Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Defense: Official Weekly Bulletin of the Office for Kentucky Library - Serials Emergency Management 4-29-1941 Defense Vol 2, No. 17 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/defense Part of the Diplomatic History Commons, Labor History Commons, Military History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Defense Vol 2, No. 17" (1941). Defense: Official Weekly Bulletin of the Officeo f r Emergency Management. Paper 8. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/defense/8 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Defense: Official Weekly Bulletin of the Office for Emergency Management by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 37.. ^//7 OFFICIAL WEEKLY BULLETIN OF THE OFFICE FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF PRODUCTION «NAGEIJENT NmOKAL DE^DEFEHSE ABVISORY CO^ISSION, DEFEKSE „EDlA7l01i . > BOARO. C00«™™ between the AMERICAN REPUBLICS APRIL 29. 1941 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 17 In this issue V. 2 Review of the week in defense Prodwciion—Manufacturers will conserve cork 3 5 lahor Great Lakes shipbuilding conference called 6 Mediation Board—Agreements reached on four cases mweek Purchases-m certificates of necessity issued April 145 9 Honsmg—President approves construction of 4,470 new units 10 14 Pnon'hVs—Zinc supply to be surveyed 16 Transporfafion—Freight carloadings increase 18 Prices and Civilian SnppKes-Stabilized copper prices urged Stafe and Local Cooperafion-Activities for defense councils WE, THE PEOPLE . The open ing phrase of the ConstltuUon of the United States is utilized in the poster reproduced on this week's cover. In red, white, andblue, the poster isbeing issued by theEnvision ofInformation, Office for Emergency Management, for OPM, and willbe displayed in post offices, by manu facturers with defense contracts, and by State defense groups, and related or ganizations. Copies may be obtained on request to OEM. Two-column mats available to publishers. Size of poster, over all. 14 by 22 inches. »12391*- ★ DEFENSE ★ April 29, 1941 leather prices, plus a wish to experiment further in leather substitutes. Induced lew of the in Defense the Army to purchase more shoes with the composition base. Labor-empJoyer disputes and their Defense bousing threat to national defense held the spot State and local defenses light last week. The National Defense The role of the civilian in national Demountable dormitories for single Mediation Board, after 3 days' negotia defense began broadening from one of persons and trailers for families were tions, recommended acceptance of the ' passive" protection to "active" aid to authorized by President Roosevelt to be President's formula for reopening the military forces. used in six communities until more coal mines. Northern operators and The State and Local Cooperation Divi permanent shelter can be provided de union representatives concurred. South sion advised defense councils to register fense workers. The Housing Coordina ern operators refused and mediation anyone who wished to assist the Army tion Division, meanwhile, announced halted. Air Corps In "spotting" enemy aircraft. construction contracts for 3,428 new More successful was the board in fore Men and women who can qualify will dwellings, bringing the total to 51,915, stalling a strike at General Motors be called upon to watch for air raiders and to chaK their courses, under mili ★ ★ ★ plants. The union agreed to postpone tary dii-ectlon, so that communities in a strike vote until mediation was given their path may be warned. a reasonable trial. A conference was New stock of Army shoes called for May 5. Supplies of raw materiaU will average $3.30 a pair Raw materials vital to defense Indus With defense production growing daily tries and prices continued to receive ac OPM's Production and Priorities Divi Asurvey of bids received in therecent tive attention, but all eyes were on the sions intensified efforts to insure ade invitation for Army shoes indicates that coal mines. Without coal, which wasbe quate supplies of raw materials for in theaverage price ofthe shoes bought will coming more scarce daily, industry could dustry. A growing emphasis on substi be approximately $3.30 per pair, Donald tution of materials where possible in M. Nelson. Director, Division of Pur not forge ahead. the manufacturing ofcivilian goods was chases. Office of Production Manage Meanwhile, Sidney Hiilman, Associ ment, announced April 21. ate Director General. OPM, estimated Indicated. Insulation manufacturers were asked It is to be noted. Mr. Nelson pointed that 2,500,000 persons had returned to to conserve cork by eliminating it from out. that due to what thetrade describes work In the last year. At the same time roof-insulation, except in refrigeration as slightly higher material costs the the LaborDivision soughtto stabilize em Cork is essential to defense for aircraft price of shoes with leather sole specifl- ployerrelations in the shipbuildingindus and automotive gaskets, and for other cations will average about $3.35 perpair. try at one of a seriesof zoneconferences. purposes. In view of this rise In price, and for the The meeting, in Chicago, followed suc Asdefense demands onthe steel indus purpose of further experimentation in cessful negotiations on the Pacific Coast. try have increased, the problem of im other materials, the Army has deter porting sufficient tungsten ore. used In mined to buy a quantity of Army shoes Prices and civilian supplies its manufacture, hasgrown more serious. With composition soles, the price ofwh'ch The Office of Price Administration and The National Academy of Sciences last will average around $3.15 per pair. Civilian Supply maintained theswift pace week suggested to OPM the possibilities Average price for the two items Mr It set the first week. Copper and brass of substituting molybdenum, a domestic Nelson said, will be in the vicinity of manufacturers were warned to reduce product. $3.30 per pair, which is substantially the their prices voluntarily before OPACS Another U. S.-produced raw material, level that has prevailed on the last two established formal price schedules. bauxite—the ore from which aluminum' Army shoe purchases. is made—is being mined at a 50 percent Mr. Nelson further pointed out that Makers of farm implements were asked higher rate than last year, the Bureau of not to raise their prices. both the Division of Purchases and the Mines reported. Production can be Office of Price Administration and Ci The role of price controls in the Gov multiplied swiftly if necessary. Sixty vilian Supply are carefully watching ernment's efforts to forestall Inflation percent of the U. S. supply now comes price fluctuations in the hide market such as that which followed the World from Dutch Guiana, the remainder out which have a direct effect on the costs' War was explained by Leon Henderson. of Arkansas. of both Armyand civilian shoes. Administrator of OPACS, in a radio ad StiU concerned over an anticipated in dress. The Government, he said, was crease in the demand for zinc, the Prior * ★ * moving on three fronts: (1) Price con ities Division considered means for in trols where necessary, (2) expansion of creasing the stock pile. Ageneral prior ESTIMATED ARMY STRENGTH supplies where possible, and (3) reduc ities rating was suggested as a possibility. The War Department estimated the tion of consumer consumption by higher Uncle Sam'ssoldiers are going to drill in shoes of composition soles, the OPM strength of the United States Army as of taxes. April 17, 1941. at 1,210,600, Including Purchases Division disclosed. Higher 68,600 officers and 1,142,000 enlisted men. OTOCIAL BULLETIN of the Office for Emergency Subscription rates by mall: 7St for 53 Issues- 36« Division Of for 13 iiisixes; single copies 5«. payable In advance DEFENSE i " ®™®rgency Management, and Remit money order payable directly totheSuperin- s • 'b/'f/ ★ DEFENSE ★ April 29,1941 PRODUCTION... New Group Resources Unit will Manufacturers cooperate to conserve cork; aid small factory owners supplies from French territory cut off Sidney Hillman. Associate Director quotations, they were asked to refer the General OPM. April 24 assigned M. CUf- The Office of Production Management ford Townsend. who is serving on Mr. disclosed April 25 that it was taking steps facts to the Office of ProductionManage ment for its consideration. Hillman's staffas special adviser onlabor with the cooperation of affected manu and agricultural problems, to the OPM's facturers to conserve the United States Companies affected Defense Contract Service, where he will supply of cork, which is obtained from establish a new Group Resources Unit. countries bordering the western Mediter Those to whom the telegrams were sent included: H. W. Prentis, Jr., presi The Defense Contract Service, part of ranean. , „ Telegrams were dispatched bythe Ma dent, Armstrong Cork Co.. Lancaster, the Production Division of the Office of Pa.; R.R. John, Cork Insulation Co., 155 Production Management, is assisting the terials Branch of the Production Divi East Forty-third Street, New YorkCity; Army andNavy in enlisting suitable man- sionto allcorkinsulation manufacturers, F. R. Mitchell, Mitchell & Smith, Inc., ufacturii^ plants in defense production. asking them to help curtail the use of Copland Avenue, Detroit, Mich.; H. H. Its chief is Robert L. Mehornay. corkboard for roof insulation, except for Bruns, Mundet Cork Corporation, 65 the roofs of refrigerated spaces, during South Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Group action the remainder of 1941. The telegrams and H. H. Bose. United Cork Corpora The new Group Resources Unit will requestedthat the manufacturers: tion, Kearny, N. J. deal with 'ocal groups of factory owners 1. Fill only orders for such use, ac All of the cork insulation manufac formed to participate jointly in defense cepted on or before the date of the re quest, except in such instances where the turers have given assurance of their co production.
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