
BINE ATI VENIT WELCOME WILLKOMMEN VALEA LUPULUI PENSIUNE & RESTAURANT NE BUCURĂM SĂ VĂ AVEM CA OASPETE! Emil Romanescu -­­ bucătar șef și echipa sa urmăresc să vă mulțumească cu specialitățile și preparatele de sezon. Cu multă dragoste, preparăm delicatese din produse de înaltă calitate. Casa noastră s-­­a deschis în iulie 2013, fiind prima pensiune prevăzută cu restaurant din regiunea Valea Lupului. Aceasta este concepută ca o casă modernă, unde oamenii, departe de casă, se pot simți, totuși , acasă. Suntem încrezători că vă va plăcea ambianța interioară și că veți fi mulțumiți de serviciile pe care vi le oferim. IT’S GREAT TO HAVE YOU HERE AS OUR GUEST! Emil Romanesu, chef of the kitchen and his team are looking forward to delighting you with traditional specialities and seasonal creations. With our high-­­class primary products purchased from the neighbouring farmers we take pride in creating delicacies for our guests. Our guesthouse opened in June 2013. As a leading Pensiune & Restaurant in the area we would like to present our house as a hospitable place for social gatherings. We hope you will enjoy our dishes as well as your stay in our modern accomodations surrounded by wonderful nature. SCHÖN, SIE ALS GAST BEI UNS ZU HABEN! Küchenchef Emil Romanescu und sein Team freuen sich, Sie mit einheimischen Spezialitäten und saisonal inspirierten Kreationen zu verwöhnen. Aus hochwertigen, bei den Bauern in der Nachbarschaft gekauften Grundprodukten entstehen mit viel Liebe Delikatessen für unsere Gäste. Unser Haus blickt auf eine junge Vergangenheit zurück. Als führende Pensiune & Restaurant in der Region trägt der Betrieb seit 2013 den Namen Valea Lupului und präsentiert sich heute als moderner Ort des geselligen Zusammenseins. Wir hoffen, dass Sie sich in unseren neu gestalteten Räumlichkeiten wohl fühlen und nebst der wunderschönen Natur ringsum auch unsere Küche und den Service geniessen werden. APERITIV & GUSTARE APPETIZER & SNACKS VORSPEISEN & SNACKS LEI GUSTARI RECI COLD SNACK / KALTE SNAKS CASCAVAL (Plate with Cascaval cheese / Plättchen mit Cascaval- Käse ) 100 g 5.00 MUSCHI FILE (Plate with roast fillet of pork / Plättchen mit Schweinsfiletbraten) 100 g 7.00 SALAM USCAT (Plate with Salami / Plättchen mit Salami ) 100 g 7.00 TELEMEA MIXTA (mixed cheeseplate / gemischte Käseplatte ) 100 g 4.00 GUSTARI CALDE WARM SNACK / WARME SNACKS LEI OMLETA SIMPLA (simple omelette / einfaches Omelett) 4.00 OMLETA TARANEASCA (country style omelette / Omelett ländliche Art) 6.00 OUA OCHIURI (fried eggs / Spiegeleier) 4.00 CASCAVAL PANE (grilled cheese / gegrillter Käse) 100 g 10.00 FICATEI DE PASARE (chicken liver / Poulet-Leber) 100 g 7.00 CARNATI DE PLESCOI (sausage / Wurst) 100 g 7.00 CIORBE SOUP SUPPEN LEI CIORBA DE LEGUME ( vegetable soup / Gemüsesuppe ) 350 g 6.00 CIORBA DE BURTA ( traditional tripe soup with sour cream / traditionelle Kuttelsuppe mit Sauerrahm ) 300 g / 50 g 9.00 CIORBA DE VACUTA ( bouillon with beef / Bouillon mit Rindfleisch ) 300 g / 50 g 8.00 MENIURI MAIN DISHES / HAUPTGERICHTE LEI CARTOFI NATUR CU SNITEL (boiled potatoes with pork or chicken / Salzkartoffeln mit Schweins– oder Huehnchen-Schnitzel) 200g / 100g 13.00 MAMALIGUTA CU BRANZA SI SMANTANA (traditional polenta with fresh cheese and sourcream / traditionelle Polenta mit Frisch–Kaese und Sauerrahm) 12.00 CARTOFI PRAJITI CU COTLET SAU CEAFA LA GRATAR (french fries with grilled pork chop or pork steak / Pommes frites mit gegrilltem Schweinskotelett oder Schweinssteak) 200 g /200 g 15.00 CARTOFI PRAJITI CU PIEPT/PULPA DEZOSATA DE PUI LA GRATAR (french fries with grilled chicken ( without bones ) / Pommes frites mit gegrilltem Huenchen ( ohne Knochen ) 200 g / 200g 15.00 SNITEL DE SOIA CU PIURE DE CARTOFI SI SOS (Soyaschnitzel with mashed potatoes and gravy / Soja- Schnitzel mit Kartoffelpüree und Tomatensauce) 200 g /100 g 13.00 COSTITA AFUMATA ( smoked rib of pork / geraeucherte Rippchen ) 250 g 25.00 MAMALIGUTA CU TOCHITURA TARANEASCA ( Pork, sausage, polenta, fried egg / Schweinefleisch, Polenta, Spiegelei, Wuerstchen ) 60g / 280g / 200g 18.00 SARMALUTE CU MAMALIGUTA (stuffed cabbage roulade with polenta / Kohlroulade mit Polenta ) 350g / 200g 14.00 SPAGHETE CU SOS BOLOGNEZ (spagetti bolognese / Spagetti Bolognese) 300g / 50g 18.00 SPAGHETE CARBONARA (spagetti carbonara / Spagetti Carbonara) 300g / 50g 18.00 SPAGHETE POMODORaO (spagetti pomodoro / Spagetti Pomodoro) 300g / 50g 16.00 GHIVECI DE LEGUME (vegetables stew / Gemüse-Eintopf) 400g 10.00 PASTRAMA DE OAIE (spicey smoked lamb / geraeuchertes wuerziges Schaf–Fleisch) 200 g 20.00 MITITEI (buc) (grilled dumpling with pork– and veal meat / grillierte Kloesse aus Schweine– und Kalbsfleisch) 80g 3.00 PESTE PASTRAV (trout / Forelle) 100g Cu mamaliguta (with polenta / mit Polenta) 10.00 Cu cartofi natur (with boiled potatoes / mit 4.00 Salzkartoffeln) 4.00 Cu mujdei (with carlic sauce / mit Knoblauch–Sauce) 2.00 PAINE (bread / Brot) 1.00 SMANTANA (sour cream / Sauerrahm) 2.00 RECOMAND CHEF'S RECOMMENDATION EMPFEHLUNG DES HAUSES RÖSTI ELVETIA (Swiss style Rösti with cheese and frieg egg / Älplerrösti mit Käse und Spiegelei) 12.00 SALATE SALADS / SALATE LEI SALATA DE ROSII, CASTRAVETI SI CEAPA (tomatoes, cucumbers and onions / Tomaten, Gurken und Zwiebeln) 200g 5.00 SALATA DE VARZA CRUDA / MURATA ( pickled cabbage / Eingelegter Kohlsalat) 200g 3.00 SALATA DE MURATURI ASORTATE (pickled green tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower and cucumbers / eingelegte gruene Tomaten, Karotten, Blumenkohl und Gurken ) 200g 5.00 SALATA DE CASTRAVETI SI GOGOSARI (pickled cucumbers and pepperoni / Essiggurken und Essigpeperoni ) 200g 5.00 SALATA BULGAREASCA (green salad, egg, tomatoes, croutons and rolled ham / Grüner Salat, Eier, Tomaten, Croutons und Rollschinken ) 400g 15.00 DESERT DESERT / DESSERT LEI CLATITE ( pancakes / Pfannkuchen) 6.00 PAPANAS ( doughnut with sourcream / Quarkkloesse mit Sauerrahm) 6.00 SALATA DE FRUCTE ( fresh fruit salad / frischer Fruchtsalat) 6.00 INGHETATA ( mixed Ice-Cream / Eis-Variationen) 6.00 CAFEA COFFEE / KAFFEE LEI ESPRESSO 4.00 ESPRESSO DOPPIO (double Espresso / doppelter Expresso) 6.00 CAFELATE (cafelatte / Milchkaffee) 5.00 CAPPUCCINO 6.00 CIOCOLATA CALDA (hot chocolate / heisse Schokolade) 6.00 CEAI (tea / Tee) 3.00 MIERE ( honey / Honig) 2.00 LAMAIE (lemon / Zitrone) 2.00 BAUTURI ALCOHOLIC DRINKS ALKOHOLISCHE GETRÄNKE LEI VOTKA FINLANDIA (Finlandia vodka / Finlandia Wodka) 50ml 7.00 VOTKA STALINSKAYA (Stalinskaya vodka / Stalinskaya Wodka) 50ml 7.00 WHISKY 50ml 10.00 GARRONE / ANGELLI (Cognac) 50ml 6.00 ALEXANDRION (Cognac) 50ml 6.00 VINARS JIDVEI 50ml 10.00 CIUCAS (beer / Bier) 0,5l 4.00 PERONI (beer / Bier) 0,5l 7.00 TIMISOREANA (beer / Bier) 0,5l 5.00 URSUS PREMIUM (beer / Bier) 0,5l 5.00 URSUS FARA ALCOOL (beer / Bier) 0,5l 5.00 URSUS COOLER (beer / Bier) 0,5l 6.00 GROLSCH (beer / Bier) 0,5l 6.00 VINURI WINE / WEIN VIN ALB / White Wine / Weißweine LEI Budureasca Feteasca Regala demise Galben auriu, cu arome de piersici coapte si note florale, gust echilibrat de pere si piersici. Golden yellow, with ripe peaches aromas and floral notes of pear and peaches 75cl 35.00 Budureasca Sauvignon Blanc demisec Culoare galben verzuie cu arome de soc și fructul pasiunii cu gust plăcut de fructul pasiunii și cu un final lung și plăcut. Greenish yellow color with aromas of elder flower and passion fruit and a long and pleasant finish 75cl 35.00 Budureasca Fume demise Cupaj alb demisec creat din struguri de Pinot Grigio (33%), Riesling (33%) si sauvignon Blanc (34%). Culoare galben pal, cu arome mixte de flori si vanilie la nas, un gust fructuos, catifelat si un postgust ce aduce o senzatie usoara si placuta de dulce Semi-dry white blend of Pinot Grigio (33%), Riesling (33%) and Sauvignon Blanc (34%). Pale yellow with mixed scents of flowers and vanilla nose, fruity and velvety taste and an aftertaste that brings an easy and pleasant sweet sensation 75cl 35.00 Sarba Crama Girboiu Un vin usor de vara cu arome proaspete de flori de cires si piersici coapte . An easy summer wine with fresh flavours of cherry blossoms and ripe peaches 75cl 35.00 Budureasca Tamaioasa Romaneasca Premium sec Culoare galben verzui, arome complexe de iasomie și aromele sale completate cu nuanțe de lămâie verde, conferă vinului un final curat, vioi, flori de soc, cu note de miere. Greenish yellow color, complex aromas of jasmine and elder flowers, with notes of honey. A balanced wine. The aromas, complemented by shades of lime. 75cl 55.00 Solo Quinta 2015 Cramele Recas Cinci soiuri armonizate intr-un singur vin dedicat celor mai rafinate si exigente gusturi . Five varieties harmonized into a single wine dedicated to the most refined and demanding tastes. 75cl 92.00 VIN ROSE / Rose wine / Rosé LEI Budureasca Rose Demisec Un vin de culoare roz-inchis, cu note de fructe de vara, bine echilibrat cu arome puternice de capsuni si o aciditate buna, curata. A dark pink wine, with notes of summer fruits, well balanced with strong aromas of strawberries and a good acidity, clean. 75cl 35.00 Budureasca Busuioaca de Bohotin demidulce Vin de culoare rose pal cu aroma de zmeură și un gust plăcut de căpșuni, cu o bună aciditate, proaspătă, ce îi oferă un final lung. Pale pink with a pleasant flavor of raspberry and strawberry, with good and fresh acidity, which gives a long finish 75cl 35.00 Vin ROSU / Red wine / Rotwein LEI Budureasca Feteasca Neagra demise Culoare rosu rubiniu cu usoare reflexii violet, arome puternice de mure si coacaze dublate de note usoare de piper negru. Light ruby red color with purple reflections, powerful aromas of blackberry and currant backed by light notes of black pepper 75cl 35.00 Budureasca Cabernet Sauvignon sec Culoare rosu cu tente violet, arome complexe de fructe de padure, insotite de o usoara nota de lemn de stejar. Un vin corpolent, cu o structura complexa si o buna integrare a lemnului de stejar Red color with purple hues, complex flavors of berries, accompanied by a slight touch of oak. A full bodied wine with a complex structure and a good integration of oak wood 75cl 35.00 Feteasca Neagra Comoara Pivnitei demisec Culoare rosu cu tente violet, arome complexe de fructe de padure, insotite de o usoara nota de lemn de stejar.
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