perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id THE LITERATURE PSYCHOLOGY ASPECTS AND CHARACTER EDUCATION VALUES IN DONNY DHIRGANTORO’S NOVEL OF 5 CM AND THE RELATION TO THE LITERATURE LEARNING IN COLLEAGUE Sariyah Astuti, Nugraheni Eko Wardani1, Muhammad Rohmadi2 Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Pascasarjana UNS [email protected] ABSTRACT This research aims to understand and described: (1) of the structure of the text in a novel 5 CM dhirgantoro donny work, (2) the figures based on the theory needs psychological conflict Abraham H. Maslow contained in a novel 5 CM Donny Dhirgantor work, (3) the the value of a character education that is contained in a novel 5 CM Donny Dhirgantoro work, (4) relevance in learning of literature in college. This research is research qualitative descriptive. The approach of research that we use is an approach to psychology literature. A source of data in this research using data wrote the syllabus eleven march university and data spoken through an activity an interview with informan-informan. The technique of the collection of data used is a technique interviews and analysis of documents. The validity of data in this research using triangulation theory and data sources. Engineering analysis of data used in this research is a technique analysis model interactive. `The analysis of the data shows that in this research there are the structure of the text as seen from intrinsic element and ektrinsik, an approach to psychology literature can also use the theory Abraham H. Maslow nor the theories of sigmund freud , the value of character education obtained from the study they could go in relevansion against literary learning in college eleven march university lecture especially literary criticism. Keywords: psychology literature, the value of character education, learning 1 commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id INTRODUCTION called the need to grow (growth The literature appreciation is needs), satisfying this needs is the correct interpretation to the generally more dependent on literature. According to Hirsch (in conditions and the individual Semi, 1988: 56) that only the author’s concerned. intent who gives a true differentiator Donny Dhirgantoro’s novel of standard, offering reasons why the 5 CM was assessed using literature literature interpretation is essential to psychological approach because the be a science or discipline makes the literature psychology approach is an need for the literature learning in the approach that suitable for use in the schools. Therefore, the literature Donny Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 CM, learning is one way to improve because this novel tells about students’ creativity to create works of characterization, the inner flaming, and literature. very close friendship. In this novel the This study was used the author also describes in details of the Maslow’s theory (1970: 41). Maslow characters of each figure and the needs distinguishes the first of three needs was in accordance with the theory of with three further needs. The first of Abraham H. Maslow. three needs (physiological, save, This study aimed to (1) protection and security, as well as love describe and explain the text structure and have-owned) are called basic of the Donny Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 needs, i.e. the needs that arise because CM, (2) describe and explain the of a lack (deficiency needs). The figure’s psychological conflict based fulfillment of these needs was on the Abraham H. Maslow’s theory generally very dependent on the that contained in the Donny conditions and the presence of others. Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 CM, (3) Three need subsequent are self-esteem describe and explain educational and respect of others, self- values embodied in the Donny actualization, and aesthetic needs Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 CM. (4) 2 commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id describe and explain its relevance to elements are the elements that are the literature study in the college. within the literature that directly The novel word comes from establish and build literature, such as the Latin Novellus derived from the themes, characters, setting, plot and novies word which meaning a new. viewpoints and others, while the Novel in the general sense means the extrinsic elements are elements that story in form of prose in a broad are beyond the literature that directly measure that is a story with a complex affect the presence of the literature, plot and theme, a lot of character, and such as factor of social, economic, diverse of stories settings, the novels cultural, social and political, religious reflect and portray reality seen, felt in and community values. Intrinsic a particular form with a particular elements: intrinsic elements are the effect or linked bond with the elements that are within in the achievement of the movements of literature that directly establish and human desires. The main characteristic build a literature itself (Nurgiyantoro, of the novel is the main actor changed 2010: 45). in his fate (Zulfahnur, 1996: 12) Sastra Pratedja (in Literature psychology is Hidayatullah, 2010: 55) stated that the interdisciplinary research model to character education is the development establish the literature has more of values in a person. The root of all dominant position (Ratna, 2004: 349). evil and bad actions, crime actions lies Basically, literature psychology gives in the loss of the character. Strong attention to the discussion on the character is fundamental view that relation to the psychiatric elements of gives the ability to the human fictional figures contained in the population to live together in peace literature. and establish a world filled with In general, the literature was goodness and virtue that is free from built in two elements, namely intrinsic the violence and immoral actions. and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic 3 commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id RESEARCH METHODS RESEARCH RESULT The research object is a Donny 1. Text Structure of Donny Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 CM. This Dhirgantoro’s Novel of 5 CM research is a qualitative descriptive From the research gained used Content Analysis strategy and conclusion that related to the intrinsic this study used literature psychological structure in the form of theme, approaches. Data and data sources is characterization, background/setting, novel, intensive interviews with two plot and viewpoints. informants of literature lecturer that is a. Theme Dr. Suyitno, M.Pd, and Drs. Yant The main theme in the Donny Mujianto, M.Pd., and two common Dhirgantoro’s novel of 5 CM viewed reader informants that is Suci Irawati, from Arial said his love for Indy. S.Pd, and Rahma Agustia, S.Pd., the Here’s an excerpt. written data in the form of documents Batin Arial ricuh untuk mengatakan perasaannya of the syllabus from Sebelas Maret terhadap Indy, kalau emang University. Data collection techniques buat benar-benar udah sayaang susaahh banget bagi in qualitative research in generally can laki-laki untuk mengatakannva. be grouped into two, namely Sumpah gw sayang banget sama wanita ini. (D- interviews and documents or archive 5/N5CM/H.l00-102/2014). analyses (content analysis). The data validity used the triangulation b. Characterizations technique. This study used theory and In the Donny Dhirgantoro’s data sources triangulation (Sutopo, novel of 5 CM, Riani figure is most 2002: 70). This contents analysis pratagonis figure among his friends. technique in this study used the Due Riani is a good woman, gentle interactive analysis model. and caring for others. Author illustrates the Riani’s kindness shown in the following excerpt. 4 commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id Oiya mbak Jumi, tadi aku ada mmandang orang lain selalu roti dari rapat enggak aku lehih hebat dibanding dirinya. makan. Ini buat Mbak aja. Ian kayaknya tahu apa saja Belum di buka kok. Nih ambil yang diinginkan orang lain, aja. Belum aku buka bener! (D- tapi semenjak kenal dengan 2l/N5CM/H.82/2014) sahabat-sahabatnya Ian banyak berubah. (D-14/N5CM /H.37-43/2014) c. Additional Figures Arial’s Mother really liked e. Place Background Arial’s friends because they already Usually they gathered-together considered as her own children at Arial’s home for joke and nostalgia. because if they play in Arial’s home Secret Garden is a favorite place they always prepared cassava cheese by gather. Here’s an excerpt. Arial’s Mother. Here’s an excerpt. “Ke Secret Garden yuk... udah Malam Tante….” oh malam mulai bau asep nih,” Arial anak-anak, mau main di sini yang sangat peduli pada lagi ya? Untung saja Tante kesehatan dan antirokok – baru beli singkong keju.. iya sama seperti Riani – mengajak tantee. (D26/N5CM mereka pindah tongkrongan, ke /H.20/2014) Bungalow taman rumahnya. (D-32/N5CM/H.33/2014) d. Disposition (rounded figures) f. Time Background Disposition (rounded figures) After finished guidance with were described by the author is Ian his lecturer in afternoon, Ian read figure. Ian was shown the various reference books were related to his aspects of good and bad character to thesis at the night. Here’s an excerpt. his friends. Nonetheless Ian changed since joining his friends. Here’s an Malam harinya, sambil tiduran excerpt. Ian membaca buku-buku referensi yang nyambung dengan skripsinya. (D- Ian yang dulu adalah Ian yang 35/N5CM/H.1 13/2014) tidak pede sama dirinya sendiri, yang selalu mencoba jadi orang lain, yang g. Plot 5 commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id Plot created by the author is a di otak mereka. (D-48/N5CM /H.33-34/2014) mixture plot in which the author tells the present events, recalling the past 2. The Psychologies Analysis Based events and back to present story.
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