^ e l a u r P u b . L i b r a r y 1 0 th ^ ve. *Belm ar,l!j'..j. ^iiifmciiimKiimciiitiiitimtnfimrmmtsniiiiiiuir: ;'niHiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiimc3iiimnminmniiimiumf'- JOIN THE BUY BETTER RED CROSS IN BELMAR The Coast Advertiser niiiiniiniiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiicsiimimtiiumiiiiiiuiDH: Siiiiiiimioiiiiiiiimtimiiiiiiiiicjiimiiinirawiii," Official Newspaper for Belmar, South Belmar and Wall Township Fifty-Eighth Year, No. 47 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, MARCH 23, 195 Single Copy Five Cents Drawings Held For SO. BELMAR SCHOOL Borough Election Easter Egg Hunt Sunrise Service BOARD NAMES ASAY Warren H. Asay of 748 19th avenue, Expected to Draw On Beach A t 5:30 Ballot Positions South Belmar, was appointed to the Candidates Delay South Belmar Board Of Education Monday night. He replaced Mrs. Filing Petitions 209 In So. Belmar Easter Program at 13th ONE OF THE VOLUNTEERS in the Walling, Keynton Win Top Jules Chambers, who had been a mem­ ber of the board four years. The ap­ Avenue, In Charge of Red Cross drive in Belmar is not only Spot in South Belmar, a hustler in getting contributions, but pointment was made by the board. Hold Off Announcements Five Age Classes in Event- Young People she also put the campaign of the Reinhardt in Wall Mrs. Chambers resigned when she local branch over on television the moved to Belmar, Mrs. William Speak- As March 29 Dead­ Sponsored by Borough Councilman LeRoy F. Walling and Belmar’s Easter sunrise service will other day and won herself a couple of man, clerk of the board, announced. line Approaches and Merchants be held Sunday morning at 5:30 at the prizes. Mrs. Charles Benz of 211 First Percy B. Keynton Sr., will have top avenue was called on the telephone positions on the ballot when South 13th Avenue Pavilion. This will be Belmar still lacks candidates for its by WATV to Identify a song on the Belmar voters go to the polls in the More than 200 children and grown­ the seventh year the Easter sunrise Grant Permit to Borough Commission election in May. ‘Musical Jackpot” program. She not primary election, April 17. RLhard ups are expected to take part in the With the deadline for filing peti­ only named the song. “Talk of the Reinhardt won the top position on the second annual Easter egg hunt in tions to enter the election contest less Town,” but she told about the Red Wall Township ballot for committee­ South Belmar tomorrow. The hunt is Convert Building than a week away, no official an­ C^oss drive here and put it over so man. scheduled to get under way at 1 P. M. nouncements have been made by those well, the announcer agreed bo send his Drawings were held at the respec­ at Denman-Fisher-Perkins Memorial who are expected to run and until to­ contribution along. Mrs. Edward tive municipal buildings last Friday Park. afternoon. j Former Strauss Property day no petitions had been placed in Pearce, Red Cross drive chairman, circulation for voters’ signatures. Councilman Joseph Huhn, general describes Mrs. Benz as one of her In South Belmar, Mr. Walling, Jos­ Theater to Be Made chairman, reported at the Borough eph T. Kelly and Councilman Alex­ Developments over this week-end,, best workers. The prizes Mrs. Benz One-Family Home however, may start the ball rolling: Council meeting Tuesday night that won were a camera and 200 gallons ander Heimbacher will appear in that and by the end of next week the cam­ the interest displayed and the number of fuel oil. order for the Republican nomination of entries indicate the hunt will be for councilman for full terms. Mr. Permission to convert a theater on paign should be well under way. In a bigger event than the first one held FINDING A PURSE contain'ng a Keynton will have top position over the former property of the late Irving the 1947 and 1943 elections candidates in 1950. The hunt is being sponsored Councilman Joseph H. Huhn for the R. Strauss into a dwelling was granted started their campaigns two to three diamond ring and two gold pieces by the Borough Commission at its by the borough and merchants. paid off for Joe Burns, 17, in a big unexpired term in which Mr. Huhn months in advance of the election. meeting Tuesday. Mrs. Isabella J. Park, borough clerk, way last Saturday. Joe, son of Mr. is now serving. Prospective candidates have untir next Thursday night to file petitions has been registering entrants all week and Mrs. George Burns of Melrose In Wall Township, Committee Chair­ The board concurred in the recom­ for the May 8 election. Mrs. Emily at Borough Hall. She reported there place, South Belmar was wa king at man Earl W. Stines was drawn for mendation of the Board of Adjustment appears to be as much interest in the F street and 18th avenue when he dis­ the last position on the ballot. Mr. to permit Milton Alpert to convert J. Knox, borough clerk, has announced hunt among grownups as among the covered the purse. He turned it over Reinhardt was first followed by the movie house, once the scene of that all petitions must be in her hands by Thursday. She also has announced children. to Police Captain Allen White and Ser­ Charles F. Ormsbee, William V. Byrne parties for children in Belmar, into a home. The area is a one-family A that the borough clerk’s office will be Mr. Huhn also reported that mer­ geant Brad Belirman. A few days and Mr. Stines. residence zone. It was the first vari­ open Wednesday and Thursday from. REV. B. D. ROMAINE Jr. later Miss Mary Markey of 1733 H For county executive committee chants had given prizes as well as ance recommended by the Board of 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. for registration and. cash donations. Cash donations also service has been held, with larger street, West Belmar, reported her loss positions, in the Third District, Wil­ Adjustment in some time. changing addresses of voters. were made by the Fire Department, crowds attending each year. of the purse to the police. She de­ liam Curtis will lead the three-way race over C. Garwood Dennis and E. Until yesterday, John W. McKenna First Aid Squad and Citizens Progres­ The service will be in charge of the scribed the purse, the ring and the A letter was received from the Ad­ Newton Mount. of 1501 B street was the only one who sive League. | Young People of the First Presby­ $10 and $5 pieces it contained. Joe’s justment Board stating that it heard In Wall Township district 5, for Mr. Alpert’s appeal for a variance to had taken out petitions. Entrants will be divided into five terian Church. Participating also will reward was $50. county committeeman, names will ap­ the zoning ordinance. * He had re­ Playing Waiting Game age groups in their hunt for the hid­ be the younger group of Calvary Bap­ IT’S STRANGE HOW THE Kiwanis pear in the following order: George quested permission to convert the The strategy of all prospective can­ den eggs in the park and the area tist Church. Rev. Blanchard D. Ro- Club bells get around. Every now and B. Osborn, E. Newton Mount and Rob­ building into a one-family dwelling. didates appears to be to delay filing around North boulevard. The chil­ maine Jr., pastor of the First Presby­ then some club’s bell, wi h which the ert W. Todd. For committee woman or making any announcements until dren in the youngest age group, from terian Church, will give the medita­ Mayor Peter Maclearie said he had presiding officer calls luncheons and Mrs. Doris K. Walters’ name will ap­ they see what the others are going to 1 to 4, will be accompanied by their tion. His topic will be “The Risen investigated the matter and moved business meetings to order, disappears, pear over Mrs.' Adeline Doe. do. With Thursday as the deadline parents or other grownups. The other Christ.” that the variance be granted. Commis­ for filing, however, it will give those I only to turn up in the hands of an­ sioner John Ferruggiaro seconded the classes are 2 to 6, 7 to 11, 12 to 16 and The musical program will be in j who file less than six weeks in which other club. The bells usually disap- Parent Group Plans motion and it wa adopted by a 3-0 17 to 100. Mr. Huhn said no one will charge of Mrs. Everett H. Antonides. | pear following the visit from a mem- to conduct their campaigns. Observ­ be barred from the latter age group, The Youth Choir of the Presbyterian j ^ another clufr Some Belmar For April 9 Meeting vote. ers familiar with municipal election: Mrs. Samuel Hawkins of 711 18tn adding that he felt the more older Church will sing an anthem. Allen club members seem to have hit the The property on which the theater campaigns have expressed the belief avenue, South Belmar, entertained the people in it, the more fun there would Kleinkauf of Calvary Church will play jackpot in pilfering bells as two oth­ is located at 217 Second avenue this will not give those running much executive board of the . Parent Day be. trumpet solos. ers had been acquired in addition to and is in the rear of a house damaged time in which to present their plat­ Group of Belmar Grammar School, Mr. Huhn said- every entrant will After the service the young people the return of its own. Tom Madigan by fire several months ago.
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