Steeleville buys more property Page 9 Steely case Page 6 Weir Ford moves Serving The Area With Local News Since 1980 Page 10 Perry primary race Page 15 © Copyright 2015, County Journal www.countyjournalnews.com Volume 37 Number 10 32 Pages Your Local News Leader Thursday, March 10, 2016 75¢ Illinois voters will cast Jury says Young’s their ballots next Tuesday death was accident After nine months of in- vestigation, an inquest was It’s primary election time. held Tuesday into the death Testimony The polls open next Tuesday of Joshua Young of Sparta. at 6 a.m. The Illinois Primary Young died during the indicated he put Voters must declare their early morning hours of party affiliation to get a bal- May 31 in Apartment 4 at the gun in his lot unless they want to vote 140 W. Broadway in only for any referendums on Sparta. mouth; family the ballot. After hearing about a half thinks someone There will be spots on the hour of testimony, the jury ballots to nominate a U.S. of six people took more else did it senator, state comptroller, than an hour to come up congressman from the 12th with a decision. They ruled District, state senator, state that Young died due to ac- bre pistol, had been taken representative, county coro- cidental shooting. from the apartment but was ner, circuit clerk, state’s attor- Randolph County Coro- soon found in a vehicle. ney, county commissioner, ner Randy Dudenbostel Kempfer testified that he and two appellate judges. called three witnesses, interviewed those involved In the 20th Judicial Circuit, Sparta police officer An- several times. He said the voters will decide on two cir- drew Dahlem, Sparta As- gun was owned by Sparta cuit judges for St. Clair sistant Police Chief Jeremy resident Anthony Stewart, County. They are for the po- Kempfer and Randolph who had been in the apart- sitions of John Baricevic and Voting for president County Chief Deputy Coro- ment when the shooting Robert Haida. ner Carlos Barbour. took place. Also present Judge Richard Brown, a Next Tuesday, Democrats and Republicans will nomi- Young was pronounced were LeJuan Lanton and Democrat, will run for reten- nate candidates for the November election. dead at the scene at about Isaac Hyte of Sparta. tion in the November election. They will also take care of party business, choosing 2 that morning. He died of Kempfer said Stewart told He is not on the primary bal- presidential delegates to their national conventions a gunshot wound to the him that he had laid his gun lot. this summer. head. on the floor. Young grabbed C.J. Baricevic from St. Clair The Illinois ballots, in one spot, list all of the presi- Dahlem was the first of- it and stuck it in his mouth, County is running for Con- dential candidates. In another spot, it lists delegates ficer on the scene. He said then the gun went off. Stew- gress from the 12th District. and the candidate to whom they are sworn. he took information from art picked up the gun and He has no primary opposition. Which vote—for the candidate or his/her delegates— three men who came to the left the scene. He went to On the state level, Republi- is most important? scene after he arrived. his mother’s house, where cans have a contest for 58th The two parties handle their delegate selection a little Some told him they had he awakened his brother District senator. They are differently in Illinois. been in the apartment and told him what had Paul Schimpf and Sharee Heather Kimmons, legal counsel for the Illinois State when Young was shot. The gun used, a .45 cali- Continued on Page 5______ Continued on Page 5______ Continued on Page 5____ Perry Co. board releases much-anticipated transcript By Travis Lott release only a transcript and ests.” After months of criticism, leave out the names of non- “The contents of that tape the Perry County Board of Comments show board members came from and attributing that line for Commissioners voted to re- animosity between Perry County State’s Attorney line would only give (the lease a transcript of the por- David Stanton, and he ex- highway workers) fuel,” Robb tion of the closed session in workers and plained what led to Stanton’s said. “It’s only going to fos- which the board allegedly vio- request. ter hostilities on their part.” lated the Illinois Open Meet- administration “The relationship between Robb’s letter raised another ings Act by discussing the the highway department question pertaining to the idling of highway department only the transcript. union workers, the engineer OMA. employees in November. The transcript identifies and the board is not good,” He wrote that the elected of- During the previous meet- only board members who Robb said. “If (the union work- ficials in the closed session ing, the board voted to ap- spoke during the closed ses- ers) were high school stu- could have discussed the mat- point Commissioner Sam sion and omits the names of dents, they would be called ter outside the board meeting Robb to prepare the informa- anyone else. bullies. They abuse (Otten) without the requirements out- tion to be released to the However, the question re- and work against the good of lined in the OMA. press. mains of whether or not that the county.” “If the board made an error, However, during the Febru- was proper, considering that Robb wrote in a cover letter it was in not excusing those ary 18 board meeting, the the others who spoke during sent with the transcript that officials to meet elsewhere for Sam Robb commissioners voted on a mo- the closed session are elected omitting the names of those their discussion,” Robb wrote. public business.” tion to release a tape of the officials. who spoke in the meeting is That, however, would, in it- That means any two mem- meeting, not a transcript. “With the exception of an effort to deflect ridicule self, have been in violation of bers of the three-member Since the intent all along (highway department engi- against any nonboard member the OMA. board of commissioners would was to release a transcript of neer) Brian Otten, everyone from the “... mean spirited The act states that a “... meet- be considered a quorum. the closed session, the board in that meeting was an people who have proven time ing means any gathering of Robb later said that the re- voted March 3 to rescind the elected official,” Robb said. and time again that their only a majority of a quorum of the mark in his letter was high- motion to release the actual Robb, who is not seeking re- interest is in promoting them- members of a public body held recording and voted to release election, said that the call to selves and their selfish inter- for the purpose of discussing Continued on Page 5____ Republicans have race to replace Senator Luechtefeld By Dan Zobel that I’ve lobbied,” Langenstein transparent and thoughtful For the first time since 1995, said. “Anyone who will criti- answers to very serious issues the 58th District Senate seat cize me for that, my answer facing the state economic cri- in Illinois will be occupied by is bring it on.” ses.” someone other than Dave She is in favor of reducing Langenstein said that two Luechtefeld. the restrictions on concealed days before she ran for office, Luechtefeld announced last carry and is working toward someone told her there was year that he would retire at adding additional due process already a candidate picked, the end of his current term. protections into the law for and she should stay out of the He was appointed to his posi- persons who have been denied race. tion in 1995, following the concealed carry rights. “I ask you to join me in my resignation of Ralph Dunn. Langenstein is pro-life and rebellion,” Langenstein said. Luechtefeld has not lost since. said she is the only pro-life “I ask you to join with me to That retirement decision candidate running for this preserve southern Illinois val- was made, in part, because in seat. ues for the next generation. 2012, his residence was “Unlike my opponent, who “I ask you to join me in fight- moved out of the 58th Dis- recently made statements to ing for faith, for firearms and trict. If Luechtefeld wanted to the St. Louis Post Dispatch for family. When you vote, run for reelection, he would that pro-lifers need to compro- please vote me as your next have had to go against Repub- Sharee Langenstein Paul Schimpf mise with pro-abortion orga- state senator.” lican Kyle McCarter in the cused on constitutional law, good life. nizations, I will never ever Schimpf grew up in Water- 54th District. especially as a gun rights law- “I’m not looking to make poli- compromise on values core to loo and left for the U.S. Ma- Instead, Luechtefeld chose to yer. tics my career,” Langenstein our party. rine Corps in 1989. He spent retire, ushering in an oppor- Langenstein said she took a said. “I renounce a pension, “I will not compromise on 24 years in the military. tunity for new Republican good part of three days off the and I renounce health care life; I will not compromise on “While I was in the military, candidates, which later took campaign trail to assist in benefits. It’s very important to family, and I will not compro- I was an infantry officer in the the form of Sharee Lang- getting people in the area hot me that I continue on with mise on the second amend- Marine Corps, which means, enstein of Murphysboro and meals who lost their homes to that.
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