DOCUMENT 01100 ATTACHMENT A SPECIAL PROVISIONS – REFERENCE DOCUMENTS • Notice of Intent for the Proposed Dredging of Docks 16 through 18. Port of Stockton – West Complex. Rough and Ready Island, Stockton, California. Environmental Risk Services Corporation. October 2013. • John F. Baldwin and Stockton Ship Channels 20 April – 06 May 2015 Condition Survey • Dillon and Murphy, Port of Stockton Robert’s Island I Topographic Survey August 1997 • Dillon and Murphy, Port of Stockton Robert’s Island I Topographic Survey August 2005 • Dillon and Murphy, Port of Stockton Robert’s Island I Topographic Survey February 2013 • Dillon and Murphy, Port of Stockton Robert’s Island I Proposed Levee Plan for Dredge Material Placement Site September 2014 Port of Stockton Dock 16 Through 18 Cover Sheet Maintenance Dredging NNOOTTIICCEE OOFF IINNTTEENNTT ffoorr tthhee PPRROOPPOOSSEEDD DDRREEDDGGIINNGG ooff DDOOCCKKSS 1166 tthhrroouugghh 1188 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX ROUGH AND READY ISLAND STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA October 2013 Environmental Risk Services Corporation NOTICE OF INTENT for the PROPOSED DREDGING of DOCKS 16 through 18 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX ROUGH AND READY ISLAND STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA October 2013 Submitted by: Port of Stockton Stockton, California Prepared by: Environmental Risk Services Corporation Walnut Creek, California __________________________________ ________________________________ Mark J. O’Brien Leslie Shields Project Manager Project Scientist __________________________________ Peter Weiler, Ph.D. Senior Hydrogeophysicist October 2013 Environmental Risk Services Corporation NOTICE OF INTENT FOR THE PROPOSED DREDGING OF DOCKS 16 THROUGH 18 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX, ROUGH AND READY ISLAND, CALIFORNIA Table of Contents SECTION PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Historical Dredged Depth................................................................................................1 1.2 Summary Description of Project.....................................................................................2 1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Project............................................................................2 1.4 Economic Development ...................................................................................................3 1.5 Regulatory Setting.............................................................................................................3 1.5.1 General Order R5‐2009‐0085................................................................................................ 3 1.5.2 General Project Applicability .............................................................................................. 4 1.5.3 CEQA Compliance................................................................................................................ 5 1.6 Benefits of Dredging.........................................................................................................6 1.7 Structure of this NOI ........................................................................................................6 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................ 6 2.1 Dredge Sediment Removal..............................................................................................7 2.2 Dredge Sediment Placement ...........................................................................................7 2.3 Dredge and Placement Site Monitoring.........................................................................8 2.4 Reuse of Dredge Sediment ..............................................................................................9 3. CHARACTERIZATION OF SEDIMENT AND RIVER WATER .................. 10 3.1 Field Methods..................................................................................................................10 3.2 Whole Sediment Bioassays ............................................................................................11 3.2.1 Amphipod Survival and Growth (Hyallela Azteca) ...................................................... 12 3.2.2 Midge Survival and Growth (Chironimus dilutus) ....................................................... 12 3.3 Standard Elutriate Test (SET) Preparation ..................................................................12 3.3.1 Acute and Chronic SET Biotoxicity of Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) ... 13 3.3.2 SET Analytical Chemistry.................................................................................................. 13 3.4 Pre‐Dredge Sediment Total Chemistry Results..........................................................13 3.4.1 Evaluation of Total Dredge Sediment Chemistry........................................................... 14 3.5 Pre‐Dredge Sediment Leachate Results (DIWET)......................................................14 3.5.1 Evaluation of Potential Threat to Ground Water ........................................................... 15 3.6 Modified Elutriate Test ..................................................................................................16 3.7 River Water Chemistry...................................................................................................16 October 2013 i Environmental Risk Services Corporation NOTICE OF INTENT FOR THE PROPOSED DREDGING OF DOCKS 16 THROUGH 18 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX, ROUGH AND READY ISLAND, CALIFORNIA 4. MITIGATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS FROM UPLAND PLACEMENT OF SEDIMENTS................................................................................................. 16 4.1 Mitigation of Potential Impacts to Ground Water Quality.......................................17 4.2 Mitigation Of Potential Impacts to Surface Water Quality.......................................17 4.3 Mitigation of Potential Capacity and Infiltration Limitations At RN1 ...................17 5. MITIGATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS FROM DREDGING................. 18 5.1 Removal of sediment from the riverbed......................................................................18 5.2 Turbidity...........................................................................................................................19 5.2.1 Mitigation of Potential Turbidity from Sediment Suspended During Dredging ...... 19 5.2.2 Mitigation of Potential Turbidity in Water Returned to DWSC from RN1 ................ 19 5.3 Toxicity .............................................................................................................................20 5.3.1 Mitigation of Potential Toxicity from Sediment Suspended During Dredging ......... 20 5.3.2 Sediment Suspended in Returned Water......................................................................... 20 5.4 Dissolved Oxygen ‐ Hydraulic Dredging and Returned Water ..............................20 5.4.1 Short‐Term Near‐Field Effects........................................................................................... 21 5.4.2 Long‐Term Far‐Field Effects.............................................................................................. 22 6. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 22 6.1 Summary of Dock 16 Through 18 Data .......................................................................22 6.2 Summary of Dredging and Placement Mitigation Measures...................................23 REFERENCES................................................................................................................. 25 REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST ................................................................................ 29 October 2013 ii Environmental Risk Services Corporation NOTICE OF INTENT FOR THE PROPOSED DREDGING OF DOCKS 16 THROUGH 18 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX, ROUGH AND READY ISLAND, CALIFORNIA LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Total Sediment Chemistry Results Table 2. DIWET Sediment Chemistry Results Table 3. Standard Elutriate Test (SET) Chemistry Results Table 4. Total Dioxin and Furan Sediment Chemistry Results Table 5. Calculation of Attenuation Capacity in Native Soil at Roberts Island Table 6. San Joaquin River Chemistry Results LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Port of Stockton Rough and Ready Island Location Map Figure 2. Port of Stockton West Complex Sediment Sampling Locations Figure 3. Roberts No. 1 Dredge Sediment Placement Facility Figure 4. Dredge Sediment Sampling Schematic LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1 Total Sediment Metal Concentrations, Dock 16 through 18, RN1, and USACE Stockton DWSC LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Bathymetric Data for West Complex Docks 16 through 20 (Sea Surveyor, 2013) Appendix B. RN1 dredge placement area capacity survey (Dillon and Murphy, 2013) Appendix C. Operations Plan for the Dredging and Placement of Dock 16 through 18 Sediment at the RN1 Placement Facility Appendix D. Pacific Ecorisk Data Report: Biological Testing of the Sediment Samples Collected from the West Complex Appendix E. Evaluation of Near and Far Field Turbidity Appendix F. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Analytical Reports October 2013 iii Environmental Risk Services Corporation NOTICE OF INTENT FOR THE PROPOSED DREDGING OF DOCKS 16 THROUGH 18 PORT OF STOCKTON - WEST COMPLEX, ROUGH AND READY ISLAND, CALIFORNIA 1. INTRODUCTION Environmental Risk Services Corporation (ERS) has prepared this Notice of Intent (NOI) on behalf of the Port of Stockton (Port) for the proposed maintenance
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