¥ .ÿd–' k,eRieRþi." è*,uÿyamþ deva" .. kóv:ly::ðp:en:\:t:Î .. oÑ bhadraÑ karÙÙÒebhiÒ ÚÎÙuy Ëma devËÒ Kaivalyypa Upanishad .ÿd–' pþXyemaÿ=i.ÿyRjþ]a" - bhadraÑ paÚyemËkÛabhir yajatrËÒ from the Atharva Veda O God, may we hear what is holy with our ears. While worshiping, may we see what is holy with our eyes. iiWWSqÿrWr½Ws(þ þtuìÿuva\ sStþ ÿnUi."þ SvÿiiSt nÿ —Nd–aþe v*ÿ×è[þva" sthirair aÔgais tuÛÖuvËgÑ sas tanÍbhiÒ svasti na indro vÎddha-ÚravËÒ Vyxþem deÿvaihþtÿ' ydayuþ" -- SvÿiSt n"þ pUÿza ivÿXvvþeda" - vyaÚema deva-hitaÑ yad ËyuÒ svasti naÒ pÍÛË viÚva-vedËÒ May we worship with steady limbs May Indra, the glorious, bless us. May our lives be helpful to the Gods. May the Pusha, the omniscient, bless us. ! AT:aÃ:l:ay:n::ð B:g:v:nt:ö SvÿiiSt nÿSta+yaÿeReR Airìnþ eimei " p:rm:eÅn:m:p:rm:ðeÅn:m:p:s:m:Øp:s:m:tyðty::v:acð : . svasti nas tËrkÛÛyayoariÛÖanemiÒ AD:ieh B:g:v:nb:ÒÉev:½aö v:erÅaö SvÿiSt naeÿ b*hÿSpitþdR/atu -- s:da s:e»H s:ðvy:m:an:aö en:g:ÜZam:Î .. 1.. svasti no bÎhaspatir dadhËtu om athhlhËshvalËyano bhagavantam parameshthinam upasametyovËca ¥ xaiNtxaiNtÿ" xaiNtxaiNtÿ" xaiNtþ" adhÌhi bhagavan brahma-vidyËm varishthËm oÑ ÚËntiÒ ÚËntiÒ ÚËntiÒ sadË sadbhih sevyamËnËm nigÍdhËm One day, Āshvalāyana approached Lord Brahmā and said, May Garuda, destroyer of evil, bless us. “O Master, please teach me brahma vidya, the highest May Brihaspati bless us. Om! Peace, peace, peace. knowledge, hidden yet always enjoyed by the wise.” y:T:a|ec:rats:v:üp:ap:ö vy:p::ðÊ n: km:üN:a n: )j:y:a D:n:ðn: p:ratp:rö p:,p:Ø,\:ö y:aet: ev:¾ an:Î . ty:ag:n:kty:ag:ðn:òk ñ Am:Am:t:tv:m:an:S:Hàt:tv:m:an:S:ØH. t:sm:ò s: h:ðv:ac: ep:t:am:hÁ: p:rðN: n:akö en:eht:ö g:Øhay:aö Â:¹aB:eVt:Dy:an:y::ðg:adv:òeh .. 2.. ev:B:Òaj:t:ð y:½t:y::ð ev:S:ent: .. 3.. yathË‘cirËt sarva-pËpam vyapoyha na kjdhkarmanË na prajayË dhanena parËt-param purusham yËti vidvËn tyËgenaike amritatvam Ënashuh tasmai sa hovËca pitËmahash ca parena nËkam nihitam guhËyËm shraddhË-bhakti-dhyËna-yogËd avaihi vibhrËjate yad yatayo vishanti “With this knowledge, a wise person is quickly freed Not by good works nor by projeny or wealth, from all sin and reaches the suppgreme being.” but byyy renunciation some attained immortality. Then Brahmā said to Āshvalāyana – Those who strive enter it, Attain it through faith, devotion, meditation and practice. shining within yet transcending heaven. v:ðdant:ev:wan:s:Øen:eSc:t:aT:aüH ev:ev:Vt:dðS:ð c: s:ØK:as:n:sT:H s:ny:as:ys:öny:as:y::g:a½t:y:H::ðg:a½t:y:H S:S:¹sعs:¶v:aH . S:S:ec:Øec:H s:m:g:s:m:g:iv:eS:rÒiv:eS:rHS:rir H . t:ð b:ÒÉl::ðkñ\:Ø p:rant:kal:ð Anty:aÂ:m:sT:H s:kl:ðendÓy:aeN: p:ram:àt:aH p:erm:Øcy:ent: s:v:ðü .. 4.. en:,Dy: B:Vty:a sv:g:Ø,ö )N:my: .. 5.. vedËnta-vijnËna-sunihiishcitËrt hhhËh vivikta-deshe ca sukhËsanasthah sannyËsa-yogad yatayah shuddha-sattËh shucih samagrÌva-shirah-sharÌrah te brahma-lokeshu parËnta-kËle antyËshramasthah sakalendriyËni parËmritËh parimucyanti sarve nirudhya bhaktya svagurum pranamya Those who strive – established in Vedantic wisdom, Seated comfortably in a secluded place, purified, pypurified by renunciation and practice, dwelling in heaven with head, neck and body erect, in the final stage of life, at the end of time – all become liberated, immortal. restraining their senses, bowing with devotion to one’s guru, they meditate. Ætp:ØNRrikö ev:rj:ö ev:S:عö t:m:aedm:Dy:ant:ev:hin:m:ðkö ev:ec:nty:m:Dy:: m:Dy:ð ev:S:dö ev:S::ðkm:Î . ev:B:öØ ec:dan:ndm:-p:m:»t:m:..p:m:»Øt:m:Î.. 6.. tam ādi-madhyānta-vihīnam ekaṃ Aec:nty:m:vy:Vt:m:n:nt:-p:ö vibhuṃ cidānandam arūpam adbhutam eS:v:ö )S:ant:m:m:àt:ö b:ÒÉy::ðen:m:Î . hihrit-pundarÌkam vijirajam vis hu ddham … without beginning, middle or end , one , all pervasive, conscious-fullness, formless and amazing. vicintya madhye vishadam vishokam acintyam avyaktam ananta-rÍpam shivam prashËntam amritam brahma-yonim They meditate on the immortal source of all dwelling in one’s own heart – untainted and pure, silent and blissful, transcendent and formless, infinite, sacred and peaceful … s: um:as:hay:ö p:rm:ðÃ:rö )B:Øö b:ÒÉa s: eS:v:H s:ðndÓH e*:l::e*:l::c:n:ðc:n:ö n:il:kNYö )S:ant:m:Î . s::s::|x:rHð|x:rH p:rm:H sv:raXÏ . Dy:atv:a m:Øen:g:ücCet: B:Üt:y::Ü ðen:ö s: Ov: ev:\N:ØH s: )aN:H s:m:st:s:aex:ö t:m:s:H p:rst:at:Î .. 7.. s: kal::ð|egn:H s: c:ndÓm:aH .. 8.. umā-sahāyaṃ parameśvaraṃ prabhuṃ sa bhbrahmā sa śivaḥ sendraḥ trilocanaṃ nīlakaṇṭhaṃ praśāntam so 'kṣaraḥ paramaḥ svarāṭ dhyātvā munir gacchati bhūta-yoniṃ sa eva viṣṇuḥ sa prāṇaḥ samasta-sākṣiṃ tamasaḥ parastāt sa kālo 'gniḥ sa candramāḥ Meditating on Lord Shiva, accompanied by Parvati, That is Brahma, that is Shiva, that is Indra. with three eyy,p,es and blue throat, peaceful, That is immutable,,p supreme, and sovereign. a sage reaches the source of all, That indeed is Vishnu, that is life. the witness of all, beyond darkness. That is time, Agni, and Chandrama. s: Ov: s:v:üö y:»Üt:ö s:v:üB:Üt:sT:m:atm:an:ö y:cc: B:vy: ö s:n:at:n:m:Î . s:v:B:s:v:üB:t:aen:Üt:aen: c:atm:en: . watv:a t:ö m:àty:Øm:ty:Ø ðet: s:mp:Sy:nb:ÒÉ p:rm:ö n:any:H p:nT:a ev:m:ØVt:y:ð .. 9.. y:aet: n:any:ðn: hðt:Øn:a .. 10.. sa eva sarvam yadbhd bhÍtam sarva-bhÍtast ham ËtmËnam yac ca bhavyam sanËtanam sarva-bhÍtËni cËtmani jnËtvË tam mrityum atyeti sampashyan brahma paramam nËnyah panthË vimuktaye yËti nËnyena hetunË Indeed, that is all that was and will be, eternal. Discovering that ātmā which exists in all beings Knowing that, one transcends death. and in which all beings exist, There is no other way to liberation. one reaches supreme brahman. There is no other means. A:tm:an:m:reN:ö kátv:a s: Ov: m:ay:ap:erm::ðeht:atm:a )N:v: ö c::¶:rareN:m:c::ð¶:rareN:m:Î . S:rirm:asT:ay: kr:kr:et:ðet: s:v:m: s:v:üm:Î . wan:en:m:üT:n:aBy:as:at:ÎÎ s*y:Àp:an:aedev:ec:*:B::ðg:òH p:ap:ö dhet: p:eNRt:H .. 11.. s: Ov: j:ag:Òtp:ert:àept:m:ðet: .. 12.. ātmānam araṇiṃ kṛtvā sa eva mËyË-parihiimohitËtmË praṇavaṃ cottarāraṇim sharÌram ËsthËya karoti sarvam jnāna-nirmathanābhyāsāt stryanna-pËnËdi-vicitra-bhogaih pāpaṃ dahati paṇḍitaḥ sa eva jËgrat-paritriptim eti Making oneself the lower fire-stick That ātmā, covered by ignorance, identifies with a body and making om the upper, and does all actions, enjoying various experiences like from the repeated churning of knowledge, women, food and drink while in the waking state. a wise one burns sin. sv:pn:ð s: j:iv:H s:ØK:dÙHK:B::ðVt:a p:Øn:Á: j:nm:ant:rkm:üy::ðg:at:Î sv:m:ay:y:a kelp:t:j:iv:l::k kelp:t:j:iv:l::ðk ñ . s: Ov: j:iv:H sv:ep:et: )b: )b:¹H..عH.. 13.. punaś ca janmāntara-karmayogāt s:Ø\Ø :Øept:kal:ð s:kl:ð ev:l:in:ð sa eva jīvaḥ svapiti prabuddhaḥ t:m::ð|eB:B:Üt:H s:ØK:-p:m:ðet: . svapne sa jÌvahkhh sukha-dhkhduhkha-bho ktË And again, due to karmas from other lives, that ātmā becomes a wakeful person and dreams again. svamËyayË kalpita-jÌva-loke sushupti-kËle sakale vilÌne tamo ‘bhibhÍtah sukha-rÍpam eti That ātmā, identified with a body, feels pleasure and pain when events are projected in the dream state. In the sleep state, when all is resolved, darkness prevails and bliss remains. p:Ør*:y:ð #iRet: y:Á: j:iv:s:Î Ot:sm:ajj:ay:t:ð )aN::ð t:t:st:Ø j:at: ö s:kl: ö ev:ec:*:m:Î . m:n:H s:v:end s:v:ðüendy:aeN:Óy:aeN: c: . A:D:arm:an:ndm:K:NRb::ðD:ö K:ö v:ay:Øjy::ðüet:rap:Á: y:esm:úll:y:ö y:aet: p:Ør*:y:ö c: .. 14.. p:àTv:i ev:Ã:sy: D:aerN:i .. 15.. pura-traye krÌdidati yas h ca jÌvas etasmËjjj jËyate prËno tatas tu jËtam sakalam vicitram manah sarvendriyËni ca ËdhËram Ënandam akhanda-bodham kham vËyur jyotir Ëpash ca yasmin layam yËti pura-trayam ca prithvÌ vishvasya dhËrinÌ That ātmā, identified with a body, participates in From this ātmā are born life, mind, all sense faculties, all three states. From ātmā all experiences arise. space, air, fire, water and the earth that supports all. Into that ātmā – the limitless consciousness which is one’s essence and source of happiness – all three states resolve.
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