Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table

Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table

Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table Table 1 Pinyin Wade-Giles aa bp c ts’, tz’ ch ch’ dt ee gk iyi jch kk’ oe or o pp’ qch rj si ssu, szu tt’ 58 DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table 59 xhs yi i yu u, yu you yu z ts, tz zh ch zi tzu -i (zhi) -ih (chih) -ie (lie) -ieh (lieh) -r (er) rh (erh) Examples jiang chiang zhiang ch’iang zi tzu zhi chih cai tsai Zhu Xi Chu Hsi Xunzi Hsün Tzu qing ch’ing xue hsüeh DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 60 Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table Table 2 Wade–Giles Pinyin aa ch’ ch ch j ch q ch zh ee e or oo ff hh hs x iyi -ieh (lieh) -ie (lie) -ih (chih) -i (zhi) jr kg k’ k pb p’ p rh (erh) -r (er) ssu, szu si td t’ t ts’, tz’ c ts, tz z tzu zi u, yu u yu you DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 Appendix I: Wade-Giles–Pinyin Conversion Table 61 Examples chiang jiang ch’iang zhiang ch‘ing qing chih zhi Chu Hsi Zhu Xi hsüeh xue Hsün Tzu Xunzi tsai cai tzu zi DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 Appendix II: Concordance of Key Philosophical Terms ⠅ai (To love) 1.5, 1.6, 3.17, 12.10, 12.22, 14.7, 17.4, 17.21 (9) 䘧 dao (Way, Path, Road, The Way, To tread a path, To speak, Doctrines, etc.) 1.2, 1.5, 1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 2.3, 3.16, 3.24, 4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.15, 4.20, 5.2, 5.7, 5.13, 5.16, 5.21, 6.12, 6.17, 6.24, 7.6, 8.4, 8.7, 8.13, 9.12, 9.27, 9.30, 11.20, 11.24, 12.19, 12.23, 13.25, 14.1, 14.3, 14.19, 14.28, 14.36, 15.7, 15.25, 15.29, 15.32, 15.40, 15.42, 16.2, 16.5, 16.11, 17.4, 17.14, 18.2, 18.5, 18.7, 19.2, 19.4, 19.7, 19.12, 19.19, 19.22, 19.25. (90) ᖋ de (Virtue, Power, Excellence) 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 4.11, 4.25, 6.29, 7.3, 7.6, 7.23, 8.1, 8.20, 9.18, 11.3, 12.10, 12.19, 12.21, 13.22, 14.4, 14.5, 14.33, 14.34, 15.4, 15.13, 15.27, 16.1, 16.12, 17.13, 17.14, 18.5, 19.2, 19.11 (40) 儐⼲gui shen (Ghosts and spirits) 2.24, 3.12, 6.22, 7.21, 7.35, 8.21, 11.12 (9) 62 DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 Appendix II: Concordance of Key Philosophical Terms 63 ੠ he (“Harmony”) 1.12, 7.32, 13.23, 16.1, 19.25 (8) ᆊ jia (Family, Home) 3.2, 5.8, 12.2, 12.20, 16.1, 17.18, 19.23, 19.25 (11) 䂿 jian (Remonstrance, To remonstrate) 3.21, 4.18, 18.1, 18.5, 19.10 (5) ᬭjiao (Teachings, To instruct) 2.20, 7.25, 13.9, 13.29, 13.30, 15.39, 20.2 (7) ᭀ jing (Respect, Respectfully, Reverence) 1.5, 2.7, 2.20, 3.26, 4.18, 5.16, 5.17, 6.2, 6.22, 8.4, 11.15, 12.5, 13.4, 13.19, 14.42, 15.6, 15.33, 15.38, 16.10, 19.1 (22) ৯ᄤjunzi (Exemplary persons, Gentleman, Superior man, Noble Man) 1.1, 1.2, 1.8, 1.14, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 3.5, 3.7, 3.24, 4.5, 4.10, 4.11, 4.16, 4.24, 5.3, 5.16, 6.4, 6.13, 6.18, 6.26, 6.27, 7.26, 7.31, 7.33, 7.37, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 9.6, 9.14, 10.6, 11.1, 11.21, 11.26, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 12.16, 12.19, 12.24, 13.3,13.23, 13.25, 13.26, 14.6, 14.23, 14.26, 14.27, 14.28, 14.42, 15.2, 15.7, 15.18, 15.19, 15.20, 15.21, 15.22, 15.23, 15.32, 15.34, 15.37, 16.1, 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 16.10, 16.13, 17.4, 17.7, 17.21, 17.23, 17.24, 18.7, 18.10, 19.3, 19.4, 19.7, 19.9, 19.10, 19.12, 19.20, 19.21, 19.25, 20.2, 20.3 (108) (Note: ৯ also occurs alone 40+ times in the text, where it means “lord,” or “ruler”) ⾂ li (Ritual propriety, Rituals, Rites, Customs, Worship, Ceremony, etc.) DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 64 Appendix II: Concordance of Key Philosophical Terms 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 2.3, 2.5, 2.23, 3.4, 3.8, 3.9, 3.15, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.22, 3.26, 4.13, 6.27, 7.18, 7.31, 8.2, 8.8, 9.3, 9.11, 10.5, 11.1, 11.26, 12.1, 12.5, 12.15, 13.3, 13.4, 14.12, 14.41, 15.18, 15.33, 16.2, 16.5, 16.13, 17.11, 17.21, 17.24, 20.3 (75) ੑming (Destiny, Fate, Mandate, Propensities) 2.4, 6.3, 6.10, 8.6, 9.1, 10.3, 10.20, 11.7, 11.19, 12.5, 13.20, 14.8, 14.12, 14.36, 14.44, 16.2, 16.8, 17.20, 19.1, 20.1, 20.3 (24) ҕ ren (Authoritative, Benevolence, Human-heartedness, Consummate con- duct, etc) 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 5.5, 5.8, 5.9, 5.19, 6.7, 6.22, 6.23, 6.26, 6.30, 7.6, 7.15, 7.30, 7.34, 8.2, 8.7, 8.10, 9.1, 9.29, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.20, 12.22, 12.24, 13.12, 13.19, 13.27, 14.1, 14.4, 14.6, 14.16, 14.17, 14.28, 15.9, 15.10, 15.33, 15.35, 15.36, 17.1, 17.6, 17.8, 17.17, 17.21, 18.1, 19.6, 19.15, 19.16, 20.1, 20.2. (109) ୘ shan (Almost always rendered as “Good,” but the sense of the term is more “good for,” “good at,” i.e, having the ability, useful, a worthy example of things of this kind, etc.) 2.220, 3.25, 5.17, 5.26, 6.9, 7.3, 7.22, 7.26, 7.28, 7.32, 8.4, 8.13, 9.11, 9.13, 11.20, 12.11, 12.19, 12.21, 12.23, 13.8, 13.11, 13.15, 13.22, 13.24, 13.29, 14.5, 15.10, 15.33, 16.4, 16.5, 16.11, 17.7, 19.3, 19.20, 20.1 (42) 㘪 (Ҏ) sheng (ren) (Sage(s), saint) 6.30, 7.26, 7.34, 9.6, 16.8, 19.12 (8) ຿shi (Scholar–apprentice, Lower official, Knight, Retainer) 4.9, 7.12, 8.7, 12.20, 13.20, 13.28, 14.2, 15.9-10, 18.2, 18.6, 18.11, 19., 19.19 (18) ᘩshu (To reciprocate, Reciprocity, Forgiveness, Mercy) 4.15, 15.24 (2) DOI: 10.1057/9781137303394 Appendix II: Concordance of Key Philosophical Terms 65 ໽ tian (“Heaven,” “Nature”) 2.4, 3.2, 3.11, 3.13, 3.24, 4.10, 5.13, 6.28, 7.23, 8.1, 8.13, 8.18, 8.19, 8.20, 9.5, 9.6, 11.9, 12.1, 12.5, 12.22, 14.5, 14.17, 14.35, 16.2, 16.8, 17.6, 17.19, 17.21, 19.20, 19.25, 20.1. (49) Note: Only the italicized numbers refer to passages with ໽ occurring as such; all other passages are ໽ϟ, “All under heaven,” i.e. “the world.”) ᭛ wen (Culture, Refined, Literature, To embellish, etc.) 1.6, 3.9, 3.14, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 6.18, 6.27, 7.25, 7.33 8.19, 9.5, 9.11, 11.3, 12.8, 12.15, 12.24, 14.12, 14.13, 14.15, 14.18, 15.14, 15.26, 16.1, 19.8, 19.22. (42) ᄱ xiao (Filial piety, Family Reverence) 1.2, 1.6, 1.11, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.20, 2.21, 4.20, 8.21, 11.5, 13.20, 19.18 (19) ᇣҎ xiao ren (Petty person, Mean person) 2.14, 4.11, 4.16, 6.13, 7.37, 12.16, 12.19, 13.4, 13.20, 13.23, 13.25, 13.26, 14.6, 14.23, 15.2, 15.21, 15.34, 16.8, 17.4, 17.12, 17.23, 17.25, 19.8. (23) xin ֵ (Making good on one’s word, Trustworthy, Sincere, Authentic, etc.) 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.13, 2.22, 5.6, 5.10, 5.26, 5.28, 7.1, 7.25, 8.4, 8.13, 8.16, 9.25, 12.7, 12.10, 12.11, 13.4, 13.20, 14.13, 14.14, 14.31, 15.6, 15.18, 17.6, 17.8, 19.2, 19.10, 20.1. (38) ᖗxin (Heart, Mind, Heart–mind) 2.4, 6.7, 14.39, 17.22, 20.1 (6) ᄺxue (Learning, To learn, Studying) 1.1, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.14, 2.4, 2.15, 2.18, 5.15, 5.28, 6.3, 6.27, 7.2, 7.3, 7.17, 7.34, 8.12, 8.13, 8.17, 9.2, 9.30, 11.3, 11.7, 11.25, 11.26, 12.15, 13.4, 14.24, 14.35, 15.1, 15.3, 15.312, 15.32, 16.9, 16.13, 17.4, 17.8, 17.9, 19.5, 19.6, 19.7, 19.13, 19.22.

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