Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases

Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases

Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens Nematoda: Tylenchida: Heteroderidae Compiled by CABI in association with EPPO www.cababstractsplus.org/dmpd Hosts: Solanaceae, especially potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (S. lycopersicum) and aubergine (S. melongena). Map No. 777 Edition 2 Issued April 2011 ( ( ( ( ( C ( ( ( (((( ( ( ( ( (( ( C ( (( C C C ( ( ( ( C ( ( ( C ( CC ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Map No. 777 No. Map ( Present: national recordC Present: subnational record CABI/EPPO (2011) Globodera pallida. Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases No. 777. CABI Head Office, Wallingford, UK. ISSN 0012-396X© CAB International 2011 CABI is a trading name of CAB International April 2011 Globodera pallida Map No. 777 (Edition 2) Note: Syn. Heterodera pallida Stone. See CIH Descriptions of Plant-parasitic Nematodes No. 17. Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only EUROPE Mainland Greece X Anagnou-Veroniki, M.; Papaioannou-Souliotis, P.; Karanastasi, E.; Giannopolitis, C. N. (2008) Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 1 (2), 55-78. [Messinia.] Austria - B Peneva, V.; Bongers, A. M. T. (2010) Fauna Europaea: Globodera pallida (Stone 1973). Fauna Europaea version 2.2. http://www.faunaeur.org. Hungary - C Elekes-Kaminszky, M.; Fekete-Palkovics, A.; Avar, K.; Baranyai-Toth, R.; Bartfai, J.; Budai, C.; Cziklin, M.; Farkas, I.; Gal, T.; Gyorffy-Molnar, J.; Gyulai, P. et al. (2004) Novenyvedelem 40 (9), EPPO (2007) PQR database (version 4.6). 463-469. Belgium - B Peneva, V.; Bongers, A. M. T. (2010) Fauna Europaea: Globodera pallida (Stone 1973). Fauna Elekes-Kaminszky, M.; Fekete-Palkovics, A.; Toth, A.; Avar, K.; Balogh, L.; Baranyai-Toth, R.; Europaea version 2.2. http://www.faunaeur.org. Bartfai, J.; Budai, C.; Cziklin, M.; Toth, A. C.; Domak, B. et al. (2008) Novenyvedelem 44 (12) 615- Stievenart, J.; Gadenne, M. (1984) Agro 3 (2), 5-8. 622. Bulgaria - B Laginova, M.; Hristova, T. (2009) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 39 (1), 77. Palkovics, A. (2003) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 33 (2), 375-377. [Pest County.] Samaliev, H. (1998) Rasteniev'dni Nauki 35 (3), 239-242. Palkovics, A. (2003) Novenyvedelem 39 (11), 531-537. [Pest County.] Samaliev, K. (1998) Rasteniev'dni Nauki 35 (1), 66-69. Iceland - B Bendezu, I. F.; Russell, M. D.; Evans, K. (1998) Nematologica 44 (6), 667-681. Trifonova, Z. (2003) Rasteniev'dni Nauki 40 (2), 170-172. [Samokov, Smolyan and Velingrad.] Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. Croatia - C EPPO (2004) EPPO Reporting Service No. 2004/088. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Organization (EPPO), Paris, France. [Counties of Medimurska, Varazdinska, and Primorsko- Siggeirsson, E. I.; Riel, H. R. van (1975) Rannsoknastofnunin Nedri As, Hveragerdi, Island Skyrsla Goranska.] 20, 32 pp. [One location only.] Grubisic, D.; Ostrec, L.; Culjak, T. G.; Blumel, S. (2007) Journal of Pest Science 80 (1), 21-27. Ireland - B Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. Poje, I. (2007) Glasilo Biljne Zastite 7 (1), 14-21. [Regions of Zagreb, Varazdin, Primorsko-Goranska by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. and Medimurje.] Italy - C Greco, N.; Vito, M. di; Carputo, D. (2002) Rivista di Agronomia 36 (Supplement 1), 61-65. Cyprus - B Peneva, V.; Bongers, A. M. T. (2010) Fauna Europaea: Globodera pallida (Stone 1973). Fauna Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. Europaea version 2.2. http://www.faunaeur.org. by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Philis, J. (1981) Nematologia Mediterranea 9 (1), 57-61. Mainland Italy C EPPO (2003) EPPO Reporting Service No. 2003/165. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Czech Republic - C Peneva, V.; Bongers, A. M. T. (2010) Fauna Europaea: Globodera pallida (Stone 1973). Fauna Organization (EPPO), Paris, France. [Valle d'Aosta.] Europaea version 2.2. http://www.faunaeur.org. Greco, N.; Brandonisio, A.; Cosmis, P. de (2007) Nematologia Mediterranea 35 (2), 137-142. Sedlak, P.; Melounova, M.; Skupinova, S.; Vejl, P.; Domkarova, J. (2004) Plant, Soil and Subbioni, F. (2006) Colture Protette 35 (3), 45-48. [Fucino, Abruzzi.] Environment 50 (2), 70-74. Vovlas, N. (1996) European Journal of Plant Pathology 102 (8), 743-746. [South.] Zouhar, M.; Rysanek, P.; Gaar, V. (2003) Plant Disease 87 (1), 98. Luxembourg - X EPPO (2007) PQR database (version 4.6). EPPO (2001) EPPO Reporting Service No. 2001/140. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Malta - B EPPO (2000) EPPO Reporting Service No. 2000/170. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), Paris, France. [First record. Under eradication.] Organization (EPPO), Paris, France. [One field only.] Denmark - (E) Hansen, L. M. (1988) Växtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 53, 29-31. [One garden only.] Peneva, V.; Bongers, A. M. T. (2010) Fauna Europaea: Globodera pallida (Stone 1973). Fauna EPPO (2007) PQR database (version 4.6). [The outbreak reported in 1988 has been eradicated.] Europaea version 2.2. http://www.faunaeur.org. Faroe Islands - X Jakobsen, J. (1973) Statens plantepatologiske Forsoeg, Manedsoversigt over plantesygdomme 473, Zasada, I. A.; Gatt, M. (2000) Nematologia Mediterranea 28 (1), 101-102. [First record.] 54-56. Netherlands - B Folkertsma, R. T.; Koert, P. van; Voort, J. N. A. M. R. van der; Groot, K. E. de; Kammenga, J. E.; Jakobsen, J. (1973) Ugeskrift for Agronomer og Hortonomer 2 (34), 602-604. Helder, J.; Bakker, J. (2001) Phytopathology 91 (8), 753-758. France - B Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. Manduric, S.; Andersson, S. (2003) Nematology 5 (6), 851-858. by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Skantar, A. M.; Handoo, Z. A.; Carta, L. K.; Chitwood, D. J. (2007) Journal of Nematology 39 (2), Mainland France B Mugniery, D.; Balandras, C. (1984) Agronomie 4 (8), 773-778. [Brittany.] 133-144. Germany - B Arndt, M. (2006) Gesunde Pflanzen 58 (1), 9-11. [Bayern.] Timmermans, B. G. H. (2005) Solanum sisymbriifolium (Lam.): a Trap Crop for Potato Cyst Manduric, S.; Andersson, S. (2003) Nematology 5 (6), 851-858. Nematodes. Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 133 pp. Pyrowolakis, A.; Schuster, R. P.; Sikora, R. A. (2000) Mededelingen - Faculteit Landbouwkundige Norway - B Anon. (1976) Known distribution of potato cyst nematodes (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. and H. en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Gent 65 (2b), 491-500. pallida Stone) in Norway from a twenty years' survey. Norwegian Plant Protection Institute, As, Norway, 24 pp. Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Manduric, S.; Andersson, S. (2003) Nematology 5 (6), 851-858. Greece - B Anagnou-Veroniki, M.; Papaioannou-Souliotis, P.; Karanastasi, E.; Giannopolitis, C. N. (2008) Poland - C Brzeski, M. (1998) Ochrona Roslin 42 (10), 12. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 1 (2), 55-78. Kornobis, S.; Stefan, K. (1991) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 21, 33-34. Vlachopoulos, E. G. (1994) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 24 (2), 413-415. Marks, R. J.; Rojancovski, E. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control Crete X Anagnou-Veroniki, M.; Papaioannou-Souliotis, P.; Karanastasi, E.; Giannopolitis, C. N. (2008) (Ed. by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 299-315. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. [The mention of Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 1 (2), 55-78. eradication before 1995 is unconfirmed.] Vovlas, N.; Grammatikaki, G. (1989) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 37 (2), 92-95. [First record.] Page 2 April 2011 Globodera pallida Map No. 777 (Edition 2) Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only Radziwinowicz, J. (1977) Host plants of Polish cyst-forming nematodes. Polska Akademia Nauk, Switzerland - B Blok, V. C.; Malloch, G.; Harrower, B.; Phillips, M. S.; Vrain, T. C. (1998) Journal of Nematology 30 Warsaw, Poland, 14 pp. (2), 262-274. Portugal - C Conceicao, I. L. P. M. da; Santos, M. C. V. dos; Abrantes, I. M. de O.; Santos, M. S. N. de A. (2003) Blok, V. C.; Phillips, M. S.; Harrower, B. E. (1997) Genome 40 (3), 286-293. Nematology 5 (1), 137-143. Riel, H. R. van; Mulder, A. (1998) In: Potato Cyst Nematodes, Biology, Distribution and Control (Ed. Cunha, M. J. M. da; Conceicao, I. L. P. M. da; Abrantes, I. M. de O.; Evans, K.; Santos, M. S. N. de by Marks, R.J.; Brodie, B.B.), 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. A. (2004) Nematology 6 (1), 55-58. Wittenberg, R.; Kenis, M.; Blick, T.; Hanggi, A.; Gassmann, A.; Weber, E. (2002) Invasive Alien Cunha, M. J. M. da; Conceicao, I. L. P. M. da; Abrantes, I. M. de O.; Santos, M. S. N. de A. (2006) Species in Switzerland. The environment in practice 0629. Federal Office for the Environment, Bern, Nematology 8 (1), 139-146. Switzerland, 155 pp. Susana, M.: Santos, N. A. de; Evans, K.; Abreu, C. A.; Martins, F. F.; Abrantes, I. M. de O. (1995) UK - B Bendezu, I. F.; Evans, K.; Burrows, P. R.; Pomerai, D. de; Canto Saenz, M. (1998) Nematologica 44 Nematologia Mediterranea 23 (1), 35-42. (1), 49-61. Madeira X Vieira, P.; Mota, M.; Padre, L.; Adao, H. (2008) In: A list of the Terrestrial Fungi, Flora and Fauna of Blok, V. C.; Malloch, G.; Harrower, B.; Phillips, M. S.; Vrain, T.

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