Appendix 1 South Somerset Local Plan Review 2016 – 2036 – Main Points arising from Issues and Options Consultation October 2017 until January 2018. During the consultation period, the Council received over 800 representations to the Local Plan Review Issues and Options consultation resulting in 1,424 individual comments, many of which are very detailed and lengthy in nature. 49 late responses were also received. What follows below is a summary of the main points made by respondents, including the late representations. All of the representations received during the consultation period can be found in full on the Council’s website at Homepage - South Somerset District Council Consultations Question/ Question / Summary of Main Points Officer Response Option Option / No Section of the document Foreword There have been several questions as to why the Local Plan is being The Council agreed to carry out a reviewed so soon after adoption of the current Local Plan. It is suggested full Local Plan Review in the Local that as the current Local Plan was only adopted in 2015 the new plan Development Scheme, April 2017. should utilise an evidence base from 2016 and the plan period run up to The National Planning Policy 2036. Framework, July 2018 (NPPF) There are also queries as to why so much new housing is required. expects Local Plan to be reviewed It is also felt that the consultation document and Foreword make no mention with five years of the date of of Neighbourhood Plans - the Government’s main initiative. adoption. The Foreword to the Local Plan Review will include a reference to Neighbourhood Plans. Sustainability It is asked why, when the 2017 HELAA identifies the site (E/MIPO/0003) as The Council has commissioned Appraisal having capacity for approx. 68 dwellings and concludes that it is suitable, consultants AECOM to carry out available, and achievable for development in the next five years, the site Sustainability Appraisal of the Local was discounted from the Sustainability Appraisal or I&O consultation and Plan Review. there is an objection to what is seen as to lack of reasonable alternatives for Milborne Port. Site options for Milborne Port are It is stated that, without site visits and a lack of qualitative analysis of sites, discussed later in this Appendix. there are a number of inherent flaws in the site appraisal criteria, leading to 1 Question/ Question / Summary of Main Points Officer Response Option Option / No Section of the document some distorted findings, examples of which are given, particularly in relation to sites at Milborne Port It is thought that 8.2(b) and (c) are preferred, which is supported by Option 2 of the SA - Option 2 being to have a more dispersed strategy based upon where the market is delivering. Duty to The Consultation Document is said to pay little attention to the duty to As well as joint studies there are Cooperate cooperate and that simply commissioning joint studies across local authority regular meetings with adjoin boundaries is not sufficient. authorities and contact with specific bodies. A duty to co-operate report will accompany the Local Plan at the Submission stage. The NPPF now requires Councils to produce and maintain one or more Statements of Common Ground documenting cross-boundary matters being addressed and progress on cooperating on these. SSDC will be complying with this requirement. Spatial Portrait This is generally supported, but it is stated that poor economic outlook and The Local Plan Review seeks to of South skills attainment needs to be addressed; that the Yeovil Vision needs to re- provide a planning policy framework Somerset imagine the town centre; and that more mention should be made of electric that supports the Councils cars. regeneration objectives for Yeovil It stated that that the Plan must accommodate demographic change to meet Town Centre, helps to promote a the needs of ageing population, that there needs to be more provision for healthy economy, aligned to the the elderly, including bungalows and care/ nursing homes; and that the loss Councils emerging Economic of younger people that may be due to lack of suitable employment Development Strategy and which opportunities should be included. supports the provision of 2 Question/ Question / Summary of Main Points Officer Response Option Option / No Section of the document It is thought that protection of Grade 1 & 2 agricultural land is essential and infrastructure for electric vehicles vital for a sustainable future, particularly in our rural area with agriculture (see Policy EQ1) being such a dominant local industry on which many depend for their employment. The Local Plan Review recognises It is stated that the planned improvements to the A303 have yet to be the role agri-based business play in funded, are already out of date and will not provide the relief needed. The the South Somerset economy. point is made, however, that any excavated material during the A303 and Footnote 53 of the NPPF states A358 works should be used on site - the principle of ‘lean design’ should be “Where significant development of adopted. Waste and recycling infrastructure should consider as a cross- agricultural land is demonstrated to border matter with TDBC. be necessary, areas of poorer It is suggested that reference should be made to the convenience of buses quality land should be preferred to being a vital consideration for rural residents since they provide access to those of higher quality.” It is their employment, leisure, medical and commercial needs. All allocations will recognised that South Somerset has result in increased car journeys and traffic due to lack of public transport. a significant amount of high quality It is thought misleading to say South Somerset is well linked by three major agricultural land any loss has to be railway lines. South Somerset is not well served by railways. There are only balanced against the need to stations at Yeovil, Crewkerne, Templecombe, Bruton and Castle Cary. A provide land for housing and number of other Market Towns are not served. employment growth to meet needs Evidence from the National Housing Federation’s Home Truths is quoted of the current and future population which indicates that South Somerset is becoming one of the most of South Somerset. unaffordable places to live in the South West, with a house price to income ratio of 10.0. The importance of buses is Fuller reference to AONBs is encouraged, with potential for greater policy recognised. Additional text has been integration, particularly as the Blackdown Hills AONB Management Plan will inserted to set out the contribution shortly be reviewed. Reference is also made to the Cranborne Chase AONB the community and voluntary sector Management Plan. make to connectivity for There is an objection to the loss of employment land to residential. communities. It stated that the economic benefits brought by the tourism and leisure The “well” has been deleted where sectors should be given more emphasis, particularly given that these will be referring to the railway stations. strengthened by the planned improvements to the A303 and A358. 3 Question/ Question / Summary of Main Points Officer Response Option Option / No Section of the document The Office of National Statistic identifies an affordability ratio of 8.16 for South Somerset (2017). A reference to AONB Management Plans has been inserted. Permitted Development Rights allows B1 employment use premises to convert to residential use without the need for planning permission. The Governments focus is the delivery of new housing. The provision of employment land is discussed in more detail later in this schedule and includes Policy EP2 which seeks to resist the loss of employment sites and buildings. A reference to tourism expenditure and the opportunities present by the A303 and A358 improvements has been inserted. General Points Several comments have been received complaining about an apparent lack The Local Plan Issues and Options of or inadequate consultation. were consulted upon for a 12 week It is stated that not enough consideration has been given to minerals and period. A number of ‘drop-in’ waste matters – and that there is a need to amend the definition of sessions were held across the development plan to include reference to the adopted plans. The need to District. All documents were safeguard building stone resources and promote use of local vernacular available in libraries Council Offices stone is highlighted. and online. 4 Question/ Question / Summary of Main Points Officer Response Option Option / No Section of the document The consultation was carried out in accordance with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement, 2015 (and updated in 2018 to include more detail on neighbourhood Planning). Somerset County Council is the Minerals and Waste Authority and produces a development plan document on these matters. 3.1 Do you agree Some people agree with the suggested Vision saying, for example that the current Various amendments have been with the vision to 2028 is outdated and too long winded and the proposed vision is succinct, made to the proposed Vision in suggested memorable, and provides an acceptable solution. However, there have also been order to reflect the comments made vision to 2034, many in disagreement and suggestions made for its revision, which include the including the addition of: and, if not, following: how should it ‘healthy’ in the first sentence. be changed? Employment/ Economy It needs to be more aspirational in terms of providing jobs growth and A second sentence reflecting the economic prosperity. Council Plan. It include a reference to supporting the tourism industry and tourist accommodation, stated as key contributors to the local economy and a major Infrastructure of all types’ and source of local income and employment. ‘improved’ to the now third sentence.
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