BOARD MEMBERS THE COMPANY The AWRI’s laboratories and offices are housed in the Wine Innovation Central Building of the Mr P.J. Dawson, BSc, BAppSc(Wine Science) The Australian Wine Research Institute Ltd was Wine Innovation Cluster (WIC). The WIC is located Chairman–Elected a member under Clause incorporated on 27 April 1955. It is a company lim- within an internationally renowned research 25.2(c) of the Constitution ited by guarantee that does not have a share capital. cluster on the Waite Precinct at Urrbrae in the Adelaide foothills, on land leased from The Mr J.C. Angove, BSc The Constitution of The Australian Wine Research University of Adelaide. Collocated in the Wine Elected a member under Clauses 25.2(c) and 27.1 Institute Ltd (AWRI) sets out in broad terms the Innovation Central Building with the AWRI are of the Constitution aims of the AWRI. In 2006, the AWRI implemented grape and wine scientists from The University of its ten-year business plan Towards 2015, and stated Adelaide and the South Australian Research and Mr J.F. Brayne, BAppSc(Wine Science) its purpose, vision, mission and values: Development Institute. The WIC includes three Elected a member under Clause 25.2(c) buildings: WIC East, WIC Central and WIC West. of the Constitution Purpose WIC West accommodates the other member of To contribute substantially in a measurable way to the WIC concept: CSIRO Plant Industry. Mr P.D. Conroy, LLB(Hons), BCom the ongoing success of the Australian grape and Elected a member under Clause 25.2(b) wine sector Along with the WIC parties mentioned, the AWRI of the Constitution is clustered on the Waite Precinct with the fol- Vision lowing research and teaching organisations: Mr G.R. Linton, BAppSc(AppChem), GradDip(SysAnal) To deliver high value to the Australian grape and Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics Elected a member under Clause 25.2(c) of the wine sector through world-class research and (ACPFG), Australian Genome Research Facility Constitution (up to 31 December 2010) integrated solutions and to provide thought lead- (AGRF), Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), ership to the research activities of the Australian Australian Wheat Management, BiometricsSA, Mr B.M. McKinnon, BAgSc (Oenology)(Hons) wine sector three divisions of CSIRO, Department of Water, Elected a member under Clause 25.2(c) Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Primary of the Constitution Mission Industries and Resources South Australia To underpin our world-class research and inte- (PIRSA), Membrane Transporter Expression Ms J.S. O’Connor, BEd (PE) grated solutions with: Facility, VivoPharm and The University of Elected a member under Clause 25.2(b) Adelaide’s School of Science (which includes the of the Constitution » a tenacious pursuit of understanding; Schools of Agriculture and Wine, and Earth and » the development of a unique, extensive and Environmental Sciences). Ms L.E. Rose B AppSc, BSc usable knowledge base; and Elected as a member under Clause 25.2(c) » a focus on contributing substantially to stake- Registered office of the Constitution (from 1 January 2011) holders achieving their needs Cnr Hartley Grove and Paratoo Road, Urrbrae, SA 5064 Mr M.R. Watson, BEc, MBA, ACA, IPAA AWRI’s values provide guidance in how it will Elected a member under Clause 25.2(b) deliver on its mission. These values are: Postal Address: of the Constitution PO Box 197, Glen Osmond, SA 5064 » scientific integrity and excellence; Telephone (08) 8313 6600 Mr J.A. Lumbers BSc(Microbiol); Lit B(Public Policy) » a culture of delivering results; Fax (08) 8313 6601 Elected a member under Clause 25.2(c) » internally and externally collaborative; Internet: www.awri.com.au of the Constitution » accountability and transparency; and Facebook: www.facebook.com/The.AWRI » focused on the Australian wine sector and Twitter: www.twitter.com/the_AWRI Professor I.S. Pretorius, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD industry driven ABN: 83 007 558 296 Ex officio under Clause 25.2(a) of the Constitution as Managing Director of the AWRI Contents Chairman’s report 2 Managing Director’s report 4 Foundational changes to enhance AWRI’s value proposition to the Australian wine sector 2005 – 2011 7 Incoming Managing Director’s report 8 Selected key achievements, their significance & value to the Australian wine sector 2005 – 2011 9 Board notes 13 Highlights of the year 2010-2011 14 Staff 16 Staff activities 19 Team reports 20 Grape and wine composition 20 Grape and wine production 28 Wine in society 35 Industry Applications 39 Information and knowledge transfer 43 Commercial Services 55 Corporate Services 57 Financial statements 58 Appendix 1 – External presentations and talks 74 Appendix 2 – Teaching responsibilities (Lectures) of AWRI Staff 89 Appendix 3 – Student supervision responsibilities of AWRI staff for 2010/2011 90 Appendix 4 – Media interviews during 2010/2011 91 Appendix 5 – Papers published by the AWRI staff during 2010/2011 92 57th ANNUAL REPORT — 30 JUNE 2011 Presented to the Australian grape and wine sector Chairman’s report Nine priorities for RD&E were identified along The WFA submission talks, on the one hand, of with researchable themes for each. the need for transformational, ‘game-changing’ innovation and, on the other hand, of having an The priorities are: emphasis on short-term, highly applied research with a problem solving objective. Conventional » Understanding and communicating with thinking on innovation would recognise a conflict our customers in these objectives. » Wine, alcohol content, taxation and health As Chairman of the industry’s own RD&E organ- isation, I believe that it is important that all grape » Environmental and economic sustainability, and wine levy payers are fully informed of the including climate change (heat and smoke) changes being advocated by WFA and under- and efficient winery and vineyard operations stand the potential consequences with respect to the AWRI and the service that it has provided » Understanding the links between the grapes, to industry over the past 56 years. the place and the wine by objectively under- standing regional differences to support the The Australian model for wine industry RD&E is re-positioning of Australian wines envied the world over. No other wine produc- ing country has an industry-owned centre of Peter Dawson » The bulk shipping and offshore excellence for wine research that is responsive packaging paradigm and dedicated to its competitive advantage. Underpinning the success of the AWRI in driving Industry investment in Research, Development » Fingerprinting to aid authenticity, traceability, competitive advantage has been the integrated and Extension (RD&E) is crucial to the future of grape purchasing decisions and the objective model of world class science coupled with indus- the Australian wine proposition. Investment setting of grape and wine quality specifications try leadership and engagement. A secure funding in RD&E is managed by the Grape and Wine agreement with the GWRDC has been critical to Research Development Corporation (GWRDC) » Relevant, responsive information attracting and retaining some of the world’s lead- and the development of the GWRDC’s five and troubleshooting ing researchers and providing unique capability. year plan for the period of 2012 – 2017 called for input regarding future priorities and strategy for » Codifying and understanding the genetic, In my nine years as a director of the AWRI, I have RD&E investment. proteomic and metabolomic information in seen this capability applied to the vexing prob- grapes and wine lems of oxidation and closure performance, The GWRDC is the largest funder of The Australian Brettanomyces and wine taints including, most Wine Research Institute (AWRI). Under its current » Oxygen management recently, smoke taint. From my years in industry, I seven year investment agreement, which expires have a very clear insight to the hundreds of millions in 2013, the AWRI receives approximately 60% of In its submission to the GWRDC’s 5 year plan, the of dollars of lost opportunity stemming from these its funding requirements from GWRDC, equating Winemakers Federation of Australia (WFA) iden- problems and the opportunity now presented to around 40% of the GWRDC’s available funds on tifies all but one of the above priorities, however through winemakers being better informed and an annual basis. This funding is based on a set of it advocates radical change to RD&E investment equipped to manage these ongoing issues now agreed RD&E programs designed to meet indus- policy in Australia. and into the future. The recent ‘world first’ break- try needs and priorities. Under the agreement, through in determining the genetic blueprint progress and outputs are reviewed on a quar- Some of the notable features in the proposed of the most prevalent strains of Brettanomyces in terly basis and, where necessary, focus is shifted ‘new paradigm’ are: Australia will greatly assist in future-proofing con- to accommodate changing needs. trol strategies. Similarly, world class science will » A greatly increased emphasis on short-term, open up new horizons in managing alcohol levels, Over the past five years, the AWRI has been highly applied projects and problem solving. managing ‘reduced’ characters, producing wines encouraged to pursue actively additional sources which are a true expression of place that enhance of funding for its operations to supplement indus- » A significantly reduced commitment to fund- the Australian wine proposition. try levy funds. Sources of additional funding have ing core capability. included specific Australian and State government The AWRI remains responsive to industry needs grants, and commercial contracts from the global » A move toward new RD&E expertise at the and has a track record of quickly adapting to grape and wine sector. For every dollar of indus- expense of existing capability including the posi- change, but it is of the view that the industry’s try levy funds, the AWRI has leveraged a further tioning of AWRI as ‘one of many’ RD&E providers.
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