USOOPP1682OP3 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP16,820 P3 Sandler-Ziv et al. 45) Date of Patent: Jul.18,9 2006 (54) NARCISSUS PLANT NAMED NIR (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... Pt./263 (58) Field of Classification Search ................... PtF263 (50) Latin Name: Narcissus tazetta See application file for complete search history. Varietal Denomination: Nir (75) Inventors: Dorit Sandler-Ziv, Nes Ziona (IL); (56) References Cited Herut Yahel, Rishon LeZion (IL); Avner Cohen, Nes Ziona (IL); Aurel PUBLICATIONS Ion, Rehovot (IL) Postproduction Longevity of Flowering Potted Bulbs Nell et (73) Assignee: State of Israel, Ministry of a1, 1996. Agriculture & Rural Development, Agricultural Research Organization, * cited by examiner Bet Dagan (IL) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Anne Marie Grunberg patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Assistant Examiner—Annette H Para U.S.C. 154(b) by 11 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Foley & Lardner LLP (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 10/886,030 1-1. A new and distinct Narcissus plant named Nir particularly (22) Filed: Jul. 8, 2004 characterized by 10 to 15 flowers per stem; white flower; (65) Prior Publication Data flower diameter 54–57 mm; length of outer perianth segment 24-27 mm; width of outer perianth segment 21–23, and US 2006/0010543 P1 Jan. 12, 2006 having mild fragrance. (51) Int. Cl. AOIH 5/00 (2006.01) 2 Drawing Sheets 1. 2 Latin name of the genus and species of the claimed plant: combination distinguish this Narcissus as a new and distinct Narcissus tazetta. cultivar: Variety denomination: Nir. 1. 10 to 15 flowers per stem; BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 2. white flower; ... flower diameter 52–56 mm; The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar length of outer perianth segment: 25–26 mm: of a Narcissus plant, botanically known as Narcissus tazetta L., Paperwhite group, commonly known as daffodil and ... width of outer perianth segment: 20–24 mm, and hereinafter referred to by the cultivar name Nir. ... mild fragrance. 10 Nir has not been observed under all possible environ The new cultivar originated from a cross made in a mental conditions. The phenotype of the new cultivar may controlled breeding program in Bet Dagan, Israel. The vary significantly with variations in environment such as female parent is a Narcissus variety from a proprietary temperature, light intensity, and day-length without any breeding line, designated 1959/4 (unpatented). The male change in the genotype of the plant. The following parent is a Narcissus variety from a proprietary breeding 15 observations, measurements and values describe the new line, designated 71/18/30 (unpatented). cultivar as grown Bet Dagan, Israel under conditions which Nir was discovered and selected by the inventors Dorit closely approximate those generally used in commercial Sandler-Ziv, Herut Yahel, Avner Cohen and Harel Yon, as practice. a flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in a Plants of the new Narcissus cultivar Nir differ from controlled environment in Bet Dagan, Israel. plants of the female parental cultivar, 1959/4 (unpatented) Asexual propagation of the new cultivar by either sepa in the following characteristics: 1) Nir is a taller plant than ration of bulblets, bulb chips (twin scaling), or bulb crossing 1959/4; 2) the flower size of Nir is larger than 1959/4; (scoring) was first performed in 1995 in Bet Dagan, Israel 3) Nir has better overlapping of sepals than 1959/4; and and has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics 25 4) the fragrance of the flower of Nir is not as strong as as herein disclosed for the new cultivar are firmly fixed and 1959/4. retained through Successive generations of asexual propa Plants of the new Narcissus cultivar Nir differ from gation. The new cultivar reproduces true-to-type. plants of the male parental cultivar, 71/18/30 (unpatented) in the following characteristics: 1) the bud size of Nir is BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 30 larger than 71/18/30; and 2) the fragrance of the flower of Nir is not as strong as 71/18/30. The following traits have been repeatedly observed and Of the many commercial cultivars known to the present are determined to be basic characteristics of Nir which in inventors, the most similar in comparison to Nir is the US PP16,820 P3 3 4 cultivar Ziva (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3.366). The following Harvest.—June, at the end of the growing season, bulb table is a comparison between the new variety Nir and size 6-12 are harvested for use as propagation mate Ziva', as grown under the same conditions: rial. TABLE 1. The following observations, measurements and values describe the new cultivar as grown in Bet Dagan, Israel Characteristic Nir Ziva under conditions which closely approximate those generally Plant height About 35 cm About 60 cm used in commercial practice. Color references are made to Diameter of flower 52-56 mm About 45 mm The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (R.H.S.), Fragrance Mild Strong except where general colors of ordinary significance are Anthers of outer whorl: Position as Above Above compared to the mouth of the used. Color values were taken under daylight conditions at perianth tube mid-February in Bet Dagan, Israel. The age of the plant Anthers of inner whorl: Same level Same level described is approximately 50 days after planting in mid Position as compared to the mouth December of bulbs with a 20 cm circumference. of the perianth tube Parentage: Male parent.—Proprietary Narcissus designated 71/ 18/3O. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING Female parent.—Proprietary Narcissus designated The accompanying photographic drawings illustrate the 1959/4. overall appearance of the new Narcissus showing the colors Propagation: Vegetative propagation from bulbs by separa as true as is reasonably possible with colored reproductions tion of bulblets, bulb chips (twin scaling), or bulb crossing of this type. (scoring). Plant: The first photograph shows a Nir plant in its entirety as General appearance and form.—Height: About 35 cm. a potted plant with several inflorescences, 2 months after Spread: About 25 cm. Growth habit: Semi-erect. planting of the bulb. Growth rate: Fast. Position of inflorescence in rela The second photograph shows a close-up of a Nir tion to foliage: Above. Flowering response: Depen inflorescence, 2 months after planting of the bulb. dent upon cold and heat treatment of bulb. Flowering season: End of winter. Winter hardiness/weather DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION tolerance: Very good. Lastingness of the Individual bloom: About one week. Natural growing conditions of the new Narcissus in Israel Rooting habit.—Many fleshy roots sprouting from the in a typical Mediterranean climate are as follows: disc at the base of the bulb. Scape: Length.—Approximately 30 cm. Planting: End of September through beginning of November Diameter: —6–9 mm. in medium to heavy soil, pH 6-8. Planting material: bulb Shape in cross section at ground level. —Elliptic. offsets, 8–12 cm in circumference size. Shape in cross section of upper third. Narrow elliptic. Growing: 5–6 months in winter in night temperatures of Ribbing.—Medium pronounced. 0–10° C., and daytime temperatures of 8-20°C. Foliage: Flowering: 45–60 days after planting from mid-December Arrangement.—Rosette, exerting from bulb. though mid-January. Overall shape. —Linear. Bulb flowering size: >10 cm. Apex.-Acute. Bulb filling and maturation: 2-3 months (mid-March to end Length.—40–45 cm. of May) in night temperatures of 8–16° C., and daytime Width. – 20 30 mm. temperatures of 16–30° C. Margin.—Entire. Bulb harvest: In June, after leaf yellowing. Texture.—Smooth. Bulb curing: 2–3 weeks in well-aired shed at 20–35° C. Surface. Glabrous. Bulb sorting and storage: Round bulbs >12 cm. (marketing Color of upper surface. Mature leaf Green RHS 137 size for cut flower and pot-plant production). C. Immature leaf Green RHS 137 C. Shipping and storage: 25–30° C., 60% humidity, for 2–6 Color of lower surface. Mature leaf; Dark green 137 months, under well-aired conditions. B. Immature leaf. Dark green RHS 137 B. Offsets <12 cm=propagation material, storage: Aired shed. Venation. —Inconspicuous (both upper and lower Forcing: For cut flower and pot-plant production: Pre Surfaces). treatment of bulbs: bulbs Stored in 25–30° C. Should be Bud: transferred to 9–13° C. for 3–4 weeks prior to planting. Length.—About 10 mm. Planting: In well-drained, pH 6–7 sterilized planting Diameter:—About 5 mm. medium. Color of bract before opening.—Green. Growing temperatures: Night: 13–17°C., day: 17–23°C. Umbel: Flowering: 25–40 days after planting (temperature Height.—About 10 cm. dependent). Diameter:—About 10 cm. Propagation: Bulb: Method.—Star cutting or cross-cutting bulbs of size Shape.—Short-necked basically rounded, somewhat >16 cm from mid-July through mid-August. edged resulting from splitting. Storage.—Aired shed, 25–30°C. Size. Variable with age. Planting. In October. Color of outer scale.—Dark brown. US PP16,820 P3 6 Flower: Anthers of inner whorl. Position as compared to the Tipe.—Single. mouth of the perianth tube: Same level. Shape.—Actinomorphic. Color of anther:- Yellowish. Diameter of perianth.—52–56 mm. Curling of anther.—Absent. Number of perianth segments. Three inner and three Color of pollen. Yellow. outer segments. Style: Attitude of perianth relative to floral axis.-Incurved. Color. White. Position of segments. Overlapping. Stigma: Length of outer perianth segment.—25–26 mm. Position as compared to anthers of Outer whorl.— Width of outer perianth segment.—20–24 mm. Above. Shape in cross section of perianth segment. —Incurved.
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