3880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 20, D et··oit, favorin(" the governmental ownership and control of By Mr. STIWHENSON: Petition of the Trunk Maker's Union, toleg-caphs-to the Committee on the Post-Office 'and Post- of Detroit, Mich., in favor of governmental ownership and con­ Ro::tds. · trol of the telegraph systems-to the Committee on the Post­ Also, p ~· otest of the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church Office and Post-Roads. of ~fichigan, against the peoposed Gad-in-the-Constitution By Mr. TRACEY: Petition of citizens of Albany, N. Y., amendment-to the Committee on the Judiciary. against the proposed change of the Constitution-to the Com­ By .1r. HARE: Petition of Edward Orton and others, profes­ mittee on the Judiciary. - ors in Ohio Stg,te University, for retention of the Coast and By Mr. UPDEGRAFF: P etition of S. W. Hill, of Osage, Geodetic Survey in the control of the Treasury Department-to Iowa, against a tax on the income of building and loan associa­ the Committee on Appropriations. tions-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Bv Mr. HENDEH.SOJ.. of Illinois: Protest of A. Wagner, By Mr. WEADOOK: Petition of Detroit cigar m anufactur­ chairman; A. Mueller, secratary, and others of the Evangelical ers against change in ravenue laws relating to cigars-to the Lutheran Echool committee of Illinois, against the proposed Committee on Ways and Means, amendment to the Constitution of the United States-to the Com­ By Mr. WHEELER of Alabama: Papers to accompany bill mittee on the Judiciary. for the claim of William A. Walker, of Colbert County, Ala.­ By Mr. IZLAR: .Memorial of the City Council of Charleston, to the Committee on War Claims. S.C., urg·ing that the recommendation of the United States Also, papers to accompany bill for the relief of Henry Davis, Light-House Board for an appropriation of $155,000, for the pur­ of Madison County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. chase of a site for a supply depot to be constructed at or near one of the dock piers a.t Charleston, S. C., and for the erection thereon of suitable buildings, be carried out without delay-to the Committee on Appropriations. SEN.ATE. Bv Mr. LIVINGSTON: Papers to accompany bill for the re­ FRIDAY_, lie(of Cephas A. Christian-to the Committee on War Claims. April 20, 1894. By Mr. MARTIN of Indiana: Protest of Rev. E. H. Scheips, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Conrad Stark, and others, of St. John's Lutheran Church, of The Journal of yesterday's proc3edings was read and approved. Peru, Ind.; of Rev. C. F. W. Huge and others, of St. John's EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. Lutheran Church, of Bingen, Ind., and of Rev. S. Hassold, of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ Huntington, Ind., against the proposed religious amendment of cation from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitt ing, in the Constitution of the United States-t.o the Committee on the response to a rl3solution of December 21 , 18!)3, a report of the Judiciary. Third Auditor of the Treasury and accompanying papers in re-. By Mr. McCLEARY of Minnesoh: Protest of President Cyrus gard to any and all matters not heretofore reported relative to Northrop and Prof. W. W. Tolwell, C. W. Hall, and N. H. the Indian war claims of the State of California, etc.· which Winchell, of the University of Minnesota, against the bill to was r ead. abolish the Coast Survey-to the Committee on Appropriations. Mr. \iVHITE. The communication is in response to a r asolu-. By Mr. McLAURIN: Resolutions adopted by the city council tion submitted by me and adopted by the Senate last D .= cember. of Charleston, S. C., urging the speedy appropriation of $155,- I suggest that, in so far as the communication relates to the sum 000, as recommended by the United States Lig-ht-House Board, claimed, the report of the Treasury Department, and t h e state­ for the purch~e of a site for a supply depot to be constructed at ment of the State of California, that it be printed without the or near one of the dock piers at Charleston, S. C., and for the exhibits. and that with the exhibits the communication and · erection thereon of suitable buildings, be carried out without accompanying papers be referred to the Committee on Military delay-to the Committee on Appropriations. Affairs. I make that motion. By Mr. McNAGNY: Protest of the Evangelical Lutheran The motion was agreed to. Church of the Redeemer, Fort Wayne, Ind., and of St. Paul The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gar Creek, Ind., against the pro­ tion from the Attorney-General, transmitting, in response to a posed amendment to the Constitution of the United States-to resolution of the 14th instant, a list of judgments r endered by the Committee on the Judiciary the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases; which, with the By Mr. MEIKLEJOHN: Protest from the Evn.ngeiical Luth­ accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Indian eran Church of Martinsburg, Dixon County, Nebr., and 112 Depredations, and ordered to be printed. communicants, against the proposed amendment to the Consti­ He also laid before the Senate a communic3.tion from the At­ t ·Jtion-to the Committee on the Judiciary. torney-General, transmitting, in response to a resolution of the By Mr. MERCER: Three petitions remonstrating against the 17th instant, a list of all persons in office AprillO, H94, in the pl'Oposed change in the preamble of the Constitution of the United Department of Justice, employed by the Government ir... the de­ St1tes-to the Committee on the Judiciary. fense of Indian depredation cases, etc.; which was referred to the Bv Mr. PERKINS: PTotest from the Evangelical Lutheran Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment, and ordered to Church at Spirit Lake, Iowa, against a proposed amendment of be printed. the Constitution of the United States-to the Committee on the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Judiciary. - "' By Mr. PICKLER: Petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ A message from -the House of Represent::ttives, by Mr. T. 0. perance Union of the District of Columbia, representing 1,000 TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed members, favoring the passage of Senate bill 1841, providing to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing· for the seating of women employes in shops and stores of the votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to tho District-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. hill (H. R. 6556) to provide for further urgent deficiencies in the By Mr. REYBURN: Petition of citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., appropriations for the service of the Government for the fiscal in favor of the exemption of loan and building associations from year ending June 30, 1894, and for other purposes. income tax-to the Committee on Ways and Means. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. RICHARDSON of Michigan: Resolution of the Bar­ 'The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the Inter­ bers' Union, Detroit, Mich., in favor of Government control of national Unionof Journeymen Horseshoers, of Denver, Colo., re­ a telegraph system-to the Committee on the Post-Office and monstrating against the ~ratification of the proposed treaty with ~oat-Ro a ds. China; which was ordered to lie on the table. By Mr. SCRANTON: Memorial of Ohio and Pennsylvania Mr. BUTLER presented petition of the city council of Charles­ wool-deaiers against the Wilson bill-to the Committee on Ways ton, S. C., praying that an appropriation of $155,0t)0 be made for and .Means. the purchase of a site for a deoot for the Light-House Service, Also, resolution of Diamond Lodge, No. 26, Shield of Honor, to be constructed at or near one of the dock piers at Charleston, and petition of C. W. Lamoreaux and others, of Carbondale, Pa., S.C., and also for the erection of suitable buildings; which was in favor of the Manderson-Hainer bill-to the Committee on the referred to the Committee on Commerce. Post-Office and Post-Roads. Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of Franklin Lodge, No.16, By Mr. SHAW: Protest of J. F. Boerger, pastor, A. Gerke Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Moline, Ill., praying that and R:. H. Zempee, trustees of Evangelical Lutheran Trinity fraternal society and college journals be admitted to the mails Church, of Fall Creek, Eau Claire County, Wis., against the so­ as second-class matter; which was referred to the Committee on called Gad-in-the-Constitution amendment to the Constitution Post-Offices and Post-Roads. of the United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. VEST presented a memorial of the president and profess­ By Mr. SMITH of Arizona: Protest of the board of supet·vi­ ors of the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., remonstrat­ sors of Yavapai County, Arizona, against the passage of bill ing against the transfer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to granting 1,000,00~ acres of desert lands to certain Shtes and the Navy and Geological Survey; which was referred to the Territories-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Committee on Naval Afiairs. 1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3881 . ~ , He also presented a petition of Maxville Lodge, No. 332, An­ section 2, line J, after the word '' r~il way " to insert '' or street cient Ordee of United Workmen, of Maxville, Mo., praying that herdic transportation," so as to make the section read: - fraternal society and college journals be admitted to the mails SEC.
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