o rJPS ! r lirD 1r;!r|.1 JP.S.LO[US72D .Manufäctured under exclusive licence from Team Lotus The date wäs s.pbdb.r l0rh,l972,rh. el..e 3lips of FD.r Drodainins-Ene.son Filtipaldi Tiis nodel disDensed rith rhe Ausrin 7 pr.. §as iLe raroue Monz. Aütonrm. near Mihn. Wo.ld Chrqion driving . John Player Spe. M. chassis rDd Ie!tu..d r .llnev lisLiwei*hr s the .i.€ {,s l}e Iieliai G.and P.ü-fin:l .irl" c,scad.d inro r[e air. It was r .rmival ruhular sD.cei..h.. Colitr aid all r[e desip Europeai .ound ol rhä world ch.orioNijp. Colin Chapm.n r.s no. Mrly as relrrcd rs This, th€D, *as rhe .lirai of ye,.s o! sry.lt for.e iD rigidjly .onbined *ith lishl w.ight. usu,l.lor M.u! G haidly Lis favou.ite krcL rid roil, süccess and failu.e, hrppiness rd It w.ieh.d onty 55 tb. brre, o. 90 Ib. {i!h Pei.. Warr lmked anrious rd G did .[i.f hri.lers rd shesseJ body paieG 3hrch.'l, r.ch{ic Eddie Doii3 and th€ resl of his Tüe nai b.hind ihe J.P.S., Anthory Colin aid afte. a slo§ *ari il be.an. r greal Bru.e ClläDmab, Desimer. l ean Mrn!i.. ud snccrss At oie pc.jod Col; büi,r eisht pro The 3trn.r's ni8 *rs rbo* to d.op oD a Ch,i.iio oi th. Iilus Groüp of Compani.s dudioi .rrs virlu,lly siDslethded,6d $hen race in *hich EDereD Fitlitsdj and ht bllcl is a leseidrry fis!.e in th. motor .r.ins i.lp cime Iron De Havilland r\i..lafi eh .nd söldJohn Pl.y.. Spe.irl ould .lin.i rhä world. His face shows hrny ol the cha c ployees Pde. Ross "Mac- Mrckiiiosi ard 19?2 Wo.ld ClapioDshiF. Fitip.ldi would te.isi:cs ihar have helped so much to prod!.e Mik. costin, Lorus Frnsiie.rins ras r.alty thus become not onl, rhe liri Brizilün ro the Lorus lese . He has a bu..ing anhitiotr under wry. Codin .tir.h tIe title ünt rlso rLe youcesl man evsr io succeed, m in,lia rubber shilny ro [oun.e siieer ii rhr chapnan hould. eid his troiher io do so. Il pas just over tFo short selrons h,.L eve! $h€n the odJs r.. siaclen hish Frahk ras an a.rodyhani.ßt *Lo {as roped .so ILat F tip.ldi hd mld€ tis C.!nd I'r; esrinsl hin A rery pr.cise mr4 l ik is iD to lssist iß desjoins !n all-tref, srorh. d.buiIt vls.xa..ly !{o se'3ois sinc€ Jo.heD left ro chnce. A pe.fedio.ist. Where.thers ricing .ar ldr 19s4. Colii spe.jInJ 35 6hp. Rindr hd diea lavins alreädy din.h.d th. adipt Chipru cr.ares. This i. sho{ß hy ,€ighr uder 10.wr and a iop sp.ed in sxcess c[rnDionsbir lo. Colin ChapEln in a cr thrt s6he oI tie Lo.us "Fir s". In .ä.inß lroh o, I25 nph. Th. ..sulrint Lobs Mlrl 3 w.s {.§ bGic,lly .he äs rLe oie in ,[icl, rhe earh sixb.s ühl rodry ie has b.en th. a snmrlly rt.rcliye proje.iile, lnd Cotin Erero nu{ sat,paliendy,and'.be *ithorr a sip oajo! Grind PDx desisn ;novrtor. His .rs prured ns sparelrrme ch.ssis right do§n to ol n.rvoüsness,ro. a race rhrt nry $cU irve haye vor iive Wo.ld CLa pionship Titles,th. ch.ised his {hol. ,äy of life. IndianaDolis 500 and almst certainly r F€li.. Ai ihis divided Lohs iitoi{oLalves, Tlat rLe JoLn Player Sp.ci.l *!s m th. erid robl ol mino. ev.nrs rhrowlod rfie {orld one hall 'g.I.huilding production cars and co$ at dl, resDlend.nt as §.r in rh,t Uä.l !.d rh,i ,ry oI[e. Mrque ii .a.iiß hislo.y. ponents and the otl,er l'.ü-T..n Lorrs-d€. gold.dour sch.o.,ra3 r miracle. Enerson's "CLur[y"Chapmrnyas borD in London on 19tü riFiDs,buildins rnd rundng rrcins ca.s. Tlis ch€ri3hd .!.. .ar {is damrged in . trlns- i!.r,1923. H. studrcn .ngin€erins .1 Univ€. sy*en cortinu.'l türoudet ihe lorrative siiy C.llese.London ud itr t9,I3lis Iirsl car penod ol Chapman's braiDchild! ihroush no.e ras a 1937 Mofis 3 Tourer,a presot fiom lod nor. su.cesBful sFrrsra.irs c,rs, rnd his {arh.r. Tle vouM Chärnaqviih Iie helD su.cesses riih rheB ii najor !a.es lilc tbe o, lnoti€r youq a.n, Rodrcy Nucley, mde TT and L. Mans srccess.3 which made his th.n fr.si Sp€irl lroh r 1930 ArsIin 7 Flh .Dsiieer ii .L,ssis ind ric Salm.. This c.r, R.süi.red NUDüer DD 3193 §äs furrh.r rrarslorred fron a T.nk Be {,s reraitred äs a coisnhril h} b.r[ BRlt Speciäl ro 6.com€ rie Lotus MK.I. call.n and V'i*all, and rü. 1956 rea.drep V'n'ill "Lorus" be.ause the lorus is said to i u.. qhicl tnllly roo ii€ world Mrullcbrers sleep, whrl the long d.rk hours of *orl oD CfimpioNlip in 1954 *as .s neü b heitr! rhis c.r c.*ainlY did to a Lorrs p.odüd .s rrythi4 built oütside lüe Rer.sisle.ed Ol( 9292, rhis lo.e.unner ol a Eo.lG codd bc. ColiD desien.d th. c[lssis .lassic lii€ $on scor.d l,otus'firsr comperi. lrüe and Frihl Coslin th; a.ronynlmic hti tio succ6ses in lri.k edrly in 19{€. For i rdl.d bodywo*. Chapmri's qork sith BRM pod.r accid.nt . Lry d.yr drlj€r but lo.. hh roror {3s dorbril shor! '[ile eaine.riE dsdd.r.d tlc lse oI 'C[!pman 3td" rea. turtely a spire, hui olde. ca. was ob rle as üis fin:l exams d..{ close.. His .eceDtiie süsp.Dsior fin:lly p.rsu:ded iüeir por. *ay ir a s.pa..te rruck. Du.i4 race no.nia h.ri äbsorb€n rno.ledge ltke an ..!d€bic dlül 2| litr."hic[ Iourcylinder .,rs ro [rndle. ...tg th. c.r h.d d§eloped t.rrihle iudd€r spoige, sd ib rao.d !im. i *a Ch.pmD ln 195? Colh büilr his {i.st Lotus siul.. ' B.S.. MlrL 12.T.rn Lohs redly .Ians.i. T[.n vi.i l.ss rirb aD [onr Th€ Lotus MK Il *as br no' beiu hüilr rri i[. c..s in Formula I in 19s4, h.Iore to p b.for. t[. rüre o'cl@[ sl.rr ! Iu.l wnh .ra increased wh.n r.9l.ci4 rüem *ith the "riiivlnw"ll" M!.k l.r! ',s di*ove..d. The rü.less me.Lrni.e C[apraD ioined tLe R.A.f. Nd* cmdissioß.d 16 Ior 1953 59. While rll. spork .,rs lad set 10 lorl !ßd .hans.d it in r.cord rime. rd t.lined to -Winss" sb&r4 C!.pm ßriied a kenendous r.pdarion Io. Cllrpr A.il Dos Ene.$n r.s d th. sid..or th.ee nced rle MarL Il *ith Fo.d Euine suc..s' and his rean. tf,. ao.ool. I Drcjecb did ol iL. i'dtrqtro lin6p. On the froii .oF slully in .nat.ür bials L. sn. tine. In lnd.b eni'n.e i1. They oyerüeat.4 üd rye.e Eme.su could 3ee Jrcti. Ickr's r.d Fe....i 1949 he lelt th. R.A.F. md in 1951 th. Lorüs plr$ed by problers sith their ne, Lotus- rnd Ciris Aoons s.r.dins Llue M,tri. On M,ARK l[ apreared. Its su.cess sls insbnr n.d. g.$hor8. But the sports crr produdidn .o* r*o *rs Clay Resarzonis aeffa.i *irh As i r€ult oI the srerr int.r.{ Bhonn ih lin.s we.€ h.omin8, iDd rrodücrion oI tüe roaü JlckG Sr€{a.Cs Tyrr.lt ltmpidc. IrD.rson bis.ars,Jänuäry 1s! 1952 s.! rIe lormrrion rrc. Lotus Eliie got under sat,irer driDins sle..d b lis l€i 5ül D€iry Hnl6e ii dre oI Lolus Ensine€rin& F.or a srlble ovEd heldlines rt th. 1957 Lohdotr oior SId$. Yardl.y Mclar.n sbi.ally sta.ed inro rle by hk latLer in Hornsey, London, Ciapnäi This $as a *assen4 exampl. ol Chapmant disbnc..nd rL. p.ir did nor.xch.ng. shnces. rade ahd sold .onporents, ,nd .veotu.lly desio o.isinrliry usins !o iii.sral slass fihre Hulae 31iU hd a .[in.e oI 11. World tir!€. Lotus Eqine.ring lrodü.ed their M.rI 6 hud, +ell wirh lle he.hani.al and suspeisiotr so dn S.ewa{. bnr iI eilher m b * .odp.nenh ioi n.d dir ecdy n€ta I ro gl. ss fi b.. chi.v. srh rn aiD h. had b wü "asrh. .a.. f,iti Enrrsoß oul of th. 6.sI lou.. And then [€ häd 1o s. or io thc r@rinins 1rd Nor.h Ane.i.ri rices.'i, Mli[en.ticrlly rle .h'n.es ol Erersn's ritl. slippinsewiy sere slir inde€d hul ey..yün. he* tlar Sbs.rt nos h:d .
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