Microcontroller by Infineon Technologies Support and news: infineon News Issue Embedded World 2012 on Facebook ➔ PagE 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// n XMC4000 n Industry n Hexagon Microcontroller ICs and switches with galvanic application Kit „A true all-rounder for isolation Versatile development industry“ platform for XMC4000 ➔ PagE 2 ➔ PagE 4 ➔ PagE 2 MeGATreNDS iNFiNeON’S FOcUS Strong solutions Quality and cutting- for global Tailored to industrial edge technologies challenges From cars to robots; from indus- trial motors to solar inverters The world’s population is spi- applications – Infineon microcontrollers are raling. More and more mega- used across the widest range of cities with populations of 10 // New XMc4000 family applications. Almost every sec- million and more are forming. with ArM® cortex™-M4 processor ond new car, for example, has a Rising living standards, above TriCore™ controller in its engine all in emerging economies, are or powertrain system. “We have fuelling an increase in energy a strong reputation for premi- consumption. Yet the earth’s um quality among automotive energy resources are limit- manufacturers and – in general ed. And so new solutions are – for our cutting-edge technolo- gies such as embedded flash memory,” states Peter Schäfer. needed to meet the challenges of these global megatrends. “Energy conservation is key to meeting the world’s rising pow- er needs,” explains Peter Bauer, CEO of Infineon AG. “Which is why Infineon is focused on en- ergy efficiency, mobility and se- Peter Schäfer curity.” Semiconductor technol- Infineon presents XMC4000 family with Vice President and General ogies from Infineon are already ARM® processor Manager, Microcontrollers making industry, transport and everyday activities more secure XMC4000 family increases en- AD converters, delta-sigma de- ily launched by Infineon. It fea- The Munich-based semicon- n InduStry and efficient. n ergy efficiency, supports a wide modulators and timer modules tures a 120 MHz CPU, 1 Mbyte ductor giant is also a global Infineon will be unveiling its range of communications stan- as well as Ethernet, USB 2.0, embedded flash memory and leader in the industrial micro- new 32-bit XMC4000 micro- dards and simplifies software CAN and SD/MMC interfaces. 160 Kbyte RAM. Samples are controller sector, both in terms ///////////////////////////////////////////////// controller family to the gen- development,” says Dr. Stephan “We’ve channeled over thirty available now. This device will of market share and technol- eral public at the Embedded Zizala, Senior Director, Indus- years of development exper- go into series production mid- ogy. “The new XMC4000 family Ticker World 2012 fair. The microcon- trial and Multimarket Micro- tise into the XMC4000 family, May 2012. Depending on the is the perfect complement to troller units (MCUs) with ARM® controllers. also leveraging the benefits of a variant and type of housing, Infineon’s microcontroller of- Bright prospects Cortex™ M4 processors were The new MCUs are built on an widely used processor architec- the price for 10,000 microcon- fering, slotting neatly between for semiconductor custom-developed for indus- advanced CPU subsystem de- ture,” confirms Zizala. trollers will be between one and the established 16-bit XE166 trial environments and are ex- livering 80 - 180 MHz perfor- Infineon’s free DAVE™ 3 tool seven euros. n devices and the 32-bit TriCore™ market tremely versatile – as the name mance at temperatures of up to ensures quick and easy soft- platform,” explains Schäfer. XMC (cross-market microcon- 125 degrees Celsius. They also ware development, giving en- Industrial and automotive ap- Outperforming the market: In troller) suggests. The control- offer outstanding DSP func- gineers intuitive access to full plications offer huge potential. fiscal 2011, Infineon grew 14% lers are optimized for industrial tionality, a floating point unit microcontroller functionality Together, they account for over relative to the previous year. motor control, manufacturing and fast flash memory with an with minimum programming half the global market for mi- Excluding memory chips and and building automation, re- access time of just 22 nanosec- effort. crocontrollers. n microprocessors, the semicon- newable energy, logistics, and onds. The extensive range of The XMC4500 series is the first Use QR code or visit: www.infineon.com/xmc ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ductor market expanded by medical applications. “The peripherals includes four 12-bit member of the XMC4000 fam- only 3%. AUTOMOTiVe Stable market: Experts pre- dict that demand for industry Chips lower energy microcontrollers will grow by Fast and simple consumption an impressive 7% every year through 2014. // User-friendly software development with the DAVe™ 3 toolset Cars have to become more ef- ficient. This applies to electric makes it easy for engineers to tomatic code generation. Alter- bedded applications. and hybrid vehicles just as n InduStry develop application software natively, developers are free to To further facilitate XMC4000 much as it does to gas and die- Software development is the that exposes the full potential integrate their own apps. designs, Infineon collaborates sel engines. Lower consumption most labor-intensive process of Infineon’s powerful hard- Apps can be easily configured with over 20 other providers of means lower emissions, or – in in embedded system design. ware. using the graphical user inter- complementary development the case of electric cars – longer The software for these systems DAVE™ 3 includes a GNU com- face and adapted to the widest tools, software solutions, train- driving distances because the is becoming increasingly com- piler, a debugger and data range of applications. Exam- ing and consulting services. n batteries last longer. Infineon’s plex – at a rate that even out- visualization utilities. Other ples include peripheral driv- chips are making a valuable paces Moore’s Law. Infineon’s commonly used compilers and ers based on PWM, SPI, CAN or contribution to sustainable mo- Innovative products: Infineon free development environment, debuggers can be easily added ADC, middleware components bility through innovations such is ideally placed to capitalize DAVE™ 3 (Digital Application to this development environ- such as TCP/IP, USB, file sys- as the TLE9267QX system basic on the growing market for in- Virtual Engineer), was created ment. The platform is built tems or graphical user interfac- chip for partial networking and dustry applications with in- to simplify programming and around the DAVE™ apps man- es, application abstractions for the powerful AUDO MAX mi- novative products such as the reduce development times. ager. Using predefined, tested motor control or automation, crocontroller family for energy- XMC4000 microcontrollers. This Eclipse-based platform apps, DAVE™ also supports au- and even fully configurable em- efficient drivetrain. ➔ PagE 2 2 Microcontroller News // by infineon Technologies // issue embedded World 2012 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hitex evaluation board Raising efficiency levels for XMC4000 // AUDO MAX family boosts performance in new automotive applications software development effort for tegrity Level) certification. The n AUTOMOtIVE our customers,” explains Prod- controller’s GPTA module en- Microcontrollers are built into uct Manager Günter Hank. ables up to four electric motors every modern vehicle. they The AUDO MAX family also to be controlled at the same regulate the engine, cut fuel meets rising demands for data time, making this solution also nal control, LED matrix control, consumption and CO2 emis- and operating reliability with ideal for motor control in elec- RGB and A/D conversion. sions, and increase safety. Yet ASIL (Automotive Safety In- tric or hybrid cars. n The board has been designed the performance requirements as an add-on to Infineon’s for MCUs are continually in- Hexagon Application Kit and creasing. is therefore compatible with Infineon’s AUDO MAX family DAVE™ apps. XMC-HiLight has delivers the computing horse- direct interfaces to Hexagon’s power these parts need. Built human-machine interface on the TriCore™ architecture, (HMI) and actuator (ACT) satel- AUDO MAX delivers around lite cards. 52 percent more performance Developers can easily add their than its predecessor, AUDO Fu- own hardware extensions us- ture, with clock frequencies of ing an optional prototype board up to 300 MHz in 90 nanometer that attaches to XMC-HiLight. technology. This makes AUDO Various assembly options are MAX a powerful core for future available, enabling distribu- motor control generations. tors to easily create OEM vari- The proven asymmetrical sin- troduced a compact, all-in-one ants for training and promotion
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