©fticial <Sa3ette OF THE Government of Palestine PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY JERUSALEM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1st January, 1931. NEW YEAR HONOURS, 1931. The High Commissioner announces that HIS MAJESTY THE KING has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the New Year, to confer the Honorary Membership of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Civil Division) upon Mr. Butros Nassir, District Officer, Southern District. By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 1st January, 1931. Chief Secretary. Supplement No. 1/1931. ©fficial (5a3ette OF THE Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 274 JERUSALEM 1st January, 1931. CONTENTS Page 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. (a) Imprisonment for Debt Rill, 1931 --------- 2-4 (£) Intoxicating Liquors (Sale on Credit) Bill, 1931 - -- -- -- -- 4-5 (c) Appointments, etc. 5 {d) Appointment of Immigration Officers - - - - - 5 (e) Appointment of Acting Chairman of Orthodox Patriarchate Financial Commission G (f) Order under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, conferring additional 6־ ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ powers on an Assistant Land Settlement Officer {g) Order under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, regarding minima of ־ - ־ - ־ - ־ - ־ - - parcels in Safriye - - 6-8 {h) Orders applying the Urban Property Tax Ordinances, 1928-1929, to and ־ - establishing an Assessment Committee and an Appeal Commission in Jenin 8-9 (i) Order applying certain provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1929, to the ־ - - - ־ - partnership US. Friedman and Sons, Carmel Original" 9 9־ - - j) Regulation under the Ports Ordinances, 1926-1930, regarding Light Dues) (k) Regulation under the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, regarding driving of vehicles over the Kishon River bridge --------- - 9-10 {1) Notice under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain ־ - - ־ ־ - - - - villages to be infected areas - 10- ־ m) Notices under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, approving private bonded warehouses 10) 11־ - in) Notice under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, appointing places of entry at Haifa ־ - - - Notice regarding Visa Abolition Agreements with Spain and France - 11 (0) II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES. ־ a) Posting of Schedules of Rights and Partition in certain villages 11-12) (£) Posting of Schedules of Claims in Arab al Fuqara !2 13־ - - - - - c) Notification of commencement of settlement in Ness-Ziona) {d) Deposit of Spiridon Property, Baqaa, Town Planning Scheme at Jerusalem 13־ - - - ׳ - - - - ־ ־ - ־ - - Municipal Offices (e) Modifications to Jerusalem Outline Town Planning Scheme 13-14 ־ ־ - - f) Night Letter Telegrams to Poland - 14) University of London Intermediate Laws Examination ------- 44 (־£) ־ ־ - ־ - - - ־ - h) Foreign Advocates Examination, 1931 - 14-) (1) Surrender of Advocate's Licence - -- -- -- -- -- - 44-15 (j) Adjudication of Contracts - 15 ־ ־ - ־ ־ - k) Government Contracts, 1931, for the supply of stores 16-17) (/) Porterage of goods at the Jerusalem Customs House -------- 47 ־ m) Notices regarding Companies, Registration of Partnerships, etc. - - - - 18-20\ ־ ־ - - ־ - ־ - - - - - n) Bankruptcies 20-) (0) Citations for Orders of Administration, etc. --------- - 20-11 ־ ־ ־ - ־ ----- ^ - p) Palestine Blue for 1929 on sale 21) (q) Corrigenda - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 21 RETURNS. & W Sale of Unclaimed Goods - ' - - 22 (b) Returns of Immigration and Emigration 23 (e) Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - _ - - - -24 IV. SUPPLEMENT. ־ - - ־ ־ - - - ־ - - - - Registration of Trade Marks 24-30 Price 50 Mils. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st January, 1931. The following Bills are made public in accordance toith Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order-in-Council, 1923. An Ordinance to amend the law with regard to Imprisonment for Debt. [In substitution for the Bill published in the Official Gazette No. 255 of the 16th March, 1930, pages 172-174]. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Pales­ ־: tine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof Short Title. 1. Tins Ordinance mav be cited as the Imprisonment for Debt Ordinance, 1931. Definition. 2. In this Ordinance- "Chief Execution Officer" includes any judicial officer duly appointed by the President of the District Court by an order in writing to act for him, and any Magistrate on whom the Chief Justice has by an order in writing conferred the powers of an Executive Officer. When debtor 3. The Chief Execution Officer, upon the application of may be im­ the judgment creditor, may order the imprisonment of.the prisoned. judgment debtor in any of the following cases :- (a) If the debtor has failed to comply with a judgment for payment of alimony or maintenance of a child of the judgment debtor, or for payment to the Moslem Orphan Fund or to a charitable. Waqf. (b) If the debtor has failed to comply with a criminal judgment For payment of a fine, costs or Court fees. (c) If the Chief Execution Officer is satisfied that: (i) the debtor then has, or, since the making of the judgment or order, has had, sufficient means to pay the money directed to be ])aid or some part thereof which still remains unpaid, or any instalment of the debt due under an order of the Chief Execution Officer, and that he refuses or neglects to pay it; ' . (ii) the debtor has made or suffered to be made any gift, delivery or transfer of any property, or has charged, removed, or concealed any property, and has actually prevented the creditor from obtaining payment of the judgment debt or any part thereof. .(d). If the Chief Execution Officer has reason to believe that the judgment debtor who has not disclosed assets within the jurisdiction of the Courts of Palestine sufficient to satisfy the judgment debt, or given security for the payment thereof, intends to abscond. Period of 4. (1) Save in the matters prescribed by subsection (2) imprisonment. 0f fais Section, the period of imprisonment ordered under this Ordinance shall not in any case exceed twenty-one days. (2) When a person sentenced by any Criminal Court to pay a fine or costs fails to pay the amount adjudged OFFICIAL GAZETTE 3 .׳, ist Januar)1931 by the sentence, the Court may, in lieu of issuing a warrant of seizure and sale of the movable property of the convicted person, order his imprisonment for a period equivalent to one- day for every 100 mils or any less sum remaining unpaid, provided that, unless the Court in its sentence has fixed the period of imprisonment to be undergone in default of payment, the period shall not be less than seven days. 5. A debtor who has been released from imprisonment, ,Debtor not to be whether by consent of the judgment creditor or upon completion imprisoned twice of the period of imprisonment ordered, shah not again be same e ' imprisoned for the same debt. Provided that, where the Chief Execution Officer has made an order that the payment of the judgment debt shall be made by instalments, the Chief Execution Officer may, if he thinks fit, for the purpose of this Section treat every such instalment as a separate debt. 6. The imprisonment or release of the judgment debtor Imprisonment or release^not to shah not affect the right of the judgment creditor to execution affect execution of the judgment debt against the property of the debtor. against debtor's property. 7. Where an order for execution is made against a third Order for imprisonment of party, the Chief Execution Officer may, on the application of third party. the judgment creditor, make an order for the imprisonment of such third party in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as if he were a judgment debtor against whom judg­ ment had been given for the amount of the property attached in his hands. 8. (1) No order of imprisonment shall be made under Persons not this Ordinance against any person who has not attained the liable to ageLof118 or is an idiot or lunatic; nor against a pensionable imprisonment. Government officer. (2) Imprisonment shall not be ordered in respect of a judgment debt between an ascendant and descendant or between husband and wife, except where the judgment is for alimony or maintenance of children. 9. If a judgment debtor against whom an order of Order for release imprisonment has been made shall pay the instalment due or of judgment debt- orjon disclosure comply with the order of the Chief Execution Officer or dis­ of assets suf­ close property sufficient to satisfy the judgment debt or so ficient to satisfy much thereof as remains unpaid, the Chief Execution Officer judgment. shall, upon an application by the judgment debtor, set aside the order for imprisonment and shall order the release of the debtor. 10. When the judgment creditor applies for a warrant Fee payable on of committal against the judgment debtor, he shall pay a fixed committal order, fee of 500 mils; provided that (a) the fee shall be added to the judgment debt and be recoverable from the judgment debtor together with the debt and the costs without need of a fresh judgment. (b) If the judgment debt is for alimony, maintenance, rates, taxes, fines or Court fees, or for money owing to the Moslem Orphan Fund or to a charitable Waqf, the Chief Exe­ cution Officer may in his discretion exempt the judgment creditor from paying the fee in advance. But nothing herein shall exempt the judgment debtor from liability to pay the fee in addition to the judgment debt. 4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st January, 1931. Power to compel 11. The judgment creditor may apply to the Chief Exe­ attendance of cution Officer that the judgment debtor be examined respecting judgment debtor. his ability to make the payment directed to be made, or such part thereof as still remains unpaid, and the Chief Execution Officer shall have the same power to compel the attendance of a debtor for examination as the Court has to compel the attend­ ance of a witness in a civil action. Examination of 12. On the appearance of the debtor, he may be examined discovery.
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