Missouri Directory of Radio Brookfield Buffalo Butler Cabool

Missouri Directory of Radio Brookfield Buffalo Butler Cabool

Missouri Directory of Radio (65616). (417) 334 -6003; (417) 334 -6012. FAX: (417) KREL(AM) -July 27, 1984: 1420 khz; 500 w -D, 225 w- wkly. Jerry Zimmer, pres; Gera Legrand, sis dir; Terry 334 -7141. Licensee: Turtle Broadcasting Co. of Bran- N. TL: N38 3812 W92 3500. Hrs opn: 18. Box 307, 100 Hester, progmg dir & news dir. son. Group owner: Orr & Earls Broadcasting Inc. (acq A.E. Buchanan (65018). (573) 796 -3139. FAX: (573) KGIR(AM) -June 10, 1966: 1220 khz; 250 w -D, 140 11-21-86; $335,000). Net: CBS, ABC; Missourinet. For- 796 -4131. Licensee: Moniteau Communications Inc. w -N. TL: N37 18 03 W89 29 27. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. mat: News/talk, nostalgia. News staff 2; news progmg (acq 3- 30 -95; $50,000; FTR 6- 19 -95). Net: ABC /D. Wash Rebroadcasts KCGQ -FM Gordonville 90 %. Box 1610 24 hrs wkly. Target aud: 40 plus. Rod Orr, pres & gen atty: Leibowitz & Spencer. Format: Country. News staff (63702). (573) 335 -8291. FAX: (573) 335 -4806. Licen- mgr, Carol Orr, stn mgr, Greg Pyron, opns mgr & chief one; news progmg 19 hrs wkly. Target aud: 20 plus. Spec see: Zimmer Radio of Mid -Missouri Inc. Net: USA. Rep: engr, Steve Willoughby, mktg mgr, Stan Friend, progmg prog: Farm 5 hrs, gospel 3 hrs wkly. Jeff rey Shackle - Katz & Powell. Wash atty: Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. dir; Brett Onstott, news dir. ford, pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr, prom mgr & progmg dir; Format: Sports, talk. News staff one. Target aud: 18 plus; Dan Yeager, chief engr. KRZK(FM) -Co -owned with KOMC(AM). Mar 1, 1971: men. Jerry Zimmer, pres; John Zimmer, vp & vp sls; 106.3 mhz; 5.7 kw. Ant 672 ft. TL: N36 43 52 W93 10 03 James Zimmer, gen mgr & opns mgr; Carla Libely, sls (CP: 100 kw, ant 564 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep Camdenton dir; Terry Hester, prom dir, progmg dir, news dir & pub from AM. Net: ABC /D. Format: Country. News staff 2; affrs dir; Dave Overgainer, chief engr. news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -49. *KCVO-FM -Sept 23, 1985: 91.7 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 435 KCGO- (Gordonville). Co -owned with KGIR(AM). ft. TL: N38 01 13 W92 45 27. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box FM- 1978: 99.3 mhz; 4.2 kw. Ant 390 ft. TL: N37 22 07 W89 KOZO(FM) -1998: 89.7 mhz; 150 w horiz, 22 kw vert. 800, Lake Rd. 5-92 (65020). (573)346-3200; (573) 346- Ant 426 ft. TL: N36 33 02 W93 14 46 (CP: 150 w horiz, 3299. FAX: (573) 346 -1010. Licensee: Lake Area Edu- 35 34. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. (Acq 4- 22-86; grpsl; FTR 20 kw vert. TL: N36 33 04 W93 14 36). Hrs opn: 24. Box cational Broadcasting Foundation. Net: USA. Format: 3- 31 -86.) Format: Rock/AOR, classic rock. Target aud: 18 Craig Michaels, opns dir; David 1924, Tulsa, OK (74101). (918) 455 -5693. Licensee: Educ, relg, news /talk. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target -49; general. Barklage, vp sls & prom dir; Dave Baily, mus dir. Creative Educational Media Corp. Inc. Format: Positive aud: 25 -54. JamesJ. McDermott, pres & gen mgr, Rick Ingles, mgr, easy gospel, talk. David gen David War- Steele, mus dir. KGMO(FM) -Listing follows KAPE(AM). ren, opns dir, Dr. James Moore, dev dir; G reg Roth, engrg dir; Roger King, chief engr. KRCU(FM)-Mar 3, 1976: 90.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 259 ft. Cameron TL: N37 18 37 W89 3157. Stereo. One University Plaza KRZK(FM) -Listing follows KOMC(AM). (63701). (573) 651 -5070. FAX: (573) 651 -5071. Licen- KMRN(AM)- February 1971: 1360 khz; 500 w -D, 25 see: Board of Regents of Southeast Missouri State Uni- Brookfield w -N. TL: N3941 05 W9414 22. Hrs opn: 5:30 AM -7 PM. versity. Net: NPR, PRI. Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & 510 Northland Dr. (64429). (816) 632-6661. FAX: (816) Albertson. Format: Class, jazz, news. News progmg 32 KZBK(AM) -Feb 14,1956:1470 khz; 500 w -D, 20 w -N, 632 -1334. Licensee: NFO Inc. (acq 4-15-97; $430,543 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Folk, radio DA. TL: N39 5026 W9304 52. Hrs opn: 24. 107 S. Main with co- located FM). Net: ABC/D; Missourinet, Brown- reader 3 hrs, big band one hr, opera 3 hrs wkly. Greg (64628). (816) 258 -3383. FAX: (816) 258 -7307. Licen- field. Wash atty: Erwin Krasnow. Format: News/talk, Petrowich, gen mgr; Danny Woods, opnsdir, Allen Lane, see: Best Broadcasting Inc. (acq 6- 14 -93; $70,000 with oldies. News staff one; news progmg 40 hrs wkly. Target chief engr. co- located FM; FTR 6- 28 -93). Net: ABC. Wash atty: aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. Dennis J. KYRX(FM)- (Chaffee). July 1, 1990: 104.7 mhz; 6 kw. Bryan Cave. Format: Hot adult contemp. News progmg Rowley, pres & gen mgr; Rexine Rowley, vp; William Ant 328 ft. TL: N37 09 27 W89 36 20. Stereo. Box 558, 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49; men & women with spend- Chappell, sls dir; Dennis Rowley, progmg dir; Brian 901 So. Kings Hwy, Cape Girardeau (63702-0558). able income. Phillip A. Chirillo, pres; Dale A. Palmer, Rudolph, news dir. Rates: $16.25; 13; 13; na. (573) 332 -1047. FAX: (314) 651 -4100. Licensee: Char- vp, gen mgr, nati sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Robin Jones, KNOZ(FM) -Co -owned with KMRN(AM). Apr 5, 1995: tres Media Inc. (acq 4- 12 -90; $33,587; FTR 5-7-90). For- progmg mgr; Joel Gardner, mus dir & news dir; Alan 100.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 ft. TL: N39 57 28 W94 06 55. mat: Hot adult contemp. News staff one. Target aud: West, engrg dir. Net: ABC. Format: Country, news. News staff one; news 18-49. Dayton Stone, opns mgr & mus dir, Rick Lam- KZBK -FM- September 1981: 96.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 progmg 5 hrs wkly. Rates: $16.25; 13; 13; 14. bert, gen sls mgr. tt. TL: N39 5432 W930434. Hrs opn: 24. Dups AM 100%. KZIM(AM) -Listing follows KEZS -FM. Campbell Buffalo KAVY(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 107.5 Carrollton KBFL(FM )-1965: 99.9 mhz; 4.1 kw. Ant 328 ft. TL: N37 mhz; 17.5 kw. Ant 390 ft. TL: N36 29 55 W89 51 16. Box 13, KAOL(AM )-Apr 18, 1959: 1430 khz; 500 w -U, 27 w -N. 3817 W92 59 39 (CP: 18 kw, ant 220 ft. TL: N37 31 14 44, Rt. c/o KAHR(FM), Poplar Bluff (63901). (573) 686-3700. Licensee: Eagle Bluff Enterprises. Steven TL: N39 19 58 W933215. Firs opn: 24. KMZU Bldg., 102 W9306 14). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1385, KBFLBroad- (816) C. Fuchs, gen mgr. N. Mason (64633). (816) 542 -0404; 646 -5767. cast Plaza, 610 S. Locust (65622). (417)345 -2412; (417) FAX: (816) 542 -0420. Licensee: Kanza Inc. (acq 11 -1- 345-4505. Licensee: Pacific Broadcasting of Missouri 81; $665,000 with co- located FM; FTR 11- 23 -81). Rep: Inc. (acq 10- 16 -97; $350,000). Net: CBS. Wash atty: Canton McGavren Guild. Format: Country, farm. News staff 2; Jack Pennington. Format: Good time oldies, news /talk. news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; farm fami- News staff one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: KRRY(FM) -May 4,1971: 100.9 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 308 ft. lies & those with agricultural backrounds. Spec prog: Sp General; grade school to sr adults. Spec prog: Gospel 2 TL: N40 07 33 W91 31 42. 408 N. 24th St., Quincy, IL 3 hrs wkly. Mike L. Carter, pres &gen mgr; Miles Carter, hrs wkly. Gretchen Pulley, exec vp & vp prom; Mel (62301). (217) 223 -5292. FAX: (217) 223 -5299. Licen- opns mgr & progmg dir; Bob Tutt, gen sls mgr; Steve Pulley, gen mgr, opns mgr, vp adv, vp progmg & vp engrg; see: Bick Broadcasting. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: White, mus dir, Wayne Combs, news dir; Gassy Tim - Chris Keller, stn mgr, opns dir, progmg dir, news dir & pub Hot adult contemp. Bud Janes, pres; Teresa mans, chief engr. Rates: $100; 100; 80; 45. affrs dir; Mary Ford, dev dir, sls dir, mktg dir & adv dir. Thompson, gen sis mgr; Dennis Oliver, progmg di r, Tom Holmes, chief engr. KMZU(FM)-Co -owned with KAOL(AM). July 13, 1962: 100.7 mhz; 98.6 kw. Ant 990 ft. TL: N39 22 05 W93 29 Butler 40. Stereo. Dups AM 100%. Spec prog: Sp 3 hrs wkly. Rates: Same as AM. KMAM(AM)-May 11,1962:1530 khz; 500w -D. TL: N38 Cape Girardeau 14 56 W94 19 18. 800 E. Nursery St. (64730). (816) KAPE(AM) -1951:1550 khz; 5 kw -D, 50w -N, DA -2. TL: 679 -4191. FAX: (816) 679 -4193. Licensee: Bates N37 16 45 W89 33 28. Box 558 (63702); 901 S. Kings Carthage County Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC /D; Brownfield. For- Hwy. (63701). (573) 339 -7000. FAX: (573) 651 -4100. KDMO(AM) 3, 1947: 1490 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N37 mat: Country. News staff one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Licensee: Withers Broadcasting Co. (group owner; acq -June 10 58 W94 21 43. Hrs opn: 24. Box 426, 221 E. 4th St. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 15 hrs wkly. 6 -72). Net: MBS, Unistar, Westwood One. Rep: East- (64836). (417) 358-6054; (417) 358-2648. FAX: (417) Melody A. Greenwood, pres, stn mgr & prom mgr, B.D. man. Format: Adult standards.

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