CONFERENCE REPORT Co-organised by: Pub 76>,905.;/,-<;<9, *HYYPLY /HTPS[VU:\UKZ[YHUK 6[PZ 7YH[[ >OP[UL` :PRVYZR` <;*-PYL :LJ\YP[` >LHYL[OLJVTWHUPLZVM<UP[LK;LJOUVSVNPLZ>LLTWSV`ULHYS` WLVWSLHJYVZZ,\YVWLHUJV\U[YPLZ-YVT0YLSHUK[V :0?)<:05,::,: ;\YRL`HUKMYVT-PUSHUK[V7VY[\NHSV\YWYVK\J[ZHUK[LJOUVSVNPLZ 65,76>,9-<3*647(5@ WV^LYTVKLYUSPML¶H[OVTLH[^VYRHUKL]LY`^OLYLPUIL[^LLU >LKL]LSVWZLJ\YP[`HUKKLMLUZLJHWHIPSP[PLZ[VWYV[LJ[`V\MYVT OHYTHUKLUZ\YL[OH[V\YL]LYJOHUNPUN^VYSKY\UZIL[[LYMHZ[LY HUKTVYLLMÄJPLU[S`>LHYL<UP[LK;LJOUVSVNPLZ SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Conference Report 3 GOING GLOBAL: EUROPE’S SECURITY POLICY CHALLENGE CONFERENCE REPORT Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 4 Conference Report SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Giles Merritt Olivier Darrason Foreword In November 2010, the SDA and CEIS organised with that of the French Presidency in 2008 and that of their joint Security & Defence Day conference for the Sweden in 2009, the Belgian Presidency gave its sup- third year running. This annual event allows business port to this event from the outset, and naturally we hope leaders and policymakers from the European institu- that this will be the case with the Polish Presidency. tions and member states to freely express their views on Our thanks go out to our many distinguished speak- the key security and defence topics of tomorrow. ers for their contributions, and first and foremost to This latest SecDef conference covered a range of Pieter De Crem, the Belgian Minister of Defence, sensitive and important issues under the broad head- and Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner ings of the Lisbon Treaty’s implementation and the EU for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and budget for 2014-2020. Crisis Response. The economic and financial outlook in Europe may We should also like to extend our warmest thanks render both more complex, their urgency is also no less to the partners who made this event possible and con- real. As the 2003 European Security Strategy put it: “in tributed to its success: Raytheon Company, United an era of globalisation, distant threats may be as much a Technologies Corporation, and the VIRTUOSO proj- concern as those that are near at hand.” It goes on to say ect financed by the 7th European Security Research that the EU “should be ready to share in the responsi- Programme. bility for global security and in building a better world.” We extend a warm invitation for you to join us later Yet there can be no mission without means: just as the this year for the next edition of the Security & Defence Lisbon Treaty gives the EU the institutional means to Day at which we will continue to reflect upon, discuss move forward, so too must the EU’s 2014-2020 budget and address the future challenges to European security strengthen Europe’s ability to ensure its own security and how best to meet them. and contribute more significantly to that of the world. We thank the Belgian EU Presidency and the Belgian Ministry of Defence for their support. Along Giles Merritt Olivier Darrason Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Conference Report 5 Contents Foreword .....................................................................................................................................4 Programme...................................................................................................................................6 Institutional challenges for the EU’s growing political power....................................................14 Securing long-term resources.....................................................................................................21 Dissuasion and non-proliferation.............................................................................................26 Solidarity and the management of migration flows.................................................................30 Can the EU become a global emergency response team?.......................................................34 Aerial defence systems: Giving Europe a strategic autonomy ..........................................38 The EU as a maritime power...................................................................................................43 Speaker biographies ...............................................................................................................92 List of participants................................................................................................................108 The views expressed in this report by speakers and members of the audience are personal opinions and not necessarily the views of the organisations they represent, nor of the SDA and CEIS, their members or sponsors. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted, provided that full attribution is made to the co-organisers and to the source(s) in question, and provided that any such reproduction, whether in full or in part, is not sold unless incorporated in other works. Publisher: Geert Cami Text: Europolitics Photos: David Plas Design: Europolitics Print: Identic Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 6 Conference Report SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Co-organised by: Going global: Europe’s security policy challenge 30 November 2010 Palais d’Egmont, Brussels Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Conference Report 7 WELCOME REMARKS 09:10-09:15 Gen. Jean Rannou, Director of Security and Defence, CEIS KEYNOTE SPEECH 09:15- 09:30 Pieter De Crem, Belgian Minister of Defence PLENARY SESSION INSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES FOR THE EU’S GROWING POLITICAL POWER 09:30-10:30 The institutional architecture behind the EU’s global outreach is set to look very different now the Lisbon treaty is in place. How will increased parliamentary oversight at national and European level affect CSDP? Beyond the obvious challenges of determining the EEAS’s eventual institutional shape, how will the next EU budget and financial instruments (2014-2020) affect European foreign and security policy? Is there a roadmap for implementing Permanent Structured Cooperation? How well do the EU’s increasingly determined crisis response efforts fit into its overall foreign and security policies? Speakers Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Karel Kovanda, Deputy Director General for External Relations, European Commission Geoffrey van Orden, MEP, Member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis Falconi, PSC Ambassador, French Permanent Representation to the EU Moderated by Giles Merritt, Director of the Security & Defence Agenda COFFEE BREAK 10:30 - 11:00 Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 8 Conference Report SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 PARALLEL SESSIONS I - Assessing the challenges 11:00-12:30 SECURING LONG-TERM RESOURCES Strategic resources such as food, water, energy and industrial raw materials will become increasingly important in the coming decades. What instruments does the EU have for securing supply routes to Europe? To what extent should delivering key resources to Europeans be left up to the private sector? Will the European Union have to make a choice between a humanitarian or an interest-guided agenda? Speakers Christian Ehler, MEP, Member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament Gwenole Cozigou, Director for Chemicals, Metals, Mechanical, Electrical and Construction industries; Raw materials, European Commission Michel Rademaker, Deputy Director of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO Moderated by Willy De Backer, Head of the Greening Europe Forum, Friends of Europe DISSUASION AND NON-PROLIFERATION The lack of a clear nuclear dissuasion policy has been a feature of security thinking in Europe since the end of the Cold War. Are EU member states ready to take the tough decisions in response to the change in US missile defence policy? As only two EU member states have a nuclear dissuasion capability, can Europe react with one voice to the Obama administration’s disarmament initiative? Is non-proliferation even on the EU’s agenda? Speakers Didier Gambier, Advisor for strategic issues relating to industrial technologies, Directorate General for Research, European Commission Lt. Gen. Paul Fouilland, Commander of the Strategic Air Force, French Ministry of Defence Maurizio Martellini, Secretary General, Landau Network- Centro Volta Moderated by Michel de Gliniasty, Senior Advisor, CEIS Security and Defence Day Palais d’Egmont - Brussels - 30 November 2010 SECURITY AND DEFENCE DAY 2010 Conference Report 9 SOLIDARITY AND THE MANAGEMENT OF MIGRATION FLOWS What should the EU do to reconcile growing migratory pressures to the South with maintaining relations with strategic neighbours? The political groundswell in Europe suggests that unlimited immigration may be increasingly controversial, especially in light of the financial crisis. How can national immigration policies be better coordinated at European level and how should the collective impact of these policies be assessed? Would new European development tools allow for a rethink of European migration policies? Speakers Simon Busuttil, MEP, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament Michael T.
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