Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 10-18-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 18, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1985 Volume 71, Issue 45 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 18, 1985." (Oct 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Italian leadership falls amid furor ROME t UPI t -. The Itahan lei Palestine Liberation at home and abroad for his ment to recogmze al! the Francesco Cossiga wh o. ;) !'- IS go\Oernmcnt co llapsed Organization o ff icia l release of Abbas. even though Ita li an government did to c us toma ry . rese:- \'ed a Thursday 31md a poli ti cal Mohammed Abbas lea ve Ital\' . Ita ly helped negoti ate the solve with success a situat ion decision on the matter and furor over its handling of the Craxi a ll owed Abbas to f1v 'to surrender of the four hijackers thai was part icul arl y critical.' asked Craxi to maintam hiS Achille Lauro hi jacking " nd Yu gosla \'ia des pite U.S. and the release of the 510 The resignation of Craxi' s government in a ca retaker doc t or~ confirmed tha t Slain assertions It had proof he was hostages aboard the cruise 26- month-old gover nment - ca pacity until the crisis wa s America n hostage Leon the leade r of the four ship. the second longest in post -war resolved. Klinghorrer was shot twice - Pales tinia ns who seized the " The polemical tone of Ihp Ilaly - was forced when once in the head " nd chest. Ita lian luxurv liner Oct. i and first American government DeiEmse Minister Giovanni Yugoslavia said Abbas len Prime M ini~te r Betti no killed Klinghoffer. 69. of 'ew reactions cou ld not fa il to Spadolini's Republican Party Belgrade la, t Mondav for a n Cr axi r esigned with hi s York. during a two-day voy.ge ca use me the most unplea s;:: nt withdrew Wednesda y from the unknown destina tion. a lthough government an d in an address of terror in the eastern surprise. " Craxi said in hi s fiv e-party coalition -to protest a P LO officia l Thursday said to Parliame nt expressed Mediterranean. speech. " It a lso gave me a the Abbas release. Abbas was probably in " bitterness" over U.S. The Italian prime minister feeling of biUerness. for the C rax i t e nde r ed his Baghdad. Iraq. with PLO protests against his decisi on to came under intense criticism failure of a friendly govern· resignation to President Chairman Vasser Arafat. Daily Egyptian Friday, October 18, 1985. Vol. 71. 1\0. 45 usa questions alleged violations in AD selection By Ken Seeber \Hlllen b\" the GPSC and wTlle 3 ta ff W nte, a new pieCe of !cgisla lion The Undergradua te Student Th ~ r esolution claIm s Orga nization pa sse d a sC\'eral seelions of the IU-( :-esolution reques ting answer~ Affi rmati\'e Action Recruiting [0 sf!\'eral all eged affi rm ati \'e and Hiring Procedures ror action \'iolations in the search Non·Acadenllc \dmmi. tratl\'C a direc tor in· ior new of and ProfesSi onal taff "'(' re tercol legiate athletics . violated in the AD search The resolution "'as pa ssed Most of the \'iol a tinns l'l l<'d during a regularly scheduled II1\,oh'e i mprll pt'r fili ng senate. meeting Wednesday proct'"<lurcs. hut the re 'olut lOn night by a vole of 15·1. SC\len also cJai ms that Stuck did not senators abstained from lhe CoUo"",, proper procedure when \·otc. he failed to ad\'ertise the AD through The re~ olutio n was written pos ition "111lnonly b\l th e G r adu ate and and wom en caucu!'cs of Profess ional St udent Council. proressionalorg3n1 Z31ion ." but was extensi\'ely amended The resoluti on also stales by the usa before being "oted that the "spirit of the la \! " was upon. viola ted in section II-A-6-b of The resolution originally the procedures when tuck called ror a new committee failed to provide Somit with a nd search for the AD positioo. "justification why a minority As amende<! , it now calls for or woman was not elected Frank and Sue Werderltch and their daughter, Nature Environmental Center du ring the Head P resident Albert Somit and (when, in fact . minorities and Lori. look out over the lake at the Touch of Start Family Day program. See story on Page 20. Dean Stuck, special assistant women were in the applicant to the president in charge of pool ) prior to the Sept. 'n press athletics, to 'HreeUy address release announcing th e five finalists of the position .. New athletics director to be named Friday the concerns pointed out In the resolution. Appleman denied any By Tom Mangan motel Thursday night. while St. Louis operatiOns for the wrong-doing by the commillee ~ports Editor The resolution also invites none of the three remaining University of Illinois, pulled Stuck and Nancy Bandy, the and said he was confident the A flews conference to an­ finalists was a guest at any his name from the list of assistant director of women's committee had chosen the fi ve nounce the selection of a major city motels. according fina lists last Friday. athletics. to attend the next best finalists for the position. director for intercollegiate to motel desk clerks . It is Fifty-four applications for scheduled senate meeting on " No matter ho\\' many athletics will be held at 9 a .m . expected that the new athletics the post were received before Oct. 30 to answer the questions Friday in Ballroom A of the director will be introduced at search committees you want to Sept. 'n. when the five finalists raised in the resolution . call together_ we have broughl Student Center. the news confer ence. were named. University officials have The other finalists " I'e Tony Apple man. usa forth the five best candidates withheld comment on who will Randall G. Hoffman, associate University President Albert president and member of the for the position of athletics be named athletics director. director of athletics a t the Somit announced Aug. 19 that search committee. told the director," Appleman told the but it is believed that Jim University of Maryla nd ; J erry a national search would be senate he did not feel calling senate. " You do not hire Livengood. associate athJetics M. Hughes. athletics director conducted to find an athl etics for a new committee wou ld be someone hased on prejudices director at Washington State at Central Missouri State: and director to re place Lew effective. because the name of of sex or race. You hire University. is the strongest Richard A. McDuffie, director Hartzog. director of men's the new athletics director someone based on whether possibility fo r the post. of athletics at Central Con· uthletics, who is slaled to would be announced Friday they are the most qualified for Livengood was reported to necticut State. retire after the new director is morning. He also suggested the position. We , as a com­ be registered a t a Carbondale Wayne Willia fTUi director of named. the ser.O!tp reiprt the resolution millee. have done that.·' This Morning Dental School will be own bargaining unit ----- The Illinois Educational -:. allreed to the decision of Teachers or the American Labor Relations Board has Hearing Officer Ira Epstein to Association of University Gus Bode Homecoming ruleci that the SIU School of maintain the Dental School as Professors. Dental Medicine in Allon will a sepa rate bargaining unit. Two issues not setlled, Keck fu n slated be a separate collec tive The administration had filed said. are the definition of bargaining unit. a petition that all SIU cam­ ··oarl·time employees" and Hearings to determine the puses be included in a wi~ther the Dental School's - SpeCial seCilon SIU bargaining agent began sys temwide bargaining unit . fi ve department chairpersons Wednesday in Chicago. " What that means." Keck wi ll be represented in a Don Keck, higher education said. '- is that the board could bargaining unit. speciali st for the Illinois rule that the Dental School Education Association·Natio­ hold an election in 60 days" to Keck said that the NEA-IEA nal Education Association, determine its bargaining would push for an election for Gus uy. the new AD may h••• Cloudy, chanc. at .how.... said that all par ties - in­ union : either the IEA-NEA, the Dental Sehoolto be held in l ome qu.,tlonl of his own - like c1u d in~ the SIU administration the Illinois Federation of 60 days. • ...,' .. S.lukl? GoociLuck Sa.uk•• Newswrap in the nation/world Homecoming game Located n€dr Filpa's and J ackson's Moloise delivers message H OI Dog SIU MALA YSIAN III Sc hool 01 Cosmetology now takmg STUDENT before hanging for murder reglStrlltion for next cb ~ s stlli1lng IIIIe October T ulhon Discounts SlOP In for mformlliion ASSOCIATION JOHANKES BURG . South Africa ' UPI I . Black nati onali st Benj amin l\'ioloise. sentenced to hang at da wn Friday for lhe Imurd er of a black policema n, sent a fa rewell message Thursday I saying. " Freedom IS at hand .
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