THE BOOKCOLLECTION OF C.F. HULTENHEIM, CAMERA ANTIQUA, IN SELECTION FROM CA 4000 VOLUMES Books and prints numbered 1 to 113 was exhibited on The Royal Library´s ”Typographia” sept 10,2000-jan 10,2003. An Exhibition of 20 th Century Typography and Graphic Design Compiled and Edited by C.F. Hultenheim. Litterature: “Typographica, 1900-2000”, Exhibition Catalogue No. 138 The Royal Library Stockholm 2002 1 DANIEL BERKERLY UPDIKE (1860-1941). Printing types, their history, forms and use. A study in survivals. I-II. Full cloth binding. Harvard and Oxford. Printed by the Merrymount Press, Boston 1922. (2). 2 DANIEL BERKERLY UPDIKE (1860-1941). Advertising card for a Boston tea merchant, “The Cup of Human Enjoyment”. Elihu White Foundry New York. In a frame, 15 x 8,5 cm. 4 BRUCE ROGERS ( 1870-1957). Bookplate ”Anne Lyon Haight”. In a frame, 5,5 x 5 cm. 11 JOHN S. FASS (1890-1973). The Hammer Creek Press type specimen book. Number 22 of 100 copies. Paper binding. New York 1954. 12 SAMUEL A. JACOBS (1891-1971). Christmas Tree, E.E. Cummings. Half cloth binding. Published and printed by S.A. Jacobs, New York 1928. 17 RAY NASH (1905-1982). PaGA, Printing & Graphic Arts, 1953-1965. The Stinehour Press, Luneburg. Unbound in box. 22 LEO LIONNI (1910-1999). World Geo-Graphic Atlas. Full cloth binding. CCA, Chicago 1953. 34 THE STINEHOUR PRESS. Goodspeed´s Book Shop, Catalogue 500. Paper binding. Boston 1961. 58 FRANCIS MEYNELL (1891-1975). Ten poems, Alice Meynell 1913-1915. One of 50 copies. Full vellum binding. The Romney Street Press 1915. 61 IAN MORTIMER B. 1934. Johnston Sans. Trial proofs. London Transport Museum. Unbound in box. I. M. Imprint, Hackney, London 1993. 67 C.VOLMER NORDLUNDE (1888-1970). I bogens tjeneste, Jan Tschichold. Full binding. Nyt Nordisk Forlag, Arnold Busck, Copenhagen 1951. 69 VIGGO NAAE (1899-1973). Moby Dick, Herman Melville. Illustrated with woodcuts. Quarter cloth binding. Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1955. 70 IB ANDERSEN (1907-1969). Den fuldkomne fisker, The compleat angler. Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Illustrated by Ib Andersen. Full paper binding. Martins Forlag, Copenhagen 1945. 71 HENRY THEJLS ( 1905-1981). Fredriksborg og det Nationalhistoriske Museum. Otto Andrup. Quarter binding. J.H. Schultz, Copenhagen 1950. 76 ANDERS BILLOW (1890-1964). Gustavianskt, studier kring den gustavianska tidens kulturhistoria tillägnade Sigurd Wallin på hans femtioårsdag. Full paper binding. Nordisk Rotogravyr, Stockholm 1932. 78 CHARLES GL. BEHRENS (1907-1965). Resa till Mocca 1708-1710, Jean de la Roque. Quarter vellum binding. KF Publishers, Stockholm 1953. 95 LARS HALL B. 1938. Goodwin, en hyllning. Bruno Ehrs and Carl Bengtsson. Full binding. Norstedt, Stockholm 1998. 97 PER WERME B. 1939. Murmestarne. Murmestare embetet I Stockholm 1487-1987. Full cloth binding. Byggförlaget, Stockholm 1987. 106 IMRE REINER (1900-1987). Monogram on bookcover of paper, Verlag Zollikofer & Co, St Gallen. 113 MASSIMO VIGNELLI (1931- ). Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of Architecture, David B. Brownlee, David G. De Long. Full paper binding. Rizzoli International Publications Inc. New York 1991. Modified Bodoni, Century Expanded. JACOB JONAS BJÖRNSTÅHL (1731-1779). Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, England, Turkiet och Grekland. 1-6. Full binding. Stockholm 1780-1784. (6) ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987). Utställningskatalog Moderna museet, Stockholm. Februari-mars 1968. Paper binding. Sydsvenska Dagbladets AB, Malmö 1967-68. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). The Plays of William Shakespeare in fifteen volumes with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Fourth edition. Full leather binding. London 1793. (15) WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. With engravings by Eric Gill. Number 520 of 1500 copies. Signed by Gill. Full leather binding. The Limited Editions Club, 1933. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). The Sonnets. Number 35 of 120 copies. Half leather binding. Saul & Lillian Marks, Plantin Press, Los Angeles 1974. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). The works of Shakespeare. I-VII. Edited by Herbert Farjeon. Number 1167 of 1600 copies. Full leather binding. Designed by Francis Meynell, printed by Walter Lewis, Cambridge University Press. The Nonesuch Press, New York 1929-33. (7). WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). Othello, illustrated by Leonard Baskin. Number 42 of 400 copies on Gehenna-Shakespeare paper. Signed by Baskin. Kennedy galleries. Folio in cover. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). King Lear. The comedies histories & tragedies of William Shakespeare. Number 1246 of 1950 copies. Quarter cloth binding. The Press of A. Colish. The Limited Editions Club, New York 1939. FRANCOISE-MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE (1694-1778). Oeuvres completes de Voltaire. 1-70. Full binding. De l´imprimerie de la Société Littéraire-Typographique 1784-89. (70) FRANCOISE-MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE (1694-1778). La Henriade, poeme suivi de quelques autres poems de Voltaire. Full leather binding. De l´imprimerie de la Société Littéraire-Typograpique 1789. FRANCOISE-MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE (1694-1778). The Princess of Babylon. Number 907 of 1500 copies. Half vellum binding. The Nonesuch Press, London 1927. FRANCOISE-MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE (1694-1778). Voltaire`s essay on Milton. Desmond Flower, editor. One of 400 copies. Quarter cloth binding. The University Press, Cambridge, 1954. FRANCOISE-MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE (1694-1778). Den hivde tyr. Number 34 of 150 copies. Full binding. Scripta, Copenhagen 1952. JEAN-JAQUES ROUSSEAU ( 1712-1778). The confessions of J.J. Rousseau in an anonymous English version first published in two parts in 1783 & 1790 now revised and completed by A.S.B. Glover. Full leather binding. The Nonesuch Press. London 1938. (2) ALEXANDER PUSHKIN (1799-1837). Gabriel, a poem in one song. Translated by Max Eastman, illustrated by Rockwell Kent. Number 91 of 750 copies. Full vellum binding. New York Covici-Friede Publishers 1929. THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old testament and the New translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty´s special command. Full leather binding. John Baskerville Cambridge 1763. Folio. THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old testament and the New with the apocrypha translated out of the original tongues with annotations. Full leather binding. John Baskerville, Birmingham 1769. Folio. MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE (1533-1592). Essays of Michael Lord of Montaigne. Written by him in French and done into English by John Florio. 1-3. Facsimile. Houghton Mifflin & company, Boston and New York 1902-03. (3) FRANCOIS- JOACHIM DE BERNIS (1715-1794). La Religion vengée, poëme en dix chants. Quarter leather binding. Parme dans le Palais Royal 1795. Folio. WILLIAM SOMERVILLE (1675-1742). The Chase, a poem by William Somervile Esq. Full leather binding. Printed by W. Bulmer and co. London 1796. OLIVER GOLDSMITH(1730-1774),THOMAS PARNELL( 1679-1718). Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell. Half leather binding. Printed by W. Bulmer, London 1795. PUBLIUS VERGILIUS( 70 BC-19 BC)Publii Vergilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica et Aeneis. Quarter leather binding. Johan Baskerville, Birmingham 1757. PIERRE APRAXINE. Photographs from The collection of The Gilman Paper Company. Number 459 of 1200 copies. Quarter leather binding. White Oak Press 1985. Folio. GUSTAVE EIFFEL(1832-1923). La Tour de trois cents mètres. 1-2. Number 47 of 600 copies. Full binding. Editions J.F. Guyot Paris 1989. Folio. (2) In metallcase. ORIGINAL LEAVES FROM FAMOUS EUROPEAN BOOKS 1470-1794. London Folio Society. Cloth portfolio with descriptions of 12 publications from which the leaves were taken. Original leaves from seminal works (Augustinus, De Civitate dei, Rome 1470 etc). ORIGINAL LEAVES FROM FAMOUS ENGLISH BOOKS 1523-1905. London Folio Society. Cloth portfolio with descriptions of 12 publications from which the leaves were taken. Original leaves from seminal works (Clarendon´s History, Oxford 1701-04 etc). THE COLOPHONE, A book collector quarterly, 1930. Four volumes in original cover. (4) L´ENCYCLOPÉDIE OU DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNÉ DES SCIENCES, I-VI , facsimile, 478 of 3000 copies, full binding. Imprimeries Réunies S.A. a Lausanne 1964-66. Folio. (6) DAMIANUS MOYLLUS. Alphabetum, facsimile in A Newly discovered treatise on classic letter design. 350 copies. Quarter vellum binding. Paris at The Sign of The Pegasus 1927. E. E. CUMMINGS ( 1894-1962). Him, number 18 of 160 copies, signed by Cummings. Half vellum binding. Boni & Liveright New York 1927. E.E. CUMMINGS (1894-1962). Is five. Half binding. Boni & Liveright, New York 1926. BERNARD DE FONTENELLE (1657-1757). A plurality of worlds. John Glansville´s translation with a prologue by David Garnett. Number 525 of 1200 copies. Full vellum binding. The Nonesuch Press 1929. STEEN STEENSEN BLICHER (1782-1848). Traekfuglerne, naturconcert. Half leather binding. Den Danske Radeerforening, Helsingör 1914. RAINER MARIA RILKE (1875-1926). Five prose pieces by Rainer Maria Rilke. Number 84 of 200 copies on Van Gelder Oxhead paper. Quarter leather binding. The Cummington Press, Massachusetts 1943- 47. GIOVANNI DI BOCCACIO (1313-1375). Trattatello in laude di Dante. Number 38 of 140 copies. Full leather binding. Officina Bodoni, Verona 1955. GIOVANNI DI BOCCACIO (1313-1375). Die Nymphe von Fiesole, eine erzählung in versen übertragen von Rudolf Hagelstange. Number 29 of 300 copies. Half leather binding. Trajanus Presse, Frankfurt am Main 1957-58. GIOVANNI DI BOCCACIO
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