3/31/21 Division County Number DOT # Route Across Year Built Posted SV Posted TTST 7 Alamance 2 000002 SR1529 PRONG OF HAW RIVER 1998 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 3 000003 SR1529 DRY CREEK 1954 20 29 7 Alamance 6 000006 SR1504 TRAVIS CREEK 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 7 000007 SR1504 TICKLE CREEK 2009 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 11 000011 NC54 HAW RIVER 2001 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 12 000012 NC62 BIG ALAMANCE CREEK 1999 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 13 000013 SR1530 HAW RIVER 2002 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 14 000014 NC87 CANE CREEK 1929 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 15 000015 SR1530 HAW RIVER 1957 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 16 000016 NC119 I40, I85 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 18 000018 SR1561 HAW RIVER 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 22 000022 SR1001 MINE CREEK 1951 23 30 7 Alamance 23 000023 SR1001 STONEY CREEK 1991 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 24 000024 SR1581 STONY CREEK 1960 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 26 000026 NC62 GUNN CREEK 1949 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 27 000027 SR1002 BUTTERMILK CREEK 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 28 000028 SR1587 BUTTERMILK CREEK 1986 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 31 000031 SR1584 BUTTERMILK CREEK 2005 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 32 000032 SR1582 BUTTERMILK CREEK 2012 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 33 000033 NC49 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1980 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 34 000034 NC54 BACK CREEK 1973 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 35 000035 NC62 HAW RIVER 1958 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 36 000036 SR1613 TOM'S CREEK 1960 35 41 7 Alamance 37 000037 SR1611 PRONG STONEY CREEK 2013 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 38 000038 SR1611 STONEY CREEK 1960 33 39 7 Alamance 39 000039 SR1584 PRONG BUTTERMILK CREEK 1995 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 40 000040 NC87 BRANCH OF VARNALS CREEK 1929 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 41 000041 SR1002 STONEY CREEK 1960 34 37 7 Alamance 42 000042 SR1002 TOM'S CREEK 1960 34 38 7 Alamance 43 000043 SR1763 JORDAN CREEK 1995 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 44 000044 SR1768 JORDAN'S CREEK 1968 5 0 7 Alamance 45 000045 SR1002 JORDAN CREEK 2008 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 47 000047 SR1226 I40, I85 2004 LGW LGW This report includes NC Bridges that are less than 20' in length. FHWA doesn't consider bridges less than 20' to be a structure. LGW (Legal Gross Weight) signifies that the structure is not posted. 3/31/21 7 Alamance 51 000051 SR1712 HAW RIVER 1957 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 52 000052 SR1729 STONEY CREEK 1959 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 54 000054 SR1754 JORDANS CREEK 1989 20 29 7 Alamance 56 000056 NC49 HAW RIVER 1985 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 58 000058 SR1927 PRONG QUAKER CREEK 1990 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 59 000059 SR1927 QUAKER CREEK RESERVIOR 1963 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 60 000060 SR1921 QUAKER CREEK 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 61 000061 SR1921 BACK CREEK 1990 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 62 000062 SR1920 MILL CREEK 1989 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 63 000063 SR1917 BACK CREEK 1990 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 64 000064 SR1912 QUAKER CREEK 2015 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 66 000066 SR1910 QUAKER CREEK 2013 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 67 000067 SR1940 BACK CREEK 1986 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 68 000068 SR1928 SOUTHERN R.R. 1972 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 69 000069 NC49 GREAT ALAMANCE CREEK 1982 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 70 000070 NC54 HAW CREEK 1973 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 71 000071 NC62 STONEY CREEK 1967 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 72 000072 NC87 ALAMANCE CREEK 1928 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 73 000073 SR1928 BACK CREEK 1969 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 75 000075 SR1158 I40 & I85 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 76 000076 I40 ,I85 NC62 1992 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 77 000077 SR1007 HAW CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 79 000079 SR2131 HAW CREEK 1999 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 81 000081 US70 BACK CREEK 1938 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 82 000082 SR2135 PRONG HAW CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 83 000083 SR2135 HAW CREEK 1987 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 84 000084 SR2158 HAW CREEK 1986 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 86 000086 SR2171 HAW RIVER 1990 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 91 000091 SR2153 HAW CREEK 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 92 000092 NC49 LITTLE ALAMANCE CREEK 1923 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 93 000093 SR2109 TOWN BRANCH 1996 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 94 000094 SR2158 HAW RIVER 2005 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 95 000095 SR2116 BIG ALAMANCE CREEK 1963 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 96 000096 SR2116 VARNALS CREEK 2009 LGW LGW This report includes NC Bridges that are less than 20' in length. FHWA doesn't consider bridges less than 20' to be a structure. LGW (Legal Gross Weight) signifies that the structure is not posted. 3/31/21 7 Alamance 97 000097 SR2116 CHUB CREEK 2015 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 98 000098 SR1003 MARY'S CREEK 1974 38 44 7 Alamance 101 000101 SR1005 HAW RIVER 1996 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 102 000102 SR2181 CANE CREEK 2010 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 103 000103 SR2182 BIG BRANCH 1958 16 21 7 Alamance 105 000105 SR2174 MARY'S CREEK 1972 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 106 000106 SR2312 ALAMANCE CREEK 2006 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 107 000107 SR2309 ALAMANCE CREEK 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 109 000109 SR2309 ALAMANCE CREEK 1965 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 111 000111 SR2351 CANE CREEK 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 112 000112 NC87 REEDY FORK CREEK 1949 31 35 7 Alamance 113 000113 SR1003 CANE CREEK 1950 34 39 7 Alamance 114 000114 SR1003 SOUTH FORK CANE CREEK 1950 19 25 7 Alamance 115 000115 SR1154 I40, I85 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 119 000119 NC87 HAW RIVER 2020 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 120 000120 I40,I85 NC49 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 121 000121 SR1136 STINKING QUARTER CR. 1963 34 39 7 Alamance 124 000124 SR1130 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 125 000125 SR2327 VARNALS CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 126 000126 NC87 MILL RACE 2019 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 128 000128 SR2369 CANE CREEK 1950 25 38 7 Alamance 130 000130 I40,I85 NC87 1991 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 134 000134 SR2356 CANE CREEK 2012 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 136 000136 SR2351 SOUTH FORK CANE CREEK 1972 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 137 000137 SR2351 PINE HILL BRANCH 2015 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 140 000140 SR2100 I40, I85 1991 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 141 000141 SR1005 WELLS CREEK 1950 17 23 7 Alamance 142 000142 I40, I85 NC54 1991 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 144 000144 SR2361 ROCK CREEK 2014 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 148 000148 I40,I85 HAW RIVER 1958 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 149 000149 SR2363 WELLS CREEK 2010 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 153 000153 SR2371 CANE CREEK 1950 20 26 7 Alamance 155 000155 SR1928 I40,I85 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 160 000160 SR1122 S.PRONG STINKING QTR. CK 2014 LGW LGW This report includes NC Bridges that are less than 20' in length. FHWA doesn't consider bridges less than 20' to be a structure. LGW (Legal Gross Weight) signifies that the structure is not posted. 3/31/21 7 Alamance 161 000161 SR1124 N.PR.STINKING QTR.CR. 2015 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 162 000162 SR1113 S.PRONG STINKING QTR. CR 2013 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 163 000163 I40,I85 BACK CREEK 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 164 000164 SR1113 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1949 24 32 7 Alamance 165 000165 SR1131 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1970 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 167 000167 SR1117 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1999 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 168 000168 SR1148 LITTLE ALAMANCE CREEK 1978 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 169 000169 SR1148 GUM CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 172 000172 SR1149 LAKE MACINTOSH 1985 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 173 000173 SR1149 BACK CREEK 1960 26 LGW 7 Alamance 174 000174 SR2123 I40 & I85 1993 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 176 000176 SR1981 I40,I85 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 177 000177 SR1007 I40,I85 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 178 000178 SR1154 LITTLE ALAMANCE CREEK 1970 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 190 000190 SR1005 POPPAW CREEK 1950 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 194 000194 SR2328 VARNALS CREEK 1978 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 195 000195 SR2304 BOWDEN BRANCH 1996 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 210 000210 SR2171 HAW RIVER 1990 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 238 000238 SR2128 HAW CREEK 1954 20 27 7 Alamance 240 000240 SR1754 DEEP CREEK 2006 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 254 000254 SR2104 BIG BRANCH 1960 16 22 7 Alamance 258 000258 SR1522 STALEY CREEK 1955 25 40 7 Alamance 261 000261 SR1750 DEEP CREEK 1994 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 267 000267 SR1571 JONES CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 280 000280 SR1134 BEAVER CREEK 2015 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 293 000293 SR2123 BACK CREEK 1973 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 301 000301 SR2364 WELLS CREEK 1961 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 307 000307 SR1936 BACK CREEK 2019 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 323 000323 SR1558 REEDY FORK CREEK 1986 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 326 000326 SR1129 STINKING QUARTER CREEK 1998 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 336 000336 SR1569 CREEK 1950 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 355 000355 US70W STORM DRAIN 1970 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 364 000364 SR2424 I40 & I85 1991 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 379 000379 US70 HAW RIVER 1993 LGW LGW This report includes NC Bridges that are less than 20' in length. FHWA doesn't consider bridges less than 20' to be a structure. LGW (Legal Gross Weight) signifies that the structure is not posted. 3/31/21 7 Alamance 409 000409 SR1311N. MICHAEL BRANCH 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 410 000410 SR1311 MICHAEL BRANCH 2004 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 427 000427 SR1311 SBL SOUTHERN RAILWAY 2013 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 428 000428 SR1311N SOUTHERN RAILWAY 2012 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 429 000429 SR1311 SBL NC100 2013 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 430 000430 SR1311 NBL NC100 2012 LGW LGW 7 Alamance 434 000434 NC119N I40,I85 2018 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 1 010001 NC127 DUCK CREEK 1948 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 2 010002 US64 & NC90 DUCK CREEK 1966 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 3 010003 SR1456(CLOSED) SOUTH YADKIN RIVER 1948 0 0 12 Alexander 4 010004 NC16 LOWER LITTLE RIVER 1992 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 5 010005 NC127 DUCK CREEK 1948 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 7 010007 SR1447 ROCKY CREEK 1961 16 20 12 Alexander 8 010008 SR1446 ROCKY CREEK 2008 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 10 010010 SR1443 ROCKY CREEK 1961 13 17 12 Alexander 17 010017 SR1466 DRIPOFF BRANCH 1968 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 18 010018 SR1461 SOUTH YADKIN RIVER 1986 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 26 010026 SR1458 SOUTH YADKIN RIVER 1985 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 27 010027 SR1001 SOUTH YADKIN RIVER 2006 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 33 010033 SR1403 SOUTH YADKIN RIVER 1957 39 42 12 Alexander 36 010036 SR1467 OUTZ CREEK 1952 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 41 010041 SR1425 WALLACE CREEK 1976 26 38 12 Alexander 51 010051 SR1496 GREASY CREEK 1999 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 53 010053 SR1422 GREASY CREEK 2015 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 57 010057 SR1409 MUDDY FORK CREEK 1974 33 41 12 Alexander 70 010070 SR1331 GRASSY CREEK 2008 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 71 010071 SR1338 GRASSY CREEK 2016 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 75 010075 SR1310 LOWER LITTLE RIVER 1952 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 77 010077 SR1313 LOWER LITTLE RIVER 1996 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 78 010078 SR1313 MUDDY FORK CREEK 2004 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 79 010079 SR1328 GRASSY CREEK 2015 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 81 010081 SR1332 LITTLE RIVER 2016 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 84 010084 SR1310 LOWER LITTLE RIVER 1953 LGW LGW 12 Alexander 87 010087 SR1337 GRASSY CREEK 2015 LGW LGW This report includes NC Bridges that are less than 20' in length.
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