REGISTER ONLINE WITH JUST A FEW CLICKS CHOMEDEY 450 6811679 GALERIES LAVAL 450 6821808 VIMONT 450 5752222 www.pilaros.com 3,/$526450.681.6900 Laval’s English Paper, Since 1993 Vol. 25 • No. 20 • October 25, 2017 • Tel.: 450-978-9999 • www.lavalnews.ca • e-mail: [email protected] • 34, 200 copies ELECTIONS COUNTDOWN See pages 4, 8-12 NOVEMBER 5, 2017 Fire Prevention Week was a blast... See page 17 The trusty firefighters on duty at the No. 4 firehall on Principale St. in Sainte-Dorothée are seen here with some admiring Laval residents.firefighters at the LFD’s No. 2 firehall on Souvenir Blvd. in Chomedey. Maxime Rodrigue - Agent officiel du LAVAL ON THE MOVE Mouvement lavallois – Équipe Marc Demers ON NOVEMBER 5, LET’S KEEP Marc Demers THE MOVEMENT GOING! Mayor of Laval Elections will be held in Laval on November 5th of this year. $V\RXU5HWXUQLQJ2IĆFHU,ZLVKWRLQIRUP \RXRI\RXUULJKWV Instructions to electors CAN YOU VOTE ? IDENTIFICATION IS MANDATORY 7REHHQWLWOHGWREHHQWHUHGRQWKHHOHFWRUDOOLVW\RXPXVW 7RYRWH\RXPXVWHVWDEOLVK\RXULGHQWLW\ IDFHXQFRYHUHG E\SUHVHQWLQJRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJGRFXPHQWV ï%H\HDUVRIDJHRURYHURQ1RYHPEHU ïKHDOWKLQVXUDQFHFDUGLVVXHGE\WKH5«JLHGHOèDVVXUDQFHPDODGLH GX4X«EHF And as of September 1, 2017: ïGULYHUèVOLFHQFH RUSUREDWLRQèVOLFHQFH LVVXHGRQSODVWLFIRUP ï%HDSK\VLFDOSHUVRQ E\WKH6RFL«W«GèDVVXUDQFHDXWRPRELOHGX4X«EHF ï%HD&DQDGLDQFLWL]HQ ï&DQDGLDQSDVVSRUW ï1RWEHXQGHUDQ\YRWLQJGLVTXDOLĆFDWLRQSXUVXDQWWRWKH$FWZKHWKHUXQGHU ïFHUWLĆFDWHRI,QGLDQVWDWXV FXUDWRUVKLSRUFRQYLFWHGRIDQRIIHQFHWKDWLVDFRUUXSWHOHFWRUDOSUDFWLFH ï&DQDGLDQ$UPHG)RUFHVLGHQWLĆFDWLRQFDUG And in addition: HOW TO VOTE ? ï)XOĆOORQHRIWKHWZRIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQV 6LPSO\GDUNHQHDFKEDOORWLQWKHFLUFOHFRUUHVSRQGLQJ åEHGRPLFLOHGRQ9LOOHGH/DYDOWHUULWRU\DQGGRPLFLOHGIRUWKHSDVWPRQWKV WRWKHFDQGLGDWHRI\RXUFKRLFHZLWKWKHSHQFLOWKDWLV LQ4X«EHF REOLJDWRU\JLYHQE\WKHGHSXW\UHWXUQLQJRIĆFHU Or åDVRI6HSWHPEHUEHWKHRZQHURUFRRZQHURIDQLPPRYDEOH IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTIES RUWKHRFFXSDQWRUFRRFFXSDQWRIDEXVLQHVVHVWDEOLVKPHQWORFDWHGRQ 7KHVWDIIRIWKHSROOLQJVWDWLRQLVWKHUHWRKHOS\RXDQG 9LOOHGH/DYDOWHUULWRU\ WRIDFLOLWDWHPDWWHUV)RUH[DPSOH ï$VVLVWDQFHLVDYDLODEOHLI\RXDUHXQDEOHWRPDUN\RXUEDOORWSDSHU IS YOUR NAME ENTERED ON THE LIST OF ELECTORS ? ïSHUVRQVZLWKDYLVXDOLPSDLUPHQWFDQYRWHDORQHXVLQJDWHPSODWH 7KH\ZLOOEHLQIRUPHGRIWKHRUGHULQZKLFKWKHQDPHVRIWKH <RXFDQUHFHLYHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQE\FDOOLQJWKHIROORZLQJQXPEHU FDQGLGDWHVDSSHDURQWKHEDOORWSDSHU 927( ïGHDIRUPXWHHOHFWRUVRULQGLYLGXDOVZLWKKHDULQJLPSDLUPHQW PD\EHDFFRPSDQLHGE\DQLQWHUSUHWHU å$WWLPHRIYRWLQJDSHUVRQèVQDPHPXVWEHHQWHUHGRQWKHHOHFWRUDOOLVW WHERE AND WHEN DO YOU VOTE? 6XQGD\1RYHPEHUWKLVJHQHUDOHOHFWLRQGD\ REMINDER 7KHSROOLQJRIĆFHVZLOOEHRSHQIURPDPWRSP<RXZLOOEHLQIRUPHGRIWKH To vote, please don’t forget DGGUHVVRI\RXUSROOLQJVWDWLRQLQWKHPRQWKRI2FWREHUDQRWLFHFDUGZLOOEHVHQW your Identity card and your WR\RXE\PDLORQFRQGLWLRQWR\RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQRQWKHHOHFWRUDOOLVW<RXPD\YRWH voter card. LQDGYDQFH$GYDQFHSROOLQJVWDWLRQVZLOOEHRSHQRQ2FWREHUWKIURPQRRQWR SPDQGZLOOEHLGHQWLĆHGRQWKHEDFNRIWKHQRWLFHFDUG DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ? )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQIHHOIUHHWRFRQWDFW\RXUUHWXUQLQJRIĆFHUE\GLDOLQJ Chantal Sainte-Marie, WKHIROORZLQJQXPEHU 7KH5HWXUQLQJ2IĆFHU • October 25, 2017 450 978-VOTE (8683) [email protected] The Laval News • 2 Quebec allots $1.73 million annually recurring for autism in Laval Government moving forward to shorten long treatment waiting lines MARTIN C. BARRY rehabilitation services. In a bid to improve services for persons in Other planned measures Laval with autism spectrum disorders, Quebec The government also wants to increase the Minister for Rehabilitation, Youth Protection number of families receiving support through and Public Health Lucie Charlebois was in respite services and daycare (700 more families Laval on Oct. 13 to announce the awarding by are expected to be affected). And the govern- the provincial government of a recurring $1.73 ment wants to offer more financial support to million annual subsidy to the CISSS de Laval. community organizations so that they can create According to Charlebois, who made the more space for daycare and respite services. announcement at the Centre de réadapta- In addition, the provincial government tion en déficience de Laval (CRDI) on Cartier wants to see that more coordinators are hired Blvd. with Mille-Îles Liberal MNA Francine to provide support for children with autism Charbonneau who is the Minister Responsible spectrum disorder and their parents. And the for the Region of Laval, the decision to give the government wants to see that measures are subsidy came following a two-day forum on improved to assure persons with autism spec- autism in February 2016 which was attended trum problems become well-integrated into the provincial elected officials. job market after they’ve finished their schooling Forum consultation or have reached the age of 21. “During the forum, parents and other people Charbonneau’s reaction From the left, Sainte-Rose MNA Jean Habel, Mille-Îles MNA and Minister for the Region of affected by autism spectrum problems,” said Laval Francine Charbonneau, Quebec Minister for Rehabilitation, Youth Protection and “This action plan and the investments coming Public Health Lucie Charlebois, CISSS de Laval executive-director Caroline Barbir, Fabre Charlebois. “There were people who were from it show without doubt the willingness of interveners, there were families, there were MNA Monique Sauvé and Laval-des-Rapides MNA Saul Polo are seen here at the Centre our government to respond to the needs of de réadaptation en déficience de Laval (CRDI) on Oct. 13 when Quebec’s new assistance researchers and around 150 people were there. persons with an autism spectrum disorder for autism spectrum disorders in Laval was announced. We were working in workshops and I was listen- along with their families, in conformity with ing carefully.” the preoccupations set down during the forum At the end of the forum, according to organized by my colleague Luce Charlebois,” Charlebois, those who were there voted to said Charbonneau. Clarins Warehouse Sale approve a list of 10 priorities. “From this was The goal, according to Charbonneau, “is to born an action plan, which we tabled last March, put it all into action so that these persons, most and that’s when the amounts in question started notably those from the region of Laval who are to be made available,” she continued. affected by autism spectrum disorder, may be Quebec’s five-year plan able to benefit from the supplementary resour- CLARINS INVITES YOU TO The time line for the action plan, said the ces being made available for their development.” minister, is set over the next five years. One Local MNAs also react ITS WAREHOUSE SALE! of the principal goals by the government, she The Laval region’s other Liberal MNAs issued th acknowledged, will be to shorten waiting lists for Friday, November 10 2017 from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm a group statement expressing their satisfac- Saturday, November 11th 2017 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm autism treatment services across the province. tion with the government’s latest efforts to deal The government plans to spend $29 million effectively with autism spectrum disorder in 815 Desserte Est, Autoroute 13, Laval (QC) H7W 5N4 across the province annually on autism, as well Laval. “We are very pleased that families and as a separate amount $1.25 million each year persons dealing with an autism spectrum disor- for research into autism spectrum disorders. An der will be able to benefit from this action plan,” additional $11 million will be spent during the the MNAs said. first year to help reduce waiting lists for services. “This shows the clear commitment by our According to a press release issued by government to encourage access to care, while Up to Charlebois’s ministry, the government plans reducing waiting lists and supporting persons 50% to increase the number of children less than with an ASD, all for the benefit of the population 5 years old who could benefit from an inten- off of Laval.” or more on the sive behaviour intervention program as well as retail price A leader in the provision of programs and services to the 50 + community is seeking: HOMECARE WORKERS FOR WEST ISLAND AND / OR LAVAL SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: • Provide respite to family caregivers THE COMPLEXION • Accompaniment AUTHORITY • Grocery shopping and meal preparation • Personal care; bathing, dressing, transfers QUALIFICATIONS: October 25, 2017 • • Minimum, completion of high school education Prestigious brands at unbeatable prices! • Homecare certificate or equivalent We reserve the right to limit the quantity of products and the total amount purchased. • Work experience with seniors • English and French; Russian an asset For safety reasons, children under 12 will not be admitted. • Must be willing and able to travel to West Island and/or Laval We reserve the right to close our doors if justified by overcrowding. Backpacks and strollers are not allowed on the premises. The Laval News Interested candidates should submit a written résumé No exchanges and/or refunds. to our Human Resources Department Please bring your re-usable bags. Fax: 514-739-3208 E-mail: [email protected] Interac, Visa and Mastercard accepted. Only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted • 3 Opinion & Editorial Elections and the Anglophone vote s the day approaches for us to go It is also imperative to note that argu- One exception to this trend is the Laval columnist Eleanor Tylbor who through her to the polls to elect a mayor and ably there are more Anglophone taxpayers
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