The Auk 121(3):985–995, 2004 © The American Ornithologists’ Union, 2004. Printed in USA. FORTY-FIFTH SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS Rnhmfwi C. Bfspx,1,9,10 Cfwqf Cnhjwt,2 Jts L. Dzss,3 Asiwj| W. Kwfyyjw,4 Pfrjqf C. Rfxrzxxjs,5 J. V. Rjrxjs, Jw.,6 Jfrjx D. Rnxnsl,7 fsi Dtzlqfx F. Syty8 1U.S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Museum of Natural History, MRC-111, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, USA; 2Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3160, USA; 3RR2, Box 52R, Bishop, California 93514, USA; 4Florida Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 117800, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA; 5Michigan State University Museum and Department of Zoology, West Circle Drive, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1045, USA; 6Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University, Foster Hall 119, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA; 7Department of Zoology, Ramsay Wright Zoological Labs, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G5, Canada; and 8Environmental and Conservation Programs, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA This is the fourth Supplement since publication species are added to Part 1 of the Appendix (Luscinia of the 7th edition of the Check-list of North American sibilans, Monticola solitarius); and (6) spelling changes Birds (American Ornithologists’ Union [AOU] are made in the endings of 28 species names to bring 1998). It summarizes decisions made by the AOU’s them into conformity with the International Code of Commi ee on Classifi cation and Nomenclature be- Zoological Nomenclature (see David and Gosselin tween 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2003. The 2002b). In addition, several minor changes are made Commi ee has continued to operate in the manner to correct citations of generic names or other errors. outlined in the 42nd Supplement (AOU 2000) but is Most changes of English names are for Old World now publishing Supplements annually so that chang- species that are vagrant or accidental in our area and es accepted by the Commi ee may be publicized for which the names we have been using diff er from more quickly. Changes in this Supplement fall into English names generally used in regional works cov- the following categories: (1) two species are added ering those species’ normal ranges (e.g., Brazil 1991, to the list because of spli ing of species previously Inskipp et al. 1996, King 1997, Kennedy et al. 2000) on the list (Branta hutchinsii, Geotrygon leucometopia); One change (Gray-fronted Quail-Dove) is necessitat- (2) fi ve species are added to the list or are moved ed by the spli ing of a species, and the other (Yucatan from the Appendix to the main list because of new Woodpecker) is made to conform to usage by most distributional information (Pterodroma macroptera, authors in North America. The changes in spelling Charadrius leschenaultii, Phylloscopus trochilus, Sylvia of the specifi c names refl ect new determination of the curruca, Muscicapa striata); (3) two species replace gender of generic names (David and Gosselin 2002b) others currently on the list because of spli ing from and are to cause gender agreement of specifi c with ge- extralimital forms (Myrmotherula ignota, Motacilla neric names; some aff ect names of extralimital species tschutschensis); (4) seven English names are changed mentioned only in Notes for species on our list. without change in the scientifi c name (Lesser Sand- Plover, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Gray-fronted Quail- The additions to the main list bring the number Dove, Gray Nightjar, Yucatan Woodpecker, Dark- of species recognized as occurring in the Check-list sided Flycatcher, Gray-streaked Flycatcher); (5) two area (main list) to 2,038. Literature that provides the basis for the Commi ee’s decisions is cited at the end of the Supplement, and citations not already in the 9 Authors are members of the Committee on Literature Cited of the 7th edition (with Supplements) Classifi cation and Nomenclature of the American become additions to it. An updated list of the bird Ornithologists’ Union, listed alphabetically after the species known from the AOU Check-list area may be Chairman. accessed at h p://www.AOU.org/aou/birdlist.html. 10E-mail: [email protected] or richard_ [email protected] pp. xvii–liv. In the list of bird species known 985 986 BANKS ET AL. [Auk, Vol. 121 from the Check-list area, change 2,031 (from 44th Rearrange the sequence of species of Branta as Supplement) to 2,038. In the list, insert the following follows: species in the proper position as indicated by the text Branta bernicla of this Supplement: Branta leucopsis Branta hutchinsii Pterodroma macroptera Great-winged Petrel. (A) Branta canadensis Branta hutchinsii Cackling Goose. Branta sandvicensis Charadrius leschenaultii Greater Sand-Plover. (A) Geotrygon leucometopia White-fronted Quail-Dove. Make the following changes in annotations to spe- Myrmotherula ignota Moustached Antwren. cies in the list: Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler. (A) Add (N) aV er Pterodroma phaeopygia Galapagos Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat. (A) Petrel, which was changed from Dark-rumped Muscicapa striata Spo ed Flycatcher. (A) Petrel in the 43rd Supplement (Banks et al. 2002:898); Motacilla tschutschensis Eastern Yellow Wagtail. Remove (H) from Bulweria bulwerii, now known also from North Carolina (Banks et al. 2002:898); Remove the following names: Add (H, A) aV er Milvus migrans Black Kite, which Myrmotherula brachyura Pygmy Antwren. was added to the list in the 42nd Supplement (AOU Motacilla fl ava Yellow Wagtail. 2000:849); For Gracula religiosa, change (H, I) to (I); Change the following English names: Add (A) aV er Emberiza elegans Yellow-throated Charadrius mongolus Lesser Sand-Plover. Bunting, which was added to the list in the 42nd Eurynorhynchus pygmeus Spoon-billed Sandpiper. Supplement (AOU 2000:853). Geotrygon caniceps Gray-fronted Quail-Dove. Caprimulgus indicus Gray Nightjar. p. 13. Pterodroma macroptera is added to the list, and Melanerpes pygmaeus Yucatan Woodpecker. to the list of birds known to occur in the United States, Muscicapa sibirica Dark-sided Flycatcher. on the basis of a documented record from California. Muscicapa griseisticta Gray-streaked Flycatcher. Before the account for Pterodroma neglecta, insert: Make the following spelling changes: Pterodroma macroptera (Smith). Great-winged Butorides striatus to Butorides striata Petrel. Leucopternis plumbea to Leucopternis plumbeus Leucopternis semiplumbea to Leucopternis semip- Procellaria macroptera A. Smith, 1840, Illus. Zool. lumbeus South Africa, Aves, pl. 52. (Cape seas.) Lagopus mutus to Lagopus muta Lagopus leucurus to Lagopus leucura Habitat.—Pelagic waters; nests on islands in bur- Actitis macularia to Actitis macularius rows, scrapes, or crevices of rocks, under vegetation. Ara severa to Ara severus Distribution.—Breeds on islands in the southern Ara ambigua to Ara ambiguus Atlantic and Indian, and southwestern Pacifi c, oceans Touit dilectissima to Touit dilectissimus on Tristan da Cunha, Gough, Prince Edward Islands, Siphonorhis americanus to Siphonorhis americana Crozet Islands, and Kerguelen Islands, islets off the Glaucis aenea to Glaucis aeneus south coast of western Australia, and on off shore is- Glaucis hirsuta to Glaucis hirsutus lets and headlands of North Island, New Zealand. Lophornis brachylopha to Lophornis brachylophus Ranges at sea in southeastern Atlantic and southern Lampornis calolaema to Lampornis calolaemus Indian, and southwestern Pacifi c, oceans between Ceryle torquata to Ceryle torquatus about 25° and 50° S. Casual to southwestern Atlantic Philydor fuscipennis to Philydor fuscipenne off Cape Horn. Philydor rufus to Philydor rufum Accidental off central California (videotaped and Machetornis rixosus to Machetornis rixosa photographed at Cordell Bank, off Marin County, Conopias albovi ata to Conopias albovi atus 21 July and 24 August, 1996 [NAS Field Notes 51: Schiff ornis turdinus to Schiff ornis turdina 114, 1997; Ro enborn and Morlan 2000]; another Procnias tricarunculata to Procnias tricarunculatus photographed at Monterey Bay, 18 October 1998 Delichon urbica to Delichon urbicum [North Amer. Birds 53(1): 99, cover, 1999; Rogers and Saxicola torquata to Saxicola torquatus Jaramillo 2002]). Helmitheros vermivorus to Helmitheros vermivorum Notes.—Both California birds showed features Tiaris canora to Tiaris canorus consistent with P. m. gouldi, the subspecies that breeds Tiaris olivacea to Tiaris olivaceus in New Zealand. Melozone biarcuatum to Melozone biarcuata Dives atroviolacea to Dives atroviolaceus p. 13. In the account for Pterodroma neglecta, aV er the July 2004] Forty-fi fth Supplement 987 citation of the Hawaiian Islands record in the second Branta hutchinsii (Richardson). Cackling Goose. paragraph, remove "and Pennsylvania (Heintzelman 1961, now considered defi nite as to species iden- Anser Hutchinsii Richardson, 1832, in Swainson tifi cation)." Add to the Notes: Identifi cation of a and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Americana 2, p. 470. bird photographed and fi lmed on Hawk Mountain, (Melville Peninsula [Canada].) Pennsylvania, 3 October 1959 (Heintzelman 1961) is no longer considered defi nitive aV er further consider- Habitat.—Near water on tundra; winters on inland ation (Hess 1997). lakes and marshes. Distribution.—Breeds locally on the Aleutian p. 32. In the citation for Phalacrocorax penicillatus, Islands
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