DAY 1 (JULY 21, MONDAY) Registration 08:00-10:00 Registration & Refreshments IMH Opening Ceremony Opening : Dr. Suk-Jin Chang (President, CIL18) Welcoming Address: Dr. Ferenc Kiefer (President, CIPL) Dr. Ik-Hwan Lee (Co-chair, CIL18 LOC) Young-Se Kang 10:00-11:30 Dr. Chai-song Hong (President, LSK; Co-chair, CIL18 LOC) IMH (Kookmin Univ) Congratulatory Address: Dr. Sang-Gyu Lee (Director, National Institute of the Korean Language) Dr. Ki-Soo Lee (President, Korea Univ) Forum Lecture 1 1 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Sun-Hee Kim Laurence R. Horn (Yale Univ) 11:30-12:30 (Seoul Women's IMH Pragmatics and the lexicon Univ) Forum Lecture 2 2 Sun-hae Hwang Susan Fischer (UC San Diego) 14:00-15:00 (Sookmyung IMH Sign language East and West Women's Univ) Topic 1: Language, mind and brain 3 J.W. Schwieter (Wilfrid Laurier Univ) At what stage is language selected in bilingual speech production?: Investigating Hye-Kyung Kang 15:20-16:50 factors of bilingualism 302 (Open Cyber Univ) Il-kon Kim & Kwang-Hee Lee (Hanyang Univ) Boundedness of nouns and the usage of English articles Topic 2: Information structure 4 Samek-Lodovici , Vieri (UCL) Topic, focus and discourse-anaphoricity in the Italian clause Peter W. Culicover (Ohio State Univ) & Susanne Winkler (Univ of Tübingen) Dong-Young Lee 15:20-16:50 202 Focus and the EPP in English focus inversion constructions (Sejong Univ) Andreas Konietzko (Univ of Tübingen) The syntax and information structure of bare noun ellipsis Topic 3: Language policy 5 Karsten Legère (Univ of Gothenburg) Empowering African languages: Focus on Tanzania and Namibia Mijae Lee 15:20-16:20 210 Ram Ashish Giri (Monash Univ) (Univ of Suwon) Unplanned policy: Planned results situating English in the language education policy of Nepal 16:20-16:30 Break Alymjan Zakiro (Univ of Kyrgyzstan) A language map of Kyrgyzstan Seok-Hwa Yoon 16:30-17:30 210 Robert Blackwood (Univ of Liverpool) (Wonkwang Univ) Language policy in France: A comparative study of management strategies and language practices on the peripheries – the cases of Brittanyand Corsica Topic 4: Intercultural pragmatics, language and society 6 Time Author & Title Moderator Site 15:20-16:20 session cancelled Topic 5: Historical and comparative linguistics 7 Brian D. Joseph (Ohio State Univ) Historical linguistics: Where the field stands now Seung-Ah Lee 15:20-16:20 (Ewha Womans 207 Univ) Jung-Hee An (Univ of Hamburg) The problem of the interpretation of the borrowed characters in Hyangga 16:20-16:30 Break Cristina Guardiano (Univ of Modena/Reggio Emilia) & Giuseppe Longobardi (Univ of Trieste) Toward a history and geography of human syntax Sang-soo Park 16:30-17:30 207 (PUFS) Kurt R. Jankowsky (Georgetown Univ) Classical studies and the emergence of comparative linguistics: What was lost and what was gained? Topic 6: Phonetics and phonology 8 H. C. Chen (Wufeng Institute of Technology) An acoustic analysis of English timing patterns by Taiwanese learners Yungdo Yun 15:20-16:20 (Korea Nazarene 208 S. K. Park, Y. Tsubota, N. Hiraoka & M. Dantsuji (Kyoto Univ) Univ) Perception and production patterns of Korean phonemic contrasts by Japanese L2 learners 16:20-16:30 Break Alice Chan (City Univ of Hong Kong) The perception and production of English consonants by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong: A test of the speech learning model Sang-Cheol Ahn 16:30-17:30 208 (Kyung Hee Univ) Tomohiko Ooigawa (Sophia Univ) Individual difference in production of voicing French /R/ sounds and the perception by the Japanese adult listeners Topic 7: Lexical semantics 9 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Eui-Jeong Song (CRLAO, EHESS-CNRS) Les constructions des verbes d'« émotion » en coréen contemporain Alda Mari 15:20-16:20 (CNRS ENS 315 EHESS) Hiroshi Abe (Tohoku Univ) La tautologie et la notion subjective de "désirabilité" 16:20-16:30 Break You-Min Lin (Nat Taiwan Univ) Conceptual network of Chinese xin Hee-Rahk Chae 16:30-17:30 315 (HUFS) Shigemori Bucar Chikako (Univ of Ljubljana) Causative and politeness Topic 8: Tense, aspect and modality 10 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Elisaveta Khachaturyan (Univ of Oslo) Relation entre le conditionel des langues romanes et les particules russes Mi-sun Mun Patrick Caudal, Chris Reintges & Gerhard Schaden (Paris 7) 15:20-16:50 (Seoul Women's 403 Tense, aspect and conditionality: an event-based crosslinguistic treatment Univ) Seiko Fujii (Univ of Tokyo) Modality, tense and aspect in Japanese conditionals Topic 10: Syntax 11 So-Young Park (USC) A small clause inside nominal phrases: Syntax of numeral classifiers Tong-chin Rhee 15:20-16:20 306 (Hoseo Univ) Han-Byul Chung (Seoul Nat Univ) Nominalization as syntactic operation: Verbal structure under the nominal head 16:20-16:30 Break Yu-Ching Tseng (SUNY at Albany) Adjacency and multiple occurrences: Two types of syntactic OCP effects in Hakka Daeho Chung 16:30-17:30 306 (Hanyang Univ) Hiroshi Hasegawa (Senshu Univ) Swiping in English and other languages General Session 1 12 Hideki Kishimoto (Kobe Univ) Argument structures of ditransitive verbs in Japanese Young-Hwa Kim 15:20-16:20 310 (Hallym Univ) Lyih-Peir Lu Luo (Nat Chi-Nan Univ) Argument realizations of Chinese pseudo-ditransitive verbs 16:20-16:30 Break Robin Yang (Open Univ of Hong Kong) & Bennan Zhang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) Conversational organization in web-based interaction: A case study of Chinese Hyo-jeong Lee 16:30-17:30 academic discussion 310 (Sogang Univ) Roland Hausser (Univ of Erlangen-Nuremberg) Preliminary remarks on an agent-oriented theory of context General Session 2 13 Satoshi Someya (Univ Paris 8) L’inchoativité en japonais dans le cadre du TAM Ju-Shik Kim 15:20-16:20 305 (Dongyang Univ) Hiroshi Kim (Anyang Univ) Recurrence of Japanese aspectual markers 16:20-16:30 Break Hee-sook Kim (Korea Nat Univ of Education) On the issue of locative alternation: Argument alternation as aspectual realization mechanism - with special reference to locative verbs— Ju-mi Kim 16:30-17:30 305 (Konkuk Univ) Jae-Young Han (Hanshin Univ) ‘eos’ and 'eo is' in Middle Korean General Session 3 14 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Doo-won Lee (Chungju Nat Univ) Two types of the dative verb 'cwuta' in Korean: Achievement & accomplishment of possession Do-Yong Bai 15:20-16:20 312 Wonil Chung (Dongguk Univ) (PUFS) Rhetorical analysis of the president's inaugural address - focusing on comparison with multilingual corpora - 16:20-16:30 Break Hye-Kyung Lee (Ajou Univ) An experimental study on scalar implicatures and numerals Doo-Won Lee 16:30-17:30 312 Sijmen Tol (Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie/Linguistic Bibliography) (Chungju Nat Univ) Finding linguistic publications on and off the web – requirements for an ideal searching tool General Session 4 15 Pong-Hyung Lee (Daejeon Univ) Initial tensification in Korean loanword adaptation Yang-hye Lee 15:20-16:20 311 Osik Shin ( Chungnam Nat Univ) (PUFS) Theories of speech parts in the major early French and English grammars: Attempts of a proper theory for vernacular languages 16:20-16:30 Break Eva Hajicova & Barbon Hladka (Charles Univ) Prosodic innovations in Northwest Indo-European: Circumstantial evidence for Shinjung Park 16:30-17:30 prehistoric contacts" 311 (Chung-Ang Univ) Chang-yong Sim (Kyungin Nat Univ of Education) What determines the prosodic structures? General Session 5 16 Laurent Dekydtspotter, Bora Kim, Hyun-jin Kim, Yi-Ting Wang, Hye-Kyung Kim (Indiana Univ) & Jong Kun Lee (Mokpo Univ) Intermediate traces and anaphora resolution in the processing of English as a Sang-Ki Kim 15:20-16:20 second language 314 (Andong Nat Univ) Eun-chung Noh (Seoul Nat Univ) Variation in interlanguage of KSL learners: On acquisition of tense expression of Korean by Spanish speaking learners 16:20-16:30 Break Sung-mi Kwon (Ewha Womans Univ) Is dissimilarity a driving force in achieving native-like accuracy in speech production?: A counter-argument to Flege's speech learning model Yu-ki Lee 16:30-17:30 313 Jong-min Song (Kyunghee Univ) (Dongguk Univ) Discovering in which Mode of language production Korean speakers show more native- like English proficiency: Speech or writing Workshop 1: Interface conditions 17 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Anna Maria Di Sciullo (Univ du Québec à Montréal) Asymmetry and interface conditions Eric Reuland (OTS) Jong-Yurl Yoon 19:00-20:30 605 The need for asymmetry as a source of invariance (Kookmin Univ) Norbert Hornstein (Univ of Maryland at College Park) Reversibility and interface conditions 20:30-20:40 Break Mary Dungan, Sandiway Fong & Josh Harrison (Univ of Arizona) A mechanism for analyzing compounds in the Penn TreeBank Eric Reuland 20:40-21:40 605 (OTS) Noureddine Elouazizi (Leiden Univ) On the locus of the linearization algorithm Workshop 2: English with Asian accents 18 Time Author & Title Moderator Site Susan Gwee, Hong Huaqing & Aman Norhaida (Nanyang Technological Univ) The use of Singlish particles in the Singapore classroom Anneke Tupan (Petra Christian Univ) Yongsoon Kang 19:00-20:30 406 The meaning of rhyming headings of main report section in Mossaik magazine (SKKU) Winnie heng Cheng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ) The Hong Kong Financial Services Corpus: Benefits and uses for professionals and practitioners in Asia 20:30-20:40 Break Yongsoon Kang (SKKU) Stress assignment of Korean English learners (English with Korean accent) Winnie heng Cheng Jie Zhao & Yuchoo Sun (Jilin Univ) 20:40-22:10 (The Hong Kong 406 Chinese EFL learners’ speech act of apology: A pragmatic study Polytechnic Univ) Yongbing Liu (Northeast Normal Univ) A study of teachers’ request with Asian characteristics Workshop 3: Silent issues in linguistic theory 19 Duk-Ho An (Univ of Connecticut) On the interaction between syntax and phonology: Right Node Raising Seungwan Ha (Korea Univ) Hee-Don Ahn 19:00-20:30 409 (Non-)constituency in Right Node Raising (Konkuk Univ) Myung-Kwan Park (Dongguk Univ) Right Node Raising as coordinating conjunction at the syntax-phonology interface 20:30-20:40 Break Young-ju Choi & James Yoon (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Fragments with and without articulated constituents at LF Bum-Sik Park 20:40-22:10 (Incheon City 409 Daeho Chung (Hanyang Univ) College) Predicate fronting vs.
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