.. •. " >'TODAY: SA GOVT AND APLA FIND GOMMON,GROUND > NAM SHO.RT ON DROUGHT AID> • • Inc.) Tuesday November 2 1993 Missing boys found Austrian wins court case in shallow graves legal COSIS. drawn. TOMMINNEY According to Gerhard Informed of the resuil THE BODIES oft... you... boY' noon aad the boj. wel'* never seen . van Wyk of lawyers PF of the court case and were fouad buried la _parate aUveapJa. AUSTRiAN photogra­ tions which he denied. Koep & Co, Schmidt's asked for comment, Min­ shallow graves on Suoday. The The PoIke launched. _y pher Edwin Schmidt yes­ Yesterday Schmidl's affidavit 10 court sug­ istry of Home Affairs graves COlltaloJna: the bodies of seardI on October 16 "bleb proved terd ay won a stunning lawyer reached a humili­ gested theMinistry acted s p ok e s p e r s o n the boys, aged 10 and 11, were frul_ High Court settlement ating settlement with the "ultra vires" in with­ Nkurumah Mushelenga discovered on Farm Oftdehaka The rather of the two dlUdren against the Ministry of Government attorney drawing the residence said "that's democracy" . Rur OmJtara. IoIdPolkeonSundaytbatlllebody Home Affairs and has which was ratified in pennit they had issued Schmidt would not penniss ion to stay in court. A lelter from the Police named the deteased at of one: orlhe boy, bad been tound which explicitly allowed speak personall y to press Cbrl. Nobobeb and Lazarus burled in. shallow crave uoder a Namibia until the end of Ministry tellingSchmidt him 10 conduct business bUI Vickson Hangula, NobobebbothfromFarmM1r1no. 1_ ...... The Poll« rOWld Ill, th is month. to leave "voluntarily" by inNamibiauntilNovem­ managing director of his The two boy. wmt mJalng on body oftbe second boy buried 100 This seems to end a last Friday was set aside. ber 30 and in tell ing him Namibia Association of Ottober 25 ",bile they _re look· metres away. PoI.k:e bave DOt yet saga in which Ministry the Government is to leave. Vienna modelling In&aftergoats. Tbegoatsreturned established how tbe two cbUdren officials tried to force barred from prosecuting The pennil was re­ agency. said Schmidt borne by themselves Jn the after- were killed. Schmidt to leave after Schmidt and it must also stored and the Ministry ' s lewd television allega- pay NS500 towards his warnings were with- cont. on page 2 Locust plague feared. Caprivi already infested should no preventative methods be taken". STAFF REPORTER The Bulletin advises that the Government ensure il has enough stocks of Sumithion, an anli-Iocust THERE ARE rears that • plague orJocusts spray. ';to prevent a potential locust infestation from could ravage Namibia'scrops lhisyear. The becoming an epidemic". grasslands ofth e Caprivl region have already The first locust outbreaks in the Caprivi were become infested with the creatures which reported in late August when the Government dis­ are infamous for consuming all vegetation patched twO learn s from Namibia's Pest Control in their path. Unit to deal with the swarms of hoppers. The Government 's latest Crop and Food Security However. by mid-September 533 hectares of bulletin repons that locust infestation in the Caprivi grassland were infested of which 262 ha wcre has reached "alarming" proportions, with areas sprayed. Now the bullelin stales "almost the entire near to the Bostwanan border being wor.;t affected. Caprivi region is infested". Ironically the promising signs of good rainfall Pest Control teams fro m the Ministry of Agricul­ across Namibia may also encourage the locusts to ture are doing everything they can to control the lravel further south hitting communal areas and "'1ocuSt infestation. according to the Bulletin. Namibia's commercial crop-producing heanlands. Farmers in the eastern pan of Caprivi have al­ The outbreak of the African M igratory Locust in the ready SlaJ'ted planting maize, while others in the Caprivi followed good rains. region are now preparing their fields. The bulletin warns that the "damage caused by The locuslS pose a serious threat 10 crop produc­ locusts will be immeasurable and the fi nancial tion in the region unless controlled soon, the Bul le­ be enonnous tin warns. OSTRICH MEN ••. Aroab rarmer Johannes A venant (right) and his foreman Hennle van der Merwe OeR) seen leaving the High Court N$13m fish factory planned yesterday. T he two were in court to face charges related to illegall y .Importing 350 ostriches. See report, 2 ards In order to export there. TOMMINNEY Tht company Ilims lO start by employing 170 - 180 tac:tory workers and to buUd towards pro­ A NEW N$13 mJI.Uoo ftsb processIng factory It to due-lion otpr~ Mke and other white fisb or beadckdtotheHnt..upontheWalrisBayseafront, J6 metrk tonnes a day at fuU capacity working accordlDc to pIaDI recently passed by the town round tbe dock. council. Oryx FlsberIef MY' It could start work Thls MptndsoD bow much dsh It avallabJt; tor early III January on a joint venture jeUy aod catehlogbutattuUproductionthtcompanycould ractory and an could be finished by AUJusl have 560 _ 600 worktra. • 1bt empty sile 1$ known u the ''old slipway" The procesaina plant Is a Joint venture and and b ned to Etosha F'fsberies and a tanker berth French and Italian fish experts wlU be working 011 land owned by the SA RaUways and Harbour there to make !lure the product lults their mar_ Board wbkh in days past WIL'i used to lauoch kets, adds Namascb. The filih will be fi]leUoo, , Ufeboal!l. heoded.and-gutttd or otherwise processed as tbe Beuuse it is so close to town and the commer- buyers waDt. dol harbour, tbe council is set to insist on .striCl Three wetfish boats hove been identJRed to be pollution a nd other controls but Manfnd • brought from Poland when the ractury Is rCQdy NaDloIlStb of Oryx says In any case the factory ror them. Oryx currentl y operates a freezer must meet strong EUl'Qpun Community stand· trawler ror Itselrand . 2 Tuesday November 2 1993 THE NAMIB!A/'l • Swabou denies no home Suspects deny illegally loans for Rehoboth importing 352 ostriches continue giving loans to people CHRIS NDIVANGA , , from Rehoboth because of che ostriches 10 the farm Kotzetal as mentioncd in the SWABOU basdenied thall' ~ blgher rUk caused ,by Ibe p6l1ti- . CH~ I STOF MALETS KY first four counts. stopped approving home loans I caI situation in ~. • • However, Av enant. through his lawyer, admittcd to residents of Rehoboth. M~ral5'o5aidtbatappro" i · A WELL-.KNbWNAroabfarmer,Johanoes ' having crossed lhe border and brought in 150 os­ A spokesperson told The mately30busJriessmenandfum- Pieter Avenant (43), and his South African triches but added that ·'it was legal". NamlbiantbatthebuildlDgtocl- en at Rehoboth had decided to fo reman yesterday denied any guilt on On the last count of illegall y im porti ng 48 os­ ely was taking a \'ery conserva- ,me a court case agablst Kaptein charges of illegally importing more than 350 triches at lhe fann Witpan, both men said they had live position on borne loans in HansOlergaaardtbetoreFriday. ostriches from Soutb Africa. crossed the border but said it had been justifiable. the Rehoboth area because of The statement said tbe town Avenanl. owner of the farms Kotzelai and They then challenged the State 10 prove their tbe higb lncidence of arrears In wasstngnatingeconomicallyand Witbank, and his foreman Henn ie van der Merwe guilt. accounts there. It bad ootbingto there was a Deed for an opposi· (25) are appearing in the High Court accused of A South African police officer, Frcderick do with the unsettled political lion movement, Charges will re- contravening various acts, including the Livestock Christiaan Steyn, who works on the illegal export­ sltuatioDioReboboth,beaddecl, neet their disapproval ot the [mprovement Act, the Nature Conservation Ordi- ing of ostriches from Upington. told the court that name ' Keboboth Basters nance, the Customs and Excise Act, the Animal on June 30 he had received a report that he should He explaioed. that because of Gemeente' wbicb was felt to re- 0'IseaseS and Parasites Act, the Departure from goto the junctionofUpington, Nakob and Gcmsbok tbe economic situation,. "people fleet badly 00 the community. Umo' n Regu Iat'l on Act , lit e Ad m"iSSion s 0 f Person s Park. were battUng to pay their ac· into Namibia Ac t and the Stock Theft Act. About three hours after arriving there, he saw a couots", Diergaardt is also acaased oC h is alleged that between June and July th is ycar, truck with a tra ilor transporting ostriches going in OnFridayDimJtrioMetzler,. beio& in opposition to parts of on six occasions, they illegall y imported 352 os- the direction ofOlifantshock. Rehoboth businessman issued.. tbe constitution and being R<o triches and that on fi ve occasions the osuiches were Steyn said he had followcd thc truck, driven by a press statement in wbleb he saki aponsfble tor SClrinl away In- transported in a truck from the fann Biesiepoort in certain Willem van Wyk, th rough the night. The tbat Swabou has cledded to dis- vestors who could provide Jobs. South Africa to Kotzetal. ne xt morning the ostriches had been offloaded at the farm Biesiepoort allegedly owned by Avenant'S On four occasions the ostriches were allegedly r~;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~~~~~~~~ driven locampson the farm and on one occasion 42 brother, Willem. ostriches were allegedly brought into Namibia dur­ Steynsaid that on July 13 he had received another ing the night and offioaded at the fann Masbieker. report saying he should go to farm Obobogorob. On Up to 48 ostriches were allegedly dri ven from the arrival he had seen from the tracks that a truck had come from the direction of Nuniput and that it had The Private Sector foundation, farmObobogorobinSouth Africa tothefarm Witpin and were transported and offioaded at Masbieker stopped at a certain point where there had been in cooperation with UNIFEM (the UnKed Nations Fund tor during the night many osuich tracks.
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