which are often exhibited to the Society; the authors whereof, or those who exhibit them, frequently take the liberty to report, and even to certify in the public newspapers, that they have met with the highest applause and approbation. And therefore it is hoped that no regard will hereafter be paid to such reports and public notices; which in some instances have been too lightly credited, to the dishonour of the Society. List of Public Institutions and Individuals entitled to receive a Copy of the Philosophical Tram of each year, on making application for the same directly or through their respective agents, five years of the date of publication. Observatories. Oxford.................... Ashmolean Society. Radcliffe Library. Armagh. Kew. Swansea............ Royal Institution. Cape of Good Hope. Liverpool. Sydney .................Royal Society of New South Wales Dublin. Madras. University Library. Edinburgh. Oxford (Radcliffe). Wellington............ New Zealand Institute. Greenwich. Woolwich ....... Royal Artillery Library. America {South). Institutions. Buenos Ayres.........Museo Publico. Birmingham ..........Free Central Library. Austria, Calcutta.................Asiatic Society. Briinn.................... Naturforschender Verein. Geological Museum. Gratz .....................Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur £ Cambridge ....... Philosophical Society. Hermannstadt .... Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur die Nr Cape Town............. South African Library. schaften. Cooper’s H ill......... Engineering College. Innsbruck ............. Das Ferdinandeum. Dublin .................Royal Dublin Society. Klausenburg......... Az Erdelyi Muzeum—Das siebe Royal Irish Academy. Museum. Edinburgh.............Royal Society. Prague .................Konigliche bohmische Gesellschaft d Liverpool ............. Free Public Library. schaften. London .................Admiralty Library. Vienna.....................Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenscl Chemical Society. K. K. Geographische Gesellschaft. Entomological Society. K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt. Geological Society. Geological Survey of Great Britain. Belgium. Guildhall Library. Brussels.................Academic Royale de Medecine. Institution of Civil Engineers. Academic Royale des Sciences. Institution of Naval Architects. Musee Royal d’Histoire Naturelle dc Linn can Society. Liege ....................Societe des Sciences. ’ London Institution. Louvain ................L’Universite. Royal Asiatic Society. Denmarh. Royal Astronomical Society. Copenhagen ......... Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes £ Royal College of Physicians. Finland. Royal College of Surgeons. Helsingfors............. Societe des Sciences. Royal Engineers. Head Quarters Library. Royal Geographical Society. France. Royal Horticultural Society. Lyons..................... Academic des Sciences, Belles-Lettri Royal Institute of British Architects. Montpellier..............Academic des Sciences et Lettres. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Faculte de Medecine. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. Paris ................... Academic des Sciences de l’lnstitut. Royal Society of Literature. Depot de la Marine. Royal United Service Institution. Ecole des Mines. Society of Antiquaries. Ecole Normale Superieure. Society of Arts. Ecole Polytechnique. The Queen’s Library. Faculte des Sciences de la Sorbonne, The Treasury Library. Jardin des Plantes. The War Office. L’Observatoire. Zoological Society. Societe d’Encouragement pour 1’ M alta.................... Public Library. Nationale. Manchester ............. Literary and Philosophical Society. Societe de Geographic. Melbourne.............University Library. Societe Entomologique. Montreal.................McGill College. Societe Geologique. Ottawa.................. Geological Survey of Canada. Toulouse .................Academic des Sciences. Germany. Netherlands. Amsterdam............ Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Die Sternwarte. Haarlem................Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Konigliche Akademie der Wissensehaften. Rotterdam............ Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervinde- Physikalische Gesellschaft. lijke Wijsbegeerte. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Portugal. Senclcenbergische naturforschende Gesell­ Coimbra................Universidade. schaft. Lisbon....................Academia Real das Sciencias. Grossherzogliche Universitat. Russia. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Kazan....................Imperatorsky Kazansky Universitet. Kaiserliche Leopoldino-Carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. Moscow .................Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes. Naturwissenschaftlicher Yerein. Le Musee Public. Universitat. Pulkowa.................N icolai-Haupt- Sternwarte. Medicinisch - N aturwissenscliaf tliche Gesell­ St. Petersburg .... Academic Imperiale des Sciences. schaft. Comite Geologique. Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. L’Observatoire Physique Central. Sternwarte. Spain. Universitat. Cadiz .................... Observatorio do S. Fernando. Konigliche physikalisch - okonomische Gesell­ Madrid ....... .. Real Academia de Ciencias. schaft. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Sweden and Nortvay. Konigliche Siichsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Bergen....................Bergenske Museum. schaften. Christiania............ Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet. Konigliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissen- Gottenburg.............Kongl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samkalle. schaften. Lund .................... Universitet. Konigliche theologische und philosopln'sche Stockholm.............Kongliga Svenska Yetenskaps-Akademie. Akademie. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Universitat. Trondhjem............ Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab. Physikalisch-medicinische Gesellschaft. Upsala....................Universitet. Switzerland. Hungary. Bern ....................Allg. Schweizerische Gesellschaft. A Magyar Tudos Tarsasag—Die Ungarische Geneva ................ Societe de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Institut National Genevois. Zurich.................... Das Schweizerische Polyteehnikum. Italy. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto. United States. Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali. Albany ................. New York State Library. Reale Museo di Fisica. Baltimore .............Johns Hopkins University. , Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere Boston.................... American Academy of Sciences. ed Arti. Boston Society of Natural History. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Cambridge ............ Harvard University. Societa Reale, Accademia delle Scienze. Chicago............... Academy of Sciences. Zoologische Station (Dr. Dokrn). New Haven (Conn.) The Editors of the American Journal. Consiglio di Perfyzionamento (Societa di Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Scienze Naturali ed Economiche). Philadelphia
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