Tel0ll6239 4316 oiliccttbhpa co uk Paragliding is a form of avialion, with all of the inherent and www.l)lrpa.co.uk FE3 }I P,'L potential dangers that are involved in avialion. No lorm of aviation is without risk, and injuries and death can and do occur in paragliding, even to trained pilots using proper I IIIS; S I I'I)I-N I IRAINING HECORD equipment. No claim is made or implied that all sources ol Ili I I II I'NOPI I]TY OF THE BHPA AND potential danger to the pilot have or can be identitied. No one MI'I;I III IILIAINED BY THE SCHOOL should participate in paraqlidinq who does not recoqnise and wish to personally assume the associated risks. What is this Sludent Training Record? This book derails allthe exercses which make up the lraining programme rhat you are fo owing. Your Instructor and you musl use t lo recod your progress both if the main secliof and n lhe og seclion ai the back. You should also use it to ensure lhat you fuly undersland each new exercise before it is altempled. Your Studenl Training Record wil be relained by your School. I have read, understood and accepted lhe inlormaton above and lhe Powered Paraq ider General lnformalion paqe overleaf. Siqned: !,,r ,'i,l rr,r'! I'ln' 'l 'rlr Lr' l,r,tr] 'r,1 'rrii',li r,1r r'{ ri rrv lrri ,, LlLtr,i 't Student fuaining Recatu ABHPA 2411 POWERED PARAGLIDERS (PPG) GENERAL INFORMATION Leqalities The exercises n Phases 1,2,3,5 and 6 are arianged in sequenliatorder and must be comp eted in ln the UK a powered paraglider ls legally classed g as a ider and is subiect lhal order lhe exceplion beinq Phase 4 which.an be compteled ar anylme betore Phase 5 to ihe same rules and regulalions as allglideG, hang gliders and parag iders. To expand on this statement in more deiail: underthe Air Navigalion Order, For sludents coming lrom paragliding hil or tow, exercises 1 lo 7 ifcusive shou d onty req! re checkinq/relresh nq as ong as lhose students are oi east Paragiding (EP) aircraft ihat meet the sell propelled hang glider (lnc ud ng paraglider) definition al Eemenlary Piol sktt evel a.d show the required levelol ground handtng sk L (reproduced below) are legaly classed as Gliders. 'Sef-propelled hang g del means an aircralt comprising an aeroloilwing and Ensure lhal each seclon is siqned olf belore proqress ng to lhe neft. The tnslrucrorand student a mechanjca propu sion device which: should read 4ch objeclive carerully, and be.erlan lhal ihe exercse has been compteled i.lutt a) is foot launchedi before siqnnq lhal t has been ach eved. b) has a siall speed or min mum sleady flight speeo in the land ng configuralion not exceedingS5 knols calibrated anspeect; Phase 1: c) has a maximum unladen weight, including full iuel, of 70k9. Ground training - unpowered Objeclive: The slldenl should have a basic underslandinc otrhe spon ard rs risks. a basic NB: lf your PPG does not nreet lhe definiiion above then il cannot be egatty underslandi.g ol the equ pmenl and lhe ste envirorment, and undersland how 10 avoid/m n mise operaled as a g ider and falls outside the BHPA PPG scheme. njury as a resull ol 6 m shap The slldeni must also complete the mandalory adm n saaion When flying your PPG you will need 10 comply with all the laws and rules ihal apply to gliders (which is most of lhe ANO excepi ihe need lo have a pitot's lnrroductory - license and the need lo reg ster your aircraft with the CAA). lalk atfield brelingi nrroducton lo canopy and equpmenr parls and runctions ol canopy, harness, helmer;Daly lnspeclons explained. Solo flights only Avoiding/minimising injury - parachute landing lalls (PLFS) exptained, demonslrated and praclsed BHPA 'Powea qualilicalions are lor solo flight on y. The BHPA Flying and Safely to a reasonable degree ol competence and ondersiandinq. Commiltee does nol regard dual PPG ilghls as sulficenlly safe. Therelore no 3. Prejlighr checks - lhe sludenl should be inlroduced lo atllhe BHPA satery check tsts usecl BHPA dual 'powel qualilcalions are avaiabe- To reilerate:as a BHPA'powef during ihe unpowered and powered siages ollraining These a.e: qualified pioi you are not authorised, trained or insLrred to ly wilh passengers. the unpowered pre"fiaht check lisl (WGHHCAT) Your qualificalon is for so o flighi only. the pre'engine slart check ist (FUSTICS) the powered pre flighl check list (WHIPS & MACE), and lhe powered pre land ng check lsl (WUTFIST). BHPA members who hold the BHPA'powef environrnenl are covered by These check sts should be used dLring allrelevanl slages oftrannq and on every llight the masler third party insurance policy This insurance only coverc solo flighi pertormed in accordance with all BHPA ru es and regulalions and at aw The th@ exercis6 above have ben compbred satistadorily DULV lypes apart, none ol lhese complete aircrall carry Cedlicates of Ailworlh ness or other form ol approva, and you fly them enlirely ai your own risk. You should be aware thai wing certilcalion only checks lhe behaviour ol the wing in unpowered Jllghl, and only when llown wilhir lhe placarded welght imils. The add lion ol pow€r lakes you nio uncharied territory, wh si the extra weight of lhe power unli may also iake you oulside ihe recommended weghl irnits of the wing, thus erod nq saleiy marg ns. The engineering of the power un I may be nadequate especially Ior manoeuvring fliqhi with increased load factors. ll is a rule of lhe Associalion that p lois who fly uncetrfied wings are required to compleie the'uncerrified wings declaralion. The "Pitot's Decaration - Unceriified Wings' lorm can be downloaded lrorn the BHPA website or obtajned from lhe BHPA ofii.c Sludent Iraining Becotd @BHPA 2A1 4 Stuclent Itaining Becord @BHPA 2A11 Phase 2: Ground handling unpowered Launch and landing procedures {iii) - OPTIONAL: DLe lo lhe diflicuties oi gerl ng a stldenr, wrh power untt, a rbome by hand ground-based Objective: Ihrough aclv ry the sludentshoutd achieve a reasonabte and conststenl towinq lhrs exercise mav be omilted ai lhe tnslructots disc.erion. levelol compelence al preparing the eqLipmenl lor 1l ghl; inital ng lhe canopv;runnjno wilh t NB: The power is pdo:aairldr urlt worn durng lh s exercise engine rol rurnng. wlils lo l r t o rFcrio-. ilo d"d, otdo ! Fa, rnopy 'r 'q " Take oifs pracliced lo stage oi ilights'across lhe iietd wilh an nlated canopy (ioMard/ imporlance 4, Brieling ol laking olf ard tandtng inlo wind - a rspeed controt- fiare/slat reverse inflal on melhod as approprale to lhe condrtons) canopy inftal on - controt ing d recllor and makng lurns - giide approach from 6m/2oll agt- ftare.t tandng on leel , colapsing lhe canopy posrflghl conlroland movng canopy. 5. Prepararion pulling on the helmel and harness canopy tavout - prejtanr checks. ol lhe Launch and randing procedures (i) 6. Exercise 3 compbred satidacrorily NB: The power unil s rolworn durng lhis exercise. lnslruclor'ssgnature Sludenlssgnarure Take oils practised lo slage oi moving wirh an inilaled canopy (ioeard/reverse ntalion method as appropriate to the condtions) - canopy int alion , ma nla n ng dned on - i are co laps ng the canopy - posl ilght mnlroland movng ol lhe canopy. The th@ exercises above have ben compbred saristuctority Phase 4: The power unit Objective: The slLdent shourd be tu ty tam tiar se.t wirh the power unit. The pilol underlra nng wilga I ar underslanding ot: a) Dangers to sell and others:propellers (crulches), fuet. Phase 3: Unpowered hops b) Kil swilch and englfe stopp ng. cl Procedures in the event ol fire Obiective: The srudenr shoutd combine the skits pracrised on rhe ground in phase 2lo make d) Salely equipmenl: Insr aid kil, tue erl ngL sher, hehel, eye proreclton, ear slralqhl ground-skmmlng lliqhts, qaining lami arily wilh canopy hardlnq and conlrot. delenders. e) ln li9ht dangersrengine failures loose ilems, iire. The unpowered flights below may be compteted using hand pushes, singte person hand rows,lrom a sloper or using a winchi. tl is expecred rhat non paragtidef pitot students wil 10. lntroduclion ro rhe power unir and associated equipmenr spend several days mastering and consotidating rhe ski s acquired through exercises 6 The plot Lnderlraining w llqain a basc underslandifg ol atllhe componenl parts ofrhe motor and 7, which undefpin allpowered paragtiding ftight. unil and the r inler realionships. Pancularemphasis wittre ale to: " Only iflhe lnslrL.lor is hillow qLalilied a) Power Lnt componenl parls 7. Launch and landing procedures (ii) b) Assembly and packnq awav NB TLp oow. u ril \ 1/ orr dJr ri. -var '- c) Salelycages and the mponance ol maintan fg lhem in good cordition 'q d) DaiV nsDeclon of power !nt. Take'otfs praclced 10 slage ol Ilghts acrosslhe tietd with ar nflared.anopy (loMardreverse e) conlrols - iqnition sw tch, throllle(s), choke, sla er mechansm, harn€ss conlrols lrllalon method as approprate lo lhe conctitons) canopv nflation conlro inq d rection and l) Conectly r gg ng the moror to the gt der w rh sajely straps n accordance wirh the mdl o,oFdppod.lrrori6a2or d.ao tar d na -"iopr 'cr'uri\ io or 'cpr otrt.rro rh" manulacturer's recommendallons. - posl-lighl corholand moving ol lhe caropy g) AdjLshents lor ditferenr piols (weighl, thrusl angte). h) Olher eq! pmenl - windsock/slreamers, tools, basic spares (pl!g, pu[ sran sprng), w6ler Exscise 7 compbred salislactority lrapp nA iunnel, fue calchin{t trav.
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