160 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 19, 1978 By Mr. HARRIS (for himself, Mr. attorney are concluded; to the Committee By Mr. GIBBONS: STEERS, and Mrs. SPELLMAN): on the Judiciary. H.R. 10474. A bill to authorize the docu­ H .R. 10465. A bill to eliminate the offset By Mr. ROBERTS: mentation of the vessel, Unicorn, as a vessel against social security benefits in the case of H. Con. Res. 455. Concurrent resolution to of the United States with coastwise spouses and surviving spouses receiving cer­ declare the sense of Congress that full parity privileges; to the Committee on Merchant tain Government pensions; to the Commit­ remains the goal of American agriculture; Marine and Fisheries. tee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. GLICKMAN: By Mr. LUJAN: By Mr. SEBELIUS (for himself, Mr. H.R. 10475. A bill for the relief of Han­ H.R. 10466. A bill to amend the act of Oc­ GLICKMAN, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. ABDNOR, nelore A. A. Borchers; to the Committee on tober 31, 1949 (63 Stat. 1049), to change the Mr. THONE, Mr. HIGHTOWER, Mr. the Judiciary. authority of the Surgeon General to make H.R. 10476. A bill for the relief of Ray­ certain payments Bernalillo County, MARLENEE, and Mr. YOUNG Of to Alaska): mond C. Owens; to the Committee on the N. Mex., for furnishing hospital care to cer­ Judiciary. tain Indians; jointly, to the Committees on H. Con. Res. 456. Concurrent resolution to inspire the President and the Secretary of By Mr. PRICE: Interior and Insular Affairs, and Interstate H.R. 10477. A bill for the relief of Phyllis and Foreign Commerce. Agriculture to use existing law to achieve parity for farmers and ranchers; to the Com­ A. Steiner; to the Committee on the By Mr. MEEDS: mittee on Agriculture. Judiciary. H.R. 10467. A bill Alaska. National Inter­ By Mr. YATRON: est Lands Conservation Act; to the Commit­ By Mr. ANDERSON of California: H.R. 10478. A bill for the relief of Deme­ tee on Interior and Insular Affairs. H. Res. 952. Resolution to establish a senior trios K. Mountanos; to the Committee on citizen internship program; to the Commit­ the Judiciary. By Mr. ROGERS (for himself and Mr. tee on House Administration. CARTER): H.R. 10468. A bill to amend title VIII of By Mr. DIGGS: the Public Health Service Act to attend for H. Res. 953. Resolution providing funds PETITIONS, ETC. for the Committee on the District of Colum­ 2 fiscal years the program of assistance for Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions nurse training; to the Committee on Intf3r­ bia; to the Committee on House Administra­ tion. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk state and Foreign Commerce. and referred as follows: By Mrs. SPELLMAN: By Mr. FOLEY (for himself and Mr. H.R. 10469. A bill to require that from WAMPLER): 376. By the SPEAKER. Petition of the In­ one-half to 1 percent of any funds appro­ H. Res. 954. Resolution to provide funds for ternational Association of Chiefs of Police, priated for the construction of certain pub­ the expenses of the investigations and studies Gaithersburg, Md., relative to controlling the lic buildings be used for artwork for such tv be conducted by the Committee on Agri­ exportation of stolen used vehicles; to the buildings; to the Committee on Public culture; to the Committee on House Admin­ Committee on International Relations. Work and Transportation. istration. 377. Also, petition of the International By Mr. ANDERSON of California: By Mr. LE FANTE: Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc., Gaithers­ burg, Md., relative to gathering of criminal H.J. Res. 682. Joint resolution to provide H. Res. 955. Resolution designating Janu­ ary 22, as Ukrainian Independence Day; to intelligence; to the Committee on the Judici­ for the designation of a. week as National ary. Lupus Week; to the Committee on Post Of­ the Commitee on Post Office and Civil fice and Civil Service. Service. 378. Also petition of the Society of Profes­ sional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, Detroit, By Mr. ROE (for himself and Mr. By Mr. STOKES: H. Res. 956. Resolution providing for funds Mich., relative to radio and television cover­ HoWARD): age of proceedings of the U.S. House of H.J. Res. 683. Joint ro3solution authorizing for the Select Committee on Assassinations; to the Committee on House Administration. Representatives; to the Committee on Rules. the President to proclaim September 8 of 379. Also, petition of the city council, New each year as "National Cancer Day"; to the By Mr. ROBERTS (for himself, Mr. TEAGUE, Mr. SATTERFIELD, Mr. MONT­ York, N.Y., relative to urging the Congress Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. to pass proposed legislation which would al­ By Mr. EVANS of Delaware: GOMERY, Mr. CARNEY, and Mr. BRINKLEY): low individuals to make financial contribu­ H. Con. Res. 453. Concurrent resolution tions, in connection with the payment of expressing the sense of the Congress that H. Res. 957. Resolution providing funds their Federal income tax, for the advance­ David W. Marston, U.S. attorney for the East­ for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs; to ment of the arts and humanities; to the ern District of Pennsylvania, be retained in the Committee on House Administration. Committee on Ways and Means. his current position until all on-going inves­ 380. Also, petition of the City Commission, tigations of corruption involving public of­ Kilgore, Tex., relative to the proposed Na­ ficials under the jurisdiction of such U.S. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS tional Eneryy Act; to the Committee on Ways attorney are concluded; to the Committee on and Means. the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private 381. Also, petition of the International By Mr. EVANS of Delaware (for him­ bills and resolutions were introduced and Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen, self, Mr. COLEMAN, Mr. COLLINS of severally referred as follows: Washington, D.C., relative to proposed elimi­ Texas, Mr. CORCORAN of Illinois, Mr. By Mr. BROWN of Ohio: nation of the hard mineral depletion allow­ COUGHLIN, Mr. DEVINE, Mr. EDGAR, ance; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. EMERY, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. HILLIS, H.R. 10470. A bill for the relief of Maj. 382. Also, petition of the Board of Trus·tees, Mr. HYDE, Mr. KETCHUM, Mr. KIND­ John E. Doyle; to the Committee on the Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles, Calif., relative to NESS, Mr. KOSTMAYER, Mr. MARKS, Judiciary. the need for Federal legislation and interna­ Mr. MICHEL, Mr. PURSELL, Mr. H.R. 10471. A bill for the relief of Mr. E. tional cooperation to end air terrorism; QuAYLE, Mr. RAILSBACK, Mr. Rous­ William Plant; to the Committee on the jointly, to the Committees on International SELOT, Mr. SAWYER, Mr. SCHULZE, Mr. Judiciary. Relations, the Judiciary, and Public Works STANTON, Mr. WALKER, and Mr. BOB By Mr. PHILLIP BURTON: and Transportation. WILSON): H.R. 10472. A bill for the relief of Amelia 383. Also, petition of the president, Bar H. Con. Res. 454. Concurrent resolution Association of the District of Columbia, expressing the sense of the Congress that B. Rivera; to the Committee on the Judi­ ciary. Washington, D.C., relative to transferring David W. Marston, U.S. attorney for the East­ jurisdiction from the U.S. Court of Claims ern District of Pennsylvania, be retained in By Mr. DERWINSKI: regarding properties proposed to be taken his current position until all ongoing in­ H.R. 10473. A bill for the relief of Robert for the Redwood National Park; jointly, to vestigations of corruption involving public L. Stocker; to the Committee on Merchant the Committees on the Judiciary and In­ officials under the jurisdiction of such U.S. Marine and Fisheries. terior and Insular Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN PRAISE OF MRS. BERNICE COX Bernice Cox Saxon, Cox Gap, Etowah Elmus E. Cox, for many years admin­ SAXON, OF COX GAP, ETOWAH County, Ala., appeared in the Etowah istrative assistant to Hon. Albert Rains COUNTY, ALA. News Journal, Attalla, Ala., November 3, of Alabama, for many years one of the 1977, issue. This fine Christian lady who outstanding Members of the U.S. House HON. JAMES B. ALLEN has done so much in service to God and of Representatives. After Congressman OF ALABAMA her fellowman is greatly loved by all who Rains retirement, Mr. Cox served with distinction as Deputy Controller of the IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES know her. She and her family have been warm friends of mine for many decades. Currency, from which he retired several Thursday, January 19, 1978 She recently celebrated her 82d birth­ years ago. I ask unanimous consent that Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, an excel­ day. The article was written by Mrs. Jo this heartwarming article be printed in lent article about my dear friend, Mrs. Cox, a talented writer and wife of Hon. the RECORD. January 19, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 161 There being no objection, the article the ways of the Lord, and saw to it that her higher degree, the figure today is 20 per­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, children attended Sunday School, morning cent. Nevertheless, the need for addi­ worship, B.Y.P.U. at night, and Wednesday tional nurses with advanced preparation as follows: night prayer meetings. Bernice has done SHE'S YOUNG AT HEART many types of services for the church, from still persists. (By Jo Cox) Sunday School teacher for 20 years (One I am also very familiar with the im­ portant role which many nurses fill in Birthdays. They're as certain as hugs and of her pupils, Margaret Riley, recently dedi­ kisses.
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