The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan 51 HJ2ts j?III71J v -f' Lxi a 7 -V JFiF o G>nc o pttsftst - i7-7VB- o. kIV 7 riVV- }; Remarks on the Taxonomy of Japanese Nassariidae Walter O. CERNOHORSKY (Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland, New Zealand) Text-figs. 1-19) (fimp of a revision The examination of type-specirnens Nassariidae in preparation for of Indo-Pacific Nassariidae, has brought to light new information which has a bearing on the established taxonorny of Nassariidae, in the way of chronelogical priority and alterations in synonymy. In case of Japanese Nassariidae, a DuNKER species is introduced into Japanese literature, while the synonyrny of other species is elucidated. Nassariidae Family Nassariidae IREDALE, 1916 Genus IVassarius DuMERIL, 1806 Subgenus Hima LEAcH in GRAy, 1852 Hima LEAcH in GRAy, 1852, Moll. Britan. Synop., p. 123, Type-species by sub- minutum PENNANT, 1777 sequent designation(MARwlcK, 1931) Buccinum =B. incrassatum STRoM, 1768. 1839 in Syn. 1852 Tritonella A. ADAMs, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 111 (non SwAiNsoN, Amphibia). 1936 Reticunassa IKEDALE, Rec. Aust. Mus., 19 (5), p, 322. Type species by original designation Aikessa Patipera GouLD, 1850. The author has pointed out the taxonomic aspects of Hima and Reticunassa in an earlier paper (CERNOHORSKy, 1972). No constant generic or subgeneric character could be found which whould clearly separate Aima from Reticunassa. IVassarius (Hima) pamperus (GOULD, 1850) VJ E・ uiA:;/p ffi (Text-figs. 7-12) 1850 IVkssa Pampera GouLD, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. HisL, 3, p. 155; 1852 GouLD, U. S. Expl. ne. Exp., 12, p. 262, pL 19, figs. 330, a-b;1964 JoHNsoN, BulL U.S. Nat Mus., 239, p, 124. 1860 IVbssa microstoma PEAsE, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 145 (publ. February-May 1860); 1865 CARpENTER, Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond., p. 516; 1965 KAy, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Zeo]. suppl., 1, p. 24, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocletyofmalacological society of Japan 52 VENUS: Vol. 33, No.2(1974) 1860 IVlassa dermestina GouLD, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 331 (publ. September 1860); 1895 PILsBRy, Cat mar, moll. Japan, p. 36; 1964 JoHNsoN, Bull. U. S, Nat. Mus,, no. 239, p. 67, pl. 16, fig. I. 186e IVLessa Plebecula GouLD, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 332; 1865 CARpENTER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 516; 1959 BARNARD, Ann. Sth. Afric. Mus., 45, p. 118;1964 JoHNsoN. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 239, p. 128, pl. 16, fig. 6. 1864 AiLfssa tringa SouvERBIE in SouvERBIE & MoN'rRouzlER, Journ. de Conchyl., 12, p. is6gpiiZ ldii'b.itOtL.O.g'p7iAsE, Americ. Journ. conch,, s, p, 7i, pi- s, fig・ s- Text-figs. IN6. IVZessarius (Hima) nzultigranosus (DuNKER, 1847) L Bzaccinum multigranosum DuNKER. Specimen from coll. DuNKE'R, Mus. f. Nat. Humboldt Univ. Berlin (10, Ox5. 6mm), 2. B. muttigranosum DuNKER. Specimen from coll. DuNKER, Mus. f. Nat. Humboldt Univ. Ber]in (9. 6 × 6. 1 mm). 3-4. IVkessa spurca GouLD, 1860. Holotype USNM No. C-1661 (10. 2x6, 5mm). 5 6. IVL acutidentata E. A. SMITH, 1879. Ho]otype B, M. N. H. No. 1878.11, 7. 36 (10.0× 5.4mm), NII-Electronic Library Service The malacological society of Japan CERNoiioRsKy:Japanese Nassariidac 53 1877 IVZ ssa scalarina MARRAT, Prop. new forms IVbssa, p. 12, pl, 1, fig. 27 (Hab.: ?) [non S. V. WooD, 1872]. 1879 Mrssa (Hima) tuteola E.A. SMITH, Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Lond., p. 212, pl. L'O, fig. 47;1882 DuNKER, Ind. Moll. mar. Japonici, p. 37;1895 PiLsBRy, Cat. mar. mo;1. Japan, p. 36. 1886 IVLissa (Hima) PauPera GouLD, WA'rsoN, Rept. ScL Res. Voy. H. M. S, Chal!enger, Zool., 15, p. 186; 1911 ScHEpMAN, Siboga-Exped,, 49d, p. 324, 1895 IVLtssa (Hima) Ptebecula GouLD, PILsBRy, Cat. mar. rnoll, Japan, p, 36. 1897 INlassa Producta SovvERBy, App. Mar. shells Sth. Africa, p. 6, pL 8, figs. 4, 5. 1911 Alassa (Hima) triizga SouvERBiE, ScHEpMAN, Siboga-Exped., 49d, p. 324. 1928 IVZxssarius filebeonlus CGouLD), ToMLiN, Ann. Sth. Afric. Mus., 25, p. 325'. 1932 fVkessa erecta TuRToN, Mar. shells Pt. Alfred S. A., p. 57, pl. 13, fig. 423. 1960 Reticunassa dermestina (GouLD), AzuMA, Cat. Moll. Shikoku Japan, p. 42; 1962 KIRA, Shells west. Pacif. coL, 1, p. 80, pL 29, fig. 11; 1967 HABE & KosuGE, Stand. book Jap. shells col., p. 75, pL 29, fig, 29; 1971 KuRoDA & HABE, Sea Shells Sagami Bay, p. 175, pl, 47, fig. 10. 1972 Alassarizes CHima.) PauPerus CGolJLT)), CERNoHoRsKy, Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus., 9, pJ -154. 186, text-figs. 151 71yPe localities: Pacific Ocean (N. PauPera);Hawaiian Ids, (N. microstoma); Kikaigashima, Ryukyu Ids. (N. dermestina); Amami-O-Shima, Ryukyu Ids, (NL PIebeculla);New Caledonia (N. tringa);Durban Sth. Africa (.IV. Producta);Pt. Alfred, Sth. Africa (N. erecta). receives names and names Any species which le published 2 MS isconsidered extremely variable, This is the case with AJassarius Pamperzts, which like many other Nassariidae, and particularly species of the .Hima group, occurs in broad and slender forrns, and depending on the stage of growth, has no denticles on either lip (juvenile), or denticles only on the outer lip (immature), or has both lips thickened and denticulate (adult). As far as the colouring is concerned, individuals vary from white, cream to brown, and sometimes are banded either with brown or white, depending which base colour predominates. Although specimens have been recorded as deep as 116 meters, in the Fiji Islands specimens were found in numbers by hand-dredging in shallow water. Specirriens taken in an area of only 10 square meters, matched practically every variant of N. Pamperus ever described, with the exception of the uniformly dark brown form. the types described CARPENTER (1865) who compared Pease's specimens with by GOuLD, considered Nassa microstoma PEAsE, to be a white variety of N, "N. "IV. dermestina GOuLD, and synonymized tztr-ricula PEAsE" (MS narne), name) and with N. GOULD. undesciata PEAsE" (MS N. PlebeculaGoui.D, Patopera who reported the species under the name N. tringa SCHEPMAN (1911), "a SOUVERBIE, from Indonesia, in 32-91 meters, observed that it was variable species.... specimens are nearly plain-coloured or with conspicuous bands or only with brown lines, their size is variable as well as the number of parietal and N. columellar denticles". Subsequent authors synonymized IV. Producta with NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocletyofmalacological society of Japan 54 VENUS: Vol. 33, No. 2 (1974) Text-figs7e-12. IVdssarius (Hlma) Patiperus (GouLD, 1850) 7. whssa Pampera GouLD, 1850. Holotype USNM No. 5726-immature specimen (9. 1 × 4. 8mm). 8. IVL dermestina GouLD, 1860. Holotype USNM No. 24166 (7, Ox3. 4 mrn). 9. IVL PIebecula GouLD, 1860. Lectotype USNM No. 24168 (10. 3 × 4. 8mm). Ie. IVL microstoma PEAsE, 186e. Holotype B.M.N.H. No. 1961458-immature specimen (9. 0x4. 0 mm). 11. IV: luteola E. A. SMITII, 1879. Holotype B. M. N. II. No. 1878. 11, 7. 39- immature specimen (7.4× 4.2> 12. IV. Producta SowERBy, 1897. Holotype B. M. N, IL No. 1899. 4. 14, 3604- senile specirnen (13. 7 × 5, 7 mm). NII-Electronic Library Service The malacological society of Japan CERNoHoRsKy:Japanese Nassariidae 55 plebecula or N. Plebecula with N. dermestina, but largely ignored N. PauPera, an earlier name based on an immature specimen. The data on the type-specimens is as follows: Nassa Pazipera GouLD, 1850: The holotype is in the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, No. USNM 5726, dimensions length 9. 1 mm, width 4.8mm. It is a worn, immature, creamy-yellow specimen with 17 axial ribs on each of the last 2 whorls, 4-5 spiral threads on the penultirnate whorl and 11 on the body whorl, the columella has 8 plicae and the outer lip 9 denticles. Nassa microstoma PEAsE, 1860 : The holotype is in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London, No. 1961458, dimensions length 9.0mm, width 4.0mm. It is a slender, juvenile individual which is white with a single brown band on each and whorl, 15 axial ribs on each of the last 2 whorls and the columellar plicae denticles on the outer lip have not as yet developed. Nassa dermestina GouLD, 1860: The holotype is in the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, No. USNM 24166, dimensions length 7. 0mm, width 3,4mm. The specimen is slender, creamy-yellow in colour, and has 16 axial ribs on each of the last 2 wherls. Being an adult, the columella is calloused and plicae and denticles are present. Nassa Plebecula GouLD, 1860: The lectotype is in the National Museum of No. 24168, width Natural History,Washington, USNM dimensions length 10.3mm, each of 4,8mm. The specimen is light yellowish-brown and has 17 axial ribs on the last 2 whorls and is fully mature with a calloused, plicate columella and denticulate outer lip. NassaProducta SOwERBy, 1897: The holotype is in the British Museum (Nat, Hist.), London, No 1899.4.14.3604, dimensions length 13.7mm, width 5.7 mm. The specimen isadirty cream in colour, has 16 axial ribs and 7spiral threads on the penultimate whorl and 14 axial ribs and 10 spiral threads on the body whorl. Being adult, the columella is calloused and plicate and the outer lip - denticulate. From examination of numerous Indo-Pacific specimens and comparison with the types, it is concluded that Nassarius (Hima) Pauperus (GouLD, 1850), is the earliest applicable name for the species. It is widely distributed throughout the to East tropical and temperate Indo-Pacific, ranging from East Africa Japan, Australia to Polynesia, IVassarizas (Hima) fuscolineatus (E. A. SMITH, 1875) 7 jb rt1V t1 Av " de'd (Text-figs.
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