November 4, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11695 be granted permission to meet during consent to hold a markup on the fol- as an example of devotion to commu- the session of the Senate on Tuesday, lowing nominations: Richard J. Griffin nity. He and his wife have been in- November 4, for purposes of conducting to be Inspector General, Department of volved in, and often led, numerous a full committee hearing which is Veterans Affairs; William P. Greene, community projects in the south Rio scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. The Jr. to be Associate Judge, Court of Vet- Grande Valley. They are also pioneers purpose of this hearing is to consider erans Appeals; Joseph Thompson to be in the effort to forge meaningful and the nominations of Curtis L. Hebert Under Secretary for Benefits, Depart- productive relationships with private and Linda Key Breathitt to be Mem- ment of Veterans Affairs; and and public sector community leaders bers of the Federal Energy Regulatory Espiridion A. Borrego to be Assistant on the Mexican side of the border. Commission. Secretary for Veterans Employment Frank Yturria was first appointed in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and Training, Department of Labor; 1990 by President Bush to serve as objection, it is so ordered. The markup will take place in S216, chairman of the Board of Directors of COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC of the Capitol Building, after the first the Inter-American Foundation, a de- WORKS scheduled votes in the Senate on Tues- velopment agency which promotes self- Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask day morning, November 4, 1997. help community efforts in Latin Amer- unanimous consent that the full Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ica and the Caribbean. During his ten- mittee on Environment and Public objection, it is so ordered. ure, Frank Yturria instituted nec- Works be granted permission to con- essary reforms at the agency and in- SUBCOMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES AND duct a hearing Tuesday, November 4, TECHNOLOGY sisted on program accountability. Be- 2:00 p.m., Hearing Room (SD–406), on S. Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask cause of his efforts and hard work, 627, The African Elephant Conservation unanimous consent that the Sub- Frank Yturria is the first member of Act reauthorization, and S. 1287, the committee on Financial Services and the Inter-American Foundation’s Asian Elephant Conservation Act of Board of Directors to be reappointed by 1997. Technology of the Committee on Bank- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs be au- any President, Democrat or Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lican. This reappointment by President objection, it is so ordered. thorized to meet during the session of the Senate on Tuesday, November 4, Clinton clearly speaks volumes about COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Frank Yturria’s contributions to his 1997, to conduct a hearing on ‘‘man- Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask community, Texas, and to our Nation. dating year 2000 disclosure by publicly unanimous consent that the Com- I support his reappointment and wish traded companies’’. mittee on Foreign Relations be author- him well as be continues to work for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ized to meet during the session of the mutual friendship and prosperity of the objection, it is so ordered. Senate on Tuesday, November 4, 1997, United States and Latin America.∑ at 2:15 to hold a Business Meeting. SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SPACE objection, it is so ordered. Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask INTERNATIONAL REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS unanimous consent that the Sub- INSTITUTE 1997 FREEDOM AWARD Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask committee on Science, Technology and ∑ Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, late last unanimous consent on behalf of the Space of the Committee on Commerce, month in downtown Washington, the Governmental Affairs Committee to Science, and Transportation be author- International Republican Institute meet on Tuesday, November 4, at 9:00 ized to meet at 2:30 p.m. on next gen- honored Ronald Reagan as the recipi- a.m. for a Nomination Hearing on the eration internet. ent of their 1997 Freedom Award. Sel- following nominees: Ernesta Ballard, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dom, if ever, has a Washington dinner to be a Member, Postal Board of Gov- objection, it is so ordered. been held to honor an American when ernors; Dale Cabaniss, to be a Member, SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND the honor was more richly deserved or Federal Labor Relations Authority; INFRASTRUCTURE more sincerely conferred. There was a and Susanne T. Marshall, to be a Mem- Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask deep and abiding outpouring of respect, ber, Merit Systems Protection Board. unanimous consent that the Sub- admiration and affection for our Na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without committee on Transportation and In- tion’s 40th President. Even a touch of objection, it is so ordered. frastructure be granted permission to nostalgia was present as guests and COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS conduct a hearing Tuesday, November speakers recalled when our Nation was Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask 4, 9:30 a.m., Hearing Room (SD–406) on led by a President guided by a clear vi- unanimous consent that the Senate the status of Federal transportation sion and deeply-held convictions. Committee on Indian Affairs be author- programs in the absence of a multi- The formal program included re- ized to meet at 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday, year reauthorization. marks by James Billington, the Librar- November 4, 1997 in Room 485 of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ian of Congress, and our colleague, the Russell Senate Building to mark-up objection, it is so ordered. chairman of I.R.I., Senator MCCAIN of the following: H.R. 976, the Mississippi f Arizona. Mrs. Reagan was there to rep- Sioux Tribe Judgment Fund Distribu- resent her husband and she made a tion Act of 1997; and the Nomination of ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS brief statement in his behalf when the B. Kevin Gover, to be Assistant Sec- award was presented. These statements retary for Indian Affairs, Department REAPPOINTMENT OF FRANK D. focused on Ronald Reagan’s indispen- of the Interior. YTURRIA TO THE INTER-AMER- sable leadership that led to the fall of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Berlin Wall and to freedom for hun- objection, it is so ordered. ICAN FOUNDATION BOARD OF DI- RECTORS dreds of millions throughout the globe. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Mr. President, the statements of Mr. D’AMATO. Mr. President, I ask ∑ Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I these distinguished Americans deserve unanimous consent that the Com- am pleased to recognize an outstanding the attention of the Senate and the mittee on the Judiciary be authorized American and Texan and to take note American people. Moreover, they to meet during the session of the Sen- of his recent reappointment by Presi- should be part of the public record so ate on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 at dent Clinton as a member of the Board that future generations will have con- 10:00 a.m. in room 216 of the Senate of Directors of the Inter-American venient access to them as they exam- Hart Office Building to hold a hearing Foundation. ine the life and influence of this great on ‘‘competition, innovation, and pub- Many in South Texas know Frank American whose vision and leadership lic policy in the digital age.’’ Yturria, and is wife, Mary, for the changed the world. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without many years they have devoted to pub- Accordingly, Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. lic service in Brownsville, TX, and that the statements by Senator COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS throughout the Rio Grande Valley. As MCCAIN and Dr. Billington, as well as Mr. D’AMATO. The Committee on a leading voice for community im- the brief remarks by Mrs. Reagan, be Veterans’ Affairs requests unanimous provement, Frank Yturria has served printed in the RECORD. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:32 Jun 07, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\MISCRE~1\1997\S04NO7.REC S04NO7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S11696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 4, 1997 The statements follow: system was systematically unable to re- climax in the immediate aftermath of the THE FOREIGN POLICY OF PRESIDENT RONALD spond—neither materially, because of their Afghan invasion. For the first couple of days, REAGAN (BY JAMES H. BILLINGTON, LIBRAR- backwardness in computers and high tech- the only explanation the Soviet regime could IAN OF CONGRESS, SEPTEMBER 25, 1997) nology, nor politically, because ordinary offer was that they were intervening at the people (as distinct from policy wonks) could invitation of the leader whom they had then The Cold War was the central conflict of not believe that a defensive system that we proceeded to shoot. They were soon rescued the second half of the 20th century, the long- were willing to share with others really from this embarrassment by the gratuitous est and most unconventional war of the en- threatened anybody. rationalizations and explanations for their tire modern era and an altogether unprece- If the first element of the Reagan leader- behavior provided by the Western media. dented experience for Americans. We never ship, then, was vision backed by strength in Reagan, the storyteller, instinctively real- directly fought our principal antagonist, the his first term, the second ingredient was his ized that America was a story, not a theory; Soviet Union, but we were faced for the first ability to be an altogether gracious winner that stories tend to unify people; and that time in our history—and over a long period— in his second term.
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