THE BREEZE ALUMNAE VOL. VHI HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA, MAY 16, 1931 NUMBER 28 # Woodrow Wilson Hall NATIONAL NEWS Crooks and Spalding DEFEND ARMY PLANS FOR AIR Dedicatory Rite Held EVOLUTIONS Delight Large Audience <&- DR. DODD DELIVERS EULOGY WASHINGTON, Senator Hiram GIVE VARIED PROGRAM Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Bingham, Republican, of Connecticut, May Day Festival and Lieutenant Alfrod J. Williams, The joint recital given by Albert Completing the quadrangle and former naval racing pilot, today went Attends Dedication Draws Large Crowd Spalding, violinist and Richard proving the culmination and goal to- to the support of the Army , Air ward which the entire Harrisonburg Crooks, tenor, in Wilson Hall, Friday Corps, following publication of a OTHER NOTABLES HERE GRACE KERR—QUEEN evening at 8:30 made a fitting close to Teachers College has labored since story that the mass aerial manoeu- its founding, Woodrow Wilson Hall the dedicatory services of Woodrow vers between May 19-30 would cost was dedicated May IB, 1931. Built of Mrs. Edith Boiling Wilson, widow Wilson Hall, (the new administration the government $3,000,000. Both said Blasts of trumphets anouncing the of the War President, was the guest building of the State Teachers Col- native bluestone and with rising the purpose of aviation is defense of approach of the unknown Queen and white columns, this magnificent edi- of honor of the Harrisonburg State lege at Harrisonburg, Va.) the country and that sufficient train- her court broke the suspense of the fic proves a fitting tribute to the Teachers College here on Friday when ing methods are essential. audience attending the May Day Fes- The musicians, world known, for memory of Woodrow Wilson—fore- Woodrow Wilson Hall was dedicated The Air Corps has a definite ap- tival on the lawn of Hill Crest yes- the brilliance and attractiveness of most statesman of his time, promin- to the memory of her distinguished propriation for fuel, ft was explain- terday afternoon. Following the two their individual work, combined in an ent educator, and Southern gentleman. husband. ed, and all pilots are required to put trumpeters, Anne Salmond and unsurpassed musical recital. The pro- From this building may be viewed ? Mrs. Wil on a native of Wythville, in certain cross-country time as train- Louise Neal, the crown bearer, Grace gram, offering a wide variety of com- Staunton, the birthplace of him for Va., arrived here yesterday in time ing. Whether this training is obtain- Ferrebee, approached the thrown. positions! which apjpealed especially whom Wilson Hall is named. to join the procession of Governors, ed in mass formation or in routine Down a petal bestrewn path the to the audience, consisted of: "Woodrow Wilson sought not to fill educators, college dignitaries, faculty flights, the same amount of fuel would beautiful court, all in gowns of pink I the minds of men with a greater var- and student body of the college. be consumed. In addition the War De- satin and carrying pink roses, con- Preludio and Siciliano, Veracini iety of learning but to aid them in After being introduced by Hon. E. partment will be enabled in the ma- ducted the Queen to her throne. The Minuet in D, Mozart putting to the best use the minds they Lee Trinkle amid cheers from the au- noeuvers to work out problems of princesses of the Court were: Mary Rondo Brillante Weber already porsessed," stated Dr. Wil- dience Mrs. Wilson acknowledged the field maintenance, the command of Cloe, Virginia Thomas, Virginia Mr. Spalding liam E. Dodd, Professor of American honor done her by her charming large air units and the operation of Stark, Harriet Ullrich, Guy Nell Mar- II History in the University of Chica- smile. an air division. tin, Delphine Hurst, Frances Rolston, Adelaide ~^, Beethoven go, in the dedicatory address on Numbers of other distinguished Harriet Pierson, Dorothy Harley, Aria: O wie angstlich, O wie feurig "Woodrow Wilson and Education in Margaret Beck, Virginia Hallett, and Mozart men and women of Virginia and other WORLD TRADE PLEA HEARD BY the United States" delivered in the Evelyn Sykes. (from "Die Entfuhrung aus dem states were present at the dedication ROTARIANS auditorium of Woodrow Wilson Hall. service. Colleges of aMryland, Vir- «*4 Robed in pale blue satin and carry- Serial") Dr. Dodd further elaborated on this ginia, West Virginia,, Illinois! and ing pink roses, Mary Watt, Maid of Per Pieta Stradella SYRACUSE, World peace and theme and showed by many examples New York were represented. Many Honor, immediately preceded the Mr. Crooks the strong influence which Woodrow county and city school superintend- friendly trade relations between the Queen. With breathless ecstasy the III Wilson cart over the modern trend ents and heads of educational or- United States and other nations of audience watched Grace Kerr, lovely Andante and Rondo (from "Symph- in education. ganizations also came. the world to combat the growing Queen of the May, wend her way to onic Espagnole") Lalo "menace" of Soviet Russia were ad- "There is no institution today," At the close of the morning service the center of the stage to view the Mr. Spalding vocated today at the closing business stated Dr. Dodd, "which does not fol- representatives from twenty colleges Sacrifice Dance. To hypnotic strains INTERMISSION session of the ninth annual conference low the precepts of Woodrow Wilson congratulated Governor John Gar- the Sacrifice Datncers, Wherrett, rv of the twenty-eight district, Rotary and along the line which he fostered." land Pollard, Ex-Gov. Trinkle and Reade, Bird, Wilson, J. Johnston, and Aria: Le Reve (from "Manon") International. Henderson in swaying gowns of royal The Honorable E. Lee Trinkle, President Samuel P. Duke. These re- Massenet Representative Frederick M. Dav- purple, bore their trays of offerings Chairman of the State Board of Edu- presentatives included: Aria: Questa o quella (from "Rigo- enport of Clinton and Dean Miller of to the alter. cation and former Governor of Vir- Dean Hodges, of William and Mary, letto") Verdi Buffalo, governor of the twenty-sev- Then, following the song of the ginia, presided over the dedicatory Dr. Walter Flick, of Washington and Mr. Crooks enth Rotary district", made the plea. flame by the Glee Clubs, the Fire services and introduced the first Lee, an old Dayton boy; Dr. C. H. V Mr. Davenport decared for "no can- Dancers bearing torches and flame, speakers, Governor John Garland Pol- Lacey, of Hampden-Sydney; Dr. Wil- Andantino quietoso Cesar Franck cellation of war debts until there is a like scarfs prepared to burn the sac- lard and the Honorable Harry Flood liam R. Smithey, of the Association Burleska Joseph Suk progressive disarmament in all coun- jrifice to the Gods. These dancers Byrd, who presented greetings to the of Colleges; Dr. Noland Canter, of Cortege Lili Boulanger tries of the world along with the | were: Sullivan, M. Warren, Hyde, E.i College from the Commonwealth of Randolph-Macon; Dr. E. B. Jackson, I Palpiti Paganini United States." , Peterson, W. Smith, Kearney, Farin- Virginia and the Shenamdoah Valley. of the University of Richmond; Dr. Mr. Spalding G. G Martin, of Emory and Henry; "If the other nations do not come holt, Dutrow, Duke, Peyton, and VI Dr. Julian A. Burruss, president of Capt. John Paul, of V.M.I.; Prof. R. through the depression safely and re- Burnette. Falling before the altar •Ah, Moon of My Delight (from "In the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and A. Rouabush, of Marshall College, cover their rtability," he said, "the they remained prostrate until the a Persian Garden") Lehmann former president of the aHrrison- W. Va.; President J. S. Bonar, of field of Russian communism might Queen and High Preistess of the Moonlight Elgar burg Teachers College, gave a short West Liberty Teachers College, W. conceivably be greatly extended, and Alter Fire rekindled the flame by Song of Songs address on the contributions which Va.; Dr. Joseph A. Turner, of Hol- therein, rather than in present con- her majic power. Then the dancers Mr. Crooks i the College had made to Virginia. Dr. lins College; President Wilson Jar- ditions in Russia, lies the greatest received their lighted torches and VII Burruss is indeed well qualified to man, of Mary Baldwin College; Dr. peril to the present economic and go- withdrew in various directions carry- Agnus Die Bizet rpeak on such a topic, for as first J. H. Deyerle, of Roanoke College; vernmental system of America. ing fire to the four ends of the earth. Mr. Crook" and Mr. Spaulding president of the college and, in later President Joseph Rosier, of Fairmont, "If Great Britain and Germany are At the beginning May Day was in- •Victor Red Seal Records years, as a loyal friend and benefac- W. Va., Teachers College; President driven to the wall by our exporting troduced by the Night Dancers who Willard Sektberg at the Piano for tor, he has always been closely al- W. H. S. White, of Shepherds State competition, we ourselves may be crept upon the stage with reluctant Mr. Crooks lied with the college and with its in- Teachers College, Shepherdstown, W. driven to wall if communism in Rus- feet wearing garments of mid-night Andre Benoist at the Piano for Mr. terests. Va., President V. L. Phillips, of Shen- sia, Great Britain and Germany blue and carrying a full silver moon. Spalding Dr. Duke, president of the Har- andoah College; President Paul H. should join hands against us." The Night Dancers were ; Wherrett, Steinway Piano risonburg Teachers College, respond- Bowman, of Bridgewater College; Mr. Miller said the object of Rotary Reade, W. Smith, Plank and Carson. ed with a look into the future and a President J.
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