THE M AG AZI NE FOR ARMY ENGINEERS FALL 1980 /~ .. , ,1'iI c.<;'irUi,f,... ., Digging More Effective -.f Tank & TOW (;!.t!Jj Defensive Positions UNITED STATES ARMY ENGINEER CENTER AND FORT BELVOIR COMMANDER/COMMANDANT MG Max W. Noah CHIEF OF STAFF/DEPUTY INSTALLATION COMMANDER COL Thomas M. McClelland ASSISTANT COMMANDANT COL Robert M. Bunker COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR CSM Frederick I. Eisenbart, Jr. DIRECTORATES DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING LTC Stan ley R. Johnson DIRECTORATE OF COMBAT DEVELOPMENTS COL Philip R. Hoge DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING DEVELOPMENTS COL John W. Devens DIRECTORATE OF EVALUATION MAJ(P) Terrance C. Ryan UNITS ENGINEER TRAINING BRIGADE COL James H. King, Jr. ENGINEER CENTER BRIGADE COL David O. Cooksey THE COVER . ~ EDITOR Better concealment and greater Englneer Jerome J. Hill killing effectiveness of antitank weapons are possible by digging defensive pos itions deeper and STAFF WRITER facing them alternately left and SPS Mary Vitek . right to take advantage of flan k shots, as illustrated on the cover ILLUSTRATORS by Ron Perkins . For details, see Bill Ruth Captain Eric T. Mogren's article Alma Thaxton beginn ing on page 10. Ron Perkins PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER MAJ Sandor I. Ketzis Englneer - PC:? _____________ _ _ _ _ .:...:T.:...:Hc::E....:-M.:..:;AGAZINE FOR ARMY ENGINEERS lJOLUME: 10 FALL 1980 NUMDE:R J FEATURES 10 DIGGING MORE EFFECTIVE TANK & TOW DEFENSIVE POSITIONS by Captai n Eric T. Mogren 13 PROJE CT KRYPTONITE by Captain Norman G. Comstock 16 THE DIVISION ENGINEER IN THE GERMAN ARMY by Lieutenant Colonel Juergen M. Erbe page 13 18 THE TERRAIN ANALY SIS CENTE R by Captain David R. Gallay 20 THE 20TH ENGINEER BRIGADE 24 ROAD CRATERS- TECHNICAL & TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS by Captain Robert D. Volz 32 THE NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER by CSM (Ret) Johnny W. Greek DEPARTMENTS 4 NEWS & NOTES 38 ENLISTED CA REER INFO 8 FORUM 39 THE SCHOOL SOLUTION 35 ENGINEER PROBLEM 40 OFFICER CAREER INFO 36 RESERVE CO MPONENTS ENGINEER IS an autho riz ed publication of t he US Arm y Engineer Cent er an d Fort Belvoir , VA , Unl ess sp ecifically stated , mat erial app earin g herein does not necess ari ly rel lec t offi ci al poli cy , trun kmq , or endo rsement by any age ncy of th e US Arm y All ph ot og raph s containe d he rein are o lhctal USArmy ph ot ogr aph s un less otherw ise cred ited . Use of funds fo r pri nting th is pu blica tio n was appro ve d by Hea dquarter s , De part · ment 0 1 th e Army , on Febr uary 23. 1979 Mat eri al herein may be reprinted if c redit IS gi ven to ENGINEER and th e au th or . • ENGINEER OBJECTIVES are to p rovid e a foru m for the exc hange of idea s, to inform and motivate , and to pr omot e th e pr ot essi onat dev elo pment o f all mem ber s 0 1 the Arm y enq mee r family . • DIRECT CORRESPONDENCE w it h ENG INEE R IS au thon zed and en co uraged . Inqu iries, le tters to the aortor. manuscripts, ph ot ographs, an d general correspond ence sh oul d be sent to : Edit or . EN GINEER Ma gaZine, US Arm y Engine er Cente r, For t 8 el voir, VA 22060 Tel eph on e AUT OVON 354-500 1 or Co mmercial 703 -66 4,3 082/5001 If a return of manu scripts or mat erial IS d es rrec, a s elt-addressed stam pe d enve lo pe is requited . • SUBSCRIPTIONS to ENGINEE R are ava ila ble through th e Supe rintende nt of Docum ent s , US Government Printing Offi c e, Washington , D.C 2040 2 . A check or money orde r, payable to Superintend ent of Docum ents. mu st accompany all subscripti on re qu ests. Subsc riptio n rates are $5 50 for domestic (includ ing AP O and FP O) addr esses , and $6 90 fo r for ei gn add resse s. Individual copies are avarl­ ab le at $3 25 per copy for domestic addr esses and $ 4 10 for fo reign addr esses . • CONTROLLED CIRCULATION postage pai d at W ashington , D.C . NEWS,8z: NOTES ENGINEER HOTLINE The US Army Engineer School at Fort Belvoir, VA , has a telephone HOTLINE to help provide answers for specific Army Engineer problems in the field . If you experience problems related to engineer doctrine, TOE organization, MOS, equipment, manuals, training and/or training de­ velopment, call the HOTUNE number, AUTO­ VON 354-3646 or COMMERCIAL 703-664-3646. A recorded message will ask you to identify your­ self by name , unit, unit address, and unit tele­ phone number. Then you will be required to iden­ tify the subject area of your problem and state the problem as clearly as possible. Subject matter ex­ perts within The Engineer School will then be contacted about your problem and return your call . HOTLINE has responded to an average of about 20 calls a month during the last year. If you have a problem, call the Engineer HOTLINE . NEW CHIEF OF ENGINEERS Lieutenant General Joseph K. Bratton will become the Army 's 45th Chief of Engineers on WEST POINT WOMEN CHOOSE ENGINEERS October I . He will succeed Lieutenant General The first women to graduate from the United States John W , Morris, who retires September 30 . Military Acad emy at We st Point include s ix engineers Bratton has served as Deputy Chief of Engineers currently enrolled in the Engineer Officer Basi c Course since August I , He was the division engineer of at The Engineer School , Fort Belv oir , VA . They were the Corps of Engineers' South Atlantic Division at among the 61 women commissioned as second lieuten­ ants during graduation ceremo nies at West Po int in Atlanta, GA , prior to August l. June . The six precedent-setting engineer lieutenants in­ Bratton's command assignments have included clude Brigid Benya, Bobbi L. Fiedler, Kathleen M . the 24th Engineer Battalion with the 4th Arm ored Gerard, Clare Kirb y. Debra M . Merriken, and Caro l A . Division in Europe, and the 159th Engineer Group Young. Benya and Kirby have been as signed to the in Vietnam. 130th Engineer Brigade, US AREUR, foll owing EOBC, while Young has been assi gned to the 7th Engi necr Hi s staff assignments have included director of Brigade , USAR EUR . The other three will report to military application for the Department of Energy; stat eside commands foll owing completion of EOBC­ chief of nuclear activities, Supreme Headquarters , Fiedler to the 937(h Engineer Group , Fort Riley, KS : USAREUR; executive to the Supreme Allied Gerard to the 20th Engineer Brigade, Fort Bragg , NC ; Command in Europe; secretary to the Joint Chiefs and Merriken 10 the 36th Engineer Group, Fort Ben ­ ning , GA . of Staff; and military assistant to the Secretary of the Army. He has also served in the War Plans Division. Plans Directorate, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations; and with the Division of Reactor Development, Atomic Energy Commission . 2 co n~i n u ed NOAH SUCCEEDS KELLY Maj or Gen eral Ma x W . Noah has succeede d Major Gener al James L . Kell y as Commanding Ge neral of the US Army Eng ineer Ce nter a nd Commandant of the US Army En ­ ginee r Scho ol at Fort Belvoir, VA . MG Kelly retires from act ive service on September 30 aft er a distinguished 30- year military career. MG Noah last served as Div ision Engi neer for the Cor ps of Eng ineers' Huntsville Div ision in Huntsville , AL. He was previ ou sly assigned to the US Arm y Trainin g and Doctrine Co mmand at Fort Monroe, VA. as Deputy Chi ef of Staff for Resource Ma nage me nt. MG Noah is a 195 3 graduate of the SOLDIERS EARN OLYMPIC MEDALLIONS US Military Ac adem y at West Point. In 1958 he recei ved a master ' s de­ Display ing official Olympic med alli ons they received for the ir part gree in electrical engineering at Pur­ in the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid , NY , are SP6 Clark 1. Hein­ due Univer sity. He also is a graduate kel , SFC Joseph T. Tcnschert , and SP6 Marshall R . Thacker. All of the Arm y Comm and and General three are members of Team C, 535 th Engineer Detachment, Fort St aff Co llege, the Arm y War Col­ Eustis, VA . They assisted in providing backup electrical power at lege , and the In st itute of Defen se La ke Placid in Febru ary. Th eir per form ance also earned them cer­ Analys is . tifi cate s of apprec iatio n from the Secre tary of Defense. MG Noah 's 27-y ea r military care er inc l udes two tours in Korea ( 1954-55 . 1973· 74) , a tour as chi ef of operations for the 18th Enginee r Brigade in Vietn am ( 1966-67) , and a tour as co mma nde r of the 307th Air­ NEW BORE CLEANER borne Engineer Batt alion , 82nd Air ­ borne Division , at Fort Bragg, NC A ne w product, now available to unit s through the national mili­ ( 1968-70). tary supply system, not only breaks loose grit , rust , salt, etc., from The Greensboro , NC, native is a metal surfaces but also lubricates and preser ves them by providing a regi ster ed pr ofessional e ng inee r in long-l astin g thin film prote ctive coating .
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