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Index Note: Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations; those in bold type refer to tables. Acadian Orogeny 147, 149 Cambrian-Silurian boundary. 45 occurrence of Skiddaw Slates 209 application to England 149 correspondence 43 thrusting 212 cause of 241 Green on 82 topography 78 cleavage 206,240 Hollows Farm 124 Black Combe sheet 130 deformation 207,210,225,237 Llandovery 46 black lead see graphite and granites 295 maps 40-41 Blackie, Robert 176 and lapetus closure 241,294 portrait 40 Blake Fell Mudstones 55 Westmorland Monocline 233,294 section Plate IV Blakefell Mudstone 115 accessory minerals 96 on unconformity below Coniston Limestone Series 83 Blea Crag 75 accretionary prism model 144, 148, 238 Bleaberry Fell 46 accretionary wedge, Southern Uplands 166, 237 Backside Beck 59.70. 174 Bleawath Formation 276,281 Acidispus 30 backthrusts 225,233,241. 295 Blencathra 162 Acritarchs Bad Step Tuff 218, 220 see also Saddleback Bitter Beck 118 Bailey, Edward B. 85, 196 Blengdale 276 Calder River 198 Bakewell, Robert 7,10 Blisco Formation 228 Caradoc 151 Bala Group 60, 82 Boardman, John 266, 269 Charles Downie on 137 Bala Limestone Bohemian rocks, section by Marr 60 Holehouse Gill 169, 211,221,223 Caradoc 21 Bolton Head Farm 276 Llanvirn 133 and Coniston Limestone 19.22, 23.30 Bolton. John 24, 263 Troutbeck 205 and lreleth Limestone 30 Bonney, Thomas 59 zones 119 Middle Cambrian 61 boreholes 55 Actonian 173, 179 Upper Cambrian 20 Nirex 273 Agassiz, Louis 255,257 Bala unconformity 82, 83.85 pumping tests 283, 286 Agnostus rnorei 29 Ballantrae complex 143 Wensleydale 154 Aik Beck 133 Balmae Beds 36 Borrowdale 9, 212,222 Airy, George 9 Baltica 146, 147, 240. 241 Borrowdale Series (Borrowdale Volcanic Series) 33, 36 Airy's Bridge Formation 99,103,169, 211,217,224 Bampton Conglomerate 161,208-209 Borrowdale Volcanic Group 8, 9, 18, 41,46,295, Plate VII Airy's Bridge Group 69, 76, 217 Bampton Inlier 161,200, 204. 208-209 Bampton Conglomerate 209 Akidograptus acuminatus zone 175 Bancroft, John Beevis Beeston 172-173 basal unconformity 123, 124, 127. 151 al-Jawardi, A. F. 190 Banham, Peter 289 calc-alkaline 141 Allen, Peter Bannisdale Slates correlation 86,102,168,169, 218 Borrowdale Volcanics 211,213 cleaved 181 erosion 222 career 189,195 and Coniston Grits 178 eruptive centres 168, 169 fieldwork 197 and Kirkby Moor Flags 182 faulting 90.135. 276, 280, 284 Iapetus suture 206 mountain front 295 formation 147, 213,215,295 Lakeland Project 188-190, 194, 197, 231,294 thickness 233 Lakeland Project 211-230 mappable units 183, 185 Bannisdale Syncline 105,181 Lower 134,168,169, 211,214, 217, 227, Plate VI photograph 189 barf scree 115,116. 117 marine features 165 Snowdonia work 291 Barrande, Joachim see colonies. Barrande's theory of mineralization 283,286 AIIport, Samuel 46 Barrow, George 40, 76, 77, 79 nuclear waste disposal 271 Alpine Orogeny 244, 249 Base Brown 222 see also Nirex Alston Block 159,250 base levelling 244 overlap 181 amateur geologists 39, 75, 77, 132, 164, 185, 198,231 basement rocks, northern England/southern Scotland 150 sections 47, 87, 89, 90,100,168,169 Ambleside 212 basement under sedimentary cover (BUSC) 273 stratigraphy 85, 86, 87, 90, 98, 101,102,103, 168,169, 276. 277 geological map 98, 101,103,157,195, 213,216, 225,227-229, basin formation 235.296 subaerial 196, 205.221 291, Plate VII basin inversion 204, 237, 241 thickness 69, 85, 89, 90, 98.101 Memoir 156,193,213,225,227, 232,234, 237, 241 basin migration 235. 236, 237,239. 295 Ti/Si diagram 89 topographic map 15 basin models, Windermere 231-233.233, 234-235 top 173 andalusite 77,132 Bassenthwaite 28.82. 197 Upper 168, 169, 211. 214, 217,219. 227 see also chiastolite Bate (cleavage) 10 Borrowdale Volcanics, and Skiddaw Slates 47, 121-140,125, 151 andesite-plateau fields 214, 215, Plate V1 Battey, Maurice Hugh 100 Bott, Martin 153-155,223,293 andesites 20, 51, 52, 88,213 Beamish, D. 206 modelling of granite emplacement 158-159 brecciated 79 bed repetition, by faulting 90 photograph 15.t ponded 217 see also accretionary wedge and imbrication boulder clay 256--259, 261,262,266, 267, 268 Angelina sedgwicki zone 198 Bedded Tufts 86 see also diluvium and glaciation aplite veins 94 bedding, and cleavage 10, 293 Bouma sequences 167 Appleby map 40,189 Beddoe-Stephens. Brett 190, 208-209, 211-213,271 Bowden, Andrew 276 Applethwaite Beck 85 Belbin, Stephen 246 Bowfel175, 86 Applethwaite Beds 179 Bell, Andrew Bradyll, Col. T. R. G. 8 Appletreeworth Beck 178 Bampton 208 Braithwaite 200 Archaean Controversy 38 Black Combe 197,208-210 Branney, Michael Arenig 33,111,117 career 197 Ambleside map 228 Armathwaite Dyke 244,247 Causey Pike Thrust 204 Borrowdale Volcanics 211, 214.216-224 Armboth fell 90 Kentmere 165 caldera collapse 157. 169,218,219, 220, 222 Armorica 149 Lakeland Project 190 in Lakeland Project 190, 196,216 arthropod traces 222, 223 with Numan 165 PhD work 216-217,290 Arthurton, Russell 167, 200 photograph 192 photographs 192,216 artistic representations, Lake District 3 strain 166, 209 Skiddaw Slates-Borrowdale Volcanics contact 139 Asaphus 20 Westmorland Monocline 226 tuff bands 165,218 Ash Gill 17, 61, 62 Windermere work 231,233 Brathay, quarrying 9 sketch of quarry 67 Bewaldeth 81 Brathay Flags 18, 20, 23, 31,61 Ash Gill Slates 61 'Big crunch' see Acadian Orogeny graptolites 34, 177 Ashgill Epoch 66, 147, 173 Billingham 273 brecciation of lava 81,219 zones 174 Binney, Edward 56 Bredehoeft, John 283 Ashgill Series 70 Binsey Fell 81,138 Briden, Jim 195 Ashgill Shales 62, 70 biozones 108,111,114, 116, 119,172. 174, 177.178, 198 Briggs, Derek 222 Ashgillian Stage 173 Bird's-eye Tuff 166.233 brines, and mineralization 286 Atkinson's Pike 132 Brik Crag 137 Bristow, Henry 39 Atlantic, rifting 296 Birk Fell 136 British Geological Survey see Geological Survey Atrypa 20 Birk Rigg 135 Brockram 56 Austwick 171 Birker Fell Formation 165.213,221,227-229, 276 Brodie, James 251 Autobrecciation 90 Birkhill Shales 45 Brogger, Waldemar 76 Avalonia 147,148,149,152 Birks Riggs Formation 183 Brooks, Michael 247 basin 295 The Bishop 116 Broom Farm Formation 276 movement 295 Bitter Beck Formation 118, 199,203,204 Broughton-in-Furness 103 rifting 204 Black Combe 24, 27, 32, Browgill 178.179 shearing 224 folding 94, 126, 127. 128. 163 Browgill Beds 36, 64.234 underthrusting 232, 233 geological map 212 Brown Bank Formation 276 Avalonia-Laurentia docking 205,233,235,236 illustration 128 Brown Knotts 219. 220 Aveline, William Talbot main fabric 209 section 221 and Bristow 39 mapping 197.208, 209 Brown, Malcolm 141,187. 194. 195,290, 294 321 322 INDEX Brown. Peter 129 chiastolite 9. 15, 77 Crummock line 155 Brtickner, Edouard 262 chronostratigraphic units 183 Crummock Water 9, 123. 129. 163 Bryce, James 256 Church Beck 178.264 pluton 206 Bryson, Alexander 50 Clark. Lewis 84, 91,126 Crummock Water Aureole 155. 156. 200,204,206, 207, Plate V Bryograptus 113,115 Clark. Richard 246, 254.266 crustal shortening 163 Buckland, William 7-8, 18, 255 clay slate 7, 9, 19 crustal structure 226 buckle folds 237 Clayton. Chris 235 Cuillins 72, 73 Buckman, Sidney S. 113 Cleator Moor Inquiry. see Nirex Cumberland coalfields 55 Bulman, Oliver 107, 117, 127, 176 cleavage Cumberland Geological Society 132 Bumpus, Catherine 276 age 207.223,235 Cumberland and Westmorland Association 41 Burgess, lan 129, 175 Caldew Valley 132. 163 Cumbria. topography 272 Burns, David 40 distinguished from bedding 10 Cwms 259 Buttermere and ductility 127 ~:vrtograptus centrifugus zone 178 olistostrome 202,203 Kentmere 166 C lundgreni zone 178 structures 166 multiple 27 C rigidus zone 178 topographic map 97, 164 orientation 148 Buttermere Formation 201,204, 205,207,295 and plate movements 146 dacites 213.216 Buttermere-Ennerdale Granophyre 76 Skiddaw-Borrowdale Volcanics contact 126. 129. 136 Dakyns. John Roche 40. 48, 124, 126, 257 and stress 27 Dale Head 212 Cadell, Henry M. 81 Clerk. John. of Eldin 3 Dalton, John 7, 9 Cadomia 146, 147 Cleveland Dyke 247 Dalton, William Herbert 40 calc-alkaline magmatism 141,142 Climacograptus 1 l0 Dalton-in-Furness 21 Caldbeck, Skiddaw Granite 8 Clonograptus 113 Dalton-in-Furnace map 188 Caldbeck Fell, rocks around 3 Clough, Charles Thomas 40 Darling Fell 202, 203 Calder Hall 198 coal mining 3 Daubr6e. Gabriele Auguste 51 Calder River 81,198, 204 Cobbing. John 157 Davies. Nick 276, 285 caldera collapse Cockermouth 116 Davis. Nell 211,216, 222,228 Branney theory 157,169, 214, 218, 219. 220, 222,276 lavas 56. 246 Davis. William Morris 244 Millward et aL on 168-169 map 194. 199 De la Beche. Henry 39 Nirex site 277, 280 Memoir 138 de Rance, Charles 36.40, 83.257 pyroclastics 168 topography 117 Dean. William 173.176, 179 sag structures 225, 295 Cockley Beck Andesites 165 Dee Valley 62 Scafell 221,226 Cockley Beck Bridge 101 deformation, phases 165 Soper & Lee's representation 225,226 Cockley Beck Group 101.211 Denbigh Grits 201 see also volcano-tectonic faulting Coldwell Beds 178 Denbighshire Flags 36 caldera scarps 218 collapse depressions 217 Dent 18 caldera structures 216, 220 Collingwood. William 263 Dent Fault 18. 173. 244 Caldew, River 9, 72, 161,163 collisional processes 204 Dent Group 231,24(1 Caldew Valley 76, 82,129,132,138 colonies. Barrande's theory of 34-36.59~o0. 69. 108. 110. 118 Derwent Fells 190 Caledonian folding 94, 103, 133 Colvin.

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