SEPTEMBER 14, 1964 50 CENTS 330 YEAR Ñ { roadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Ptiá9 -time producers see tape as daytime vehicle. p31 rrar rter spot TV grows 18.2% to $263.7 million. p34 Z 's Wright finds pay TV a magnetic enterprise. p44 FCC's Ford to propose plan for tall -tower farms. p78 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 FOR GUARANTEED RATE PROTECTION FOR COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY E :OR FIXED POSITION SPOTS OTO DELIVER THE LARGEST AUDIENCES FOR CIRCULATION FOR MARKET INFORMATION OFOR RELIABLE MERCHANDISING SUPPORT f0 BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND GREAT IN TWIN CITY TELEVISION! contact your nearest Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc. "Colonel" for the complete story Minneapolis -St. Paul PHOTOGRAPH BY STANLEY SiLVER What! You still haven't heard of BRITISH CALENDAR? How frightful! It's marvelous. A series mustn't deprive your viewers! Now, News Division of cracking good quarter-hour films... you can show British Calendar every British Information Services specially for American TV. Brim full week or every two weeks on a continu- 845 Third Avenue of things British. Terribly current...all ous basis. Or if you wish, weekly using New York, N.Y. 10022 about Royalty, Sport, Politics, Fash- thirteen or twenty -six issues. And of Or ring us up at: 212 PL 2 -8400 ion, Science, Education, Space... and course, the whole thing is free. All you BRITISH CALENDAR all that. Dash it all man, you absolutely pay is the shipping. Drop us a line at: 16mm., B/W, S.O.F., Approximately 13 minutes PAT FONTAINE ...a leading lady on the American television scene ... returns to St. Louis.. .to be a bright new star on KTVI. THE ly7 EXCITING 4) Pat will be a hard-hitter NEW for a powerful new KTVI ST. LOUIS CC team coming to bat in St. Louis. BROADCASTING, September 14, 1964 3 It's a new season for television, too ... and KRLD -TV is the favorite again for 1964 -65 in the Dallas -Fort Worth market with a 40% Metro Share of Audience and 73,000 Homes Per Average Quarter -hour, Sign -on to Sign -off, Monday thru Sunday.* Put your money on the perennial winner and defending champion ... Channel 4. See your ADVERTISING TIME SALES representative. "ARB June /July '64 represented nationally by rT. Advertising Time Sales, Inc. THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS 6,4/ ¿7u -F it/ Clyde W, Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, September 14, 1964 Ownership quotas CLOSED CIRCUIT' This is multiple- ownership week at FCC. On Wednesday commission is stein of Plough stations, current chair- ordinate radio -TV for Johnson -Hum- scheduled to consider proposed rule - man of board's executive committee. phrey ticket. He'll work with Doyle making involving mutual funds' own- There's nothing, of course, to keep Dane Bernbach in placement of broad- ership of broadcast properties. Pro- nominating committee from includ- cast advertising, of which some $3 posal is aimed at resolving dilemma ing him among possible choices-and million is ticketed for TV spots. posed by funds and oher financial in- in fact it's believed he will be included. Two other well -known broadcasting stitutions that technically violate mul- This year's board chairman is Victor names are now identified with vice 1% tiple- ownership rules by owning C. Diehm, WAIL Hazelton, Pa. Elec- presidential campaign of Senator Hu- whose of two or more group owners tion meeting is set for Nov. 13 in bert Humphrey. Morris Novik, form- total number of properties exceeds New York. er owner of wov (now WADO) New ownership limits allowed by FCC. Pro- York, and Gerald Bartell, chairman of posal, in which commission would ask Armed and ready Macfadden- Bartell, which now owns for comments on how to bring com- WADO among other properties, are pliance with rules has been on and off Senator John Tower (R- Tex.), who handling radio -TV for Humphrey cam- agenda umpteen times. blistered FCC and Democratic Na- paign, with Mr. Novik in New York But this is only warm-up for what tional Committee in last week's at- and Mr. Bartell in Washington. should be lively session at special meet- tack on use of fairness doctrine (see ing Friday. Commission then will page 70) would be delighted if Demo- Run at own risk consider entire multiple ownership is- crats were to challenge him to back up sue. Staff, which has been studying his charges. He released correspond- Broadcasters hoping for guidance natter for months, has dredged up ence conducted with FCC Chairman from FCC, on whether broadcasts of long list of proposals made over years E. William Henry in speech, but has President Johnson's news conferences -including suggestions to limit owner- two files bulging with more documen- during campaign raise equal -time ship of VHF TV's to three, if stations tation. Stations, constituents and some question may be disappointed. Re- are in major markets, and to limit li- sponsors have been writing Senator quest for ruling has been made by censees to ownership of one station of Tower for years and he'd welcome CBS, and commission is expected to any class-AM, FM or TV-per com- dare to spread it on record. consider matter this week. But if munity. Suggestions for loosening thinking of some commissioners and rules as means of aiding UHF are also At spots' cost key staff members prevail, commis- included. Staff has not made recom- sion will reply, in effect, "it depends." mendation to can mission; will ask for Helene Curtis Industries, one of TV Whether other presidential candidates direction on how to proceed in draft- customers that yelled loudest last Jan- would be entitled to equal time as re- ing proposed rulemaking. Issue is uary when Procter & Gamble ultima- sult of Johnson news conference de- thorny. Number of commissioners are tum against piggyback adjacencies was pends on content of particular broad- unhappy with present rules, which lim- followed by NAB tightening of piggy- cast, said one commissioner. "We can't it ownership to seven stations in each back control, now feels "broadcasters rule in advance," he said. "We need service (of which, in TV, no more have outsmarted themselves." Helene a factual situation before us." than five can be VHF's). But there Curtis official says company has em- Question, incidentally, is regarded are sharp differences of opinion on barked on concerted program to use as by some commission officials as more how rules should be changed. little spot TV as possible, taking up network needling as result of failure slack with more network TV and of Congress to suspend equal -time Escalator stopped print. Curtis is cutting back spot mar- law this year. As was true when net- kets, moving to stations that charge no works raised equal-time question in Movement is afoot to inject greater premium for piggybacks and, in some connection with proposed Johnson choice into election of Radio Adver- cases, using conventional minute an- broadcast in behalf of United Com- tising Bureau board chairman, starting nouncements instead of multiproduct munity Funds and Community Chests this year. In past, nominating com- spots. Company does have spot TV (BROADCASTING, Sept. 7). FCC staf- mittee each year has proposed one campaign planned in 30 major mar- fers feel CBS query is part of cam- nominee and board members have kets, but says number would be larger paign for repeal of equal-time law. elected him. Nominating committee's if piggyback problem had not come up. choice traditionally has been incum- Last winter Curtis lawyer had talked New ratings, new price bent chairman of board's executive about legal action against P &G and committee. Since executive committee NAB on grounds that P &G was using Hooper- Holmes Bureau Inc., Mor- chairman is named by board chair- its vast buying power in unfair com- ristown, N. J., newcomer to radio au- man, effect of past procedure is that, petition against smaller competitors, dience measurement field, reportedly knowingly or not, board chairman has but there's no disposition now to go has wound up preliminaries for pro- designated his own successor. This to court. Adjustments in Curtis ad- posed price structure of its planned, year, in recognition of growing dis- vertising strategy have been made diary -based national radio ratings serv- satisfaction with this system, nominat- without damage to efficiency, company ice. Company expects to make its pric- ing committee, headed by Wendell officials say. ing presentations before individual ra- Mayes of KBWD Brownwood, Tex., is dio networks, beginning this week. expected to suggest two and possibly Hooper -Holmes, which has no rela- make Expert advice more nominees and let board tionship to C. E. Hooper, is 64 -year- free choice. John S. Hayes, president of News- old company that in recent years has First "victim" of this break with week- Washington Post stations, will specialized primarily in personal in- tradition, if it turns out that somebody move to Democratic National Com- vestigations for major insurance com- else is elected, would be Harold Krel- mittee headquarters this week to co- panies (BROADCASTING, Feb. 10). Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc. 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. October 5, 1912 Woodrow Wilson said today that his western campaign tour removed doubt of his popularity in that region. As proof, the Democratic nominee for President, who is the Governor of New Jersey and the former President of Princeton University, told reporters that crowds everywhere had greeted him as "Doc," "Woody," and "Kid." The Associated Press Brings 116 Years of Experience and Reliability to the 1964 Election Story.
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